Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever. 15 years in the making and yet here I am, considering if it couldn’t have used a couple of more years in development. The truth is though, 5-10-15-20 years it wouldn’t have mattered. The problem here isn’t lack of development, it’s the direction of the development.

All the fluff is there though. Playing this game you will never doubt that this is a Duke game. Scantily clad women are everywhere and you will rarely walk more than ten feet between the various pop culture references, jokes and other nonsense. If anything Gearbox deserves some credit for getting that part of the franchise right. The humor is there, the silliness, the crazy. What they got wrong, is the mechanics.

Real player with 162.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens FPS Games.

It’s normal to have high expectations on a game that’s been in development for more than 10 years, but to judge it it’s important to know a little of its development history to understand why they took so long to finish it.

It was remade from scratch many times because of the engine or graphics being outdated, they wanted it to be perfect, or at least as groundbreaking as the original Duke Nukem 3D was at its time. Due to this fact, many of the original ideas planned for the game didn’t make it to the final product as can be seen in its many trailers.

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Duke Nukem Forever on Steam

Outpost 13

Outpost 13

tl;dr: Great concept for a game, but this is no where near complete and certainly not worth the asking price of $10. Avoid.

I picked up this game after seeing it on the front page of Steam. I looked into it and loved the pixel art and dark concept. It seemed like fun. I wasn’t really sure about the price, but I was bored and looking for an interesting game. After going through the short intro, I was pumped for the game. Then the game started. I was lost. Nothing but a screen of text explaining the times to go on. I explored a little and found large areas of nothingness. Finally stumbling on a room I could do something in, I quickly picked up on the 3-4 medicore puzzles this game has to offer. A combination of finding clues and lots of trial and error. The clues did not work as intended for 2 of the puzzles. It’s either a bug or crap game design. After some more blind clicking without direction, the game ends. Apparently, there’s going to be a second act. This was the first act? Um, usually games are divided into acts because the content is too vast to complete in a given timeframe. I feel like this is a buggy version of 5% of a real game. I’m pissed. I requested a refund, but was denied as I had “played” more than 2 hrs. Realistically, I played for about an hour, and then minimized it to look up what the heck was going on with this game for a few hours; because, suprise, there’s no pause “feature”. Press Esc by reflex to bring up some sort of menu? You just quit your game. Terrible design. Don’t waste your time or money on this one.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Indie Games.

Note: This review is a work in progress, this review will be updated when the update for Act 2 comes out.

This game was reviewed using a code sent by the developer.

Outpost 13 struck me as a very interesting concept for a game. You can choose from three different characters: Graham, Fen and Dr. Meow Meow Jones. The game’s description say’s Fen is the main character, but in the end there’s no difference.

The story is something straight out of late 80’s or early 90’s Sci-Fi flick. You play as the crews dog. The story takes place on an ice planet. You find out there’s something special about you and the team wants to conduct experiments, but you can’t let that happen. So it’s up to you to kill the entire crew as a mysterious being guides you and helps you to escape the Outpost.

Real player with 4.4 hrs in game

Outpost 13 on Steam

To The Light

To The Light

Quite simple 2D (RPGMaker?) RPG without leveling and with real time fights right on the map. In order to progress you have to collect gear and buffs. Be careful with item buffs because they are NOT infinite in uses and you may lose them permanently. You can use them again to temporary disable. For example, you may want to disable items when breaking large rotating crystals since they will explode, harm you and break a few buff items. And you have to break at least some of these to progress. Probably the most important buff is shield since I haven’t found where yo restock it and it opens paths blocked with spikes. A couple of secrets, a few easter eggs and multiple endings… well, kinda. You just either do everything right or end up with a wrong one. Don’t rush collecting all quantum piece, though, or you won’t be able to get 2 achievements for the wrong endings. Save often in different slots and you should be fine. Music is nice, art is pretty, story is bizarre and shown mostly with environment and short in-game animations. In case you desire more kinky stuff install both nude patches (look on community hub). Does it actually worth a full price? Not quite sure, but it ain’t bad. With good discount might worth to pick up.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Female Protagonist Games.

This game could have been much better if it did not give conflicting information to the player.

For example some enemies you could hit, while others you can’t and you get hurt when you attack them. There is no indication that could help you identify this, so you have to experiment and lose lifes and restart or load again.

Another example is that some rocks could hurt you when you try to push them or hit them, while others don’t. Again how would the player know? many other example exists but I think these two gives a clear idea.

Real player with 10.1 hrs in game

To The Light on Steam

Cyber Arena

Cyber Arena

This game was really hard for me, there is no way to adjust the level of difficulty and monsters just start killing you, took awhile before I got past the first spiders.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Buy game. Install game. Press start button. Bullets do nothing to spiders. Die. Try again. Same result. Try again. Oh, they DO die, they just give no indication they’re being hit, and also you can’t change guns. Die. Try again. Die. Try again. Magically one hand is a shotgun now oh wait I’m dead. Shotgun gone. Die. Uninstall. Review.

I don’t know if this should still be considered a work in progress or what. The visuals are Dreamcast-ish, and not in a good retro way. There’s no indication of damage as mentioned, and when the spiders die they simply fall down. There seems to be no controls beyond pull trigger and warp, but if i missed any there’s sure no tooltips, hints, or even a readme file with details to clue me in.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Cyber Arena on Steam