Aliens vs. Predator™

Aliens vs. Predator™

Aliens vs Predator (2010) is a first person shooter that introduces you to three seperate storylines involving a Human, a Predator, and an Alien. Overall the storylines are decent, while not nearly as difficult as I would have prefered. For example Nightmare Difficulty seems to simply increase the damage and accuracy of your opponents, but not necessarily making them difficult due to one shot mechanics available to Predator and Alien. Boss fights bring a interesting level of difficulty, but are still single meat shields with high health pools that you have to mow down while dodging mechanics and the occassional add. Overall scenary in the game is one of the highest pluses I will give, as the environements truely have the universes feel to them.

Real player with 108.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Sci-fi Games.

People say the game is mediocre, and perhaps that is justified. However, I feel the game is at least in the higher end of mediocre games, and can produce a lot of fun. At least for fans of the different creatures the game tried (and in my opinion, succeeded) to bring alive.

I am not in a position to review the multiplayer so consider this to be mainly a single player review.

People are usually concerned with the duration of gameplay, and what many have said is true, it’s short, with the marine campaign being the longest, Predator in the middle and the alien the shortest. It’s a shame, as I found that the alien was the most fun, then the predator, and lastly the marine. Though this is not to say that it isn’t fun to play the marine, it’s just the weakest of the species. All three species campaigns adding up to perhaps 12h, though I might be slow - spending a lot of time in the shadows as an alien, watching how the marines patrol, and cloaked as a predator, deciding which marine to pick off first.

Real player with 45.7 hrs in game

Aliens vs. Predator™ on Steam

Aliens: Colonial Marines Collection

Aliens: Colonial Marines Collection

Summer 2021 and Cold Iron Studios made it, Aliens™: Fireteam already renamed Fireteam Elite is about to be released in two weeks. Sweet & refreshing to see another game based on the franchise showing up. And don’t worry, Uncle Randy was not in charge this time.

Whatever the outcome about A:FE, after more than eight years, Aliens™: Colonial Marines signed by Gearbox Software & TimeGate Studios remains an unfinished & unpolished base game having undeniable flaws but, at the same time, a nice crossover between James Cameron & Stan Winston 1986 feature film and the numerous Aliens™ 1988-nowadays comics as well, and above all an absolutely unique experience in Bug Hunt brought by Demiurge Studios. That great Solo or Co-op' horde mode having its own, mechanics, metagame, challenge, pace, level design, depth, Aliens classes, AI surprises, toolset, and ultimately its own gameplay & skillcap. Watch out, many moves you make & decisions you take directly impact the Co-op' situation & progression, especially in UBA diff' conditions, the most captivating & immersive difficulty.

Real player with 3309.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Co-op Games.


As most of you know, this game was basically announced as an AAA game with next gen graphics, and ended up a (at the time) bug-ridden B-list game with last gen graphics. Many people were understandably upset about this, especially those who pre-ordered. If you don’t wish to do business with a company that found itself in a lawsuit claiming false advertising, more power to you for your ideals.


I played this in Jan 2015 after some massive patches, and after the game was on sale for $5. At this point, I experienced the game as practically bug-free, except for the astonishing fact that the game still won’t let you go: When I quit the game, it is immediately restarted (wrong exit code or something?). Restarting Steam too helps, but it’s a bit ridiculous. On the upside: no game-breaking or fun-killing bugs while I played.

Real player with 264.3 hrs in game

Aliens: Colonial Marines Collection on Steam

Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000

Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000

Before Halo, Call of Duty, and other new-school shooters that currently saturate the FPS market, there was the old school. I’m talking about games that kept the same spirit as Wolfenstein 3D, like the Doom series, Duke Nukem 3D, Half-Life, the Quake series, and Unreal. If you lived through this time, you know what I’m talking about. These games are representative of a peak in shooters in that their challenge, length, and fun depended on gameplay alone—no cutscenes that pad the game time, no predictable plot elements, and no exploitative glitches that most new school gamers use in games today. Controls were fluid and customizable, combat was fast and furious, and the games were almost exclusively for PC. It took skill to play and if you were killed, you had only yourself to blame. This was when multiplayer was on the rise, before mods and cheating took hold to as great an extent as it does now, and before cheap tactics like quick-scoping were often the deciding factor in encounters.

Real player with 1989.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Classic Games.

This epic game is, in my opinion, the best game in the Alien and Predator series by a huge margin.

Its single player storyline is nealy non-existent, but the levels are large and fun to play through, especially compared to modern hand holding “corridor shooters”. Once the single player is completed, each species can unlock five bonus missions that enrich the single player experience by allowing that species to play on a level associated with one of the other two.

On top of that, most of the single player missions (and bonus levels) have “side missions” that unlock single player cheat modes upon completion. These cheat modes allow you to alter your single player experience in various ways, such as setting your enemies on fire, turning the level upside down exc'.

Real player with 1344.8 hrs in game

Aliens versus Predator Classic 2000 on Steam

Corridor 7: Alien Invasion

Corridor 7: Alien Invasion

Another game from Capstone made in 1994 and was WAY better with WAY more resources than Doom!

Real player with 35.1 hrs in game

pretty awesome boomer fps game i am happy capstone put their games here

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Corridor 7: Alien Invasion on Steam

Drake’s Odds: Survive

Drake’s Odds: Survive

Drake’s Odds: Survive is a multiplayer survival game in which the main character is an alien from the planet Exomon who must survive on the planet Earth, which is hostile and unknown to him, fighting, crafting and using the powers and technology in his possession.

The game is set on the lush island of San Tecla which consists of 64 km² of beautiful landscapes that you can explore with terrestrial vehicles (such as cars or quads) or extraterrestrials ones (such as spaceships).

In this overwhelming survival shooter game, you will be able to experience the sensation of putting yourself in the shoes of the invader, facing the earthly creatures or using them to your advantage by taking control of their body and mind to exploit their skills and knowledge.

And if you think that he belongs to a technologically advanced race and because of that it will be easy for you to excel over humans, then you are totally wrong. You are, after all, part of the minority on a completely unknown planet and with people thirsty to know your technological secrets and who will use every available weapon to steal them from you and put a spoke in the wheel. Therefore it won’t be easy, but you can always cooperate with other players or try to conquer our bizarre world by yourself.


The extraterrestrial finding himself trapped on an alien planet, in order to survive and find a way to come back home, will have to quickly learn to know the surrounding environment. Therefore he will use his powers to steal knowledge from humans that will allow him to learn new recipes for the construction of objects useful for his survival.


Craft the means for your survival: weapons and platforms will be of precious use to face any situation against any enemy: craft a bulletproof vest or a respawn point near your operative base and begin the counterattack!


You know that in order to survive in an unknown and hostile planet, you must be able to count on a secure base to protect yourself, your food and your weapons and from which you can study in peace the strategies to reach the goal of prevailing over the enemy and find a way to return to your planet.

Also, during the game, it will be possible to make the base more resistant and technological thanks to a four-level system upgrade (wood, stone, metal, alien).


Fight against or ally with the other factions, but you should always watch your back! In “Drake’s Odds: Survive”, danger is around the corner, what appears to be a harmless bird could turn out to be the spy of the enemy clan studying your movements.


Take control of humans and animals to strategically exploit their different abilities depending on the NPC possessed. You will also be able to store and keep captured NPCs in cryogenic cages or capsules for you to strategically use them when you need them.


Identify those around you by activating a limited-duration ray that will allow you to highlight neighboring NPCs, distinguishing those owned by other players from those managed by the AI.


Fly over the skies of the map with the spaceship with which you can hook and drag characters and vehicles with its beam of light and hit enemies with its powerful laser beam.

Drake's Odds: Survive on Steam

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever

Duke Nukem Forever. 15 years in the making and yet here I am, considering if it couldn’t have used a couple of more years in development. The truth is though, 5-10-15-20 years it wouldn’t have mattered. The problem here isn’t lack of development, it’s the direction of the development.

All the fluff is there though. Playing this game you will never doubt that this is a Duke game. Scantily clad women are everywhere and you will rarely walk more than ten feet between the various pop culture references, jokes and other nonsense. If anything Gearbox deserves some credit for getting that part of the franchise right. The humor is there, the silliness, the crazy. What they got wrong, is the mechanics.

Real player with 162.3 hrs in game

It’s normal to have high expectations on a game that’s been in development for more than 10 years, but to judge it it’s important to know a little of its development history to understand why they took so long to finish it.

It was remade from scratch many times because of the engine or graphics being outdated, they wanted it to be perfect, or at least as groundbreaking as the original Duke Nukem 3D was at its time. Due to this fact, many of the original ideas planned for the game didn’t make it to the final product as can be seen in its many trailers.

Real player with 57.0 hrs in game

Duke Nukem Forever on Steam

Us Against Aliens

Us Against Aliens

Игра хороша своим геймплеем, имеется некое напряжение при игре, умные ИИ, хорошая разработка, проще говоря. Советую поиграть, имеется мультиплеер!

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Us Against Aliens on Steam

Alien Removal Division

Alien Removal Division

Alien Removal Division is a fast paced, action-packed first-person shooter, set in a military research facility during the 1950s. The base has been overrun by aliens and you find yourself, as the only survivor, at the centre of the invasion. Your escape will be challenging, but you’ll have an array of weapons and movement abilities to help you during your fight and on your getaway.

Escape the secret military base

Use your parkour skillset to wallrun, double jump and dash and make your way through the alien infested tunnels, hangars, storage rooms and secret laboratories that make up the military base.

Gruesomely Gratifying Combat

Engage in gory combat and discover the different options to destroy your enemies. Use your movement skills to stay agile against the aliens, fighting back using an arsenal of high-powered weapons that reward their unique purpose.

Massive Aliens

The aliens you’ll encounter vary from smaller insect like crawlers to massive creatures that can only be taken down by targeting their weak spots and dismembering them. Use your parkour movement to avoid their attacks and traverse the massive creatures themselves to exploit their weaknesses and tear them apart piece by piece!

Alien Removal Division on Steam

Half-Life: Blue Shift

Half-Life: Blue Shift

Average Blue Shift Enjoyer:

















Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

barney is the best character in all of half-life

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Half-Life: Blue Shift on Steam



I am overall positive & due to my review being detailed & long, it’s on sections with key things:

  • Fun – More than 12 weapons, technically even more than 20 as even barricades can serve as a weapon if you attach arc grenades/gas cans. Melees, pistols, shotguns, machineguns, snipers, heavy weapons, launchers for grenades/crystals, turrets, a variety of bombs to keep aliens fried & sometimes flying, even tens of meters away :)

Action co-op fps with strategy elements, the game is really funny and alive by itself. Practically more than 12 types of alien enemies as the enrager changes some of them when he appears. The top enemy of the game seems to appear only in Invasion mode, which can be even better than the campaign mode. You have 11 Campaign missions & 5 Invasion Mode ones. They can last between 20 and 90 minutes on your first plays, with invasions being longer. Depending on difficulty and your skills & experience, they can go some shorter, like even 7-15 min. for some campaigns.

Real player with 315.9 hrs in game

scratching head How to begin…

Overall, the game is amazing! It is the combination of juicy picture, 4 player co-op availability and vast weapon selection, that creates a solid game-play experience.

There’s only one huge drawback and I’m naming it now - the game’s duration. 11 maps, 5 per each campaign and 1 level aside of them, can be completed in a matter of hours. However, there’s a lot to try out and kill in those maps!

  1. Weapons: you will find melee and shooting guns (10+ varieties) everywhere, plus most of these can be made at special machinery (printers), where content depends on a map and its difficulty.

Real player with 237.3 hrs in game

Earthfall on Steam