Starship Survivor

Starship Survivor

Starship Survivor is a thrilling cooperative first-person shooter set onboard the ISS Genesis Four. You and your team have been sent in to investigate lost communications from the orbiting starship when it becomes apparent that the ships AI systems created by the evil corporation Volkh have gone rogue. It’s down to you and your team to take the fight to the enemy, destroy the Volkh, and reclaim the ship.

It’s just you and your team. Can you survive the onslaught and restore peace?

• Intense Combat

Fight your way through hordes of enemies alone or with a team of up to 4 players. Level up your character and become stronger, faster and more dangerous.

• Ship Management

Repair, upgrade and maintain your ships life support system.

• RPG Gameplay

Aquire energy and upgrades your ships systems. Generate more power and upgrade your characters with a diverse range of upgrades and perks.

• Discover

Find interesting easter eggs, complete objectives and find out more about the ship’s crew.

Read More: Best Aliens Multiplayer Games.

Starship Survivor on Steam

Aliens: Fireteam Elite

Aliens: Fireteam Elite

Fun and well designed cooperative games have been hard to come by for me as of late. I’ve tried sinking my teeth into a few of them over the years, only to be disappointed by shoddy mechanics and plodding gameplay. But then out of nowhere… two of them that were created in the 3rd person perspective eventually shot out of the dark and surprised me. Those two games coincidentally were 3-player arranged coop games titled Remnant: From the Ashes and now of course Aliens: Fireteam Elite.

Real player with 127.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Co-op Games.

Rating: 4/10

Mediocre game with lots of bugs.

Game is pretty much “dead” with only 592 current players (941 24-hr peak). Finding a match at medium to higher difficulties is nearly impossible.

The game itself is interesting, but you can’t rely on matchmaking. Inviting friends is pretty much needed.

It can get boring quickly with only 4 maps (with 4 small parts each) that are available to play.

The game hub seems so lazily made it is almost pointless and could more or less be replaced with a menu.

Real player with 84.1 hrs in game

Aliens: Fireteam Elite on Steam



To save our mother Earth from any alien attack

From vicious giant insects who have once again come back

We’ll unleash all our forces, we won’t cut them any slack

The EDF deploys!

Real player with 370.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Mechs Games.

This game looks awful but don’t let your eyes deceive you. It is a masterpiece. its so hard to describe but If I tried to describe it to you as short as possible it would be unrestricted, cheesy, fun, unbalanced, chaotic, an unpolished gem. if you are looking to play a challenging fun game with friends and have a bunch of laughs along the way then this is the game for you.

Get ready to defend the earth and to level an entire city to do so. And remember its not about the destination its about the ants you blew up along the way.

Real player with 155.3 hrs in game


Saints and Sinners

Saints and Sinners

great game!

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Saints and Sinners is a game heavily inspired by Among Us.

You start with a maximum of 8 people, most are saints but 1 or more play as sinners.

Saints get a task list that they should complete but they also need to work together and try to figure out who the sinner is.

Sinners need to act like they do the tasks, win trust and brutally slaughter the poor saints one by one when nobody is watching them.

You communicate with each other through the in-game chat or voice chat and you can share your suspicions at any moment of the game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Saints and Sinners on Steam

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair

The premise is cheesy. The dialog is hammy. But ham and cheese has never tasted this good!

Before we continue, let’s get the negatives out of the way so we can focus on talking about how awesome EDF is.

The base price can seem a bit steep given the game’s age, and the highest discount you’ll ever find is 40% off. Yes, it’s a console port. That means enduring some things such as a clunky menu interface and unmappable, hardcoded keybinds. Increasing your arsenal and max health isn’t just tedious, it’s a requirement for the higher difficulties. There’s talk of a cheater problem in public lobbies, and creating a private online game requires you to invite your friends through the chat shortcuts window, of all things. I don’t believe you can invite anyone mid-mission, either. Sometimes there will be so many enemies or explosions on-screen that your framerate will take a very noticeable hit even on a good computer. I don’t think there’s a borderless windowed mode, if that matters to you. Oh, and the game can’t even be launched if you’re on a version of Windows older than 7.

Real player with 761.5 hrs in game


Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair, or more commonly referred to as EDF, is a third person shooter that puts you in the shoes of an unnamed soldier of the Earth Defense Force that is tasked with locating and eradicating giant insects and robots from across the globe. Your mission is simple – kill everything that moves.

You’re given four class options before starting: Ranger, Fencer, Wing Diver or Air Raider. Rangers are your typical versatile infantry class, able to equip a variety of guns, sniper rifles, or a plethora of explosives and specialty weapons. Your next option is the Air Raider, a class that has the ability to call in buffs such as shields, turrets, healing modules and heavy armor, such as tanks, helicopters and a slew of different mechanized vehicles. Your third option is the lightly-armored, agile and swift-moving Wing Diver, an all-female crew of airborne infantry that use energy weapons and jetpacks to quickly move about the battlefield. Your final option is the Fencer, EDF’s dual-wielding tank, comprised of thick armor and massive cannons at the expensive of maneuverability.

Real player with 213.7 hrs in game

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair on Steam



I am overall positive & due to my review being detailed & long, it’s on sections with key things:

  • Fun – More than 12 weapons, technically even more than 20 as even barricades can serve as a weapon if you attach arc grenades/gas cans. Melees, pistols, shotguns, machineguns, snipers, heavy weapons, launchers for grenades/crystals, turrets, a variety of bombs to keep aliens fried & sometimes flying, even tens of meters away :)

Action co-op fps with strategy elements, the game is really funny and alive by itself. Practically more than 12 types of alien enemies as the enrager changes some of them when he appears. The top enemy of the game seems to appear only in Invasion mode, which can be even better than the campaign mode. You have 11 Campaign missions & 5 Invasion Mode ones. They can last between 20 and 90 minutes on your first plays, with invasions being longer. Depending on difficulty and your skills & experience, they can go some shorter, like even 7-15 min. for some campaigns.

Real player with 315.9 hrs in game

scratching head How to begin…

Overall, the game is amazing! It is the combination of juicy picture, 4 player co-op availability and vast weapon selection, that creates a solid game-play experience.

There’s only one huge drawback and I’m naming it now - the game’s duration. 11 maps, 5 per each campaign and 1 level aside of them, can be completed in a matter of hours. However, there’s a lot to try out and kill in those maps!

  1. Weapons: you will find melee and shooting guns (10+ varieties) everywhere, plus most of these can be made at special machinery (printers), where content depends on a map and its difficulty.

Real player with 237.3 hrs in game

Earthfall on Steam

Monsters sandbox

Monsters sandbox

A game in which you are alone with the zombies and you need to defend against them in order to survive. The game features 6 locations. There is a gun shop. But also, weapons and ammunition can be found in the locations themselves.

The atmosphere of the game is rather creepy, the corresponding music in the background adds horror.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

The game requires certain improvements. But some modes are interesting to play. I liked the “defense” mode (Coop)

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Monsters sandbox on Steam

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop

Reactive Drop

The sequel of Alien Swarm, an top-down cooperative shooter released by Valve back in the days.


Alien Swarm originates from an unreal tournament mod back in the days and was acquired and re-released by Valve in 2010. This game combined elements from survival games like shadowgrounds and left for dead. For a free game, it had a good presentation, nice gameplay and good graphics. It only lacked two things: content and community.

The gameplay

Like Alien Swarm, Reactive Drop is a cooperative top down shooter. The player plays with other marines against hordes of aliens, in order to complete different objectives. In the game, there are 4 different classes to play, each one consisting of two characters with different statistics including some class restricted weapons.

Real player with 2188.7 hrs in game

Friendly Fire is anything but friendly, medics are flavour and death, death do be part of the game. Try to keep up with your team and defend when necessary, picking a firing line and keeping it will increase everyone’s chances of survival. That said, in general, the game is Chaos.

People can and do play solo, but these are usually awe inspiring ASBI players. For the rest of us, team play is integral and trust is key. Communication in game is vital and facilitated in-game with voice communication, a text chat feature and a radial menu for quick communication emotes. Although after a few rounds, you’ll learn to read other players marine placements and apply your own work around tactics of support. The community is active and full of modders aiming to enhance your bug hunt with custom challenges, HUD’s, skins, sounds and levels. Additionally, there are dedicated servers from all around the globe, providing a place for you to meet new and interesting marines, in your fight against the swarm.

Real player with 1836.3 hrs in game

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop on Steam

Aliens: Colonial Marines Collection

Aliens: Colonial Marines Collection

Summer 2021 and Cold Iron Studios made it, Aliens™: Fireteam already renamed Fireteam Elite is about to be released in two weeks. Sweet & refreshing to see another game based on the franchise showing up. And don’t worry, Uncle Randy was not in charge this time.

Whatever the outcome about A:FE, after more than eight years, Aliens™: Colonial Marines signed by Gearbox Software & TimeGate Studios remains an unfinished & unpolished base game having undeniable flaws but, at the same time, a nice crossover between James Cameron & Stan Winston 1986 feature film and the numerous Aliens™ 1988-nowadays comics as well, and above all an absolutely unique experience in Bug Hunt brought by Demiurge Studios. That great Solo or Co-op' horde mode having its own, mechanics, metagame, challenge, pace, level design, depth, Aliens classes, AI surprises, toolset, and ultimately its own gameplay & skillcap. Watch out, many moves you make & decisions you take directly impact the Co-op' situation & progression, especially in UBA diff' conditions, the most captivating & immersive difficulty.

Real player with 3309.2 hrs in game


As most of you know, this game was basically announced as an AAA game with next gen graphics, and ended up a (at the time) bug-ridden B-list game with last gen graphics. Many people were understandably upset about this, especially those who pre-ordered. If you don’t wish to do business with a company that found itself in a lawsuit claiming false advertising, more power to you for your ideals.


I played this in Jan 2015 after some massive patches, and after the game was on sale for $5. At this point, I experienced the game as practically bug-free, except for the astonishing fact that the game still won’t let you go: When I quit the game, it is immediately restarted (wrong exit code or something?). Restarting Steam too helps, but it’s a bit ridiculous. On the upside: no game-breaking or fun-killing bugs while I played.

Real player with 264.3 hrs in game

Aliens: Colonial Marines Collection on Steam



(Updated Review)

Now after ~50 hours, I still can’t recommend this game.

EDF Iron Rain is a decent game, but is an awful EDF game.

This game is a downgrade from EDF 5 and a sidegrade from EDF 4.1 so get either game instead. I would recommend EDF 5 since 5 is an upgrade from 4.1.

Here are a list of the good parts and the issues after beating the game twice now.

The Good:

  • Prowl Rider is one of the best class and the most fun class in EDF Iron Rain.

  • The WX sword is the best sword and most fun sword in EDF Iron Rain.

Real player with 73.0 hrs in game

This game is a really guilty pleasure for me.

I found it somewhere for 27 dollars, always do your part and find yourself a deal. It was probably cheaper on a sale, but I missed it and always wanted to play this game because I have a soft spot for sci fi themes and third person shooters.

Earth defense force is a brilliant look at giant insects attacking the planet, and the display and scale of their games leave nothing to be desired mechanically. But for someone like me the game really never got my attention because of how slow everything felt. I played EDF 4.1 and something about it made me feel like it wasn’t worth the work. Unlocking guns was really slow, and I always felt like I needed to creep up the ranks in difficulty just to be able to defend myself, maybe I just wasn’t ready to commit time to a game that looked like that.

Real player with 67.7 hrs in game