Our Love Will Grow

Our Love Will Grow

If you’re looking for a farming/dating/life sim you’re better off just investing in one of the many many MANY Harvest Moon or Rune Factory games. You’ll get better game play, more interesting characters/story and a more rewarding experience.

However, if you want a simpler, bare bones Harvest Moon-esque experience, I’d reccomend this game. It pretty much IS Harvest Moon, only much less in depth and with faster progression. It’s fine, it’s just nothing special and at times feels a bit hollow.


Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Crafting Games.

Our Love Will Grow is a fun little Harvest Moon clone that will have you growing crops, buying farm animals, training your dog, marrying a townsgirl, and eventually having a kid. It’s a very minimalistic game, with the time limit being mostly negligible and without there being any seasons in the game. Despite this, it still remains fun. It’s nice upgrading your tools and unlocking new crop seeds you can buy. There is a good bit to explore and you progress through the caves as you get better tools.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Our Love Will Grow on Steam

Pax Romana: Romulus

Pax Romana: Romulus

Hello All, after playing the game for a few hours (44.5hrs) I feel I can give PAX an honest review. The game is in Early Access so content is limited but the story looks promising with many possible directions. Starting off you will struggle managing Energy & Hunger needed to perform actions. I found farming, cooking items into meals, and then selling end product enabled me to build coin to buy animals and other raw materials. Farming isn’t fast and takes time but I was able to grind through it. Early on you will want to focus on mining for Turquoise to then have turquoise crafted into rune stones. These then are used to activate the rune portals to traverse the map between the different towns. Harvest wood/stone in between your crops growing. There were some bugs with different features (crafting recipes/beehives) and the Devs responded fast to resolved them. Feedback on issues and ideas were warmly received. Many games I have played you read from other players how Devs don’t care about it’s community. Locus Ludus does at least hear you an have responded. Is PAX the greatest game you’ll ever play, maybe not. Could it use more content, yes! PAX is a game that won’t give you everything and will make you work for it. It is a struggle to start until you get a better understanding of how things work (Energy/Hunger management). Berry bushes & mushrooms found while you’re out collecting resources (wood/stone) was something i overlooked early on. Due to hunger consumption you might want to save those consumables for when you decide to go out resource collecting. Going into options and turning on “sprint always” might help speed things up as well. You don’t die if energy\hunger depletes, you just walk very slow. I found using hunger items food/potions at your homestead really isn’t needed. Yes, you will move slower but you’ll find farming & tending animals takes time which wastes\burns your hunger meter. Once your established you can then consume meals\wine you craft as you feel the need but always make sure to buy enough seeds or regents prior to the next harvest. Also, be sure to take into consideration the cost of materials versus the profit of the finished product. It’s not worth buying\growing something that gives 4 gold profit if something else that you can grow/craft gives you 14 gold profit. My basic strategy in playing is like so. Plant crops & manage animals, collect (Wood/stone), harvest crops you grow, craft items (Cook food from grown crops, craft wine & cloth, smelt ingots, collect honey), sell end product. After completing the stories quest chain sadly there is little left to do. I’m grinding out the achievements but past that I’m just waiting for more content, At it’s current state I would give PAX a 7 out of 10. PAX does have potential to grow into a really good game if the Devs stick with it.

Real player with 46.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Singleplayer Games.

I really like the concept of this game and I think it can grow to become great. But the risk/reward aspect is broken. More importantly, the effort/reward aspect is broken. The game has a lot of potential. There are a lot of unnecessary actions/clicks forced on the player due to the limitations of gamemaker. This game does not reward ANY of the standard gamer types - Highly impatient, Impatient, Easy going, Lazy, Lazy as Fk. These types of games will succeed only if the game rewards all the gamer types in some way. It is possible to pull off but requires a lot of thought.

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Pax Romana: Romulus on Steam

World’s Dawn

World’s Dawn

Put on a bikini top and went outside and everyone found it offensive!

At one time i got bored and i was like fakku with the clothes and went on outside with the bikini top on a hot day and everyone was like uhhhh looks like you got wrong side of the bed today! man that was funny in the game! the game surprises you with so many bits at unexpected times.

Now to the overall review: first of all i’d like to say that I have not played stardew valley, I heard its quite simillar to this so i cannot do a comparision. But with the time i had with the game it was pretty amazing and enjoyable. It’s very casual but you are under the clock so it’s half time management and half farming simulator. The story is about you who come from nowhere with a cute doggie, a man named paxel (a very harsh NPC). He brings you to a very beautiful village for a new start. The village has a rough history where there’s no rain and no crops can grow, with the power of appeasing the guardian deities of the village, it’s your job to restore the village and bring back the villages who left.

Real player with 58.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Life Sim Games.

Now that I have completed the first year of this game and effectively achieved the “ending”, I feel as though I’m qualified enough to write a comprehensive review. So, I’ll start with the pros and cons.


⚘ Cute, homey pixel art befitting of a down-to-Earth farming game such as this one. Dynamic and detailed scenery that changes based on season and time of day.

⚘ Plenty of diverse characters to make the town feel alive.

⚘ Many upgrades and secrets to be had in this game. House, barn, and tool upgrades to make your life a lot easier. Secrets that can enhance your experience and provide you with new information about the world.

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

World's Dawn on Steam

Melting Hearts: Our Love Will Grow 2

Melting Hearts: Our Love Will Grow 2

I am past day 200 in the game I am over half way, because I have 3 stars out of six, the game may start out slow when you don’t know what to do next, just talk to each person and you will find the way to each step so far I have a B&B getting my 4th renter on my farm, also make sure the animals are fed even though they demand such high quality stuff. I didn’t feed the goat and it slowed down my progress in the game- the more you play the better it gets and its adorable and it is alot like Our love will grow 1 but with a twist - there are not alot of people here but I know them all by name- they all give clues for each step of the way- its another adorable game by John Wizard for 3.99 its worth alot more as far as creative game play- its better than the 12.99 Worlds Dawn- if John Wizard puts out more games like this even with a bigger price tag- its worth 15. compared to other game you pay more and get less- I will buy his games again! Very well designed- interesting and so addictive- Don’t even listen to anyone who has not really played the game- they gave up way to soon- 6 hours into the game is to soon! I finished our love will grow-1 and this one is just as good!

Real player with 56.2 hrs in game

I didn’t mind the first “Our Love Will Grow” title or the second, but the sequel definitely has more to it. I think that repetition in farming games is inevitable, but that this series suffers from it being mind-numbing. I finished this game because I felt like it would be easy to do, and since it wouldn’t be difficult mechanically to complete the game, I felt as though I had an obligation to do it. I would describe this game as okay. I really like the party mechanic in the series–it’s a nice take on the events you see in other farming games, but the themes are varied. I would have liked a log of some sort to keep track of quests, and a repeating party schedule (I think there is one you have to attend for an achievement that I missed and didn’t realize til way later). Otherwise, it seems as though the game’s story exists in a kind of limbo: everything is triggered by your actions rather than there being a need to complete certain things by a certain time.

Real player with 27.0 hrs in game

Melting Hearts: Our Love Will Grow 2 on Steam

Peaceful Days

Peaceful Days

I received this game as an Early Access test; through constant contact with the developer Nhat we were able to bring the game to a stable condition. Been playing this game for several months now with nearly 200 or so hours into the game, each new update brought a new surprise.

The game is full of cute sprites and loveable characters to get to know, each one has there own unique personality and styles. With a nod to Harvest Moon this game is a step in the right direction on being a unique experience, this game is NOTHING like Stardew Valley. While contacting Nhat we made sure to stray away from Stardew Valley as much as possible while taking into account the experiences of other players and hardcore Harvest Moon vets/fans.

Real player with 185.7 hrs in game

Well, I don’t usually do any game analysis, but I was so anxious for this game itself that it deserves a positive analysis. I loved it, the quests and minigames. I loved the idea of ​​having puzzles in the mine, even though I was very slow to understand what I had to do. And the characters are cute, there will still be heart events and I’m looking forward to it. Despite just having festivals in the spring and the first festival being a little too complicated for me, I liked them. And I look forward to the other festivals in the other seasons. I didn’t bother so much with the controls, but it is clear that for those who do not see the settings of the control will be very lost. And I loved the developer always responding when I reported a bug or had an idea that would help gameplay better. The map that used to leave me lost and without knowing which character I had to deliver, is now better. The game is still in development but I had a lot of fun playing it, I remembered a lot of harvest moon and stardew valley, but this game has its unique qualities and differences compared to HM and stardew valley. There are still bugs in this game but I believe that with the help of the players, over time there will be no more. And I’m looking forward to seeing where this game is headed. And I’m Brazilian so if something was written wrong, I’m sorry XD

Real player with 107.1 hrs in game

Peaceful Days on Steam

Killer Gin

Killer Gin

a few minor bugs so far, but that is expected of course. worth a buy

Real player with 96.4 hrs in game

One thing is for certain : This game has the most features I’ve seen implemented in a RPGmaker game both in and out of combat.

Real player with 45.0 hrs in game

Killer Gin on Steam

De’Vine: World of Shadows

De’Vine: World of Shadows

I definitely recommend this game. The developer is friendly, engages with players, listens to suggestions and is really invested in the game, releasing new features and fixing bugs.

The story is very short, you can complete it in a few hours. However, the sidequests and additional content the game provides will give you hours of enjoyment. Although I have to admit that I felt somewhat disappointed with the story, not because it was bad, but because of how short it was, it left me wanting to know more about the lore and what’s going to happen next. On the other hand, that’s good on its own way, I’m looking forward to next installment in the series.

Real player with 303.2 hrs in game

De’Vine is a great game, it was an unique experience playing a RPG Maker game that is open world (and the world is HUGE). I really liked the story, it’s well balanced in the dark and light themes. The developer is also very responsive, he answered a lot of my questions and fixed some minor bugs I reported really quick.

It has countless features: extensive card game, survival features, crafting, farming, MANY side quests, a lot of recruitable characters, and many others. Of the many features this game have, I loved the card game. The card game is amazing, a lot of strategies to use and a lot of cards to collect. The essence aspect of the card game is also very interesting, specially for Pokemon fans. It’s like a mix between Pokemon and Yugioh.

Real player with 91.5 hrs in game

De'Vine: World of Shadows on Steam

Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation

Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation

I enjoy growing fish and filling orders. Looking forward to addition of plants because the noise levels for equipment is too high. Much equipment is just not useful at all because the noise level. I have never used the breeding. I attempted once, but did not understand it. I did not like the public fishing feature; just not as satisfying as filling orders given the time it takes to grow them. I use the AUTO HARVEST feature at level 4 and the employees do all the work. That said, the equipment breaks down way too much, and at times a filter, etc would remain in a non working state for so long I had to sell and replace the item. And that said, I have played this game about 100 hours and really enjoy growing fish and filling orders… PS Arwana are very big fish, but seem to weigh as much as any other fish when grown….

Real player with 312.8 hrs in game

I reccommend this game though I would say know what you’re getting into. This is a great little management game but it is early access and so it’s a little light on content. It can be slow/repetitive at times.

That being said, I get alot of enjoyment from Aquaculture Land. There is something really satisfying to the structure of the gameplay and I like how in depth the needs of the fish are. Out of my library this is the game I complete for a while, then find myself thinking of a few months later and jumping back on to play. I get just as much enjoyment out of it as my first playthrough. It’s very relaxing but there’s an element of planning, upgrading and designing your layouts, even though it has a chill feel to it. I dabble with alot of early access stuff and some of it can be a bit disappointing, or sometimes I feel I back a game too early for proper enjoyment personally, or sometimes the control scheme is way off what I expected and the controls don’t mesh well with me. But this one I really feel is a gem in the rough and I am very happy with it. I’m trying to think if I’ve encountered any bugs since I bought it but it’s surprisingly polished so it’s been quite a smooth experience for me personally. The main downside is it can be a bit grindy.

Real player with 35.6 hrs in game

Aquaculture Land: Fish Farming Simulation on Steam

Farm Dungeons

Farm Dungeons

Farm Dungeons was a fun experience. At a glance, it appears to be another piece of rpgmaker shovelware, but it further investigation will show that this game has time and effort put into it.

For years, I thought that a dungeon-crawling farm simulator would be amazing! The closest I have found to such a game is the Rune Factory series, which is really fantastic, but not quite what I have searched for. When I found this game, I decided to give it a shot.


  • The Dungeon is well balanced and fun to explore.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Short and sweet Indie made with RPG Maker MV -

There’s farming, cooking, pets, and item crafting (through merchants) and repeatable bosses which is a nice spin on the traditional JRPG fare.

Bonus points for allowing The Dog to not only join the party, but lead it (if you put them first in the roster). You will gain multiple party members and can swap them at the beginning of a round without sacrificing an action; combined with auto battle (basic attacks only) this meant a minimal grind while also making the back benchers relevant to buff or debuff.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Farm Dungeons on Steam