Infected zone 感染之地

Infected zone 感染之地

Fun game could use more content.

Real player with 692.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Building Games.

Infected zone 感染之地 on Steam

Potion Meister

Potion Meister

Not sure the point of this other than collecting stuff- put in caudron- heat it up- then no instructions on what to do next.

Its just gather mix- gather-mix- Quite boring, never made it past 20 minutes- its that boring. Good idea- poor exectution. Needs more up front to make it even somewhat fun.

Keep my $4 though- I appreciate the effort!

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Resource Management Games.

Potion Meister on Steam

Farm Manager 2021

Farm Manager 2021

Ok, I’ve only played the launch version for 3 hours so far, so this is a very early post. However, I sunk a ton of time into the demo and prologue, so I think I’ve already got a decent take on how the game plays.

Firstly, I disagree that it’s the same as the 2018 version. The 2018 version required a player to micro-manage every aspect of the game, as almost nothing happened automatically. In the 2021 version most of the tasks happen seamlessly, with workers having a decent degree of intelligence as to the next task required. This is a huge improvement, as the 2018 version’s micro-management made it almost unplayable if you owned a very large farm. For example, I built a greenhouse, housed plenty of workers nearby with “plant” skills, set the production to strawberries, and then sat back and waited. From that moment, every task was fully automated and eventually the strawberries arrived in my warehouse, ready to sell. It’s the same with fields. Make a field, set up the crop required, buy all the necessary equipment, employ and house the correct workers nearby, then sit back and wait for the crop to be harvested and ready for sale. There is even a menu to auto-sell and auto-buy, for those that don’t wish to track the market prices for min/maxing best prices as they fluctuate.

Real player with 383.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Strategy Games.

I didn’t play 2018, so maybe that makes me like it more. It’s a good game, I finally finished the scenario after ~28 hours. Definitely worth the purchase price.

I did have a few times certain things got “stuck”. A tractor sitting in the middle of things not doing anything, two greenhouses who’s workers vanished in the middle of the harvest leaving me unable to do anything with the greenhouses, two animal pens not getting fed for reasons that mystify me. Saving, quitting and reload always resolved them though.

Real player with 136.4 hrs in game

Farm Manager 2021 on Steam

Farm Life: Natures Adventure

Farm Life: Natures Adventure

Poorly optimised android port and/or an unfinished port. But as not in early access approach this as a full game.

Way too buggy, including game ending faults at the moment. Not sure the game will contain enough levels to even compete within the genre with the gameplay coming across as cookie cutter. The engine feels clunky and delayed.

The fun of the game is not coming from challenge or story for me.

The tutorial shouldn’t even exist as it explains the easier sections of the game, then does not even touch on the more complex areas and the help files aren’t helpful.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Veeeeery clunky controls and game breaking bugs. The first time the game hicked up completely, couldn’t even get past entering all the data for creating the farm. On the second save I bought a milktool by accident and every NPC now says “Thanks for buying that.”, rendering me unable to purchase anything. I also have one strawberry seed I can plant endlessly. Developer, try harder please.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Farm Life: Natures Adventure on Steam



So with 4 hours of gameplay, this game has a lot of potential!

As of 2/13/21 it is VERY buggy.. any progress you make in the game is purely for fun and a majority of it will NOT be saved, even items stored in the chest disappear. If you get this game, dont expect a lot right now.

The graphics are pretty great and the idea behind the game is good, i would wait to buy until at least another patch or 2 comes out.

you can play as a human or a wolf or a bear, as of now, the animal side is very unfinished and not really playable. you can run around and explore but thats about it.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

So….. I feel like a lot of early access games are released to soon, this one included. But, since its out and I have played it. I will say I see this being some fun in the future. I know the bugs are frustrating, and I know that at the moment not being able to craft rope makes playing as a human basically unplayable. I was having issues with the bear only being able to eat once. After that the animation wouldn’t even happen. Couldn’t figure out how to sleep exactly so that was out of the question. The wolf seemed was as fun as the bear to run around with but had the same problem with eating. I do not want to give it a “Yes” or “No” at the moment, because there’s not enough info at the moment. Make of that what you will. But I am putting “Yes” due to steam requiring an up or down vote.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Wilderness on Steam



If you’re looking for a cute farm sim, with a unique concept, this is it! At first blush it seems quite simple, but after an hour or so, you start to see more complexity and the pace picks up. The goobers are very cute and, as you play through, you’ll discover the humour of the dev shining through in some very entertaining ways.

I only played a few hours because of time constraints, but I’ll be back into it. Its very fun, and I enjoyed playing it a lot!

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

It’s a farming simulator in early access, so of course there are some things being ironed out. Luckily the dev is really cool and willing to hear out when players are having issues. I will say there’s not much of an endgame really, i.e. there’s a point where you can easily hit the peak of the gameplay and you won’t find much content left. The dev does post frequent updates about adding content. It just takes time since he’s a solo dev. All things considered, it’s a cute little game that I’m sure I can enjoy playing with my son. He really likes the characters, especially the Goobers.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Gooberries on Steam



Played for 7 hours was more than enough. Good try for a 16 year old. Gets boring fast.

  • Fly traps don’t work is always 0 flies.

-Drill does nothing when right clicked on

-Door does nothing when right clicked on and never closes anyway

-Chicken coops don’t give more chickens even if bar is kept in the middle. Easier to just pick it up and place it again for full restock.

-Trees stay fallen 50% of the time and need more chopping before they disappear.

-Wheat has no icon in inventory when fully grown and picked.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Not ready for release. Needs an intro reading book or small help window, not some guy speaking in french, (which I do not speak or understand), to give a long video explaining mechanics and needs more content and building/crafting details per item so people understand what the item is, purpose its for, etc… Also the first day I had four men show up and had no weapon to craft to attack them. They destroyed everything.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Grandiose on Steam

Farm Manager 2018

Farm Manager 2018

As someone who absolutely loves Farming Sims, I can say this is my favorite. I should add, my kind of Farming Sim is the game that puts you in the place of the farm owner or the farm manager, not the guy physically out there driving the harvester. If you want a game where you get in the machine and drive through the fields, this one isn’t it. But this one is the best one out there that is following in the footsteps of the original SimFarm. You buy the land, lay out the roads, plan the fields, and hire the help to work the crops. Then, most importantly, you balance the budget and watch the market to make sure the farm stays in the black. There are a few annoying bugs that have gotten better since the game was released, but they still exist.

Real player with 388.4 hrs in game

Review as of 2018-09-09

I like this game and am getting my money’s worth out of it. I’ve seen it compared to SimFarm in other reviews, which I find to be a fair comparison. It has most of the features I expect from a modern business simulator game.

That said, it is not without its fair share of problems, and, at this point, feels like an early access or brand new product that needs polish. It was released in April with major updates in June and August, so I’m hopeful that some of the issues I’ve run into get resolved in time.

Real player with 216.5 hrs in game

Farm Manager 2018 on Steam

World End Diner

World End Diner

I wanted to rush my review because I do think this game is really good, and it deserved a thumbs up to help! However, I wanted to return to this review to give it a proper analysis for people who are on the edge of purchasing this game;

1. The gameplay loop is very fun and simple. The core of the game consists of gathering/farming/buying materials in order to cook for the animals in the forest. You will unlock more ingredients as you go, and while this is a slow proccess (Ive been playing for 3 Days and -just- unlocked alchemy) it feels appropriate.

Real player with 328.0 hrs in game

Well uhh, i dont know if i can review this assertively, but i’ll try.

I play this usually every day for a few hours, and i’m in LOVE with this masterpiece.

for the pros:

many adorable animals , some jump when u serve them their fav food

epic lore and hidden things that make u play for hours to learn new stuff

huge options for decorating, you can place everything literally how u want

u get plushies from animals (very important)

hard to get stuff, which makes u really hyped and wanting to do more

Real player with 162.0 hrs in game

World End Diner on Steam

Farm Manager 2021: Prologue

Farm Manager 2021: Prologue

As a whole, I found the game quit enjoyable to play. It was somewhat confusing… at first… especially with the placement of the power lines. With the game, Youtube is your best friend.

Would I recommend this game to play… The graphics are very good. There are plenty of tasks and challenges to complete. I am physically disabled and only have the use of my left hand. This is the first game I’ve played in a long while, that doesn’t end-up frustrating me after 5 minutes of play… and I quit the game. I have over 7 hours of play in the game, and I’ve just begun to scratch the surface of the game.

Real player with 23.7 hrs in game

Great concept but cheap and buggy implementation. Not sure if i want to buy full game.

Even in this relatively content-poor demo i’ve encountered too much problems (both bugs and game design flaws) and in the full game with much more content there will be much more problems.

What i’ve seen so far:


-Saved game doesn’t load

-Some fields are only being plowed and cultivated but never sown for unknown reason no matter how long i wait, while adjacent field works fine

-So called “organic” weed isn’t being produced. Despite sowing organic seed i still harvest casual weed

Real player with 17.6 hrs in game

Farm Manager 2021: Prologue on Steam