

HECK YEAH - I got an offer letter for college! It’s not Harvard or anything, but it’s still something…

HUH!?? This place is NOT like what I’d imagined! My professor just gave me a couple of quick lectures - like some kind of in-game tutorial for noobs - and then ran off! Leaving ME to take care of his creepy-looking animals. Actually… I’m not even sure if these are even animals at all? Professor called them ‘Fantamals’. Am I in some kind of Farm-sim Valley?

WHAT?! Someone stepped up to me while I was out shopping, and is challenging me to a Fantamal fight! He keeps his one in a weird bottle…

That’s right - Professor gave me one of those bottles too when he gave me the Fantamal. Guess I should’ve paid attention during that tutorial instead of just clicking through…

Ok then - I Got It! Let’s Fight!

[Game Introduction]

Inspired by farm-sim and monster-collecting games, you will collect different Fantamals and train them up, learning about their combat potential to earn credits at college. Explore the universe to learn about and unlock different Fantamals in different towns.

[Game Features]

  • Collect* produce from Fantamals in your very own research ranch.

  • Produce farm goods using different machines and cookware.

  • Deliver* goods to customers and fulfil orders.

  • Tame* Fantamals in the wild and train them up, or place them in your ranch for production.

  • Learn* about Fantamals, earn college credits and unlock loads of great prizes!

  • Meet* NPCs, make friends and battle against them!

Read More: Best Agriculture RPG Games.

Fantamal on Steam

My Free Farm

My Free Farm

Simply it’s A Pay to Win Game.

Real player with 242.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Free to Play Games.

Dont bother! Its a pay to win. Everything useful costs good money to buy or get this to even use. At level ten they take away tons of things that make this game cool then you have to buy a “premium” account. You have hundreds of plots and animals to feed one at a time after that more then one per animal too. The in game player market dont move at all and you pay to put something up for someone else to buy only for seconds later someone else putting a stack of 50,000 one cent cheaper then you and bam you now wasted your money(which isnt easy to come by). I have been playing for a month now and have a thousands bucks to spare right now. The only income other then the players market is customers which you get a few a WHOLE day. You can pay to get more like 1000 in game money to get a huge 2 more a day which is only gonna get you to about 200 per customer. Also with real money you have a few more options for more customers. This game has balance issues. It also has things you are to get for reaching a higher level well it says you get but never do. I see some of these later game things costs thousands and thousands of crops. Just think about the endless single harvest and watering clicking. The in game help could use some help too. There is things in the game it dont explain and trying to get a answer on the forums or discord is met with spams of “I need friends”. Yes friends which I cant see for what purpose in this browser game.

Real player with 73.9 hrs in game

My Free Farm on Steam

The Islander: Town Architect

The Islander: Town Architect

I bought his game because of the beautiful pixel graphics not expecting some suprisingly assortment of prop decorations you can place in the game. To my suprise this game caught me off guard being the must laidback casual sandbox city builder steam has on their games list. It has become one of my favorite games. The only thing i would say bad about it is I hope the devs and makers of the game read the comments that additional content would be excellent as this game has a lot of potential! The great part of this game is its your own pace, dont worry about stressing out about anything “expiring” or “collecting” in time, just sit back, relax and enjoy the beautiful feeling of a stardew valley/sim farm game remixed :D

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Building Games.

Tentatively I would recommend. If you can get it on sale for like 90% off. Firstly, It suffers from a lack of design options and no way to import your own. Secondly, I get frustrated by the day/night cycle. I’ll be in the middle of a design for my island and it turns night and on my monitor that means I can’t see anything that is not lit with the in game lighting options, and I was unable to find any way to stop time so I could complete my design without the night interrupting me. Third, the island cannot be expanded, so space is severely limited. And finally, a couple of the achievements are tricky because they only count sometimes. I was only able to get them be deleting my saves, which should not be a thing. Seriously.

Real player with 23.1 hrs in game

The Islander: Town Architect on Steam

Farm Life: Natures Adventure

Farm Life: Natures Adventure

Poorly optimised android port and/or an unfinished port. But as not in early access approach this as a full game.

Way too buggy, including game ending faults at the moment. Not sure the game will contain enough levels to even compete within the genre with the gameplay coming across as cookie cutter. The engine feels clunky and delayed.

The fun of the game is not coming from challenge or story for me.

The tutorial shouldn’t even exist as it explains the easier sections of the game, then does not even touch on the more complex areas and the help files aren’t helpful.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Veeeeery clunky controls and game breaking bugs. The first time the game hicked up completely, couldn’t even get past entering all the data for creating the farm. On the second save I bought a milktool by accident and every NPC now says “Thanks for buying that.”, rendering me unable to purchase anything. I also have one strawberry seed I can plant endlessly. Developer, try harder please.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Farm Life: Natures Adventure on Steam

Cave Confectioner

Cave Confectioner

This product was provided for free to review by a friend of a friend.

The game initially reminded me of the classic Kings Quest game on the Apple II. You wander around a bit looking for the next thing to pick up. Kind of just wandering and clicking around with very little direction, but there are some occasional tips by talking to the characters. It was probably inspired at least some by MineCraft, since the player starts with nothing and has to pick up items and then use them with other items in inventory or objects on the ground to try to get make else. It also has similarities to One Hour One Life. There’s a lot of experimentation required to get anything going.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

The game seems really nice, and I like the concept a lot. Thing is, I am having some issues with saving. However, as far as I understand the game is early in development and possibly being made by one person so issues like these are understandable. Can’t wait for future updates!

P.S A little help with saving would be much appreciated! :D

Edit: Save function in now working. Also, the controls are fine, that was a mistake on my part. Big thanks to the developer for the fast fix and the kindness!

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Cave Confectioner on Steam

The Kingdom of Gardenia

The Kingdom of Gardenia

This game is fast becoming my oppertunity for escapism every eveningafter my little one goes to bed! there are mysteries and puzzles to solve like the caves and the meadow along with gardening and landscaping similar to Garden Inc and Ranch Rush. I love all the different characters in the game and trying to figure out their likes and dislikes too alongside an intriguing story line in the game. I really enjoyed how to make different foods with different ingredients and the variety of plants and trees are so colourful and bright. I was really impressed in how fluid the main character moves around the various screens and interacts with different objects easily with really easy controls to use in the game. overall a really great game!

Real player with 62.0 hrs in game

This game is so cute! It took me a little while to figure out what to do but once the visitors started arriving I really got into it. I enjoyed talking to them, plantign flowers and trees for them and cooking their favourite food, would definitely recommend to people who enjoy games like Animal Crossing and Stardew Valley.

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

The Kingdom of Gardenia on Steam

Toast Time

Toast Time

Great game, clearly made for mobile, but nonetheless it delivers a nice challenge (if not better even) with the mouse controls. The controls take time to get used to, yes - it’s just one button, but when I say controls I actually mean controlling your movement around the screen, since it can get hazardous really fast really quick.

The game is all sweet and cuddly right up until Survival mode - this is when shit hits the fan. It’s so difficult that the developer didn’t even bother coding a proper ending for it (comes up with a file error a few times, no joke), assuming no one will ever get it.

Real player with 116.0 hrs in game

I could write the shortest review ever for Toast Time but that wouldn’t do it justice. Not entirely, at least. Because it looks simple doesn’t mean that it is simple. Toast Time is a port of the original iOS/Google Play game and it’s actually very fun (and frustrating) to play, even if you can clearly see its mobile roots.

The goal in this game is simple: protect the clock from ringing by fending off tons of enemies with your character (who is a slice of toast). You can do this by shooting bread at them and it’s done with the press of a mouse button. Simple. But, there’s something else you have to take into account. By shooting bread you will also thrust yourself into the opposite direction. Call it recoil, call it crazy physics, call it anything you want, but one thing’s for sure: it makes the game damn hard, especially halfway through the game when the levels are designed in a way that you can’t navigate through them properly without carefully planning your shots. It makes for some stressful situations as more and more enemies approach the clock and by missing just one shot you can risk losing the game entirely. Fortunately for us the levels are short and can be finished within several seconds to several minutes, max. Restarting them takes only a few seconds and after that you’re on your way again. ‘Just one more time’ is what you’ll be saying time and time again, because of the way the game (re)loads levels so quickly. Well played, Toast Time. Well played.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Toast Time on Steam

Crop Dusta

Crop Dusta

Crop Dusta is a fast-paced Puzzle Action game. You control the crop duster by maneuvering it to spray crops and bugs while dodging buildings, trees, and animals. Please the farmers by spraying crops to pass to the next field. Spray those bugs before they eat the crops! Do you have what it takes to be an Ace Crop Dusta pilot?

Crop Dusta on Steam

Peachleaf Pirates

Peachleaf Pirates

Playing status: 51/52 achievement, finished the game (I don’t know how to get the last achievement)

Grindy Achievement(s): Yes (~10 achievements which can take ~20.6h to finish).

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (~41 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.


The farming sim genre has been on the rise recently. They usually have similar mechanics as Harvest Moon, although other games try to mix it with other genres. Seeing that Peachleaf Pirates is a combination of point and click and farming sim elements, I become curious about how the result will be, especially since both don’t seem to be similar in the control scheme.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game


Thanks to the developer for letting me know about the information, i now finished the game.

I really enjoyed the farming side of the game, the combat was also fun, but i found the click and point side of the game a bit repeditive, just like the last part of the game i had to criss cross the map i think 4 times just to finish in 1 day.

Overall 6/10

after 20 hours i give up on this “point and click RPG” parts of the game, its not clear at all what to do , i see multiple side quests but they aren’t logged on the journal , i spend 40 minutes to complete a quest to save a parrot only to find out it didn’t continue the story at all and only gave me a discount at a shop i no longer need to use. Another i found a “winning ticket” to a casino which wouldn’t let you into the casino and i assume its for voodoo but the voodoo woman has dissappeared. Once this game has a properly designed walkthrough to help you when you get stuck this game is a big thumbs down. I really was enjoying all of the other elements of the game but the “point and click problem solving” needs a lot more “problem solving” from the developer. A hint system or something and ad all the minor things to quests and let us know what actually moves the story forward and what is a side quest like the parrot mission.

Real player with 22.4 hrs in game

Peachleaf Pirates on Steam

Dairy Dave

Dairy Dave

I really enjoyed my time with this game so far!

I love the art style and animations. The pixel art is simple yet so vibrant and fun to look at.

I really enjoyed the visual feedback from the large milk bottle filling up as you milk the cows to the cow’s heart broken expressions when you miss your chance at milking them.

The short 12 page backstory was quirky and silly, put a smile on my face.

Something about this just gives me nostalgia of playing flash games in my free time as a kid idk

TLDR? Fun and simple little runner, would recommend

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

I’ve played this for over 10hrs on my phone, I love it! Very simple but there is still alot of subtle things you need to learn if you wanna get a high score (my best is 150k which is currently 3rd).

Probably works better as a mobile game but it’s free and there are no ads or mtx (how did the dev intend to make any money lol?) so there is literally no downside to downloading it. Very polished, no bugs fun game loop. Strong recommend if you like high score games!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Dairy Dave on Steam