I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator

I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator

This game, in a mere 100 hours, has taken everything from me…

I have sacrificed everything I know and love, just to look at that colonel smile.

My wife left me with full custody of the kids. My parents no longer talk to me. Im a mere month away from being

Evicted by my landlord. Ive stopped working, just to play this game. This game has ruined my life, but still, I love it. That sweet sweet colonel. The story is Immersive, and a roller coaster of emotions to play through. Ever since helen left me, this has been the one thing that I still find love in. This game shields me from the cold that is this planet. More importantly, the colonel protects me from the world. The sweet colonel. I never needed helen. All I need is right here, flexing his big muscles, making his next exquisite dish, and being the man I always craved.

Real player with 256.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Anime Games.

With stage 5 terminal cancer, the doctors told me it couldn’t be cured. I seen this game come up on my recommended list. I thought to myself “With only hours left to live, I might as well spend my time doing something I enjoy” Starting the game I was filled with immediate joy. The characters were absolutely lovable. The story line has the depth that can only be rivalled by very few AAA titles out there. Every click left me guessing “What’s going to happen next?” and “Will I get to try another one of the Colonels chicken wings of pure ecstasy?” Before I knew it, I was in the kitchen, cooking with the Colonel, helping him create Nan’s potato and gravy. It was absolute bliss!

Real player with 10.8 hrs in game

I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator on Steam

Rick Rack

Rick Rack

Clever game, great sound track…. but man…so many idiot drivers.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Fast-Paced Games.

Don’t let the simplicity fool you about this game. It’s actually a really fun game where you control all the cars in a time loop so you have to drive your car’s path to it’s destination smartly so the cars don’t collide. Great concept and soundtrack! This game is very enjoyable and worth you time.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Rick Rack on Steam

BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite

BioShock Infinite is a masterpiece. This game has one of the best storylines ever. The story was really interesting and I had so much fun playing through it. For a game made in 2013, I’ve gotta say, the graphics in this game are BEAUTIFUL. I loved the setting of this game and the atmosphere of this game is AMAZING. The gameplay in BioShock Infinite was really cool and the combat was unique. There is quite a lot of content in this game and some DLC’s to play after you have finished the main story. There were barely any bugs in this game and it is optimized well for whatever specs you have, the game will still run fine and still look really good. I have also played through the other 2 BioShock games and I really enjoyed those ones, but this one is by far the best of the series. This game is definitely worth the price and I also recommend buying the other BioShock games with this one too if you haven’t already played them. If you like story-rich FPS games I highly recommend BioShock Infinite. 11/10

Real player with 50.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Alternate History Singleplayer Games.

Average Elizabeth fan:

















Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

BioShock Infinite on Steam

Vertiginous Golf

Vertiginous Golf

This game is really pretty cool. It’s a minigolf game with a really cool fantasy-esque atmosphere and neat little contraptions all over. You build up power with swings and can use either a rewind button or a little jet thingie on your ball to move it slightly where you want. At first it seems like rewind is incredibly OP but the game gets fairly challenging and fairly fast. To the point it might even get a bit frustrating to some people. Luckily I was playing it with my girlfriend so I did honestly have a good time watch us both screw up a few times. The game’s got pretty good graphics and a neat art style and is surprisingly not too computer intensive too.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

The Good

Vertignious Golf is a gorgeous game, both conceptually and stylistically. The game controls aren’t difficult to grasp, the music and sounds are well designed, and the interface is nice and clean, not interfering with the graphics – did I mention they were gorgeous? Oh, yes, I did.

The hummingbird and rewind features are welcome additions to the basic gameplay of minigolf. In fact, given the complexity of some of the holes, they’re requirements. The availability of a wedge in addition to a putter is welcome, adding a level of strategy absent in other minigolf games.

Real player with 15.9 hrs in game

Vertiginous Golf on Steam

Argy Bargy Legends

Argy Bargy Legends

игра просто ничего не дает делать. это такая пьяница в которой даже кнопки нажимать не надо..

зашел в колоду, дали 5 карт и на выбор только 2…. ну ок…

Заходим в сюжет…

тут есть как бы сюжетка, но за 15 минут и 20 попыток прохождения первой карты, ничего нового не появилось… Да и прохождением это назвать сложно, просто грузишься смотришь как твои карты проигрывают или выигрывают и попадаешь в меню…

В пвп мне вообще не дали войти, показывали рабочий стол и большая надпись вы не готовы.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Argy Bargy Legends on Steam

Scythe: Digital Edition

Scythe: Digital Edition

I’m a pretty experienced player on the board game, so I know what I’m talking about: this game follow the rules quite well, except for a few mistakes (mill that create meeples WTF?!)

the board is exactly the same as the real game, and even if I felt a bit lost cause there is no infos about your mat type except at the very beginning of the game or somewhere I never found quite easily, it would be nice to have the name of the combo ( example : rusviet patriotic ) all the time, to me this can be quite important as there is some combos that are very OP (Rusviet industrial is already banned wich follow the rules of Jamey Steigmaier, crimea patriotic should follow) but those combos should remain open if you play a non ranked game or with one of your friends )

Real player with 91.2 hrs in game

Bought this game during steam sale.

I love the board version. Was pretty excited to test the digital version as well. Here is my review and why its pretty meh.

TLDR: good gameplay, terrible netcode/online games. Don’t bother buying the DLC (Invaders from afar) since factions are really bad and you will end playing them a lot more than people without the DLC. A bit expensive for the experience. Worth it for the $8 I paid during the sale.

1. Gameplay 7/10

Its pretty much the same as the board game. Works very well. It can be a bit troublesome at first to get a grisp on how to make a turn, read the boardstate etc but after around 30 games it feels really natural.

Real player with 60.4 hrs in game

Scythe: Digital Edition on Steam

Gizmos: Steampunk Nonograms

Gizmos: Steampunk Nonograms

Fantastic. The puzzles are well done, the illustrations are entertaining, there are a ton of nonograms (10 hrs played and I’ve only done half of them), and it loads quick. Everyday I do two puzzles when I wake up to start my day. Well done and highly recommended.

Real player with 73.5 hrs in game

If you like nonograms, I’d imagine you’d like this game. I had never heard of them before, so I was hesitant to consider purchasing this game. However, it looked fun, so I gave it a shot, and I’m very glad I did.

It looks like there are 6 sections, with 20 puzzles per section, for a total of about 120 puzzles.

I have completed the first 2 sections (40 puzzles), and because I’m new to this and make quite a few mistakes, it has taken me about 15 hours. If that speed stays the same, it will take me about 45 hours to finish this game. If you’re good at nonograms, you’ll probably play at twice my speed, so you might finish it in about 20-25 hours. Even if you’re four times as fast as me, it’s still a bargain for the relatively low asking price.

Real player with 59.3 hrs in game

Gizmos: Steampunk Nonograms on Steam

7th Sector

7th Sector

A great side-scrolling sci-fi puzzle-adventure game, occasionally let down by some tedious elements.

Picture Playdead’s side-scrolling masterpieces, LIMBO and INSIDE, add some of Cyberpunk 2077 and Half-Life 2’s atmosphere, and what you get is essentially what 7th Sector is all about.

7th Sector is a visually striking side-scrolling story, occasionally interjected with puzzle elements, set in a dystopian city of the future, the likes of which strongly resemble the environments encountered in Half-Life 2 and Cyberpunk 2077.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Thank you to the lone developer and publisher,Носков Сергей, for creating and providing a good game for me to escape, explore, think and enjoy.

The 7th sector is simply put, a very good side scrolling puzzle game set in a beautiful cyberpunk dystopian future. I can name a half-dozen games where it is similar in aesthetic and story, but it is able to differentiate itself from others with a no hand holding approach to the puzzle/problem gameplay. This approach is welcome to puzzle adventurers but newcomers will find this difficult to frustrating and reading user reviews not surprising.

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

7th Sector on Steam