Infected spaceship generator

Infected spaceship generator

10/10 Literally Best Game

Real player with 426.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Procedural Generation Games.

many small bugs, but I hope they will be fixed in the full version

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Infected spaceship generator on Steam

Monsters sandbox

Monsters sandbox

A game in which you are alone with the zombies and you need to defend against them in order to survive. The game features 6 locations. There is a gun shop. But also, weapons and ammunition can be found in the locations themselves.

The atmosphere of the game is rather creepy, the corresponding music in the background adds horror.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Gore Games.

The game requires certain improvements. But some modes are interesting to play. I liked the “defense” mode (Coop)

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Monsters sandbox on Steam

Smash Up

Smash Up

If you like the card game you will probaly like this game as well. It is a great “port” and the artwork is beautiful as always. I really hope the developers keep adding expansions. At the moment only the base game and awesome level 9000 are included. Please give me my sharknado!

The AI is pretty good and can be quite challenging to everyone but really experienced players. But it is of course way more fun to play other people and I hope this game grows so you can just queue up for a game.

If a developer randomly reads this I have some suggestions for UI improvements:

Real player with 213.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Board Game Games.

Smash Up is an excellent card game, and the digital version is fun, but imperfect. The bot AI strikes a nice balance between competence and efficiency, leading to challenging but not impossible games without the frustrating wait times for AI pondering that some other games suffer from.

The UI design prioritizes streamlined gameplay over clarity, so it takes some getting used to to understand what’s going on. It also is not a 100% bug-free game. Both of these issues are manageable, but definitely take some getting used to… don’t turn off the Proceed button, make sure to check the log if something happens you don’t understand, keep an eye on the scrolling text at the bottom of the screen, quit+save+restart+continue if a technical glitch occurs, and if all else fails, ask for help in the forums.

Real player with 46.9 hrs in game

Smash Up on Steam

Attack of the alien thingies from lava!

Attack of the alien thingies from lava!

Pretty fun time killing game. It reminds me of an old flash game called Boxhead.

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

All I can say is What a game!!! This is what all current AAA games should aspire to be. Its both rich in graphics and story; truly one of gods miracles. Whoever made this game has blessed steam and steam users with an experience that I have never seen the likes of and should be cherished by those who come across it. In this magic game you play as the mysterious unnamed protagonist as you fight hordes of things that are weird shapes and that’s all anyone should want for a game. Tell your friends, family, teacher, heck even email your local MP and urge them to play this game as it touches on very important political aspects that fit with the modern world as it is today. This game is truly a masterpiece and I URGE you to play it,

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Attack of the alien thingies from lava! on Steam

Half-Life: Blue Shift

Half-Life: Blue Shift

Average Blue Shift Enjoyer:

















Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

barney is the best character in all of half-life

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Half-Life: Blue Shift on Steam



An unusual take on god games. I think you need to have your tinfoil hat stapled to your head, because it is conspiracy theory central. Medicine often decreases health. Providing a clean water supply often drops population. Wild animals periodically group together to attack the human population, and aliens are insistently trying to colonise Earth every couple of years. In short, this is a game written by some folks who just aren’t taking their meds. This game is also quite cheap, and gameplay is compulsive, with everything being a constant jumble of off-setting variables against a random card draw mechanic. There is no guide to the combat system, which is also hilariously cumbersome, and you will probably wind up fighting aliens with bows and arrows at some point. Get ready to march humanity to extinction… because you are the Logos.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

This game is awesome! I really like this fresh and new take on the strategy game format.

The game is very complex, and highly addictive.

You play as a godlike entity (the “main logos”) of the Earth, and your goal is to help mankind thru history.

There’s a good spiritual message in the game, that you should care about one another,

take care of the environment, look things in another perspective, and make hard, sometimes questionable decisions for the greater good. It’s not easy, you need to pay attention to a lot of variables (population, echology, etc.) otherwise you will fail very quickly.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Logos on Steam

Strain Tactics

Strain Tactics

tl;dr - if you can endure the clunkiness of the UI, frustrating game mechanics, poor tutorial and lack of instructions/familiarisation in the early stages of the game, you will enjoy the squad-based controllable tactical experience that is unique in its own fun way. One of few games I played where a poor initial impression ended with a “definitely recommend” review.

Coming from games like Door Kickers and Running with Rifles, I was interested to see Strain Tactics recommended within the game genre. My initial impressions were….disappointing. After the first 2-3 tutorial levels, you were just dropped straight into the battlefield with little to no understanding of what to do next other than “kill no less than 42 strains per mission to avoid base invasions, keep killing until you prove worthy then join the final assault”. This becomes a pattern as the game mechanics are often explained a few short texts; reading the hints at the outpost/talking to the helibase crew provided very little extra knowledge. For example, the demonstration of your starter troop’s morale and traits system did not showcase what its benefits/drawbacks are (granted Combat Engineer’s 50% damage reduction trait isn’t visible). I only understood it when I had the first-hand experience of seeing my Decon blow two squadmates to pieces with a panicked shotgun discharge, or seeing Inka’s Xenophobia execute my medic who was only scratched with a minor infection who CLEARLY had decon pills (we’ll get back to Inka later). The game is littered with consumables, weapons, items, or troop unlocks which does not make the distinction of which one to use, keep, or sell off. Stats such as max weapon range vs detection range vs optimal attack range had me confused for hours. You pretty much have to learn by experience and if it doesn’t fit your playstyle, well too bad keep playing until you unlock the next thing and hope that one works out. Not only that, despite the game telling you troopers will only fire at the optimal range to reduce friendly fire, you will have the ominous experience of “Did your piss-poor just friendly-fire your squadmate again??!”. Couple the brain-dead AIs with poor pathfinding and a UI designed for mobile games, the game just creates an unrewarding learning experience that showed its fun potential…but missed its mark and in no way comes close to the two games I mentioned above.

Real player with 67.2 hrs in game

Strain Tactics is RTS strategy, set in a post-apocalyptic world where bodybags are pokeballs and human trafficking is an acceptable business practice.

I’ve played a bit and will probably play some more. I recommend this to anyone who likes squad based strategy games. Included below are a bunch of pros and cons that I’ve come up with in about two hours of play. The game is fun, but is held back by UI problems (which makes it seem like it was for a touch screen primarily). The only time I found the UI actually intuitive was the Heli weapon fire screen, where the UI and big buttons were actually not that bad.

Real player with 62.0 hrs in game

Strain Tactics on Steam

Pandemic Shooter

Pandemic Shooter

Lock & Load

Pandemic shooter is an action-packed first-person zombie shooter. Sit back, relax, and enjoy some massacre. Hordes of mindless undead are heading your way. Collect and upgrade your weapons, grab some power-ups and let the bullets fly. But don’t get too cocky. Every level gets more challenging and more zombie-packed!

Flat Earth

Ever wanted to kill some mindless zombies? How about some mind-controlling, humanity-manipulating reptilians? Yes, there are reptilians in the game as well! And they are as influencing as ever. Have you ever heard of flat-earth? Their idea. Fake moon? Also them. Deadly 5g waves? You get the idea. Fight those bastards and save the Earth from more of their dumb conspiracies.

Zombies, zombies, and more zombies!

No protagonist is a real hero without a true villain. The same goes for a zombie killer. In Pandemic Shooter you will face many different zombies, all with unique skills and posing a different kind of challenge. Combine them all together, and you’ve got yourself some trouble. Oh, and beware the special NASA troops - they protect their lizard overlord’s secrets with all the tools necessary.

Key Features

  • Up to 8 hours of the FPS zombie massacre

  • Unlimited level unlocked on completing all levels.

  • Original dark humor. All major conspiracy theories included ;)

  • Multiple in-game achievements

  • 16 different pistols, guns, and grenades

  • 20 collectible power-ups

Pandemic Shooter on Steam

Regain Earth: First Strike

Regain Earth: First Strike

Played almost 240 hours so far - loving the game and the addition of the turrent grenades has added a handy dimension for single players.

Looking forward to improving my skills to open higher levels.

Really miss multi-player games (Defiance) for the interactions, but I will have to continue as a single player for now.



Real player with 425.3 hrs in game

Regain Earth is a small game from a solo indie game developer. You can’t expect Fortnite or COD, but I really like it. If you like a mix of roguelikes, as a 3D shooter and generally small indie games, you will have a lot of fun with it.

Feedback is well considered in the community and you can even vote in Discord which features should be added to the game! I think a cool idea and more game developer should do like this.

The game and the beta I follow for a while now. And have been looking forward to EA release today very much. I enjoy the game since beta a lot especially as multiplayer with my friends.

Real player with 105.8 hrs in game

Regain Earth: First Strike on Steam

Resilience Wave Survival

Resilience Wave Survival


-You can slow down time

-Able to change the gravity

-Very deep settings to change the game to how you want to play it

-There is a gun range

-A survival crafting system in progress

-JIMBOB sends out patches or updates almost daily!


-The waves steadily get harder with 10 more enemys every wave, as well as 4 kind of “Boss” monsters that roam the corners of the map.

-There is a food/water system that functions pretty well (can be toggled)

-There is a stamina bar now so you can’t run forever (can be toggled)

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

I have been with this product since day 1. I bought it the first day it came out. And I really like it. So what is it?

Well you know those times when you fire up a game like left4dead because you just dont wanna think but go kill bad stuff and chill?

Well the main game play mode is just like that. You are set on one of several maps and waves of weird alien, zombie, giant bugs or animals and other weird stuff come in waves to ruin your day. There are satchels of loot the spawn randomly that contain some of the melee, guns, grenades or food, drink, medicine.. you get the idea. Now before I go on I have to clarify something….

Real player with 21.1 hrs in game

Resilience Wave Survival on Steam