Gaucho and the Grassland

Gaucho and the Grassland


Living on the grassland can be lonely, but you will always have your companions to watch your back. Cusco (the dog) and Pingo (the horse) will be your sidekicks on every adventure, helping you discover the lands of Gaucho.


The world of Gaucho is full of fantastic places and creatures. You also will need to seek and capture wild animals for resources. You’ll be amazed by the local tales of magical guardians and cursed places, as well as chilled by dangerous mythical creatures and dark caves hiding old mysteries and legendary treasures.


Build your homestead on the grassland as you desire. As a true Gaucho, you can shape your home and your life, acquiring new lands in different biomes and building from the ground up, and in due time, you’ll realize that living on the grasslands can be rewarding and wonderful.

Read More: Best Agriculture Building Games.

Gaucho and the Grassland on Steam

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin

Came here as a gamer… left as a professional rice farmer degree

The realistic, in depth elements of rice farming combined with honing fighting skills plus surprising character revelations and development make Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin a magnificent game. Beside its beautiful story‚ Sakuna’s personal growth is a pleasure to watch. Her reason for living is tested to the limit. The balanced emphasis on farming and fighting provides a great variety of tasks to undertake, providing dozens of hours of fun.

Real player with 114.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Action Games.

I’ll leave a TLDR at the bottom.

I was hesitant yet curious coming into Sakuna. A game that’s half side-scroller beat’m up, and half in-depth rice farming is something unique and interesting to me.

We are introduced to Sakuna, a daughter of harvest goddesss Toyohana and war god Takeribi. Sakuna is a goddess who resides in the capital indulging herself on all sorts of expensive luxuries until one day she meets a certain group of humans and gets involved in an unfortunate event that has her and the group exiled to an isle of demons called Hinoe. It is on this isle that Sakuna will grow rice, hunt demons, and come to learn more about the humans that were exiled along with her.

Real player with 83.4 hrs in game

Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin on Steam

Pax Romana: Romulus

Pax Romana: Romulus

Hello All, after playing the game for a few hours (44.5hrs) I feel I can give PAX an honest review. The game is in Early Access so content is limited but the story looks promising with many possible directions. Starting off you will struggle managing Energy & Hunger needed to perform actions. I found farming, cooking items into meals, and then selling end product enabled me to build coin to buy animals and other raw materials. Farming isn’t fast and takes time but I was able to grind through it. Early on you will want to focus on mining for Turquoise to then have turquoise crafted into rune stones. These then are used to activate the rune portals to traverse the map between the different towns. Harvest wood/stone in between your crops growing. There were some bugs with different features (crafting recipes/beehives) and the Devs responded fast to resolved them. Feedback on issues and ideas were warmly received. Many games I have played you read from other players how Devs don’t care about it’s community. Locus Ludus does at least hear you an have responded. Is PAX the greatest game you’ll ever play, maybe not. Could it use more content, yes! PAX is a game that won’t give you everything and will make you work for it. It is a struggle to start until you get a better understanding of how things work (Energy/Hunger management). Berry bushes & mushrooms found while you’re out collecting resources (wood/stone) was something i overlooked early on. Due to hunger consumption you might want to save those consumables for when you decide to go out resource collecting. Going into options and turning on “sprint always” might help speed things up as well. You don’t die if energy\hunger depletes, you just walk very slow. I found using hunger items food/potions at your homestead really isn’t needed. Yes, you will move slower but you’ll find farming & tending animals takes time which wastes\burns your hunger meter. Once your established you can then consume meals\wine you craft as you feel the need but always make sure to buy enough seeds or regents prior to the next harvest. Also, be sure to take into consideration the cost of materials versus the profit of the finished product. It’s not worth buying\growing something that gives 4 gold profit if something else that you can grow/craft gives you 14 gold profit. My basic strategy in playing is like so. Plant crops & manage animals, collect (Wood/stone), harvest crops you grow, craft items (Cook food from grown crops, craft wine & cloth, smelt ingots, collect honey), sell end product. After completing the stories quest chain sadly there is little left to do. I’m grinding out the achievements but past that I’m just waiting for more content, At it’s current state I would give PAX a 7 out of 10. PAX does have potential to grow into a really good game if the Devs stick with it.

Real player with 46.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture RPG Games.

I really like the concept of this game and I think it can grow to become great. But the risk/reward aspect is broken. More importantly, the effort/reward aspect is broken. The game has a lot of potential. There are a lot of unnecessary actions/clicks forced on the player due to the limitations of gamemaker. This game does not reward ANY of the standard gamer types - Highly impatient, Impatient, Easy going, Lazy, Lazy as Fk. These types of games will succeed only if the game rewards all the gamer types in some way. It is possible to pull off but requires a lot of thought.

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Pax Romana: Romulus on Steam



About Exvelten:

Welcome to a [“RPG Maker Tutorial”] Exvelten!

This is a Precursor to My game ‘Niinamigota’ and Is free to play!

In Exvelten, you are in an open world realm to explore the city of Exvelten!

This is across the Orion Sea from Alfar, a part of ‘Niinamigota’!!

Learn how games get built with in house tutorials. This is the perfect game for new video game developers

to get excited about using RPG Maker and its potential to build a game as a solo developer.

Go Through Tent by Tent, as you discover all of the types of features RPG Maker has in store …

And feel free to talk to random strangers and get to know their stories!! Some special features include:

1 - The library of knowledge 2 - The Slip N Slide Tunnel

3 - The Caves 4 - Finally the Open Roam Desert


Total: 30 min - 2 Hours. This Gameplay Includes:

  • 30 min - 2 Hour Gameplay

  • 20 + Maps to explore and understand a few processes of RPG Maker.

  • Unique Soundtrack by Developer Colin Sandquist [Please Support by purchasing here!!]

  • Downloadable RPGXP Project + Game Application!

  • [RPG Maker for building Video Games sold separately]





Developers Note:

Video Game contains some instances strobe flashing colours.

This game may not be recommended to those that have photosensitive seizures.

RPG Maker is a product of ©Gotcha Gotcha Games

Inc. and YOJI OJIMA 2020

Exvelten on Steam