Under Domain - Alien Invasion Simulator

Under Domain - Alien Invasion Simulator

This game feels like the creator made a unique and interesting system to play this game but then refuses to teach anyone how to use it. The tutorial even states it’s a LIMITED tutorial and you will learn the more advanced parts of the game with play… except the game play is totally static with no learning curve, so the advanced functions and parts of the game are impossible to reach. At first I figured I was playing the game wrong or just not getting something, but after going to find some kind of guide online (there are none at the time of writing this), or looking at the game’s web page for more information (the game’s page is only a landing page with screen shots, logos, and PR/Sales Hype), and then finally the game reviews/comments that all have the same problem with the game play and then some… I am now pretty sure this game isn’t finished and there are commands and graphics missing to advance the game play. Glad I got this on sale for like $2 since even $6 for this game is over priced as the game currently stands.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Villain Protagonist Games.

The game is really good-looking, definitely an interesting idea. The art, graphics, sound - top notch! And there are a lot of possibilities for further update, which, judging from Antarctica screenshot from “About this game”-section, might be coming (

! I didn’t see a way to build Earth, Moon or ocean bases ).

Basically you play as an alien race that, for a good reason (from their perspective), wants to invade the Earth. And with maximum of 12 decades (from year 1900) and 10 turns per decade you can invade the Earth by 2020 (yep)!

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Under Domain - Alien Invasion Simulator on Steam

UFO Checkers

UFO Checkers

fun free little checkers game

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Family Friendly Games.

I don’t think the UI scales with monitor size because my name was in front of the board so i couldn’t move some pieces

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

UFO Checkers on Steam

Smash Up

Smash Up

If you like the card game you will probaly like this game as well. It is a great “port” and the artwork is beautiful as always. I really hope the developers keep adding expansions. At the moment only the base game and awesome level 9000 are included. Please give me my sharknado!

The AI is pretty good and can be quite challenging to everyone but really experienced players. But it is of course way more fun to play other people and I hope this game grows so you can just queue up for a game.

If a developer randomly reads this I have some suggestions for UI improvements:

Real player with 213.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Zombies Games.

Smash Up is an excellent card game, and the digital version is fun, but imperfect. The bot AI strikes a nice balance between competence and efficiency, leading to challenging but not impossible games without the frustrating wait times for AI pondering that some other games suffer from.

The UI design prioritizes streamlined gameplay over clarity, so it takes some getting used to to understand what’s going on. It also is not a 100% bug-free game. Both of these issues are manageable, but definitely take some getting used to… don’t turn off the Proceed button, make sure to check the log if something happens you don’t understand, keep an eye on the scrolling text at the bottom of the screen, quit+save+restart+continue if a technical glitch occurs, and if all else fails, ask for help in the forums.

Real player with 46.9 hrs in game

Smash Up on Steam

Gaia Project

Gaia Project

I had zero Gaia Project experience before booting this up. I think there’s a marginal learning curve to the UI, but after you run through the tutorial and get a game or so in, it’s totally reasonable.

The AI is also fantastic, really an exceptionally well done AI for a game of this complexity. I have about 15 games under my belt, all on 3-player 8-sector, and Hard AI continues to offer a real challenge (winning scores tend to be in the 160-170 range, whether it’s me or the AI pulling it off). The paths taken to victory also seem quite varied, so it’s not like it’s just programmed to spam Econ4 or something dumb; there’s real complexity going on under the hood. It’s not like every decision is perfect, but I seriously think it’d be difficult to find a better done digital board game AI for a game of this sheer scale.

Real player with 88.7 hrs in game

Honestly I’ve played countless games of Gaia Project IRL, it’s absolutely my favorite TTG, and this digital adaptation is perfectly fine. Yes, there are grammatical errors, but how many of us actually read the EULA to begin with? Oh noes, they forgot the C in Bescods in the achievements! Time to review bomb the game, amirite?

And sure, the UI is “clunky” compared to in-person, but let’s be real here - Gaia Project is probably one of the most complex games most people will ever learn. If you’re taking the time to learn it, you probably have enough smarts in you to get through some menu screens. Upgrade your cognitive navigation track past 1 before you throw your hands up in defeat.

Real player with 49.5 hrs in game

Gaia Project on Steam

Raygun Chess

Raygun Chess

Raygun Chess is a Early Access free VR game that is very bare bones right now. It worked on my HTC Vive system, looked ok, played ok, sounded ok. There are only 6 boards at the time of this review and they are part of the tutorial. The tutorial worked. Nothing else you can play at this time. There is no multiplayer at this time. Sort of interesting take on battle chess.

Not sure how to play the big board with the 4 players. Looked like a tech demo at this time.

Maybe come back to this game sometime Next year.

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

There is a very good reason no-one has come up with a game to take over from chess and that is because chess is the perfect game! But that doesn’t stop ‘Raygun Chess’ from giving it a go. In short, it is chess, but with rayguns. So you have a handful of pieces that move in certain directions and amounts and if they get close enough to an opposing piece they will shoot it down. To be fair the models look good and so does the sparse, but oddly peaceful space setting! But when it comes to gameplay I just couldn’t get into it. The grabbing mechanic of the pieces hardly worked at all and when it did I found that there wasn’t a lot of strategy involved, in fact, you can win all the levels by simply moving your shooters over to the enemy as fast as you can. But hey! Someone might like this and it is at least free, so I will give it the thumbs up with a note that if I could have given it a neutral rating I would have. But it didn’t deserve the thumbs down because it is free after all.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Raygun Chess on Steam

Empires of the Void II

Empires of the Void II

Conquer the galaxy - or befriend it! Empires of the Void II is a beloved board game with deep strategy and a compelling story that you write yourself. This is a digital recreation of that board game, allowing you to play with friends (or strangers) in the same room, or across the world. Choose a race and befriend the native species, or crush them under your merciless heel. The power card deck contains dozens of missions that connect to the deep story underpinning the galactic fringe. Save innocent lives from a gigantic rampaging beast, kidnap the leader of your enemies, or gamble with space pirates. Every playthrough feels unique and interesting. Minimalistic graphics and atmospheric music set the tone without getting in the way. Create your own adventure at the fringe of the galaxy!

Empires of the Void II on Steam

Galaxy Trucker: Extended Edition

Galaxy Trucker: Extended Edition

I’d recommend this game but with a few caveats. I’d encourage the developers to patch it with a couple of things:

Some of the missions are buried in the game in a way that could have just little more convenience built in to finding them. There are even dialogue boxes that say for the player, “I thought I was done with the campaign.” Kind of cute. Mostly irritating.

The more difficult missions, especially the big race, are so difficult that they are likely to be redone. Please don’t make a player click fifty times through the same flavor text every single time the mission is reset. That’s a mid-90s rookie mistake in any game design–like the long cut scene that can’t be skipped. Do it once, give us our laugh, and then let get about the business grinding away at a nearly impossible mission.

Real player with 70.8 hrs in game

Great, great conversion from the board game. This is one of those board games that was looking for the perfect digital adaption and they nailed. I only wish they didn’t TAKE SO LONG to make it playable on my OS, and that my version wasn’t still in the habit of making all my options on the home screen come up with a question “Do you want to quit?”. That is some serious glitch. Every time I come back to the home screen I’m forced to quit the game if I want to do anything because I have to restart it to use any option on the homepage. Other than that the game is free of glitches, and just excellent on every level. I want different musical options too, though I’ll probably not use any of them much. Another expansion would be good too, but the included one still has me busy :)

Real player with 39.6 hrs in game

Galaxy Trucker: Extended Edition on Steam

Space Drone: Rescue Mission

Space Drone: Rescue Mission

This is actually a good little puzzle adventure.

Rooms can get quite difficult as you proceed further into the game.

Also its cheap and entirely worth the modest price being asked.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Ok, this game has taken me by surprise. I was expecting something easy and fast, but this game has some puzzles that forced me to stop and think what am i doing - what isn’t something bad, to the contrary, is extremely good. It gets harder the more you progress, and i still didnt finished it (pretty close to the end tho), but, until now, i having lots of fun with this.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Space Drone: Rescue Mission on Steam



StarForge is a port of the strategy board game where you will take the role of a race in growth: the Terrans, but in the depths of the galaxy, an old enemy emerges from oblivion: the Goo! They are back and seeks dominance over the entire galaxy. Through the choice of tactics, building ships with gradual improvements and conquering worlds to obtain resources, you must stop the spread of the Goo, protect your home planet and the entire galaxy in the process. Help them, you’re their only hope!

Starforge on Steam

Gizmos: Interstellar Voyage

Gizmos: Interstellar Voyage

I own all of the other “Gizmos” titles in the series thus far, and picked this up without hesitation on its release date. If I had to sum up “Gizmos: Interstellar Voyage” in one word.. that word would be: “WOW!”. This has quickly become my favourite griddler game!

What I love about this game:

-the auto-fill feature once a line is completed (this is in all of the “Gizmos” titles, and can be turned off in settings).

-the jigsaw puzzle mini-games (which you can opt to skip.. and if you do skip it then that level becomes another nonogram puzzle instead of a jigsaw puzzle.. meaning you don’t “lose” a level of gameplay).

Real player with 108.8 hrs in game

I liked this game and would recommend it to others.

Real player with 86.9 hrs in game

Gizmos: Interstellar Voyage on Steam