Battle for Antares

Battle for Antares

Battle for Antares is a fast-paced strategy game. You grow your empire, colonize star systems, build planetary infrastructure and combat drones to battle your opponent. Will you focus on research to crush your opponent with superior technology? Or do you outnumber and overwhelm the enemy early on? The fate of your empire is at your hands.

Procedural generated, face-paced game play

Battle for Antares is face-paced. Every round is different due to procedural generated galaxies and one round lasts roughly 15 minutes. Grow your empire, install crucial infrastructure projects on your planets and research new technologies. Command your fleet of drones and crush your opponent.

Read More: Best Aliens Sci-fi Games.

Battle for Antares on Steam

Zibbs - Alien Survival

Zibbs - Alien Survival


Good run on the survival spin as an alien. Had fun, yet I dont see myself building another UFO to escape earth. Still, refreshing survival without getting to complicated.


This little gem sucks you in. I’m having fun with the trial and error of being a little green man on earth.

The help section can be a little overwhelming, but they have links to youtube videos that demonstrates what you’re reading.

Wish it had coop or multiplayer.

Real player with 21.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Indie Games.

Zibbs - Alien Survival is a open world survival game, where you playing as an alien and you have to survive on Earth until you can make an UFO and get off from the planet.

First things first, the graphocs looks okay. For 2020 it’s not really anything special, but works as intended. What I don’t like it, is if you see something in the distance is so blurry in my opinion or you can see it partially. Also the some UI element should get a better artwork (bar at the top left) and the forest should get a better graphics in general, more grass and give it bit more life. Adding more effects for the game would be awesome too!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Zibbs - Alien Survival on Steam

The Sapling

The Sapling

Very reminisce of Spore, but focus on natural selection and ecology which Spore seriously lacked. I completed all the current scenarios. So a 4 out 5 for me, and must buy for anyone who want an ecological game.

In a world filled with in-your-face tutorial, Sapling tutorial teach to basic and then allow the player learn the rest thru trying out all the functions and hover-over information. A serious plus.

The scenarios are both pleasing and challenging puzzles, and as I said before the scenarios teach the player how to use the game thru experimentation over in-your-face hand-holding flood of pop-up tutorials that plague the gaming world. Even once you completed all scenarios, the sandbox is actually challenging and very satisfying despite the fact everything is unlocked. With mutation and time-skip for sand-box, it allow you is more accurate natural selection.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Life Sim Games.

I really love this game, I also love creating creatures to play as, or to just simply observe them evolving! Its fun to see how they would do in the wild trough a simulation. Though, this game is small and all, I’d want to be able to use a brush tool to change moisture and temperature of places, with it automatically changing the color and creating puddles or mud, maybe even a coloring tool to give the ground some color! *With this there should be an option to make the lakes not be automatically created. But also, we should be able to create our own lakes, so we can make a swamp-like environment for our creations to survive in! But really, overall I’d rate this game an 8.5/10 , one of the problems I have is lag, even with a good pc and low settings, probably due to many things moving at once all the time and the crashing. Another issue is the time cap I encountered, everything froze and I could only get past it trough a time skip, which took a whole 7 minutes to be done. But I enjoy this game alot, despite the issues. Hope you guys can develop this game to be one of the best simulation games ever!

Real player with 19.9 hrs in game

The Sapling on Steam

The Day They Came

The Day They Came

So I was really curious about this game, sadly the developer got a little excited and released this game way too early.

The game has no enemies, no options menu, no way to exit the game or instructions.

Once you chop down some trees that fall and then spaz out due to some crazy physics all you can do is access a build menu that let’s you create some walls, steps, floor, door, base and I couldn’t use the floor as a ceiling like it suggested.

The game has at least a 30 minute night cycle making it almost impossible to do anything, much less see.

Real player with 1.2 hrs in game


Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

The Day They Came on Steam

Vortex: The Gateway

Vortex: The Gateway

The Island:

– There are numerous locations on the map to explore and discover, each with its own set of challenges, creatures, and resources to tackle. In fact, if you’re going to build out everything in the game, you’re going to have to do some exploring.


– To me, survival isn’t vastly different than most games in this genre. There is hunger and thirst. Hunt for food (at least five different types discovered so far) and collect water. Yes, the game advertises other survival metrics, but they don’t seem to play a huge role. Stamina is really only about how fast you can cut things down or throw a spear. You’re able to sprint indefinitely. Hot vs Cold (at least in story mode) only seems to apply when walking in fire or in a couple of “cold” locations that you can quickly dip into, get what you need and get out.

Real player with 117.6 hrs in game

This is quite a cool game indeed. first off, anyone comparing a $7.99 B game to an AAA $50 game lacks brains!

For the price this was such a fun game and after 12 hours, I’m still playing survival!

This is typical survival in a forest. when you decide to venture out you’ll find monsters and aliens. Crashed space ships and a Dragon! don’t forget the giant mollisk I’m calling the Kraken…. plus a little more.

The standard game has you trying to escape the island by any means necessary. You’ll have to travel to several places to get what you need to escape. Escaping was actually very gratifying. I started up survival and this is the mode that makes the most use of all the building available (not the story). In survival you have to protect Mike who currently has a broken leg. You’re required to find food and water while he sits his butt there and never moves. I personally like this being added. More difficulty and travelling to do anything puts his life at risk!

Real player with 26.7 hrs in game

Vortex: The Gateway on Steam

Road to Eden

Road to Eden

Played many ‘survival’ games over the years but this, right here, is something else! At first glance its a kinda survival-crafting-base-building-monster-killing game and we’ve all seen those. What sets this apart is the execution. They quality of the scenery is quite stunning and the ingenuity of the game draws you in gently until you don’t realise how how many hours you’ve been playing. The overall feeling of menace never leaves and when something just appears out of the shadows, its all your childhood fears of monsters in the wardrobe reborn. Loads of things to find, craft and build. Guns, ammo, food, tools, building materials, energy panels, its all here, as players of such games as ‘7 Days To Die’ will be familiar. However compared to this, ‘7 Days’ looks like a cartoon and other games are not far off that similar description. Monsters…..monsters are really nasty and although killing a couple that are chasing down a road is easy enough, try doing the same when 40 of them turn up at your base and are kicking down your door….I still get nightmares!. Its not a blood fest and not really graphic in its depictions of violence. its just the kind of fear that we all enjoy, from haunted houses on Halloween to Skydiving at 30, 000 feet. Just don’t be playing this in the dark…with headphones…alone in the house.

Real player with 1585.9 hrs in game

I discovered this gem hidden deep among the list of your usual run of the mill survival games, Until that point I had never heard mention of it sadly.

Its still in the early stages of development but has the feel of a 7days meets miscreated hybrid with some added detail.

The game has been on steam for little over a year and has a single dev but already has an impressive amount of content already, alot more than a good few other survival games i’ve played.

Along with changing weather patterns that dampen your senses there is a range of NPC’s all of which have varying strengths, abilities and a shared dislike for you.

Real player with 1064.9 hrs in game

Road to Eden on Steam

Hostile Planet: Survival

Hostile Planet: Survival


  • Weapons feel great!

  • Great Price

  • Crafting is easy

  • Great early game


  • Crafting is slow…

  • Hunting monsters is pointless

  • It’s a walking/running simulator in it’s current state.

  • Uninteresting map once the initial awe wears off.

  • Resources respawn WAY to fast.

When you first start this, it will play and feel great, but slowly you will realize that this game is just a grinding and walking simulator. Enemies are hostile randomly and usually are too busy attacking each other to bother with you. You can easily beat the entire story in a 4 or 5 hours. The only time enemies seem to pay attention to you is in the caves and indoors when there are only a single type of enemy. Given that this game came out less than 2 weeks ago, I can forgive the poor optimization forcing you to keep settings lower than expected. I know I should lower my expectations since this game is only $7, but I feel like the other reviewers didn’t play the same game I did.

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Hello everyone. I really love wilderness survival games (in this game the wilderness is played by unexplored planets), this game attracted me with its physics of objects, survival system and crafting.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Hostile Planet: Survival on Steam



Welcome to _space_train!

In the not-so-far-distant future, humankind rolls through the stars atop the great, gleaming white tracks of a new age of trains. Trains, in space. _space_train is an online multiplayer social experience, as you work together with others and against antagonists to keep the engines of progress ticking over as they deliver you from station to station. Embark as a simple passenger or take a longer-term role as a member of staff in an asymmetric gaming experience like no other.

_space_train on Steam

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

Empyrion - Galactic Survival

I’ve been playing the game for more than 5 years. I have over 7K hours in game, so I have had fun. Lots actually. But in the last couple years it has morphed from a cool survival game to just another FPS. In space, you can not travel from a warp point to a planet without getting blasted to bits by any one of dozens of hostile dreadnoughts that half the time won’t identify with the scanner. Doesn’t matter if you have shields, kaboom. Most starter planets no longer have the ores to make a proper ship to begin with, and the ores are usually small and on public servers are wiped out by previous player. Its just not fun anymore for me, but if all you want to do is masturbate with your trigger finger then have at it.

Real player with 7577.4 hrs in game

You pay to be a Beta tester for a game that left Early Access a year ago and will technically still be in Alpha in 5 years from today on. And, oh boy, if you do not sacrifice your time to play free bug tester you do not have any right to complain about these bugs.

Technically the idea of the game is great. But the execution is so incredibly subpar and the devs do not seem to have any coherent plan and are operating way outside their scope. They are a 7-people team working in their spare time on a freakin universe. Every normal thinking human should now be totally aware of how long this may take.

Real player with 1557.4 hrs in game

Empyrion - Galactic Survival on Steam



I’ve had this game for a while and honestly it’s the best survival game I’ve played. When I got it, I wasn’t expecting it to have so much detail and such great graphics. My computer is not at all a gaming unit, and it could still run this game and not choke up. The survival aspect is well crafted too. It’s a lot like Minecraft in that when you die, you re-spawn where you last slept. Personally, I love survival games but had a hard time finding one that wasn’t zombie related and really gory. Subnautica was the perfect fit. Plus, it’s an environment that typically isn’t featured in a lot of ‘survival’ type games. It’s different in a great way and I would 100% recommend this game to someone looking for survival game that is amazing without all the apocalyptic factors.

Real player with 313.3 hrs in game

this review is objective all im doing is laying out the facts if i got something wrong tell me


the game is a sci fi exploration horror game about being stranded on an ocean world


quite a bit the game is quick but is very replayable


its story driven with a proper story and plot and quite a bit of lore




lots you have multiple game modes and commands


very lots of unique environments

Real player with 216.5 hrs in game

Subnautica on Steam