Galactic Civilizations III

Galactic Civilizations III

NOTE: This is a review of the Final Release Candidate for the game, so it should apply to the released version.

Having been a long-time GC2 player, I eagerly signed up for the Founder’s Edition early-access over a year ago, and have followed the development of GC3 since then closely.

Let me tell you, getting a 4X game that incorporates all the features that hard-core strategy gamers want, while remaining both relevant and competitive, is really hard. As in, EXTREMELY hard. StarDock has done an excellent job with GC3. That’s not to say there still aren’t quibbles over the direction certain features have taken, but the reality is, that if you actually want to release a game, certain decisions are going to have to be taken, and you’re sure to piss off someone who wanted that feature and didn’t get it. But GC3 is a solid and entertaining game, if not a radically innovative one.

Real player with 2842.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Sci-fi Games.

First of all it is critical to understand that the game is still in beta testing and therefore has some glitches. That said it has been pretty stable for me. (Four year old dell xps 8100 with 16gb and a 750 Ti video card). At present the plan seems to be to a go for a final release in May. There will be frequent patches before then and perhaps a beta 6 release (beta 5, with enormous additions, was released yesterday (Mar26). If you don’t like encountering bugs and reporting them to help the game, then wait for the release. Of critical importance remaining is tuning the AI to be smarter and more aggressive, imo.

Real player with 2285.4 hrs in game

Galactic Civilizations III on Steam

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop

Reactive Drop

The sequel of Alien Swarm, an top-down cooperative shooter released by Valve back in the days.


Alien Swarm originates from an unreal tournament mod back in the days and was acquired and re-released by Valve in 2010. This game combined elements from survival games like shadowgrounds and left for dead. For a free game, it had a good presentation, nice gameplay and good graphics. It only lacked two things: content and community.

The gameplay

Like Alien Swarm, Reactive Drop is a cooperative top down shooter. The player plays with other marines against hordes of aliens, in order to complete different objectives. In the game, there are 4 different classes to play, each one consisting of two characters with different statistics including some class restricted weapons.

Real player with 2188.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Co-op Games.

Friendly Fire is anything but friendly, medics are flavour and death, death do be part of the game. Try to keep up with your team and defend when necessary, picking a firing line and keeping it will increase everyone’s chances of survival. That said, in general, the game is Chaos.

People can and do play solo, but these are usually awe inspiring ASBI players. For the rest of us, team play is integral and trust is key. Communication in game is vital and facilitated in-game with voice communication, a text chat feature and a radial menu for quick communication emotes. Although after a few rounds, you’ll learn to read other players marine placements and apply your own work around tactics of support. The community is active and full of modders aiming to enhance your bug hunt with custom challenges, HUD’s, skins, sounds and levels. Additionally, there are dedicated servers from all around the globe, providing a place for you to meet new and interesting marines, in your fight against the swarm.

Real player with 1836.3 hrs in game

Alien Swarm: Reactive Drop on Steam

Five Nations

Five Nations

A nice up-to-date looking 2D RTS like AoE2: Definitive Edition or C&C Remastered,

neat homage to Base Build Space RTS like Star Trek Armada 2 or Conquest: Frontier Wars.

Despite the game was made by a team of 2 people, it does rival AAA products.

While it does lack Multiplayer, Story and Single-player Skirmish are very well done.

The game has a really good Wiki page and Demo version on steam.

Five Nations is an impressive real-time strategy game that borrows action and gameplay elements from many of the genre’s classics. The game has a very deep and complex base build alike Age of Empires, where you have to care for 4 different resources, also the unit population. The map terrain has an interesting variety of open space and white nebulas where units can hide, but not use their abilities and are slower, also there are areas that do damage units if they try to pass them like red storm clouds.

Real player with 112.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Singleplayer Games.

I think its by sheer luck that I found this game. Someone on twitter just randomly brought it up and I got curious and looked it up. I first tried the demo and was very surprised!

For a small studio and their first game this is a REALLY impressive RTS! It does so many things well that alot of AAA RTS’s seem to struggle with. There’s a few blemishes here and there, but overall I am surprised at how polished and well designed all the mechanics are, and the factions feel very finely tuned to fit perfectly in a competitive scene.

Real player with 80.3 hrs in game

Five Nations on Steam



On my umpteenth install of this game, no mods and on a fresh install of Windows. Still great, still buggy. Crashes often on missions involving the Lost. Sound disappears randomly, sometimes returns but often needs a game restart to fix. I think it’s fussy about graphics cards, other than that, I have no idea why it’s still so fragile after all these years.

Real player with 1565.8 hrs in game

This game is all about learning not to be disheartened. You will fail sometimes, you’ll lose good soldiers that you invested time and effort in training up. You’ll make a single tactical error in a mission and will be punished with your entire squad ending up dead. Even worse, sometimes you’ll just get your butt handed to you by bad RNG. You’ll make a bad strategy decision by researching something in the wrong order and leave yourself behind on technology, making it easier for the aliens to wipe you out.

Real player with 426.6 hrs in game

XCOM® 2 on Steam

Natural Selection 2

Natural Selection 2

What makes someone keep playing a game for 10 years?

7-12 players per team are on the field playing a FPS, 2 players hop in the command chair and play an RTS, and chaotic toxicity of an aliens vs marines FPS game ensues. Players have to build and hold resource towers, which accrues team resources for their commander to spend on upgrades and tactical structures, and personal resources for they themselves to purchase upgrades with. Games are played on highly detailed maps that take a minimum 1000 hours to develop, with graphics that have aged well, with plenty of nooks and crannies to hide things in. This game has an ELO system implemented to ensure team balance, typically teams average out between 300 and 3000 ELO and teams are balanced within 100 ELO of each other. The game plays very different depending on the average ELO on each team, a 1000 ELO game is competely different than a 3000 ELO game. If teams are balanced 300 ELO off, one team has a 90% chance of winning. Game balance is most impacted by late joiners to a game or people with high skill that leave can cause unbalanced games.

Real player with 3814.7 hrs in game

Full of dick heads telling you how to play when they don’t even know how to play, this game was amazing at release but was killed by the community taking the fun out of it with inting and giving up after a few things go wrong even on new player servers, don’t play it is as toxic as League.

Real player with 163.0 hrs in game

Natural Selection 2 on Steam

Brutal Fate

Brutal Fate

Brutal Fate is a fast-paced ultra-violent retro first-person shooter inspired by 80’s and 90’s sci-fi movies. As a marine from the Global Order Alliance sent to Callisto to take over the local corporate government, you find yourself surrounded by legions of demonic alien invaders and you must fight for your survival.

It blends the best features of classic shooters such as non-linear level design, a huge arsenal and large enemy variety with some modern aspects, making it a unique mix that does not try to hang on nostalgia, but be something of it’s own.

This game is a finely crafted first-person experience designed to be the most satisfying and detailed possible. Enemies that can be dismembered and exploded into pieces, destroyable environments including lamps, cars and even trees. All many details that makes you really feel like you are in a real living world.

Do you want to know more?

  • This game features a huge arsenal of weapons that may require the use of all your keyboard numbers to scroll through. We got battle rifles, shotguns, grenade launchers, smart missiles, laser rifles, you name it.

  • Immerse yourself in a 3 episode campaign, with branching patches, multiple endings, and a story full of twists.

  • Fight an entire circus of monstrosities, carnivorous demons, zombie-like cultists, shuffling supernatural incomprehensible abominations from beyond, and corporate henchmen that want to make sure you won’t leave this haunted colony alive after seeing everything you just did. Just like in classic fps style, each enemy type acts like a piece of chess made to compensate the weakness of another. Gib them into delicious meat pieces, burn them to ashes, almost every enemy features locational damage and dozens of death animations, including different deaths for different weapons used.

  • Explore huge non-linear levels, look for secrets to find special rare alternative ammo types for your weapons, health and armor upgrades, and much more. No “procedural generated levels”, no faux-retro arena level design, just handcrafted levels by someone with over 10 years of experience in classic game level design. Get the feeling of exploring believable highly interactive locations, fight enemies in many different scenarios, scripted or not, pick them alone or in small groups and sometimes try to come up with a strategy to fight up to 50 enemies at once.

  • Command your fellow marines out of this hell. Your character’s rank as a Staff Sergeant isn’t only for show. Find any survivors of this disastrous operation and they will follow you. They have an acceptable AI that will actually follow your commands, won’t block your movement, and will kill enemies for you. Magnificent, isn’t it?

  • Mod it until it breaks. Running on the highly reliable GZDoom engine, this game is extremely easy to be modified. You can make mods, add custom weapons, enemies, levels, and entire new user-made campaigns.


In the end of the 21th century, after a catastrophic nuclear war followed by a famine that wiped out half of Earth, the remaining governments united their military under the same banner in a vow to prevent another disaster, and so the Global Order Alliance was born.

Later the G.O.A. united with corporations in an effort to terraform and colonize other planets in the solar system, by using a method that allowed artificial black holes to be created at the center of the planets to imitate Earth’s gravity. 60 years later when the terraforming of Mars and Jupiter’s moons were completed and mass migration started, the corporations betrayed the Terran governments and decided to declare independency and not use their newfound resources to help Earth get back on it’s feet. Their moto was “We terraformed these planets and now everything on them belongs to us. If you want these resources, come and take it."

Betrayed and left for dead, the peoples from all around the world vowed to invade the colonies and take back what belongs to Earth. The armies of the G.O.A. which were once considered heroes and peacekeepers of mankind, became a violent, fanatic, imperialistic military legion. They launched military campaigns against Mars and Io that lasted for decades. Now the year is 2297 and the people of Callisto started rebelling against the corporate rule due to recent strange phenomena caused by the planet’s artificial black hole, all the interplanetary communications are shut down by the regime, and the G.O.A. sees this as a perfect opportunity to invade the planet and “liberate” it with the local population’s support. The corporate conglomerates warns that the situation in Callisto is “complicated” and warns Earth to stay away from it.

You are part of a special international battalion of the Space Division of the G.O.A. Marine Corps sent to intermediate the situation. After a four month journey, you arrive at the planet with orders to destroy the corporate government forces and secure their industrial facilities. Drone scans shows literally hundreds of thousands of dead bodies littering the streets, apparently they genocided the local populace which saves you from the work of having to watch your targets… Your orders are clear: Descend into the planet with companies of battle-hardened Marines, combat androids, tanks, mechs, gunships and orbital artillery, and eliminate any colonial military forces you may find. They are considered dangerous irregular war criminals and you have no legal requirement to grant them any human rights, engage on contact. All weapons are clear… Exterminate with extreme prejudice, just the way the Marines likes to operate.

The Marines quickly find out that something is wrong. The planet is dead. Non-combatants and colonial guard alike were slaughtered, women and children included. No signs that a war happened here, some bodies defiled in unspeakable macabre religious rituals.

You realize that what killed these people weren’t humans, it weren’t using guns, and it’s still here. An unfathomable evil from beyond lurks these dead streets, its hungry eyes are gazing upon you. Do you have what it takes to survive?

Brutal Fate on Steam

Half-Life: Blue Shift

Half-Life: Blue Shift

Average Blue Shift Enjoyer:

















Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

barney is the best character in all of half-life

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Half-Life: Blue Shift on Steam



Who is the FREEMAN?

One ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Scientist Who think can Beat Alien, Us Forces, Black Ops But

At the end He can beat all of them and Hired!

Shame on you if you haven’t played this Game yet

Buy this Quickly and Finish it Fast and be sure this is not a Waste of Time.

Real player with 31.2 hrs in game

Some guidelines

1: If you want to change the field of view, you can enter “default_fov” through the console , best between 100~120

2: Looking for MP-5 and GLOCK-17? Disable “Enable HD models of available” in Options \ Video. If you want CLOT-727 (M4A1) and BERETTA 92FS, enable this option. The game seems to have replaced the MP-5 and GLOCK-17 of HD Models in an update.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Half-Life on Steam

Half-Life: Source

Half-Life: Source

If you’re thinking you’re going to get a CS:S or DOD:S styled remake or remaster for HL1, which was originally a Gold Source game, you will be extremely disappointed. There’s a huge cluster of glitches that are littered throughout, ranging from some being an small inconvenience that can agitate people (like the security guards and scientists moaning, screaming, and groaning constantly after getting hit), others being major bugs or exploits in the game play (biggest example being the tentacle encounter, which HL:S turns the menacing alien tentacles that could possibly kill you in one hit if you’re not careful, into decoration).

Real player with 127.4 hrs in game

PLAY THE ORIGINAL: As everyone knows, this game is a joke. It feels like no time at all was put into development and it feels hastily slapped together no thought to the og. This game has lots of bad things in it that make the game less fun than the original not to mention some blatant bugs that really mess up the game. I strongly recommend you play the original half life on the goldsrc engine.

Real player with 27.4 hrs in game

Half-Life: Source on Steam

Half-Life: Opposing Force

Half-Life: Opposing Force

You can shoot Senior Drill Instructor Barnes

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Let Me be Honest with you

Before Play this Game:

You love Gordon Freeman You Like all Scientists and Hate all of the HECU

After Play this Game:

You no longer cared about scientists You Love Shephard and And whatever you do Save HECU as you Can And you will Hated the Black Ops forces

This is the Magic of this Game (:

Real player with 24.4 hrs in game

Half-Life: Opposing Force on Steam