This is the most Amazing, Original & Awesome Shoot Em Up I have ever played, I have been following this game for quite a long time..The wait is finally over with superb positive results,

far higher than my expectations.

This game feels like its from another dimension…Theirs lots of great side scrollers out there,

but this one REMOTE LIFE as got everything & much more, the graphics & the detail is incredible also everything you click on before you even start to play the game,

the Art work is beyond Awesomeness. :)

Real player with 43.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Indie Games.

First impression

The first thing you’ll notice is the game looks beautiful, it’s a 2d horizontal shmup but all the graphics and animations are 3d rendered. The art style looks like it could have been by inspired by HR Giger but it’s a lot creepier. What stands out as well is that it’s a twin stick shooter. It may look a bit unusual with all weapons coming from one point in front of the ship but it works well. It allows for the game to bombard you with enemies coming from all directions even while you’re manouvering through tight tunnels and obstacles.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game