They Are Here: Alien Abduction Horror

They Are Here: Alien Abduction Horror

Unexplained phenomena occurred at Grayswood Farm. On the night of August 7th, the Sherman family witnessed bright lights in the sky that moved at a breakneck speed over the cornfield. The lights moved in a random direction and at different speeds, after a while they vanished. This strange behaviour in the sky was observed at night, at the same time, for 5 days.

According to the owner of the farm, all the animals went crazy, the dog became aggressive, tried to attack him and bit him. Children complained that someone was walking under their windows. Farmer Peter Sherman himself, in the field, saw a strange figure that did not look like a man.

What is it? Deliberate deception? Drawing attention to oneself? Or a sensation about an alien invasion? Journalist Taylor Fox travels to Grayswood Farm to make a photo report for a local newspaper.

• Explore. Light the path with a torch. Look into dark barns and cruise the night fields.

• Take pictures. Photograph the evidence of alien presence and paranormal activity.

• Study. Find the records of the Sherman family and learn the horrifying truth.

Read More: Best Aliens Survival Horror Games.

They Are Here: Alien Abduction Horror on Steam

Camp Canyonwood

Camp Canyonwood

Welcome to historic Camp Canyonwood! You’re the new Head Counselor, tasked with breathing new life into these old campgrounds. The Campers are here, and they’re hungry for some summer fun. Their amusement, education and most importantly safety lies in your hands. Good luck, and watch for the things that go bump in the night.

Build Your Dream Camp

Gather materials and funds to improve your camp each summer, and design it as you see fit.

Guide Your Troop

Lead troops of campers each summer in pursuit of Merit Badges. The more they learn, the more you earn.

Beware of Dangers

Camping isn’t always easy. Protect your campers from dangers both natural and supernatural.

Live the Camp Life

Hike, fish, bug catch and more in a scenic Utah-inspired wilderness.

Camper Personalities

No two campers are the same. Each have their own unique personalities and quirks. Learn their needs to better reach them!

Read More: Best Aliens Life Sim Games.

Camp Canyonwood on Steam

HORROR TALES: The Astronaut

HORROR TALES: The Astronaut

Set in a fictional Space Station and taking place just after an incident in such space station, players experience terror directly in first person while they solve environmental puzzles (including physics-based puzzles and 0 gravity puzzles) in an interconnected space station with a metroidvania style level design. The air is running out and the power of the space station is running low. Will you survive?

But be aware: the space station is not uninhabited and it’s guts hides creatures and other biological entities no one would like to cross paths with.


Not enough Horror? Explore the rest of Horror Tales Games to punish yourself. Each adventure unique. All first person. Not meant to be played in any particular order.

Read More: Best Aliens Survival Horror Games.

HORROR TALES: The Astronaut on Steam

NULLORE: beginning

NULLORE: beginning

Terrible game

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Genuine Garbage

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

NULLORE: beginning on Steam

Sol 705

Sol 705

Hey guys,

overall I can only recommend playing this lovely point and click adventure game. Let’s have a look on the top features and on the features with some space for improvement.


  • graphic style of scenery

  • lot of retro feeling comes along when playing Sol 705

  • funny and somehow exaggerated chars

  • puzzles not too hard and solveable by think, not much trial & error needed

  • official hint system

  • several hints included in gameplay (very funny)

  • ingenious story

  • overall humor in the game (dialogues, story)

Real player with 14.8 hrs in game

So I got to the final… and I’d say I’m quite dissappointed.

This game claims that it could be more than it is.

Graphics are okay but I didn’t like not so smooth animation and slow lazy walking of character.

It is 2020, you know.

I like art insertions of characters. As for me, it would be more nice to see ingame graphics closer to those arts.

Or even 3d. As what we can see in community.

The puzzles are quite fun.

Dialogs are okay and fun sometimes.

(Bug report on 2020.12.29: In some moments thre looks like there are lost audio and quite long pause before dialog starts.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Sol 705 on Steam

UFO : Brawlers from Beyond

UFO : Brawlers from Beyond

Nice game to play with friends!!!

Real player with 46.4 hrs in game

At first I wasn’t sure but once I started playing this game it was hard to put down. Definitely one to play with friends. It’s hilarious, technical, and lends itself to a lot of variety so very replayable. If you like Alien, co-op or vs fighting, and you have a good sense of humor, consider picking this game up.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

UFO : Brawlers from Beyond on Steam



The environment and textures are beautiful and the game loads quickly. However as expected of an early access game, all the animations and entity interactions aren’t there yet and there are quite a few bugs to be found: Getting stuck on staircases which crashes the game, doors not opening, the main monster leaving you in an area that if you revive you are stuck in map geometry.. the list goes on.

So while it has entirely been worth the early access payment, I can’t really play more than a couple sessions without getting a little frustrated at situations where the players did nothing wrong but the game is lost. I also feel that on “easy” the game is very difficult even if played almost perfectly. The AI “guards” the final(?) timed objective fiercely and unfairly.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Love the atmosphere, the style/graphics and the gameplay is fun, very challenging .

I hope they keep working on this game and add more stuff

No matchmaking, Server list where you can jump into people’s lobby

2 type of enemies, smaller ones can be killed the big one can not be killed, You run you hide and avoid it, if it catches you it will kill you instantly.

Use the power pods to lose aggro from the big enemy.

You get objectives you must clear on the map.

to advance further into the map

Find key cards, energy cells, hack computers to gain security codes.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Unsafe on Steam

Close Contact

Close Contact

(Friend of the Dev)

Close Contact is a fun little sci-fi horror game, the alien is scary and the screams it makes are terrifying. The game has a wonderful soundtrack and the visuals/aesthetics are stunning. While the game only takes around an hour to complete if you rush through, you can easily spend another hour reading the various panels dotted around the station for additional lore or listening to the voice logs scattered about.

I would definitely recommend this game if you are a fan of the genre and for the price its a no-brainer.

Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

(Friend of the Developer)

Close Contact is a game about avoiding close contact. Very 2020.

But it all honesty, It’s a short little horror game that I really enjoyed.

The main mechanic of having to close your eyes is unique and the world building around the use of holograms to facilitate navigation was interesting. It’s just the little things like the employees complaining about too many holo-cats that make the world feel that little bit more special.

The music is also amazing, as to be expected with games from this developer. The landing sequence brought back memories of the first Mass Effect and it really helped set the tone for exploring the unknown.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Close Contact on Steam

Cosmic Awakening VR

Cosmic Awakening VR

Very Fun and scary game. The atmosphere and space station setting are both really well done. There’s a real sense of dread When you’re moving down the halls. The controls are fairly responsive although some things, like picking up certain objects, don’t seem work perfectly. I’m usually very sensitive to motion sickness when it comes to VR games, but I had no problems here. I was able to play for an extended period with no real problems. I definitely reccomend this game to any Vive owners who love a good horror experience.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

First thing I want to say is I liked this game and I had no bug issues. The game ran 100% fine for me and there’s a video to prove that below. My specs are listed at the bottom.

Well this game was gifted to me so I decided to try it out. I am not very good at puzzle and discovery games as I have not played many in my life time so this one started off a bit slow for me. The atmosphere was fine and the graphics well enough and since it was horror the game went into creepy mode nearly right off the bat. The game in general starts off very slow until you kind of figure out what you need to do. There are 2 game modes. The first I wasn’t sure what to do but the story mode basically keeps you moving along a certain path, so to speak, I am guessing to a climax. In the begining exploration takes up most of your time then after you get the jist of what you probably should do the game moves faster and then gets more tense. I purposely didn’t finish the game because I was making a video and didn’t want to spoil the experience. Later this week I will continue where I left off as you can save your progress (yay!!). Look at the tags. If you like any of the tags then you should enjoy this in VR. If this was a regular game I don’t think I would have been too interested but I am looking for VR games that put me in another time and place. This fulfills that for me. I like action but I think adventure and exploration games fit VR really well since the mechanics are not very complicated and the focus can be on the environment rather than running here and there not really enjoying the setting. The price is a bit steep since I am guessing it is not super long but the quality of the game is not bad. I love Virtual Reality and scifi so this kind of game sends me there. It has many options too for graphics and other things. I say it is a buy. A number rating would be above average but only 7/10 mainly because the price is a bit high, in my opinion. Don’t expect to be very scared by this. It is more a “atmospheric tension” experience but does have some surprises which I won’t reveal in writing.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Cosmic Awakening VR on Steam

The Skinwalker Investigations

The Skinwalker Investigations

Amidst dozens of reports of missing people, mutilated animals, unidentified lights in the sky, strange creatures and odd poltergeist-like activity, two FBI agents are sent to investigate a mysterious ranch in order to ascertain the truth. What they uncover becomes a hellish nightmare beyond imagining!

You’ve may have heard of the ranch in Utah said to be “in the path of the skinwalker.” It is the most scientifically studied paranormal hotspot in history, anywhere in the world. The US government has spent tens of millions of dollars investigating it and most of what has been uncovered is classified. What most don’t know, however, is that there was once another ranch just like it located in Colorado! Now experience it for yourself in terrifying and immersive survival horror VR!

  • Explore a mysterious ranch steeped in history and the paranormal - Witness all sorts of terrifying phenomena reported at the ranch over the years, from mysterious orbs of light that seem intelligently guided; strange, grotesque creatures and entities of all shapes and sizes; to peculiar “holes” that open in the sky that seem to be gateways to other worlds, and more!

  • Fend off or hide from an assortment of frightening cryptids, creatures and monsters - Horrifying creatures from another dimension are prowling the ranch and searching for you! Not to mention the skinwalker itself, an evil, shape-shifting witch that can take many forms!

  • Find an array of weapons around the ranch to help destroy your foes - From more standard weapons like the .22 pistol, shotgun, .45 magnum, submachine gun, and hunting rifle to more unorthodox weapons like a bow and arrow (with different types of arrows), flamethrower, grenades, chainsaw and even a crucifix!

  • Find hidden precious gems to upgrade your weapons - Find twelve varieties of precious gemstones hidden around the ranch to upgrade your weapons! Diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, spinels, tanzanites, onyxs, aquamarines, clinohumites, kyanites, amethysts and citrines! Each variety comes in five different shapes/cuts, so sixty different gemstones in all! Can you find them all?

  • Solve puzzles to unlock new areas and weapons using clues and riddles scattered around the ranch - Can you solve the grand mystery? What is the cause of so many very different phenomena, especially in one location? What exactly is happening at this ranch??

For more in-depth, in-game information, please visit The Skinwalker Investigations Wiki on Fandom (the link on the right side of this page: View the manual). I have tried to get some of the initial walkthrough as well as other information uploaded. Keep checking back as I update it every so often.

The Skinwalker Investigations on Steam