EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair

The premise is cheesy. The dialog is hammy. But ham and cheese has never tasted this good!

Before we continue, let’s get the negatives out of the way so we can focus on talking about how awesome EDF is.

The base price can seem a bit steep given the game’s age, and the highest discount you’ll ever find is 40% off. Yes, it’s a console port. That means enduring some things such as a clunky menu interface and unmappable, hardcoded keybinds. Increasing your arsenal and max health isn’t just tedious, it’s a requirement for the higher difficulties. There’s talk of a cheater problem in public lobbies, and creating a private online game requires you to invite your friends through the chat shortcuts window, of all things. I don’t believe you can invite anyone mid-mission, either. Sometimes there will be so many enemies or explosions on-screen that your framerate will take a very noticeable hit even on a good computer. I don’t think there’s a borderless windowed mode, if that matters to you. Oh, and the game can’t even be launched if you’re on a version of Windows older than 7.

Real player with 761.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Co-op Games.


Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair, or more commonly referred to as EDF, is a third person shooter that puts you in the shoes of an unnamed soldier of the Earth Defense Force that is tasked with locating and eradicating giant insects and robots from across the globe. Your mission is simple – kill everything that moves.

You’re given four class options before starting: Ranger, Fencer, Wing Diver or Air Raider. Rangers are your typical versatile infantry class, able to equip a variety of guns, sniper rifles, or a plethora of explosives and specialty weapons. Your next option is the Air Raider, a class that has the ability to call in buffs such as shields, turrets, healing modules and heavy armor, such as tanks, helicopters and a slew of different mechanized vehicles. Your third option is the lightly-armored, agile and swift-moving Wing Diver, an all-female crew of airborne infantry that use energy weapons and jetpacks to quickly move about the battlefield. Your final option is the Fencer, EDF’s dual-wielding tank, comprised of thick armor and massive cannons at the expensive of maneuverability.

Real player with 213.7 hrs in game

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair on Steam



To save our mother Earth from any alien attack

From vicious giant insects who have once again come back

We’ll unleash all our forces, we won’t cut them any slack

The EDF deploys!

Real player with 370.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Online Co-Op Games.

This game looks awful but don’t let your eyes deceive you. It is a masterpiece. its so hard to describe but If I tried to describe it to you as short as possible it would be unrestricted, cheesy, fun, unbalanced, chaotic, an unpolished gem. if you are looking to play a challenging fun game with friends and have a bunch of laughs along the way then this is the game for you.

Get ready to defend the earth and to level an entire city to do so. And remember its not about the destination its about the ants you blew up along the way.

Real player with 155.3 hrs in game


Cygnus Pizza Race

Cygnus Pizza Race

space car go brrrrrr

Okay, meme aside, this game is freaking awesome! Please try the demo and get as addicted as I did! The developers are amazing people and this game is crazy fun! F-Zero, Wipeout, and Hydro Thunder come to mind when playing this, but I never got as addicted to those games whereas this game has its hooks in me. Come race me and try to beat my leaderboard times on the forums!

Real player with 180.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Singleplayer Games.

This game is fast paced, has beautiful graphics, and is very smooth and polished! A lot of effort went into this game, that’s for sure! The steam remote play is a great feature because you can race against your friends for bragging rights without them having to own the game themselves! The music…omg it’s amazing! Very cool music to listen too as you fly around tracks all over the galaxy! For less than the cost of your lunch tomorrow you can get this game, get 11 tracks instantly, 1 new track monthly for all of 2021, and a monthly tournament with cool prizes for the rest of 2021!! So much content! I highly recommend you get this game!

Real player with 37.8 hrs in game

Cygnus Pizza Race on Steam



(Updated Review)

Now after ~50 hours, I still can’t recommend this game.

EDF Iron Rain is a decent game, but is an awful EDF game.

This game is a downgrade from EDF 5 and a sidegrade from EDF 4.1 so get either game instead. I would recommend EDF 5 since 5 is an upgrade from 4.1.

Here are a list of the good parts and the issues after beating the game twice now.

The Good:

  • Prowl Rider is one of the best class and the most fun class in EDF Iron Rain.

  • The WX sword is the best sword and most fun sword in EDF Iron Rain.

Real player with 73.0 hrs in game

This game is a really guilty pleasure for me.

I found it somewhere for 27 dollars, always do your part and find yourself a deal. It was probably cheaper on a sale, but I missed it and always wanted to play this game because I have a soft spot for sci fi themes and third person shooters.

Earth defense force is a brilliant look at giant insects attacking the planet, and the display and scale of their games leave nothing to be desired mechanically. But for someone like me the game really never got my attention because of how slow everything felt. I played EDF 4.1 and something about it made me feel like it wasn’t worth the work. Unlocking guns was really slow, and I always felt like I needed to creep up the ranks in difficulty just to be able to defend myself, maybe I just wasn’t ready to commit time to a game that looked like that.

Real player with 67.7 hrs in game


Dark Data

Dark Data

Absolutely awesome game. Old school retro Golden Eye multiplayer inspired goodness, local splits screen up to 4 players, bot support, atmospheric music, cool guns, multiple modes to choose from. One of the best thing you can pop up at LAN party. I highly recommend it.

Real player with 19.4 hrs in game

A boxy throwback to 64-bit couch 3d shooter deathmatches. Plenty of character customisation, weapons, levels and modes to play with, and some bots in case you have no friends or controllers or both.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Dark Data on Steam

It came from space and ate our brains

It came from space and ate our brains



It Came From Space, and Ate Our Brains is a top down shooter where you fight waves of aliens trying to eat your brains. I was skeptical with going into this game because of the blocky style graphics, but I was pleasantly surprised. It Came From Space, and Ate Our Brains has plenty of different guns/upgrades, maps, powerups, and different aliens. Along with the six maps currently there is more on the way and 4 different difficulties that are vastly different. The only real issue with It Came From Space, and Ate Our Brains is the fact of the camera gets blocked by map structures, but this issues is far and in between. Triangle Studios really has a hidden gem with It Came From Space, and Ate Our Brains, from the unique graphics style to the fun multiplayer.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Some games dont look like much at first, but keep you coming back for more and more without realizing why. This is one of them.

With so many top down shooters and alien themed games on Steam, why is this so good? Because the aliens are pink and glow in the dark? Thats actually cool too , but here is why you should get this game:

Game play / Game mechanics: the controls are very smooth , so is the scrolling / gameflow and motion in general, creating a very pleasing game experience. For top down shooters with “twin stick” controls ( move with one stick , aim freely with the other ) this is critical. Not many people realize but this is usually what decides whether the game is great or terrible in this genre.

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

It came from space and ate our brains on Steam

Serious Sam 3: BFE

Serious Sam 3: BFE

I think this game is very good. I know that he has returned to an old coat as Serious Sam First Encounter and Second Encounter. Serious Sam 2 game was a noob game I am glad that Serious Sam 3 is again similar to the first part. But let’s say straight errors, bugs, problems.

Errors,Bugs and Problems

1. Death Canyon on the map after spawn will you run to scrapjack use mutilator for him he pulls you and if it just so you will spawn spider flies a few feet into the air and you lose a lot of hp or you will die

Real player with 4011.8 hrs in game

“Over? Oh it’s not over until I teabag every last one of you alien mother f***ers” - Sam ‘Serious’ Stone, Serious Sam 3


The Serious Sam series has always been an antidote to the shooters which may or may not have a player character who kills off people who are different to them because they look different, sound different and speak different languages, in where you have a whole lot of aliens trying to trample and shoot you from all sides, just like the 4:17pm on December 24th. There weren’t any key card quests, no escort missions, and no real story which was involing in any way. The gameplay may turn off hardcore Serious Sam fans for the first few levels. Few enemies will attack you systematically while you kill them off in a straight line. After you reach the Shpynx however, it starts to hit the fans and the aliens who outnumber the amount of Steam gamers with light wallets will charge and generally blow you to pieces. Just like the good old days.

Real player with 99.4 hrs in game

Serious Sam 3: BFE on Steam



Xenomare is a fun little Survival Horror Roguelike it very hard and I died a lot. In this game, you have to search for items and do the task then leave. This is all done well having to avoid and hide from the enemy. There are a few maps and difficulties. I was mostly playing on easy and was still dying a lot. This game does have a big problem with the full screen being off the screen to the bottom right. I fixed this by using a program called Borderless Gaming. Overall, I recommend giving this a try if you like Survival Horror games and afford to spend $8 if not you can wait for a sale. Just know this game is still an Early Access Game so the dev is still working on it.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

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Here’s The Thing:

You are the final surviving crew member… maybe not for long, who can say! And you owe it to your mates to live a long, productive life in their stead. Choose your map and try to escape an alien life form several times just because you can~

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

Xenomare on Steam

Alien Extraction

Alien Extraction

There’s a big alien mess and somebody’s gotta clean it up…

Control the alien infested space station from the safety of your security desk in this funny, brain bending strategy game. Guide the station janitor, Lenny, through dangerous winding levels and solve the station’s mysteries along the way.

Use every tool at your disposal

  • Control doors, weapons systems and airlocks from the comfort of your security desk

  • Scour the video feeds for alien movement or for lost clues

  • Pilot drones to explore the station, distract aliens and lead Lenny to safety

  • Traverse the facility minimap; just don’t always trust it to always be accurate

  • Attempt to mute the station AI when it starts insulting you…

Outsmart the aliens…

…or just burn them to a crisp! Aliens can hear, see and smell Lenny; it’s your job to make sure these wily beasts don’t get too close. Outsmart them with trickery and distraction, outrun them with quick reactions and tactics or out…burn them with flamethrowers; it’s really up to you.

Defeat the baddie

Some smart guy thought it would be a good idea to upload Terminator 2 to the station’s media database. Unfortunately, the facility AI enjoyed the movie a bit too much and went rogue, releasing all of the alien specimens and generally causing a big mess. Luckily for you, Lenny the janitor is here and big messes are his speciality. Alien Extraction contains a fully voice acted, lighthearted narrative to take back the station and reboot the evil AI.

Alien Extraction on Steam

Space Beast Terror Fright

Space Beast Terror Fright

This is a good game, but there’s a lot I wish I knew going in that will make your experience better. I wouldn’t call anything below a spoiler since the game has no story whatsoever, but if you want to go in completely without primer, skip to the bottom for my summary views.

What you need to know:

-As others have said, it’s basically Aliens: The Game, but without the license.

-Click the Help item on the title menu. Make a note of the controls and the game flow. You WILL need to know this stuff and it’s not accessible once you start a match.

Real player with 283.2 hrs in game

Aliens. If you ever wanted a game to give you the same paranoia those marines had in the second installment of the Aliens franchise, this is probably the one to pull it off.

You have a near-dead space ship you need to nuke along with its unsightly wild alien infestation.

You have a number of datacores to access in order to unlock the reactor core so you can set the joint to nuke itself and take the skittery buggers with it.

Once you set the reactor to blow, you have a few seconds to get back to your ship so you don’t go down with this one.

Real player with 57.3 hrs in game

Space Beast Terror Fright on Steam