Alt Oxygen

Alt Oxygen

Alt Oxygen is a survival game where you can complete a story. The game is based on an economical design. Here you can explore different planets and interact with aliens to know more about places. Aliens are speaking their language and are translated. Also to survive you have to collect precious stones and sell it to vendors to make ALTO and after that you can buy water, oxygen, food and all necessary needs to survive.

Key points of the game

  • Economical design ( sell, buy and multiply money at casino ).

  • Story ( Psychological story which will blow your mind ).

  • Survive in a new way.

  • For more, play the game and share your thoughts with us!

Read More: Best Aliens Psychological Games.

Alt Oxygen on Steam

Cosmic Awakening VR

Cosmic Awakening VR

Very Fun and scary game. The atmosphere and space station setting are both really well done. There’s a real sense of dread When you’re moving down the halls. The controls are fairly responsive although some things, like picking up certain objects, don’t seem work perfectly. I’m usually very sensitive to motion sickness when it comes to VR games, but I had no problems here. I was able to play for an extended period with no real problems. I definitely reccomend this game to any Vive owners who love a good horror experience.

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Sci-fi Games.

First thing I want to say is I liked this game and I had no bug issues. The game ran 100% fine for me and there’s a video to prove that below. My specs are listed at the bottom.

Well this game was gifted to me so I decided to try it out. I am not very good at puzzle and discovery games as I have not played many in my life time so this one started off a bit slow for me. The atmosphere was fine and the graphics well enough and since it was horror the game went into creepy mode nearly right off the bat. The game in general starts off very slow until you kind of figure out what you need to do. There are 2 game modes. The first I wasn’t sure what to do but the story mode basically keeps you moving along a certain path, so to speak, I am guessing to a climax. In the begining exploration takes up most of your time then after you get the jist of what you probably should do the game moves faster and then gets more tense. I purposely didn’t finish the game because I was making a video and didn’t want to spoil the experience. Later this week I will continue where I left off as you can save your progress (yay!!). Look at the tags. If you like any of the tags then you should enjoy this in VR. If this was a regular game I don’t think I would have been too interested but I am looking for VR games that put me in another time and place. This fulfills that for me. I like action but I think adventure and exploration games fit VR really well since the mechanics are not very complicated and the focus can be on the environment rather than running here and there not really enjoying the setting. The price is a bit steep since I am guessing it is not super long but the quality of the game is not bad. I love Virtual Reality and scifi so this kind of game sends me there. It has many options too for graphics and other things. I say it is a buy. A number rating would be above average but only 7/10 mainly because the price is a bit high, in my opinion. Don’t expect to be very scared by this. It is more a “atmospheric tension” experience but does have some surprises which I won’t reveal in writing.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Cosmic Awakening VR on Steam

Alien Life Lab

Alien Life Lab

The entire station, known as Alien Life Lab, has lost communications with society and fallen into chaos!

It’s up to you to traverse through Alien Life Lab Station to find any survivors, recover valuable lab resources and find what caused the station to go haywire.

-Procedural Generation to give you a new level every time!

-Electric Tranquilizer Gun uses actual (in-game) physical bullets to stun violent aliens!

-Tranquilize hostile aliens with sci fi pistol, shotgun and sword.

-Find survivors and tag aliens to earn credit coins.

-Go deeper into the station.

*Experiences Will Vary.

Story & Lore:

Several months ago, the Lab went black… Communications were lost with the outside worlds.

Residents on-board have no idea what triggered the Lab into stasis that released the dangerous exhibits to roam throughout the cargo-holds to search for sustenance.

Everyone and everything on the Lab has been reduced to utilizing whatever resources they have or can find to survive, not knowing when, or even if, help would arrive.

In the deep of space, you board the seemingly dead ghost ship…

Read More: Best Aliens Procedural Generation Games.

Alien Life Lab on Steam



Experience a galactic adventure with your crew of robots

You are working as a middle manager for the Rebots Corporation who specialise in climaforming inhospitable asteroids for aliens. Your character’s aspiration is to become “The Best Employee Ever” but there is a long journey from the bottom to the top. Climb the ranks of the Rebots Corporation, making friends and rivals along the way, as you follow in the footsteps of your mother to become employee #1.

Program robots

To make your robots work, you need to program them. Or rather, you need to instruct your robot managers (supervisors) to instruct your robot workers. Hence, you learn how to program by creating your code and instructions directly in the world and seeing your robot operation automatically carrying out your carefully designed program in real-time.

Build and balance delicate ecosystems

Each alien race has specific requirements for habitats, meaning you need to transform and design ecosystems while dealing with the local fauna and flora that might condone your lease on the land. You are changing the climate of existing ecosystems (climaforming) so you experience first-hand the effects of climate change and migration.

Build relationships with the alien factions you meet

Some aliens enjoy sweltering hot, some live in a swamp, while others like chilly weather. Get to know multiple factions throughout your adventure and learn their preferences to become the best employee of the Rebots Corporation.

Solve challenges in unique ways

Use your ever-growing programming skills with your robots to solve challenges in a variety of ways. Use the available resources to your advantage and leverage the local fauna, flora and resources to assist you in completing your job.

Rebots on Steam

Drake’s Odds: Survive

Drake’s Odds: Survive

Drake’s Odds: Survive is a multiplayer survival game in which the main character is an alien from the planet Exomon who must survive on the planet Earth, which is hostile and unknown to him, fighting, crafting and using the powers and technology in his possession.

The game is set on the lush island of San Tecla which consists of 64 km² of beautiful landscapes that you can explore with terrestrial vehicles (such as cars or quads) or extraterrestrials ones (such as spaceships).

In this overwhelming survival shooter game, you will be able to experience the sensation of putting yourself in the shoes of the invader, facing the earthly creatures or using them to your advantage by taking control of their body and mind to exploit their skills and knowledge.

And if you think that he belongs to a technologically advanced race and because of that it will be easy for you to excel over humans, then you are totally wrong. You are, after all, part of the minority on a completely unknown planet and with people thirsty to know your technological secrets and who will use every available weapon to steal them from you and put a spoke in the wheel. Therefore it won’t be easy, but you can always cooperate with other players or try to conquer our bizarre world by yourself.


The extraterrestrial finding himself trapped on an alien planet, in order to survive and find a way to come back home, will have to quickly learn to know the surrounding environment. Therefore he will use his powers to steal knowledge from humans that will allow him to learn new recipes for the construction of objects useful for his survival.


Craft the means for your survival: weapons and platforms will be of precious use to face any situation against any enemy: craft a bulletproof vest or a respawn point near your operative base and begin the counterattack!


You know that in order to survive in an unknown and hostile planet, you must be able to count on a secure base to protect yourself, your food and your weapons and from which you can study in peace the strategies to reach the goal of prevailing over the enemy and find a way to return to your planet.

Also, during the game, it will be possible to make the base more resistant and technological thanks to a four-level system upgrade (wood, stone, metal, alien).


Fight against or ally with the other factions, but you should always watch your back! In “Drake’s Odds: Survive”, danger is around the corner, what appears to be a harmless bird could turn out to be the spy of the enemy clan studying your movements.


Take control of humans and animals to strategically exploit their different abilities depending on the NPC possessed. You will also be able to store and keep captured NPCs in cryogenic cages or capsules for you to strategically use them when you need them.


Identify those around you by activating a limited-duration ray that will allow you to highlight neighboring NPCs, distinguishing those owned by other players from those managed by the AI.


Fly over the skies of the map with the spaceship with which you can hook and drag characters and vehicles with its beam of light and hit enemies with its powerful laser beam.

Drake's Odds: Survive on Steam

Midnight Scenes Episode 2 (Special Edition)

Midnight Scenes Episode 2 (Special Edition)

I really like this series. After ‘The Highway’, this game is another Twilight zone inspired point ‘n click game. It’s very short, but don’t let that stop you from playing this. The artwork, music, story is great and it really plays as a twilight zone episode. I hope the developer makes more of these games… and maybe in the future he can bundle them in one game with a overarching storyline like tales from the crypt.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

I had played this one last night and I saw major improvements on the developers part, what started off as a sad story quickly takes a turn for the worst for our character. I truely had fun with this one and was looking forward to playing the next one

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Midnight Scenes Episode 2 (Special Edition) on Steam

Multia Space Program

Multia Space Program

I like the game. I don’t know if it is incomplete because i can’t find the third rocket. But I like this and PROJECT ULTRA. Even if they are broken and possibly abandoned. I hope they will update and make more games soon.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

missä korsu?

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Multia Space Program on Steam

Saints and Sinners

Saints and Sinners

great game!

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Saints and Sinners is a game heavily inspired by Among Us.

You start with a maximum of 8 people, most are saints but 1 or more play as sinners.

Saints get a task list that they should complete but they also need to work together and try to figure out who the sinner is.

Sinners need to act like they do the tasks, win trust and brutally slaughter the poor saints one by one when nobody is watching them.

You communicate with each other through the in-game chat or voice chat and you can share your suspicions at any moment of the game.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Saints and Sinners on Steam

Time Flipper

Time Flipper

Time Flipper is an adventure / exploration game set in a hidden dimension, similar to Earth. Using your time-flip device, you can switch between two world states, past and future. Your objective is to locate missing people that have been abducted by alien entities. Find them and convince them, through dialog, to come with you. Get to know their story, how they got kidnapped, and how some of them aren’t even aware of their situation. The people you rescue will follow you through the level, get them to safety so they can go back home. In the process you, and your followers will get attacked by the entities, be careful!.

Rely on your time-flip device to navigate through the level, find hidden passages, items, missing people. Discover once for all the reality behind these abductions, and what it means for mankind. All this is accompanied by a superb dynamic soundtrack that changes depending on the world’s state.

Key Features

  • Rich world to discover, 5 islands to explore, navigate the world map using your spaceship, and enter the levels by docking on the islands.

  • Through dialog, know the story of every person you rescue, they may even help you as you progress!

  • Find hidden relics throughout the world and add them to your book!

  • Engage in combat without using any weapons, protect yourself with the environment and find weapons for your companions to defend you.

  • Clear the path for your companions to follow you using your time-flip device.

With the press of one button, flip between timelines, back and forth, at anytime.

Locate the prisoners in the hidden dimension, but there’s a problem, they don’t know they’re prisoners, you need to talk them out of their state, so they follow you!

The kidnappers won’t let you go easily, their motives are not clear but their hostile actions are!, however, due to the inter-dimensional law you cannot attack them back!

Switch between timelines to find your path, hidden objects, prisoners and many weird stuff. You know, typical Time Flipper stuff.

Time Flipper on Steam

Alien Abduction Experience PC HD

Alien Abduction Experience PC HD

Can not get this game to load in VR mode. In PC mode does not progress once looking at cabin from exterior view. Don’t waste the .99 cents this came cost. Should be free. BTW…. I do posess a high end gaming system.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

This “experience” is defiantly ment for VR. Kind of cool to experience but VERY short and there is zero game play FYI.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Alien Abduction Experience PC HD on Steam