Billion Beat

Billion Beat

I love this game, the world is always in need of more Punch-Out-likes and this scratches every itch it has, and the music is insanely good.

Only thing that could drive people away is how gross the characters look but they grow on you after a while.

The combat is a lot more ‘groovy’ than Punch-Out, more rhythmesque, if you will. Feels more like dancing than it does straight up beating the shit out of someone.

Real player with 131.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Boxing Games.

Billion Beat is great. The visuals and music are on point. The gameplay follows the Punch-Out formula perfectly: time your punches and dodge or counter theirs. If you make a mistake, your character will take a bit to recover and that is more than enough time for your opponent to mess you up, so learn from coach Baby T and DON’T JUST MASH THE BUTTONS!

There’s also a bunch of stuff to keep things fresh like “hype moves”, items and even progression. Successfully landing a regular punch rewards you with a bit of energy and you need that energy to dish out the heavy punishment, so you quickly start to get into this flow of dodging and countering to build up your energy until you can finally let your hands fly.

Real player with 80.7 hrs in game

Billion Beat on Steam

Roarr! The Adventures of Rampage Rex

Roarr! The Adventures of Rampage Rex

Roarr! The Adventures of Rampage Rex isn’t dino-mite at all, and to be fair it’s pretty terrible. The graphics are just ugly, really ugly, It felt they were trying to create that old arcade game feel but it doesn’t do any wonders. And the gameplay gets repetitive really quickly and the controls are just awkward and hard to get used to. And the worst thing about this game is that Horrible music, the music is just agony and not only that it repeats over and over to the point where you feel that your ears are going to bleed. The story is simple and nothing special you play as Sue the T-rex who is woken up by an invading alien race who want to take over the world and it’s up to you to save it, not much to phone home about. Kids might enjoy the game but adults, meh, not so much at all. Rating: 1/10

Real player with 11.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Fighting Games.

This is a great game for the kids as a time waster. It’s even split screen coop if you want to play with them. The buttons are few so it’s easy for them to learn the controls. For $3 normal price / under $1 on sale, it’s worth it if you have kids that like to play.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Roarr! The Adventures of Rampage Rex on Steam

A.R.M.: Absolutely Reliable Machine

A.R.M.: Absolutely Reliable Machine


Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Aliens Singleplayer Games.

I like ARM. It is a fun game, it wasn’t too easy or too difficult, It was challenging but not frustrating, the controls were easy to learn, music was good, and it’s a good-looking game.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

A.R.M.: Absolutely Reliable Machine on Steam

Coffee Crisis

Coffee Crisis

Coffee Crisis:

Oh my God . . . what are we going to do? They have landed! It’s the Smurglian, the Alien race we heard about all over the news yesterday. If our scientists are right, they are here to steal one specific genre of music, heavy metal (which is kind of ok, because I personally prefer a good funky track). They also want to steal our WIFI; how on earth are we going to get our information, or play our favourite game at night? But what gets me the most is that they want to take our entire supply of coffee beans, and THAT, I can neither comprehend nor allow. The only people who can help us to save the world and its coffee beans are the true baristas. The world is plunged into a deep crisis. . . . The Coffee Crisis!

*– [Real player with 7.1 hrs in game](*

Coffee Crisis is a beat 'em up that lacks lots of basics, however it redeems itself with some cool style of old, unfortunately that is not enough…

### Story

It is a silly plot, aliens invade earth to take the best music ever created, Metal and also our coffee. It's up to two baristas to get rid of the menace through an inhuman amount of coffee ingestion.

### Gameplay

It's a simple beat 'em up, though it offers some new ideas to spice up the gameplay, by adding some modifiers that at certain points alter the style of the game by making enemies more powerful or by giving the screen this sensation of an old TV set, among others. The variety of enemies is good, all of them have different attacks, from range to melee attacks, we also have passwords every time we beat a stage so we continue playing later, this makes the game a bit more tolerable. The problem is Coffee Crisis forgets about the basics of pretty much every good beat 'em up.

*– [Real player with 3.8 hrs in game](*


![Crazy Pixel Streaker]( "")

## Crazy Pixel Streaker

Crazy Pixel Streaker is a retro pixel multiplayer co-op arcade survival shooter/brawler where you take part in a pitch invasion during a sporting event and fight off waves of security guards.

It looks like a modest amount of effort went into the game, but I'm not sure why. The graphics are pretty bad, using lazy retro pixel style which is really ugly and a cop-out for developers who can't afford an artist. Gameplay is kind of okay but also kind of tedious, if I was playing a local co-op game I'd probably want to play something like Smash Bros, it's not like this is a game format that the PC is crying out with demand for. I really don't see the point of the game, and $7.50 for a pixel game is insulting, so I don't recommend this at all.

*– [Real player with 38.7 hrs in game](*

Keeping an eye on this game all the way back from when it first appeared on Greenlight, Crazy Pixel Streaker is a pretty good entry in Steam Early Access.

The developers put everything in there that they promised they would do so far. A working online mode, small character customizations with hats that you get from bosses and give you different bonuses, The Party Mode with a cute minigame that is kind of like Rocket League.

All of this however, is just a framework. CPS has the potential of having so much more stuff in it. More stadiums, more crazy weapons and character customization, more mini games that have party game potential….

*– [Real player with 30.4 hrs in game](*


![Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis]( "")

## Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis

What is it?

A pixel art beat'em up where you save Crimson City from an invasion.


Some of the best looking pixel art

Controls work fine

Eaasy to get into

Plenty of funny references



Sound could use some more variety (what is in the game is fine, but variety is the spice of life)


Diffilculty, or rather the lack of it:

While it is fine for a game to start off easy and then gradually tighten the screw like this one does, unfortunately it waits too long to do so.

Upgrades are available pretty early on, making things even easier in the early levels (or playsets as they are called here).

*– [Real player with 7.6 hrs in game](*

I have to say as a long time gamer, I love this game. It evokes a bit of nostalgia from old NES days and offers some really unique looking aesthetics.

It is early access so there are some occasional bugs and glitches but overall it's well worth the buy and I want to see where they take things.

It has lots of playable characters that are unlocked through gameplay (as opposed to how other games do this via DLC) which really adds to my fondness for this game! I love finding secrets and unlocking skills/characters.

*– [Real player with 5.2 hrs in game](*


![UFO vs Bikini]( "")

## UFO vs Bikini

A very unusual game with an original idea. We have to play the role of a UFO, which collects resources on earth, and in very strange proportions and for incomprehensible purposes. The game itself is not difficult and is perfect for a weekend.

*– [Real player with 5.3 hrs in game](*

If you love 2D games, then in general this game is worth paying attention to. The only thing I didn't like was that the price was too high. I think it's worth buying at a discount during the sale.

*– [Real player with 3.5 hrs in game](*


![Aeon Must Die!]( "")

## Aeon Must Die!

I was very excited to play this game. I normally don't buy based on trailers but the art style got me and I think I'm in a great position to write with just over 5 hours in one sitting playing this game. The price is something you can't complain about either. Aeon Must Die was not what I was expecting. I knew it was going to look great and I figured it was going to be like Streets of Rage. I got something a bit more tactical which makes the pacing slower but that's not a bad thing at all for this particular game.

*– [Real player with 36.8 hrs in game](*

Now Before I start would like to say I don't play many fighting games so for me this is game is out of my comfort zone, but I must I say I love it….

Fighting is just makes me feel like a badass plain and simple most other fighting games I've played never really made me feel like I was good because I couldn’t do their 900-button combo, but this is super simple and so much fun...

And there is skill involved you need to know when to parry or when to doge and then you also need to pay attention to whether you’re going to overheat or gone cold. And probably my favourite part is the fact that I can kick 7 shades of shit out of someone then throw them to the side lines at their friend all while yelling get the fuck off my screen

*– [Real player with 4.5 hrs in game](*


![NeoFlux Drift]( "")

## NeoFlux Drift

NeoFlux Drift is a cyberpunk, **couch-multiplayer broadside-battler for up to 4 players.** Enter various arenas filled with hazards to engage in exhilarating, physics-based vehicle-combat with fully customizable game-modes. Unlock diverse pilots, battlecrafts, weapons and abilities to experiment with **thousands of possible loadouts** and find your own playstyle! Survive the mayhem to become the next Drifter or manipulate the battlefield with devastating afterlife-skills.

#### Features

*   **Customize your battlecraft:** Create your unique setup of weapons, abilities, pilots and battlecraft to find your own playstyle.

*   **Take down opponents and survive:** Enter the arena with up to 3 competitors. You can play against your friends or the AI.

*   **Use the environment to your advantage:** Multiple game-changing hazards bring even more mayhem into the arena. Avoid them or use them to your advantage: It's your choice.

*   **Afterlife skills:** When a battlecraft is destroyed it becomes a bomb with remote-detonation. Influence the outcome of the match even after death by blowing up your craft at the right moment.

*   **Earn rewards and medals:** Get evaluated after each match and receive rewards based on your performance.

*   **Unlock new battlecrafts, weapons, abilities and pilots:** Play the co-op-campaign to lead your team to victory, and unlock all parts of the game.

*   **Become the Drifter:** Four pilots but only one will become the Drifter. Do you have what it takes? Grab your keys and get ready for a fresh and action-filled party-multiplayer experience!


![Alien Shooter]( "")

## Alien Shooter

If you want to see my video review about the game, here it is:

Alien Shooter is an isometric indie shooter game, where you have to shoot aliens and stop the invasion from a millitary complex.

One of the most enjoyable thing in the game, is the music. There are not too many tracks, but which they got is awesome. The sounds are not bad, but sadly there are not too many from them, so it can be annoying to listen to the same sounds.

What I definetly should mention about the game, is the gameplay. So, this is an isometric shooter, with different weapons, character upgrades and bonus equipments. These are fine, and also surprising to see, you can upgrade your character. What is even better, there are 2 of them, which have different advantages and disadvantages. Need to mention the difficulty settings, you can play the game on Easy, Medium or Hard. The game has one main mission in general, which contains 10 levels, however the two DLCs has 5-5 levels, one of the DLC adds 3 new monsters and one new music, too. The different monsters have different abilites and also, they can do more damages too. You think, this is not too much, which is right, but this was the first game for an indie developer team, so this is not a bad progress they get. The game itself is troublesome sometimes, because it can be boring after a short amount of time, also the game in general is not easy. I played through the game on Hard, and it was one of the hardest games I played. Also, the game really likes to make fun of the player, and usually it spawns enemies from nothing or behind it. You need to fight insane amount of enemies too, which can make crazy situations. What is even worse, the alien AI is like a moth, which attracted to a lamp and if you are behind a wall, the aliens are just hug that wall and roar at you. Because of these, I would say, this game is not a great to play, however I need to mention the challange factor. Even tho the game can do dirty, it is a challanging game, which if you playthrough, it will be satisfing… until you not see the ending, which is an outro and a High Score screen. One more thing is giving some plus to the gameplay, and this is the secrets. These can give you resources or early weapons, which can help you out too, Also, the weapons are cool, different and they have their own role.

*– [Real player with 13.1 hrs in game](*

Charming little indie game from a small developer. I remember playing a disc copy of this game a good 13 or so years ago, picked it up on Steam for the nostalgia. The game is very simple without too much complexity in any realm, but has enough variety and action to deliver on what it promises.

The campaign has ten levels (essentially nine - the first one just involves entering the facility and learning game mechanics, no enemies). For an experienced player, it will take probably around 90-100 minutes. For anybody new to the franchise or unfamiliar with this kind of game, it will probably last a couple hours. The difficulty curve is very fair, and makes it much more satisfying when you reach that point of slaying giant hordes of aliens. The survival mode has more replayability, but in my opinion is too dependent on luck. A couple of the weapons are guaranteed drops from bosses that come at regular intervals, but about half of the weapons can only drop as random loot from killing enemies. Ammo, implants, armor, and gear all drop randomly as well. This is fine for the early part of the survival, but once you get to the armored enemies you won't last long without speed implants or armor.

*– [Real player with 12.4 hrs in game](*
