Farm Together

Farm Together

I loved this game SO much. I often left it running idle (hence my 3000 hours logged, yikes) so that I could check in to find crops already grown, eggs already laid by chickens, etc. I played alone, I played with my boyfriend, I played with strangers. Its screenshots became my laptop backgrounds and my calendar pages. Its music became the soundtrack of my life for a year. This game was wonderful. Thank you devs! :)

Real player with 3075.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Building Games.

It is a great relaxing game. You can play with friends and help each other out. There is always something to do and the events are always fun.

Real player with 1800.7 hrs in game

Farm Together on Steam

Farming Simulator 19

Farming Simulator 19

Great way to pass time until you play for a bit , then you’re addicted. And then its a way of life.

Real player with 1014.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Driving Games.

Biggest complaint is that the AI “helpers” are as smart as a damn lobotomized rat. They get stuck on everything, miss spots constantly and charge AAA rates for the work of the local crayon eating window licker. I pray they did somehting for 22

Real player with 646.5 hrs in game

Farming Simulator 19 on Steam

Farming Simulator 2011

Farming Simulator 2011

Highly detailed, great fun and hyper realistic farm equipment sim, plant growth is way faster than rw but this makes it great for gameplay. Would be good if settings on crop growth and realisum could be changed but this should be available in upcomming patches. Best part of the sim is the equipment detail, and all the mods and even more detailed equipment available from the OEM.s and forums, And lets face it we should not want to harvest crop for 24 hours on end in rt its all about checking out all the diff types of equipment for 30 to 45 min each, which this sim does amazingly well.

Real player with 156.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Farming Games.

Farming Simulator 2011 to kolejna część popularnej serii symulatorów farmy z detalami odtwarzających najdrobniejsze szczegóły rolniczego rzemiosła. Gra miała premiere 18 pażdziernika 2010. W porównaniu do poprzedniej części

farming simulator 2009 wprowadzonych zostało wiele nowych funkcji oraz poprawek. To, co nie uległo natomiast zmianie to fakt, że ponownie wcielamy się w młodego gospodarza, który krok po kroku poznawać będzie uroki życia rolnika. Naszym zadaniem jest oczywiście uzbieranie środków potrzebnych do stworzenia nowoczesnego gospodarstwa. Zarobki przyniesie nam praca na roli, konieczna więc będzie kultywacja ziemi, robienie zasiewów oraz zbieranie plonów. Miejscowy sklep posiada w swojej ofercie kilkanaście ciągników i kombajnów o różnej wielkości, mocy i efektywności pracy oraz ponad 30 innych maszyn, takich jak pługi, siewniki, prasy, kultywatory, kosiarki czy przyczepy. Dużą nowością jest wprowadzenie do gry hodowli bydła. Zmusza nas to do regularnego karmienia krów, ale dzięki temu otrzymujemy możliwość wzbogacania pól naturalnym nawozem oraz zarabiania na mleku. Przygotowano też ulepszony tryb kariery, w którym rozpoczniemy posiadając jedynie słabo wyposażoną farmę oraz przestarzały sprzęt. Nie musimy zresztą zarządzać naszym gospodarstwem samodzielnie, ponieważ dzięki trybowi multiplayer kilku graczy może się teraz wspólnie opiekować jednym terenem. Dzięki współpracy z korporacją AGCO (właścicielem marki Wendt) udało się autorom wprowadzić do gry licencjonowane traktory i kombajny. Możemy ponadto korzystać z narzędzi firm takich jak Poettinger, Vogel & Noot, Deutz-Fahr, Krone oraz Horsch. Dla początkujących rolników przygotowano długi na kilka misji samouczek. Warto też wspomnieć o realistycznym systemie dnia i nocy oraz zmiennych warunków pogodowych. Dodatkową pomocą są kontrolowane przez komputer pojazdy, które mogą nam asystować w wykonywaniu zadań. Farming Simulator 2011 oferuje wyraźnie lepszą grafikę niż jego poprzednicy. Co ciekawe, silnik gry korzysta z dobrodziejstw systemu fizycznego PhysX. Ponadto, rozbudowane edytory pozwalają na tworzenie i szybką instalację dodatkowych modów. Gra również doczekała się 4 pack dlc dzięki którym gra staje sie owiele ciekawsza .

Real player with 103.7 hrs in game

Farming Simulator 2011 on Steam

Farming Simulator 17

Farming Simulator 17

  1. Lately I’ve been really keen on games that let you customize and open - world decisions. Games that you aren’t restricted to a set path. I bought FS17 on a whim when it was on sale and fell in love with it - to my own surprise.

  2. I’ve always been a community organizer and so knew that this game is far better when played with other people. Sure I’m a nerd because I game so much, and play D&D, but it blew me away how much I enjoyed FS17. Not something I ever thought I’d like. I think what pulled me in is the fact that it isn’t scripted. There is no “What should i do next” hand holding. It’s an open-ended relaxing game where you get to drive big awesome machines. At my prime I was spending every evening playing FS17 when running the server for several hours. When the server was very popular I would easily spend 3-4 hours a night playing. Much longer on the weekends.

Real player with 1762.3 hrs in game

Not even sure where to start man. I got this game because I’m a sim player and the graphics looked nice, and it was on sale. I’m in LA, so the last thing going on around me is farming, unless you’re farming weed. This game, and it’s modders, BLEW MY MIND.

You do the first two tutorials to get the gist of the controls and the basics of farming. And it’s the basics, I’m 140+ hours in and all I’ve done is work the fields on the first map. No animals, I cut down a half dozen trees by chainsaw around my silos that were pissing me off because I kept ramming them, no chaff, hay, manure, blah blah blah, just joyously working the fields, learning where everything is, and buying shit (the lower three fields and better equipment so far). To say this game is addicting, even to a city dude with zero ties or previous interest in farming, is a gross understatement. Just playing the basics, you realize the layers of this game just go on and on, and how each crop (and animals when you get them) interweaves with different functions of your farm, and each other, is one of the coolest applications of resource management I’ve seen, and I’ve got probably 50 RM games.

Real player with 1080.6 hrs in game

Farming Simulator 17 on Steam

Professional Farmer 2014

Professional Farmer 2014

Playing Professional Farmer 2014 since Christmas. Some glitches along the way but with adequate developer response I think. The lack of complete controller mapping and a limited fuel, fertilizer and seed acquisition system are the most negative for me. If I purchase all the fields, I should be able to use every farmhouse, etc. I am Glad I bought Farming Simulator 2013 yesterday when it was on sale for $8.39 as I thought it may be better. I am sure it will be fun but a tour around the map and quick use of some of the equipment gave me a real appreciation of Professional Farmer 2014. FS2013 did have some of the features I wish PF2014 had like thorough controller mapping and more plentiful supply acquisition locations but the lesser equipment/landscape detail, ambiance and immersion quality is immediately apparent.

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game

I have a long history with UIG and in all honesty we both(UIG and me) would admit it has not been a great relationship. I was given pre-release access to this game so that, as I quote from UIG “you will be pleasantly surprised”. Well as I played it….I was pleasantly surprised. You can find a thread labeled ‘CE - This game delivers’ in the profarm forum if you desire more info into all of that. Now with the review.

Technical: Currently at the time of this writing there are about 5 people saying they have bad frame rates. This means this game runs fine for 99% of all buyers. Which when you think about it, is a pretty darn good ratio. No crashes have been reported from what I have seen. From my side of things it has run very well with only some minor technical issues that I would think will be fixed in upcomming patches. These issues include odd and overly bright reflections from the sun at sunrise/set and from headlights. The occasional piece of texture floating a few inches above the ground after plowing (only noticable when you have camera at the right angle. Some controller mapping issues. All in all though no serious techinical glitches or bugs that break gameplay or the fun level.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

Professional Farmer 2014 on Steam

Farm Folks

Farm Folks

This game published by Crytivo

Join Farm Folks email list to receive news about game updates and potentially get invited to test game.

After washing ashore on Softshoal Island, you are given a chance at a new life. A plot of land awaits your green thumb to transform it into a booming farm, and a new world beckons you to explore its secrets.

Farm Folks offers a delightful mix of RPG and farming mechanics, giving you the freedom to get lost in the world while you build a farm from the ground up. There are many friends to be made, many crops and animals to tend, and a whole island to discover. What are you waiting for?

As you begin to nurture your plot, uncover great mysteries, and meet the citizens of the island, you’ll experience the everlasting magnificence of your new home first-hand–all while you rekindle the memories from your past that caused you to embark on this grand, exciting adventure in the first place. You never would have guessed that finding your purpose in life was just a shipwreck away…

In Farm Folks, live your life as you see fit–there are so many experiences to be had! Working the land and rearing animals is a bunch of fun, but there is so much more on offer here. Let’s run through what you can expect:

It wouldn’t be much of a farming simulator without farming, would it? Farm Folks features the time-tested farming mechanic in which players can purchase or forage seeds and begin to grow their farm into a bountiful and rewarding resource.

Once the soil is tilled and the seeds are nestled firmly into the ground, it’s time for some TLC–Tender Loving Care. You’ll water your plants daily, either by hand or through other means, until each crop has reached its maturation and it’s ready for harvest. Harvesting your hard-earned bounty can reward you in many ways, but if you’re focusing on that bottom line, then it’s time to put some coin in your purse.

After loading your haul onto your trusty mount, you’ll head into town and sell your goods to the island’s exporters. As your purse grows fatter and fatter, the farming process can be enhanced and streamlined until you’re running the island’s most booming farm.

Soon you’ll be wondering if it’s time to invest in one of those fancy mainland automobiles….or maybe someone who can help out around the farm…

Softshoal Island’s farmland is so very fertile because of the island’s local animal population and the generations they’ve spent grazing every acre of the luscious landscape. Today, farmers can continue to reap the rewards of Softshoal’s four-legged (and two-legged!) friends by giving them homes on your property.

The local forester is also a great carpenter, and he’ll make any kind of coop or stable that’s available–for a price, of course. Once the structure is built, you’ll need to stop by the nearby animal breeder to purchase some healthy livestock! Before you know it, you’ll be in the ranching business. Milk, eggs, and wool, oh my!

Nurture and care is key to making sure your livestock is producing worthwhile products. The happier your animal companions are, the higher the quality of their yield! Make sure you’ve got your brushes and special feed handy!

Sometimes reward is found outside the fences of your farm. You’ll need to explore the wonderful and diverse settings of Softshoal to find the valuable items that can’t be found on a shelf in the local general store. These resources include minerals and materials for upgrading your tools–usually mined from Softshoal’s extensive cave system, or fish and other precious sea life that can be fished from the island’s various rivers, lakes and coastlines.

Your progression is enhanced by what you find in the wilds of Softshoal, and sometimes searching for something trivial can lead to a grand adventure you never saw coming. Get out there and see what you can find–don’t forget your pickaxe and fishing rod!

Softshoal’s local community is a character-rich roster of living and breathing souls, all of which are just waiting to share their story with you. From those that live in the island’s coastal town, Port Meridia, to those found out in the wilds, Farm Folks features a diverse, well-thought cast of over thirty characters.

You’ll meet them, find ways to further your relationships with them, and soon you’ll know each one by name. These citizens offer quests a-plenty, and spout dialogue that’ll keep you coming back for more. High relationships come with high rewards, but don’t think everybody in Softshoal is going to be easy to please…

The seeds you sow in the community will quickly begin to bear fruit. However, you better be careful not to grow weeds! Build your relationships with townsfolk by giving them gifts, attending special events, performing quests, and remembering their birthdays. Earn enough favor and maybe the townsfolk will begin giving you gifts in kind. Some nuts are harder to crack than others, but with some finesse, they just might come around. You never know - you might even find love out there.

There’s beauty and intrigue found in every corner of Softshoal. It’s a compelling place that calls the player ever further into the mysterious woods, down into the dangerous caves. As you explore, you’ll see things that you’ll never forget and you’ll experience adventures worth re-telling.

And where better to relay your stories of heroism than back in Port Meridia? This fair-sized town has plenty of places to kick back and enjoy a day away from the farm, but it’s also home to the many festivals that you don’t want to miss!

Every season brings with it a great calendar of holidays that are perfect cause for celebration. You’ll find the townsfolk have a festival for nearly every one of those occasions. Make sure you’re there!

Your character is a reflection of your personality (we assume that deep inside, everyone is an attractive, island-dwelling farmer). As such, they can be customized in any way you desire, including your gender. After creating a glorious persona, we know there will be fashionistas who want to take it a step further. Want to give them a more epic hairstyle or outfit? Visit the barber or tailor! You will soon become a shining star in the farming community.

And so much more!

Farm Folks is whatever you make of it. It’s an adventure driven entirely by you. There is so much more to discover and so much more fun to be had when you get creative. Live this pleasant life to the best of your abilities and become the greatest farmer that Softshoal has ever seen!

Farm Folks on Steam

Farming Simulator 15

Farming Simulator 15

Okay, so obviously I’ve played this game a ridiculous amount of time. I can be a little obsessive about getting a game going JUST RIGHT so that I can build my empire. That having been said, I still have not explored all of the facets of the game as of yet. Now I have not played the previous versions of this game, so I didn’t really know what to expect with it, and I have to say that my girlfriend made fun of me for days after purchasing and playing this game.

Here is what makes it so awesome:

Real player with 1841.2 hrs in game

Not a bad game at all, very realistic in most aspects, but very very buggy at times.

The wood chipper is a prime example. It is so buggy and underpowered, it makes one think that these guys have never seen one in action. Once they grab a log, there is no going back, it is shredded. Short of turning off the equipment, there is no way to get the log out of it. In this offering, your main task is to get the log to go INTO it. Even when it does, there is a very high chance it will be just spit out again. Actually all trees can get very buggy at times. Ghost logs, screwed up cuts, ( they are still attached to the main log even though cut off), trees that decide to disobey the laws of physics. ( standing verticle instead of falling over)

Real player with 1809.7 hrs in game

Farming Simulator 15 on Steam

Professional Farmer: Cattle and Crops

Professional Farmer: Cattle and Crops

So I just bought this game to give it a second chance. Since it had a discount I will keep it to help developers. Otherwise I would ask for a refund. The game is very promising, but it is still very “green” yet, since you just play a lot of missions to get used to it, like a big tutorial. And developers are not keeping up, it is taking too long to fix the bugs and add more stuff. Speaking of bugs, I wish to tell about a few, like the sound of that CLAAS ARION tractor that simply fades away and completely disappears when on exterior camera and fully accelerating. Speaking of full accelerating, I kept hearing this constant click sound in the engines of tractors (I use headphones so it is very perceptive), when letting the acceleration off. Also the changing gears of the ARION and MB tractors need a few improvements, as the tractor behaves as if it had a DSG transmission. It changes really fast and the sound of the acceleration is quite strange, specially when not pulling any implement (the sound of the CLASS harvester, available in the CnC demo map, is great and it changes gears in a very realistic way). I found the steering quite strange too when playing with a keyboard, even though you can fine tune it in options. The tractor tends to follow a straight line, making you keep tapping right and left all the time to get it through the road. The landscape is fantastic, and the weather system is cool, but it could have a display showing the air temp, a weather forecast, and sound of the rain falling (there´s none) with some thunders. Also, I felt that the trees, although very well done, are quite unrealistic, since it looks like it is always changing shapes when approaching them. About the gameplay, the character moves oddly in 3rd person view, specially sideways. And I would love to see some immersion, not just start out with a farm with a bunch of equip and some fields. It would be cool to start out with some money (maybe a credit line in the bank - loan ) and then you had to spend it wiseley, having to choose which farm would suit your needs (we could have three or four choices of farms to decide on each map), and decide if we would spend on equip, fields, farm upgrades, layouts, etc. Maybe adding some AI farmers to have some sort of competition would be nice. The physics are great, it is what this game outstands most of farm games. But as I stated, the behaviour of accelerating and braking, changing gears and the sound of all that needs to be redone. So, if you want to support, I will recommend buying it since it has a big discount. I wish developers keep up the pace, and fix all this stuff, and also add some more things to make it really enjoyable, I truly believe in this game. Good work. (P.S - it is time to add an opening trailer when loading the game, some music in the menu, and also more character options. Also I noticed that a few words are still in german, even when you choose english, for example the word “Alle”, instead of All).

Real player with 599.6 hrs in game

2021 UPDATE: This game has been abandoned. Don’t bother.

Have you ever been playing SpinTires and thought, “Man, I wish Farming Simulator(s) had mud like this to work the ground more realistically.” This is it. They are going for Realism and are nailing it.

The mud isn’t as crazy as the back woods of Russia. But if you are filling a large trailer while harvesting in wetter conditions and are driving a small tractor the tires will spin and you will sink to your axles when the trailer gets too heavy. No amount of Floorin' will do when a bigger machine is needed. Heck, when it’s really wet a large trailer will sink in the mud a bit if you stop when its almost full from the extra weight. Mass, momentum. and traction is realistic. No pulling a train of Krampe big boy carts uphill with 98hp!

Real player with 64.4 hrs in game

Professional Farmer: Cattle and Crops on Steam

Stardew Valley

Stardew Valley

This game got me through a really dark place in my life. I lost my job, spouse, and home in less than a year. I would chop wood and fish when I couldn’t find the energy to do anything else and fall asleep on the couch listening to the background music. I’ve put thousands of hours into Stardew Valley. The little successes I had were the catalyst I needed to think maybe I could have little successes again in life, too. Highly recommend. Thank you for making this game.

Real player with 2475.7 hrs in game

The first time I heard about it I was set on “I don’t like pixel games”, I played it half-heartedly and stopped after 3 hours. Almost a year later I picked it up again and now I am on the grind for 100 % perfection, decorating, fishing, mining, etc. There’s so much you can do in-game and you can either play it very chill and laid-back or you can chase all those achievements.

What I’d say now, after almost 200 hrs in-game, just give it a proper chance and let it charm you. :D

Real player with 214.8 hrs in game

Stardew Valley on Steam

My Little Farmies

My Little Farmies

Overall the game is very enjoyable and can keep you very busy tending to your farm, harvesting/growing crops, upgrading buildings and producing items in the various production buildings.

Once you get to level 25-30 be warned that you will be forced to spend 200 gold bars to further expand your farm to make room for more buildings, pens ect, and i can only imagine that you will have to spend 300-400 for the next and so on, so make sure you buy as many expansions using your Thalers as you can before you get stuck at this point.

Real player with 7506.7 hrs in game

I have only played for a little while, but am enjoying this game a lot. The graphics are nicely done, and the tutorial is very helpful. As I mentioned in a comment I made in one of the negative reviews, this is not a game for impatient players. You will have to wait for things to grow and to be build. I have played quite a few F2P games, and never used real money to get quicker through the game. I only ever bought starter kits and special items that you can’t find in the game otherwise.

The one thing I don’t care for in this game is that the developers, who are German, set the dates the American way, giving first the month and then the day. Very confusing for me. In Germany - as in other European countries - the date is displayed as giving first the day and then the month.

Real player with 1469.3 hrs in game

My Little Farmies on Steam