

A fun casual game with endearing graphics and many unlockable features to keep you playing as well as a level editor. It also features a cute soundtrack with a fitting alien-esque feel. Only issue is that the medals you get from completing levels are time-based, which can be incredibly frustrating if you’re a second or two away from a gold medal. If you like animals and puzzle games, this might be a good fit for you.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Puzzle Games.

This game came out of nowhere for me, and is a pleasant surprise. The singleplayer has only a slight learning curve but is paced just right. The humor and pretty Hi Def graphics make this game a colorful experience all around. There are plenty of levels (50) to keep you playing this for a while. Interface and controls are fairly intuitive as well. Then when you run out of things to do, you make your own levels.

I am dissapointed though in the lack of online multiplayer support, but not that big of a deal. I still had fun playing this game and continue to load it up to screw around with level editing…which you can also share by the way.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Flock! on Steam



When we were offered this key, we honestly didn’t know what to expect–we’d beaten the heck out of Overcooked and Dungeon Defenders before, and this seemed similar, but we were skeptical.


This game hooked us quick and DIDN’T LET GO–it’s sci-fi a cousin of Overcooked with an emphasis on harvesting and defending, and couples will especially love this one and will probably find it a lot less frustrating than others in the genre. There’s some room for this to grow up, but it’s got more polish than existing games in the genre that have been actively refined for years. Check out the WeHeartCo-op review on YouTube, coming soon!

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Co-op Campaign Games.

TLDR: fun game, but if you are unsure check out the DEMO :)

D-corp is a really nice coop tower defense game and it would probably be even better if I had friends to play it with.

While it seems meant to be played locally from your couch with a group of friends it does also support steam remote play and is pretty good to play solo as well (what I mostly did).

Some Pros:

  • Throwing things into pits or acid (including your now ex-friends).

  • Different themed levels, enemies, guns (towers) and elements to make each level feel unique.

Real player with 8.3 hrs in game

D-Corp on Steam

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair

The premise is cheesy. The dialog is hammy. But ham and cheese has never tasted this good!

Before we continue, let’s get the negatives out of the way so we can focus on talking about how awesome EDF is.

The base price can seem a bit steep given the game’s age, and the highest discount you’ll ever find is 40% off. Yes, it’s a console port. That means enduring some things such as a clunky menu interface and unmappable, hardcoded keybinds. Increasing your arsenal and max health isn’t just tedious, it’s a requirement for the higher difficulties. There’s talk of a cheater problem in public lobbies, and creating a private online game requires you to invite your friends through the chat shortcuts window, of all things. I don’t believe you can invite anyone mid-mission, either. Sometimes there will be so many enemies or explosions on-screen that your framerate will take a very noticeable hit even on a good computer. I don’t think there’s a borderless windowed mode, if that matters to you. Oh, and the game can’t even be launched if you’re on a version of Windows older than 7.

Real player with 761.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Co-op Games.


Earth Defense Force 4.1: The Shadow of New Despair, or more commonly referred to as EDF, is a third person shooter that puts you in the shoes of an unnamed soldier of the Earth Defense Force that is tasked with locating and eradicating giant insects and robots from across the globe. Your mission is simple – kill everything that moves.

You’re given four class options before starting: Ranger, Fencer, Wing Diver or Air Raider. Rangers are your typical versatile infantry class, able to equip a variety of guns, sniper rifles, or a plethora of explosives and specialty weapons. Your next option is the Air Raider, a class that has the ability to call in buffs such as shields, turrets, healing modules and heavy armor, such as tanks, helicopters and a slew of different mechanized vehicles. Your third option is the lightly-armored, agile and swift-moving Wing Diver, an all-female crew of airborne infantry that use energy weapons and jetpacks to quickly move about the battlefield. Your final option is the Fencer, EDF’s dual-wielding tank, comprised of thick armor and massive cannons at the expensive of maneuverability.

Real player with 213.7 hrs in game

EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 4.1 The Shadow of New Despair on Steam



In a nutshell: Joggernauts is FUN! Both entertaining and challenging, it is difficult yet rewarding, and always a good time. It has a magnetic quality that I will struggle to define… it draws new players in and soon they are enraptured, caught up in the simple joys and victories to be found within this game.

NB This game is best played with friends! And it is local co-op only. But it does feature a single-player mode that suffices quite well if you can’t wrangle your friends into picking up a controller.

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

This is a fun game to test your cooperative skills with teammates. Can get very challenging at times especially with 3-4 players.

When everyone is making their switches and jumps the game is very satisfying.

Note to developers: Not sure if the jumps and switches are timed to the music (sure feels like it), but if they are it would be very helpful to have a timing/bar indicator along the x-axis, to help assists the players. I know it would turn the game more into a rhythm game, but I think it would reduce the learning curve for new players.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Joggernauts on Steam

Space Drift Squad

Space Drift Squad

★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Space Drift Squad on Steam

Abduction Bit

Abduction Bit

I like this game because it has a very simple 80s platform style. It reminded me of an 80s platformer called Hunky Egg (which apparently was a rip off of Chunky Egg). It’s basic gaming before games were simulations. It’s certainly not near the best of it’s genre. But it’s fun and annoying with it’s demands for precision in your jumps. Well gamers under 35 want to play such a game? I’m not sure. Actually I’m not sure how many over 35 would want to play such a game

One reviewer said it’s buggy. It’s more a case of every jump has to be perfect down to the milimetre while timing baddies perfectly, which is very frustrating. You die very easily in this game. I had to forget playing the game at any type of pace because of this if I wanted to progress. Like 80s games once you’re out of lives you start again at the very beggining. Which is also annoying. Because I probably will never finish it.

Real player with 22.7 hrs in game

This is great little gem for fans of the golden age of arcade games. Particularly those early Nintendo releases(Donkey Kong, Popeye, Mario Bros.), as this is heavily modeled after those games. You can expect simple gameplay, high difficulty, and a surprisingly large amount of replayability. There are two packs(8-bit and 16-bit) with 20 levels each, which can be played on one of 3 difficulties. I’ve finished both packs on each difficulty, which took me about a month to get all the achievements(granted, I was juggling 3 other games at the same time). It’ll keep you busy for longer than you would expect.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Abduction Bit on Steam



To save our mother Earth from any alien attack

From vicious giant insects who have once again come back

We’ll unleash all our forces, we won’t cut them any slack

The EDF deploys!

Real player with 370.2 hrs in game

This game looks awful but don’t let your eyes deceive you. It is a masterpiece. its so hard to describe but If I tried to describe it to you as short as possible it would be unrestricted, cheesy, fun, unbalanced, chaotic, an unpolished gem. if you are looking to play a challenging fun game with friends and have a bunch of laughs along the way then this is the game for you.

Get ready to defend the earth and to level an entire city to do so. And remember its not about the destination its about the ants you blew up along the way.

Real player with 155.3 hrs in game


X-Morph: Defense

X-Morph: Defense

Tower defense genre was never known for having a lot of variety. And man, we have a lot of such games. In a way, tower defense is like hidden objects genre. Which means that most of such games feel almost exactly the same and it’s really hard to remember certain names. It’s like “Tower defense games? I’ve played those before…”. So, how to make your game to stand out? Well, there are only two ways. The first one is to add a unique feature. And the second one is to make it especially spectacular. EXOR Studios chose the second way.

Real player with 79.8 hrs in game

Usable Planet Located

X-Morph: Defense or XMD is a combination of a ‘Tower Defense’ and a ‘Manic Top Down Shooter’.

At first I had my doubts this was a good idea, but in game it makes perfect sense.

The issue with the standard tower defense is you place your towers, start the wave and sit back, maybe add or alter a tower or two during, then go back to waiting for the wave to end and repeat.

This is not the case for XMD, unless you’re playing on Easy with all unlocks.

You have the usual between wave time to do what you need, place, move, sell & change turrets, but once the wave starts you can personally get involved, helping out how you see fit, as well as all of the above.

Real player with 54.3 hrs in game

X-Morph: Defense on Steam

BFF or Die

BFF or Die

A nice cooperative puzzle game.

CRASHES when trying to use Remote Play Together. This is too bad. I really wanted to try it out with some help from my far-flung friends.

The initial levels of the game are different based on the number of players. If you want to teach friends how to play, I recommend playing the first 7, or so, levels in TWO PLAYER mode. The early levels of other modes might fail to teach important aspects (like how to get out of the flashlight booth).

This could be a nice title for some “Games Night” cooperative frustration, err I mean fun.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

The game is like a physical puzzle game but with action elements to it. And if you play multiplayer, the extra dimension of needing to figure out what each player needs to do and when to complete the level. It can get crazy hectic and tense, especially when your teammates mess up or something unexpected happens. But it never feels unfair or too punishing. Plus you always get time to plan at the start of each level / puzzle.

My only criticism is some of the menu options don’t work with keyboard, but nothing that stops you playing the game.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

BFF or Die on Steam



(Updated Review)

Now after ~50 hours, I still can’t recommend this game.

EDF Iron Rain is a decent game, but is an awful EDF game.

This game is a downgrade from EDF 5 and a sidegrade from EDF 4.1 so get either game instead. I would recommend EDF 5 since 5 is an upgrade from 4.1.

Here are a list of the good parts and the issues after beating the game twice now.

The Good:

  • Prowl Rider is one of the best class and the most fun class in EDF Iron Rain.

  • The WX sword is the best sword and most fun sword in EDF Iron Rain.

Real player with 73.0 hrs in game

This game is a really guilty pleasure for me.

I found it somewhere for 27 dollars, always do your part and find yourself a deal. It was probably cheaper on a sale, but I missed it and always wanted to play this game because I have a soft spot for sci fi themes and third person shooters.

Earth defense force is a brilliant look at giant insects attacking the planet, and the display and scale of their games leave nothing to be desired mechanically. But for someone like me the game really never got my attention because of how slow everything felt. I played EDF 4.1 and something about it made me feel like it wasn’t worth the work. Unlocking guns was really slow, and I always felt like I needed to creep up the ranks in difficulty just to be able to defend myself, maybe I just wasn’t ready to commit time to a game that looked like that.

Real player with 67.7 hrs in game