Behind the Horizon

Behind the Horizon

I’ve been enjoying this game a lot. It has quests, farming, animals, magic, crafting etc. You get to explore a pretty big world and meet the villagers. The scenery is very pretty and it has seasons. It is a very unique game. The developer has answered questions, taken in feedback and suggestions and fixed bugs rather quickly. I am very satisfied with my purchase and would recommend this to anyone.

Real player with 226.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture RPG Games.

This is a great game.. The developer is VERY responsive and open to new ideas. and they any fix issues quickly.

Its a farming game BUT don’t expect Stardew Valley, although it has a somewhat similar loop. IE farming, explore ect, although with a “Nature” theme..

Progression can be slow at times, but blossoms after chapter 1..

Make sure you read the help F1 as it explains your tools. Use the MAP.. to keep track of possible resources.

Real player with 102.9 hrs in game

Behind the Horizon on Steam

Lifeflame Compendium

Lifeflame Compendium

Lifeflame Compendium is a WarBreedFarm RPG. These 3 main aspects of the game co-exist in an equilibrium that revolves around Lifeflame.

Lifeflame is a resource that enables entities to live, and is therefore the main driver for all creatures that want to stay alive. Players and NPCs alike gain Lifeflame by eating and drinking, herbivores start by foraging while carnivores must rely on hunting.

Both plants and animals age and then breed, passing on their traits to their descendants and giving way for the next generation.

With time, farming becomes the most efficient way to produce food, and together with crafting, civilization begins to develop to more advanced stages.

Prosperity, however, always precedes times of war, especially when resources grow plenty on one side and scarce on the other, giving rise to great clashes of swords and magic.

You will come to life onto this interconnected world, learn how to harness its resources and thrive in moments of peace, war, passion, mystery, adventure and romance!

Read More: Best Agriculture RPG Games.

Lifeflame Compendium on Steam

Roots of Pacha

Roots of Pacha

Add Roots of Pacha to your wishlist!

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Be a part of a thriving stone age community. Discover “ideas,” domesticate crops, befriend animals, and contribute to the growth of your village. Play with friends in co-op or explore the early days of civilization in single-player.

Discover, gather, and farm vegetables and herbs. Explore the surrounding wilderness to find animals to befriend and domesticate; fish the shallow and deep waters to see what lies in their depths; and mine the darkest caves filled with mysteries and secret powers.

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Begin your journey of discovery as you develop the tools and ideas that reshaped the primitive world. Learn to process and preserve food (meat, vegetarian, and vegan options), begin metalworking, create beautiful pottery and art, unlock your clan’s spirituality, and invent new buildings to expand your village any way you want.

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A tight-knit community of people will ensure your village’s survival, each with their own fears and dreams. Develop friendships and overcome hardships together. Grow your village by inviting people from other clans to live with you. Participate in primitive festivals and rituals to Pacha, mother nature, and her elements. And when the time comes, find your true love ❤.

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Customize your character’s appearance with the best cosmetics the stone age has to offer. When you’re done working on your face, work on creating the most amazing farm around. Don’t stop there! Design, place, and decorate your own unique home to return to after a hard day’s work.

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The game was developed from scratch with multiplayer support in mind. Live together with friends and share your talents and resources to help the clan evolve. Ride your favorite animals together. Compete in fishing, have fun at festivals, and participate in milestone multiplayer cutscenes.

Read More: Best Agriculture Life Sim Games.

Roots of Pacha on Steam

STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town

STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town

I will say this~ As a die-hard HM weeb

With only 40hrs put into this game and only on “Autumn” Xseed has done a fine job with keeping the Harvest Moon franchise alive and ongoing. I love that they keep some of the same elements from the earlier games.

Pros: The graphics are beautiful and the characters are way better than Xseeds “SOS” where everyone looks the same. You have more personality with these new characters and they’re all so bubbly and cheerful and have their own unique dialogues. I do hope in the future that MORE Harvest Moon games will be coming out on the pc as I lack a newer Switch. Thanks for catering to the PC master race Xseed. Natsume has lost me in its very weak and un-immersive graphics. The animals are adorable everything about this game is amazingly fun and there’s so much to do the repetitiveness does not get “boring” or “old” It feels fresh every time you do something even if it is the same thing over and over again. All the villagers literally like everything so finding an item to give them daily is not hard. You even have CUSTOMIZATION to your main character. This is by far the best I have seen and ever played from Harvest moon when it comes to that. The outfits are so pretty too and don’t even get me started with the animations when farming. They’re on the peak.

Real player with 130.3 hrs in game

As much as it pains me, this is probably the first Story of Seasons title that I have to honestly say I cannot recommend.

There are some cute things about it, and some of the heart of the series is there, buried way way down in there, but honestly this feels like Story of Seasons is trying too hard to take My Time at Portia elements and falling so flat on it’s face that it tumbles right over a cliff.

First and foremost the balancing in the game is atrocious. Day 2 of Winter Year 1 and I had already beat the town development “main” story. Winter 23 of Year 1 and I was married to the bachelor of my choice. The only major story milestone left for me is to have the kid (which I have read ahead is an adoption thing regardless of hetero marriage status or not and that moderately irks me). After that it’s just little completionism, which at the rate I smashed through them in year 1 I don’t expect will take longer than the last Year 3 achievement.

Real player with 117.1 hrs in game

STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town on Steam

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition

I really love this game. It’s very cute without being cutesy most of the time and has an engaging story line.

The game is very reminiscent of Stardew Valley but with enough differences to be worth owning both.

I absolutely LOVE the farming mechanism, which allows for crops to MUTATE depending on chance, terrain type, and time of year as well as mutation boosting agents. It’s a very, very clever addition to a farming simulator and one I’ve never seen before. I also really love how the seasonal planting works, because unlike many other games, if you plant crops in the wrong season, they DO NOT die immediately. Actually, with enough care, fertilizer, and luck, you can grow any crop in any season. And as annoying as I find it sometimes, crops randomly DO wither and die on you, especially if you aren’t taking good care of them, which is aggravating when it happens but also a really nice touch. (My family grows food and our plants do not all suddenly wither at once with the change of season).

Real player with 120.3 hrs in game

I liked this game, but the reason I said I would not recommend it is largely because of a few small frustrating aspects of it, that I think add up to it just not being worth quite as much as $20. I’d value it at $8 maybe. The things I mean by frustrations:

  • I had to look up how to use Soleil, and guess what, if you’re playing the PC version of the game, you can’t! You have to play multiplayer with a console and 2 controllers for that. Stupid.

  • The controls are not that well explained inside the game. It took me forever to figure out how to actually use upgraded tools. All they tell you is “hold the Action button”, but that’s not what you actually have to do. What you actually have to do, that the game doesn’t tell you, is hold the action button and drag it across the squares you want to use it on. It was a pain in the ass to learn that bc like I said, the in-game exposition wasn’t adequate.

Real player with 95.1 hrs in game

Harvest Moon: Light of Hope Special Edition on Steam

Song Of The Prairie / 牧野之歌

Song Of The Prairie / 牧野之歌

“Song of Prairie” is a farm simulation game. Farms, stories, exploration, and DIY are all things you can experience on this free and magical land.

There won’t be any restrictions on your behaviors in this land. What kind of life you experience depends entirely on you. Take action, this land is waiting for your exploration and construction.

Be the mayor!

By chance, you came to this town and unexpectedly became the mayor of it. As the new mayor, will you start a new life on this land, playing as a respectable mayor, or becoming an indifferent mayor? It will all depend on you, remember that it will all be your story.

Free pastoral life

There is a lot of content on this magical land waiting for you, clear streams, gorgeous wild flowers, interesting life and magical cows and sheep strolling comfortably on the grass.

Here you can enjoy a simple life of farming, clearing land, breeding animals, and fishing. You can also vigorously construct the town, recruit more people to join the town, build buildings and decorate the town. You can also experience the bonds with the residents, solve their troubles, listen to their past, and even establish an extraordinary relationship with the residents. And the exploration of unknown areas…

No matter what kind of life you choose, please enjoy the surprises this land brings to you!

●Free cultivation.You can grow more than 40 kinds of fruits and vegetables in different seasons freely. The growth rate of the plants depends on how good you take care of the plants. The plants that are carefully cultivated will grow faster, and the rain will also boost the growth of the plants.

●Fun and magical animals.Many magical animals live on this land, such as cows who grow stripes of the fruits after eating them, and even produce milk with certain fruit flavor. Moreover, riding animals that are close to you can also unlock interesting abilities of animals to help us on cultivation.

●DIY fun.You can customize the look of your character, match your favorite clothes at will, freely choose and change your favorite profession, and create a unique character.

●Construction and destruction.Lay out public facilities, change architectural styles, build farms, and destroy scene content. Experience the development of the town and feel the joy of infrastructure construction.

●Love and marriage. Try to make friends with the residents of the town. Each resident has different personalities and skills. You can get to know some of them better by dating, unlocking personal stories, or through heart-to-heart communication. When the residents have enough affection for you, they may fall in love with you or even get married, and the other half can accompany us to work together and interact with.

Song Of The Prairie / 牧野之歌 on Steam

Wild Season

Wild Season

Played the game enough to get to the end of the first episode, the devs have their priorities way out of order, coupled with the fact that they clearly bit off more than they could chew, and you have Wild Season. The game we’ve all been waiting for. I found myself waking up, watering plants, then going to sleep until the next day, rinse and repeat. There’s really nothing else to it than that, sure you can go mining (the levels on the mine repeat themselves occasionally, including all the crap you left on the floor) but you cant use the ores to make anything like in HM games, you just sell them for next to nothing, better off spending money farming. Animals are broken, you can buy a chicken, and yes it will eventually lay eggs after it’s happy, but you can’t incubate the eggs, they disappear the next day, so if you want multiple chickens you have to keep buying more, which is against the point to begin with, you would never see your money back from that.

Real player with 37.0 hrs in game


| Disclaimer: A key was provided for me to beta test the game and write an honest review |


I would like to apologize for my previous review, to those who aren’t satisfied with it and to those who doesn’t agree to what I wrote. After spending more time with this game, and figuring out a few stuffs, including how the save system works I’ve decided to revise my review, and hopefully this will correct my previous mistakes.

  • Plot – The story starts slow, it does take time before you see how it unfolds. The first part is quite too long for an introduction, you’ll be reading many dialogue lines before you could get your hands on the game and start playing. You can see notification on the right that you have completed a quest, but there is no actual UI that shows what your quest was or what your current one is. But there is a journal that shows your progress instead. So far as I’ve noticed, there is an event or happening at least once each day. So other than taking care of your farm, you’ll have something to look forward to the next day.

Real player with 6.2 hrs in game

Wild Season on Steam

Moonlight In Garland

Moonlight In Garland

Moonlight in Garland is a cozy, open-ended, life-sim that sees you making a life in the bustling metropolis of Garland. Find an apartment and make it perfectly yours, befriend your neighbours, grow your garden, solve community problems and experience all the weirdly wonderful stuff that city living offers.

Of course, city life isn’t all farmers markets and fancy coffee. Will you step in to stop the heritage building from being torn down and preserve a piece of history? Build a sense of community so more residents will stick around? Figure out which Jerk is stealing packages from the mail room? Be swept up in a whirlwind romance along the way?

Find your feet, make a positive impact and live your best life in Garland!

  • Move in! - Each apartment has unique challenges and community projects. (1/4 buildings currently available)

  • Explore the city! - Complete 6 mini welcome quests over 5 suburbs.

  • Daily tasks - Run errands, recycle trash and clean up graffiti.

  • Find friends or romance - 22 NPCs with 2 full friendship levels of dialogue.

  • Friendship events - Deepen your relationships with narrative cutscenes and mini quests. (2 currently available)

  • Building Upgrades - Cedar Court Lobby upgrade currently available.

  • Gardening - Get your green thumb ready!

  • Animal Photos - Take photos of local wildlife for your diary, that seagull is just walking around like he owns the place.

  • Manage your time and energy - Keep an eye on your physical and mental energy to make sure you can hit your goals.

  • Character customization - Be yourself or someone else!

  • Also… - Shop, clean up the city, and lots more.

And coming soon… Part time jobs, mini games, marriage, crafting, calendar events, more apartment and garden upgrades, mysteries, and more!

A solo dev project by Violet.

Moonlight In Garland on Steam

Fantasy Farming: Orange Season

Fantasy Farming: Orange Season

I played 35 hours of this game in the last 5 days. I’m hooked.

There’s a severe lack of guides and information on some of the game’s aspects but the Developer and the small but loyal community are quick to respond to players' inquiries which is nice to see. There’s also a lot of carry-over knowledge for people like me who have played a lot of farming games.

Hopefully new art gets put into the game soon. The lack of portraits on some characters is a bit disorienting and ruins the immersion.

Music is great and simple. Art style is nice and pleasing. Story is there but needs to be expounded on. The dating aspect is also begging to be updated as, from what the Wiki provides, each candidate only has one romantic heart-event.

Real player with 59.1 hrs in game

The developer was gracious enough to provide players with a demo with which you can play until Summer. I strongly recommend any fan of agricultural/farming games to try this beautiful and enchanting game.

I played the demo and loved the experience, the graphics are beautiful, the farming experience is there and I will add on this as I progress through the seasons.

One important thing I want to underline is that the game is in Early Access, things can and will change so please take that into account before deciding to take the plunge, things such as townspeople story events don’t seem fleshed out yet, we are expecting cooking to be introduced and a major update for the animals. Again, try the demo and ask questions, the developer is like a mother hen on the forums ^^

Real player with 53.5 hrs in game

Fantasy Farming: Orange Season on Steam

World’s Dawn

World’s Dawn

Put on a bikini top and went outside and everyone found it offensive!

At one time i got bored and i was like fakku with the clothes and went on outside with the bikini top on a hot day and everyone was like uhhhh looks like you got wrong side of the bed today! man that was funny in the game! the game surprises you with so many bits at unexpected times.

Now to the overall review: first of all i’d like to say that I have not played stardew valley, I heard its quite simillar to this so i cannot do a comparision. But with the time i had with the game it was pretty amazing and enjoyable. It’s very casual but you are under the clock so it’s half time management and half farming simulator. The story is about you who come from nowhere with a cute doggie, a man named paxel (a very harsh NPC). He brings you to a very beautiful village for a new start. The village has a rough history where there’s no rain and no crops can grow, with the power of appeasing the guardian deities of the village, it’s your job to restore the village and bring back the villages who left.

Real player with 58.0 hrs in game

Now that I have completed the first year of this game and effectively achieved the “ending”, I feel as though I’m qualified enough to write a comprehensive review. So, I’ll start with the pros and cons.


⚘ Cute, homey pixel art befitting of a down-to-Earth farming game such as this one. Dynamic and detailed scenery that changes based on season and time of day.

⚘ Plenty of diverse characters to make the town feel alive.

⚘ Many upgrades and secrets to be had in this game. House, barn, and tool upgrades to make your life a lot easier. Secrets that can enhance your experience and provide you with new information about the world.

Real player with 42.8 hrs in game

World's Dawn on Steam