Hundred Days - Winemaking Simulator

Hundred Days - Winemaking Simulator

Time Played: 40Hrs

General Thoughts: Cute art, fun but unpolished niche game if you love spreadsheets, expensive for being unfinished


  • Art is cute

  • Choices have consequences and you have to make adjustments every year

  • Each wine has its own personality and quirks to how to create it

  • I like having to make mistakes and suss out which wines have to be made which way

  • I like taking notes and refining my process

  • Chill game and late game is very relaxed

  • Devs are patching and incorporating suggestions

Real player with 60.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Strategy Games.

This game is everything you’re looking for in a wine management sim, with some fatal UI and design flaws that prevent it from being good. It is a highly complex game with a nuanced engine for deciding the quality of your wines - so many variables both plannable and random have to be contended with to make great wine. Even the progression as you get familiar with winemaking and grow your winery and its capacity is interesting. The game introduces you to its mechanisms via a cute little campaign that is enjoyable but unfortunately only does the most basic job of informing you how to work things. And now the flaw…

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

Hundred Days - Winemaking Simulator on Steam

Little Farm

Little Farm

There are far better casual games out there, but this one isn’t bad. It does get particularly repetitive toward the end, when all upgrades are purchased and you’re left just doing the same thing over and over with no variation, but the timed element still keeps you somewhat on your toes. Essentially, it’s your job as the farmer to harvest the appropriate vegetables to send to market, which you do by creating squares on the field that have the same vegetable in each corner. You will also need to deal with several different kind of pests and such along the way. So, not much of a storyline or challenge here, except in the fact that there is a timer that pressures you a bit toward the end, but it is overall quite relaxing. I did get the game in a bundle, and wouldn’t have paid full price, but it is at least worth playing if casual games are something you enjoy at times. Really, it’s basically what I had expected based on the description and screenshots, so I can’t fault it for not being more than that.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Farming Games.

Very funny and kind of addictive matching puzzle game.

It’s easy to play and you’ll learn very fast.

Little Farm have 20 levels, which one with 4 rounds to beat.

You have to take care of your farm and earn money to buy improvements - each one that grants you a new tool or building - to better manage your crops, trucks and water, and deal with bugs, rabbits, crows and raining clouds. You get short comics, bonus levels and oil searching between that levels too.

The game reminds me Triple Town but with different mechanics, and a little of Plants vs. Zombies, because of the progression and shop/upgrade systems. This is very well done in this game too, you’ll want to continue to play to buy that improvements and see them working. But at the very ending it gets boring, because you have to finish the last 5 levels or so, just collecting money but not being able to buy anything more. The only thing that keeps pushing me until the end was the Harvest Mode, unlockable just after finish the entire story mode.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Little Farm on Steam

Fantasy Farming: Orange Season

Fantasy Farming: Orange Season

I played 35 hours of this game in the last 5 days. I’m hooked.

There’s a severe lack of guides and information on some of the game’s aspects but the Developer and the small but loyal community are quick to respond to players' inquiries which is nice to see. There’s also a lot of carry-over knowledge for people like me who have played a lot of farming games.

Hopefully new art gets put into the game soon. The lack of portraits on some characters is a bit disorienting and ruins the immersion.

Music is great and simple. Art style is nice and pleasing. Story is there but needs to be expounded on. The dating aspect is also begging to be updated as, from what the Wiki provides, each candidate only has one romantic heart-event.

Real player with 59.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Dating Sim Games.

The developer was gracious enough to provide players with a demo with which you can play until Summer. I strongly recommend any fan of agricultural/farming games to try this beautiful and enchanting game.

I played the demo and loved the experience, the graphics are beautiful, the farming experience is there and I will add on this as I progress through the seasons.

One important thing I want to underline is that the game is in Early Access, things can and will change so please take that into account before deciding to take the plunge, things such as townspeople story events don’t seem fleshed out yet, we are expecting cooking to be introduced and a major update for the animals. Again, try the demo and ask questions, the developer is like a mother hen on the forums ^^

Real player with 53.5 hrs in game

Fantasy Farming: Orange Season on Steam

Farming Simulator 2011

Farming Simulator 2011

Highly detailed, great fun and hyper realistic farm equipment sim, plant growth is way faster than rw but this makes it great for gameplay. Would be good if settings on crop growth and realisum could be changed but this should be available in upcomming patches. Best part of the sim is the equipment detail, and all the mods and even more detailed equipment available from the OEM.s and forums, And lets face it we should not want to harvest crop for 24 hours on end in rt its all about checking out all the diff types of equipment for 30 to 45 min each, which this sim does amazingly well.

Real player with 156.7 hrs in game

Farming Simulator 2011 to kolejna część popularnej serii symulatorów farmy z detalami odtwarzających najdrobniejsze szczegóły rolniczego rzemiosła. Gra miała premiere 18 pażdziernika 2010. W porównaniu do poprzedniej części

farming simulator 2009 wprowadzonych zostało wiele nowych funkcji oraz poprawek. To, co nie uległo natomiast zmianie to fakt, że ponownie wcielamy się w młodego gospodarza, który krok po kroku poznawać będzie uroki życia rolnika. Naszym zadaniem jest oczywiście uzbieranie środków potrzebnych do stworzenia nowoczesnego gospodarstwa. Zarobki przyniesie nam praca na roli, konieczna więc będzie kultywacja ziemi, robienie zasiewów oraz zbieranie plonów. Miejscowy sklep posiada w swojej ofercie kilkanaście ciągników i kombajnów o różnej wielkości, mocy i efektywności pracy oraz ponad 30 innych maszyn, takich jak pługi, siewniki, prasy, kultywatory, kosiarki czy przyczepy. Dużą nowością jest wprowadzenie do gry hodowli bydła. Zmusza nas to do regularnego karmienia krów, ale dzięki temu otrzymujemy możliwość wzbogacania pól naturalnym nawozem oraz zarabiania na mleku. Przygotowano też ulepszony tryb kariery, w którym rozpoczniemy posiadając jedynie słabo wyposażoną farmę oraz przestarzały sprzęt. Nie musimy zresztą zarządzać naszym gospodarstwem samodzielnie, ponieważ dzięki trybowi multiplayer kilku graczy może się teraz wspólnie opiekować jednym terenem. Dzięki współpracy z korporacją AGCO (właścicielem marki Wendt) udało się autorom wprowadzić do gry licencjonowane traktory i kombajny. Możemy ponadto korzystać z narzędzi firm takich jak Poettinger, Vogel & Noot, Deutz-Fahr, Krone oraz Horsch. Dla początkujących rolników przygotowano długi na kilka misji samouczek. Warto też wspomnieć o realistycznym systemie dnia i nocy oraz zmiennych warunków pogodowych. Dodatkową pomocą są kontrolowane przez komputer pojazdy, które mogą nam asystować w wykonywaniu zadań. Farming Simulator 2011 oferuje wyraźnie lepszą grafikę niż jego poprzednicy. Co ciekawe, silnik gry korzysta z dobrodziejstw systemu fizycznego PhysX. Ponadto, rozbudowane edytory pozwalają na tworzenie i szybką instalację dodatkowych modów. Gra również doczekała się 4 pack dlc dzięki którym gra staje sie owiele ciekawsza .

Real player with 103.7 hrs in game

Farming Simulator 2011 on Steam

Fruit Clicker

Fruit Clicker

Best game of all time!!!!

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game


Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

Fruit Clicker on Steam

Professional Farmer 2014

Professional Farmer 2014

Playing Professional Farmer 2014 since Christmas. Some glitches along the way but with adequate developer response I think. The lack of complete controller mapping and a limited fuel, fertilizer and seed acquisition system are the most negative for me. If I purchase all the fields, I should be able to use every farmhouse, etc. I am Glad I bought Farming Simulator 2013 yesterday when it was on sale for $8.39 as I thought it may be better. I am sure it will be fun but a tour around the map and quick use of some of the equipment gave me a real appreciation of Professional Farmer 2014. FS2013 did have some of the features I wish PF2014 had like thorough controller mapping and more plentiful supply acquisition locations but the lesser equipment/landscape detail, ambiance and immersion quality is immediately apparent.

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game

I have a long history with UIG and in all honesty we both(UIG and me) would admit it has not been a great relationship. I was given pre-release access to this game so that, as I quote from UIG “you will be pleasantly surprised”. Well as I played it….I was pleasantly surprised. You can find a thread labeled ‘CE - This game delivers’ in the profarm forum if you desire more info into all of that. Now with the review.

Technical: Currently at the time of this writing there are about 5 people saying they have bad frame rates. This means this game runs fine for 99% of all buyers. Which when you think about it, is a pretty darn good ratio. No crashes have been reported from what I have seen. From my side of things it has run very well with only some minor technical issues that I would think will be fixed in upcomming patches. These issues include odd and overly bright reflections from the sun at sunrise/set and from headlights. The occasional piece of texture floating a few inches above the ground after plowing (only noticable when you have camera at the right angle. Some controller mapping issues. All in all though no serious techinical glitches or bugs that break gameplay or the fun level.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

Professional Farmer 2014 on Steam

一方灵田 Immortal Life

一方灵田 Immortal Life

Immortal Life is a beautiful single-player management game where you play as a member of a cultivation sect. Fleeing the destruction of your community, you discover a breathtaking valley where a young community welcomes you with open arms. You set yourself to work relentlessly, decided to help your new brothers and sisters make this settlement grow and flourish into a prosperous village.

The path to immortality rests in your heart as much as in your hands

You are tasked with taking care of the crops – but often, people will need a pair of extra hands to collect different kinds of raw materials, hunt more food, or build new facilities.

The more you help your brothers and sisters, the stronger your relationship with them will become – as they open to you, you will get new items, missions, and skills. The valley itself is waiting for you to know it as well – a wonderful place, full of secrets to learn and discover.

Strengthening your bounds with the whole community, and finding happiness in it, is as important to your spiritual growth as successfully managing your village. Focus on the present, on every small step that leads you to your ultimate goal. Enjoy the beauty of your valley, and make it grow through care and hard work.

Will you find your way to immortality in this small paradise?

Key features in the Early Access version

  • Help your brethren in making your new home prosper and flourish. Farm and hunt, learn to trade, build new facilities, and much more!

  • Improve your relationship with other members of your new community to unlock interesting new missions, abilities, and objects.

  • Explore a huge map, a breathtaking valley sculpted in beautiful 2.5D consisting of four areas, and learn all its secrets.

  • Experience life in the valley along the four seasons of the year (Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter), each of them with its own special crops and unique events.

  • Choose freely how to spend your days in the Valley. Find the right balance between reaching your goals as a cultivator and enjoying idyllic country life in this small paradise.

  • Live a long-term adventure to restore the status of a lost clan of soul cultivators and live the Chinese religion and mythology like never before.

Any further questions? Find us on social media!

一方灵田 Immortal Life on Steam

Alchemy Story

Alchemy Story

I was a backer for this game early on, I had high hopes for it back then and if anything my hopes for it now are even higher. Yes it’s early access, so as such it has some minor bugs/glitches and in the beginning you may find yourself wandering aimlessly. But this game is pure relaxation.. and really, isn’t that why most people purchase and play these sorts of games? The art is charming and beyond cute. The characters so far show promise in terms of personality. There’s a lot of things to do, upgrade, brew and purchase considering how early on in development this game still is.

Real player with 40.2 hrs in game

So far I find this game constantly trying to kill me with its overabundance of cuteness. If I had to describe this game, it would be the Arcane magic version of My Time at Portia (Magic instead of Engineering), with the small town aesthetic of Stardew Valley, with a super cute Harvest Moon/Animal Crossing art style. As the game is in early access, this review may not always be up to date, but I’ll update when needed for new viewers.


The inventory system is pretty easy to get used to and best of all no limits to weight or stack, to my knowledge

Real player with 28.6 hrs in game

Alchemy Story on Steam

Farmer’s Dynasty

Farmer’s Dynasty

(EDIT Nov. 28,2019) Well, the game has come to full release for steam! And its pretty close to what I had imagined it would be. Keeping the charm of Redberry while adding to the world around us. The game delivers us the life and farming experience of a small town. There is plenty to do around Redberry. Think you’ll spend all of your time in the field? You’d be wrong. Take a break form the tractor. Grab a coffee. Go fishing. Help a neighbor. Find a wife! Fix a building. Drone racing. And so much more. If you are on steam, there is so much to do, you will get lost for hours. Enjoy and happy farming!

Real player with 404.0 hrs in game

Let’s get this out of the way first. If you want an actual farming simulator, with tons of different brands of machines and implements, ultra realistic soil mechanics, dynamic economy etc. this isn’t it. At first glance, it might look very similar to other farming simulators, and the core mechanics (plow, cultivate, fertilize, sow, harvest) are of course there. However, if you approach it as purely a farming simulator, you will get disappointed and bored due to the shallowness of this aspect of the game.

Real player with 110.6 hrs in game

Farmer's Dynasty on Steam

Gaucho and the Grassland

Gaucho and the Grassland


Living on the grassland can be lonely, but you will always have your companions to watch your back. Cusco (the dog) and Pingo (the horse) will be your sidekicks on every adventure, helping you discover the lands of Gaucho.


The world of Gaucho is full of fantastic places and creatures. You also will need to seek and capture wild animals for resources. You’ll be amazed by the local tales of magical guardians and cursed places, as well as chilled by dangerous mythical creatures and dark caves hiding old mysteries and legendary treasures.


Build your homestead on the grassland as you desire. As a true Gaucho, you can shape your home and your life, acquiring new lands in different biomes and building from the ground up, and in due time, you’ll realize that living on the grasslands can be rewarding and wonderful.

Gaucho and the Grassland on Steam