Professional Farmer 2017

Professional Farmer 2017

I played a lot of simulators lately, so I was looking for something rural – my decision: Professional Farmer 2017. I love the details in the game, indie games always relay on details. Details like the different animations while driving on your field or painting your machines are very cool. This game has got a lot of it, they graphics work very well. A big plus is the controller support and graphics are very good for an indie production. The world pretty big, there are a lot of places you can work on.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

The truth is in the game, farming is one of the most expensive occupations a man can persue and the game reflects that wonderfully. Think you have 2 million and the world is yours? Think again, that’s a new tractor, combine and header witha new cart thrown in. Maybe a piece of land to add to your growing farming empire. Some of the hirees, are bums, they leave strips all over the field, miss seeding sections, leave strips unplanted. But as the saying goes, it’s hard to get good help. You get what you pay for.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Professional Farmer 2017 on Steam

Agricultural Simulator: Historical Farming

Agricultural Simulator: Historical Farming

This game was pretty cool with the landscapes and farming equipment. I had fun pretending to be a farmer. Planted wheat fields, made hay, took the milk to market, and even chased the damn chickens. Thought I could just deal with the glitches by saving often. Saving often does work but it got to the point the game would crash too often. Examples: There were times that all of the animals would disappear from your farm. Genuine WTF moments. This glitch seems to occur sometimes when getting on the tractor and then wham, all animals disappear. So, I started saving the game before i got on the that I could reload if necessary. Well, that worked for recovering the game, but it crashed shortly after getting on the tractor …at least the animals are accounted for. Another glitch I observed was animals sinking into the ground. I had to reload an earlier save because the game tells me that the bull is still in the pasture, but I cannot see him anywhere. I have seen animals almost completely sunk into the ground and would “save” them by taking them into the barn. This resets them into a stall and no longer partially underground. etc. In conclusion, this would be a fun game if the glitches would be fixed. As you go further into the game the glitch frequency increases regardless of the workarounds. Frustrations increase and you feel that you are wasting your time. Therefore, I cannot recommend this beautiful game.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game



  • Complex, in-depth simulation; more detailed than any truck simulator. Complexity stems from scope and detail of farming operations rather than a huge exploratory world.

  • Historical environment.

  • Detailed objects.


  • Glitchy and buggy gameplay but then tractors do look kinda like buggies.

  • No updates or patches; support links in the manual lead to blank webpages.

  • Graphics options aren’t always saved.

End Of TL;DR Read on if you want to know more.

Real player with 8.6 hrs in game

Agricultural Simulator: Historical Farming on Steam

Agricultural Simulator 2011: Extended Edition

Agricultural Simulator 2011: Extended Edition

In a charming mountain area, you take the role of a classic farmer with all the necessary tasks like cattle breeding, growing grain and other resources, and dealing with products from your farm. Your fields can be cultivated with machines from CLAAS and even your animals have to be taken care of.

The complete Agricultural Simulator allows you to ride many genuine CLAAS tractors. Choose between many different models of tractors, combines, extensions and hangers. Sell your products and invest in better equipment. More powerful machines will help you farm bigger areas.

Real player with 128.9 hrs in game

this game is crap save your money…I purchased this game over a year ago and still even after a year break i come back and they havent fixed the one problem that haunts this game…you will LOSE all of your saved games due to failed steam cache and have to start over…I cant even believe steam is still selling this game.






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Real player with 5.4 hrs in game

Agricultural Simulator 2011: Extended Edition on Steam

Professional Farmer 2014

Professional Farmer 2014

Playing Professional Farmer 2014 since Christmas. Some glitches along the way but with adequate developer response I think. The lack of complete controller mapping and a limited fuel, fertilizer and seed acquisition system are the most negative for me. If I purchase all the fields, I should be able to use every farmhouse, etc. I am Glad I bought Farming Simulator 2013 yesterday when it was on sale for $8.39 as I thought it may be better. I am sure it will be fun but a tour around the map and quick use of some of the equipment gave me a real appreciation of Professional Farmer 2014. FS2013 did have some of the features I wish PF2014 had like thorough controller mapping and more plentiful supply acquisition locations but the lesser equipment/landscape detail, ambiance and immersion quality is immediately apparent.

Real player with 58.2 hrs in game

I have a long history with UIG and in all honesty we both(UIG and me) would admit it has not been a great relationship. I was given pre-release access to this game so that, as I quote from UIG “you will be pleasantly surprised”. Well as I played it….I was pleasantly surprised. You can find a thread labeled ‘CE - This game delivers’ in the profarm forum if you desire more info into all of that. Now with the review.

Technical: Currently at the time of this writing there are about 5 people saying they have bad frame rates. This means this game runs fine for 99% of all buyers. Which when you think about it, is a pretty darn good ratio. No crashes have been reported from what I have seen. From my side of things it has run very well with only some minor technical issues that I would think will be fixed in upcomming patches. These issues include odd and overly bright reflections from the sun at sunrise/set and from headlights. The occasional piece of texture floating a few inches above the ground after plowing (only noticable when you have camera at the right angle. Some controller mapping issues. All in all though no serious techinical glitches or bugs that break gameplay or the fun level.

Real player with 48.9 hrs in game

Professional Farmer 2014 on Steam

Farming Simulator 2011

Farming Simulator 2011

Highly detailed, great fun and hyper realistic farm equipment sim, plant growth is way faster than rw but this makes it great for gameplay. Would be good if settings on crop growth and realisum could be changed but this should be available in upcomming patches. Best part of the sim is the equipment detail, and all the mods and even more detailed equipment available from the OEM.s and forums, And lets face it we should not want to harvest crop for 24 hours on end in rt its all about checking out all the diff types of equipment for 30 to 45 min each, which this sim does amazingly well.

Real player with 156.7 hrs in game

Farming Simulator 2011 to kolejna część popularnej serii symulatorów farmy z detalami odtwarzających najdrobniejsze szczegóły rolniczego rzemiosła. Gra miała premiere 18 pażdziernika 2010. W porównaniu do poprzedniej części

farming simulator 2009 wprowadzonych zostało wiele nowych funkcji oraz poprawek. To, co nie uległo natomiast zmianie to fakt, że ponownie wcielamy się w młodego gospodarza, który krok po kroku poznawać będzie uroki życia rolnika. Naszym zadaniem jest oczywiście uzbieranie środków potrzebnych do stworzenia nowoczesnego gospodarstwa. Zarobki przyniesie nam praca na roli, konieczna więc będzie kultywacja ziemi, robienie zasiewów oraz zbieranie plonów. Miejscowy sklep posiada w swojej ofercie kilkanaście ciągników i kombajnów o różnej wielkości, mocy i efektywności pracy oraz ponad 30 innych maszyn, takich jak pługi, siewniki, prasy, kultywatory, kosiarki czy przyczepy. Dużą nowością jest wprowadzenie do gry hodowli bydła. Zmusza nas to do regularnego karmienia krów, ale dzięki temu otrzymujemy możliwość wzbogacania pól naturalnym nawozem oraz zarabiania na mleku. Przygotowano też ulepszony tryb kariery, w którym rozpoczniemy posiadając jedynie słabo wyposażoną farmę oraz przestarzały sprzęt. Nie musimy zresztą zarządzać naszym gospodarstwem samodzielnie, ponieważ dzięki trybowi multiplayer kilku graczy może się teraz wspólnie opiekować jednym terenem. Dzięki współpracy z korporacją AGCO (właścicielem marki Wendt) udało się autorom wprowadzić do gry licencjonowane traktory i kombajny. Możemy ponadto korzystać z narzędzi firm takich jak Poettinger, Vogel & Noot, Deutz-Fahr, Krone oraz Horsch. Dla początkujących rolników przygotowano długi na kilka misji samouczek. Warto też wspomnieć o realistycznym systemie dnia i nocy oraz zmiennych warunków pogodowych. Dodatkową pomocą są kontrolowane przez komputer pojazdy, które mogą nam asystować w wykonywaniu zadań. Farming Simulator 2011 oferuje wyraźnie lepszą grafikę niż jego poprzednicy. Co ciekawe, silnik gry korzysta z dobrodziejstw systemu fizycznego PhysX. Ponadto, rozbudowane edytory pozwalają na tworzenie i szybką instalację dodatkowych modów. Gra również doczekała się 4 pack dlc dzięki którym gra staje sie owiele ciekawsza .

Real player with 103.7 hrs in game

Farming Simulator 2011 on Steam

Little Farm

Little Farm

There are far better casual games out there, but this one isn’t bad. It does get particularly repetitive toward the end, when all upgrades are purchased and you’re left just doing the same thing over and over with no variation, but the timed element still keeps you somewhat on your toes. Essentially, it’s your job as the farmer to harvest the appropriate vegetables to send to market, which you do by creating squares on the field that have the same vegetable in each corner. You will also need to deal with several different kind of pests and such along the way. So, not much of a storyline or challenge here, except in the fact that there is a timer that pressures you a bit toward the end, but it is overall quite relaxing. I did get the game in a bundle, and wouldn’t have paid full price, but it is at least worth playing if casual games are something you enjoy at times. Really, it’s basically what I had expected based on the description and screenshots, so I can’t fault it for not being more than that.

Real player with 15.4 hrs in game

Very funny and kind of addictive matching puzzle game.

It’s easy to play and you’ll learn very fast.

Little Farm have 20 levels, which one with 4 rounds to beat.

You have to take care of your farm and earn money to buy improvements - each one that grants you a new tool or building - to better manage your crops, trucks and water, and deal with bugs, rabbits, crows and raining clouds. You get short comics, bonus levels and oil searching between that levels too.

The game reminds me Triple Town but with different mechanics, and a little of Plants vs. Zombies, because of the progression and shop/upgrade systems. This is very well done in this game too, you’ll want to continue to play to buy that improvements and see them working. But at the very ending it gets boring, because you have to finish the last 5 levels or so, just collecting money but not being able to buy anything more. The only thing that keeps pushing me until the end was the Harvest Mode, unlockable just after finish the entire story mode.

Real player with 11.3 hrs in game

Little Farm on Steam

Agricultural Simulator 2013 - Steam Edition

Agricultural Simulator 2013 - Steam Edition

Hands down one of the top 3 worst games I’ve ever had the misfortune of buying, playing, and even help debug. The developer Actalogic is just not up to par to develop quality games, since they use an outdated and broken game engine that has so many holes you’d think it was Fallout New Vegas' Hoover Dam being fought over by the NCR and Ceasar’s Legion.

For 1 whole month a number of players and the CEO of Actalogic tried to work together to debug the game by testing over and over to make a list of reproducable errors (not all that easy to do for some). Each little ‘patch’ would end up plugging one hole to only create 3 new holes in the ‘Hoover Dam’ that is AG2013. In the end Mr. CeO just left for vacation and never returned leaving us with a long list of promises and upcoming updates.

Real player with 149.4 hrs in game

I’ve read all of the reviews and have no doubt these guys are having the issues they are talking about however I bought the game knowing that there are issues and to be honest, it seems to work pretty good for me. I have no severe lag or studdering as I’ve seen mentioned, nothing really out of the ordinary given that I know the game has a few problems. I also haven’t gone looking for problems either.

I did follow the advice of a couple of posts about adjusting the some settings using the command window, don’t know if that helped or not but the game runs fine. As long as you’re not expecting to aquire a polished and completely stable game and you don’t mind the occasional/frequent glitches you should be able to enjoy the game. Be advised, it is a true farming sim unlike Farming Simulator (which I own) or the new Pro Farmer (I’ve tried the demo). You have to do everything manually and it takes time.

Real player with 30.0 hrs in game

Agricultural Simulator 2013 - Steam Edition on Steam

Farm Folks

Farm Folks

This game published by Crytivo

Join Farm Folks email list to receive news about game updates and potentially get invited to test game.

After washing ashore on Softshoal Island, you are given a chance at a new life. A plot of land awaits your green thumb to transform it into a booming farm, and a new world beckons you to explore its secrets.

Farm Folks offers a delightful mix of RPG and farming mechanics, giving you the freedom to get lost in the world while you build a farm from the ground up. There are many friends to be made, many crops and animals to tend, and a whole island to discover. What are you waiting for?

As you begin to nurture your plot, uncover great mysteries, and meet the citizens of the island, you’ll experience the everlasting magnificence of your new home first-hand–all while you rekindle the memories from your past that caused you to embark on this grand, exciting adventure in the first place. You never would have guessed that finding your purpose in life was just a shipwreck away…

In Farm Folks, live your life as you see fit–there are so many experiences to be had! Working the land and rearing animals is a bunch of fun, but there is so much more on offer here. Let’s run through what you can expect:

It wouldn’t be much of a farming simulator without farming, would it? Farm Folks features the time-tested farming mechanic in which players can purchase or forage seeds and begin to grow their farm into a bountiful and rewarding resource.

Once the soil is tilled and the seeds are nestled firmly into the ground, it’s time for some TLC–Tender Loving Care. You’ll water your plants daily, either by hand or through other means, until each crop has reached its maturation and it’s ready for harvest. Harvesting your hard-earned bounty can reward you in many ways, but if you’re focusing on that bottom line, then it’s time to put some coin in your purse.

After loading your haul onto your trusty mount, you’ll head into town and sell your goods to the island’s exporters. As your purse grows fatter and fatter, the farming process can be enhanced and streamlined until you’re running the island’s most booming farm.

Soon you’ll be wondering if it’s time to invest in one of those fancy mainland automobiles….or maybe someone who can help out around the farm…

Softshoal Island’s farmland is so very fertile because of the island’s local animal population and the generations they’ve spent grazing every acre of the luscious landscape. Today, farmers can continue to reap the rewards of Softshoal’s four-legged (and two-legged!) friends by giving them homes on your property.

The local forester is also a great carpenter, and he’ll make any kind of coop or stable that’s available–for a price, of course. Once the structure is built, you’ll need to stop by the nearby animal breeder to purchase some healthy livestock! Before you know it, you’ll be in the ranching business. Milk, eggs, and wool, oh my!

Nurture and care is key to making sure your livestock is producing worthwhile products. The happier your animal companions are, the higher the quality of their yield! Make sure you’ve got your brushes and special feed handy!

Sometimes reward is found outside the fences of your farm. You’ll need to explore the wonderful and diverse settings of Softshoal to find the valuable items that can’t be found on a shelf in the local general store. These resources include minerals and materials for upgrading your tools–usually mined from Softshoal’s extensive cave system, or fish and other precious sea life that can be fished from the island’s various rivers, lakes and coastlines.

Your progression is enhanced by what you find in the wilds of Softshoal, and sometimes searching for something trivial can lead to a grand adventure you never saw coming. Get out there and see what you can find–don’t forget your pickaxe and fishing rod!

Softshoal’s local community is a character-rich roster of living and breathing souls, all of which are just waiting to share their story with you. From those that live in the island’s coastal town, Port Meridia, to those found out in the wilds, Farm Folks features a diverse, well-thought cast of over thirty characters.

You’ll meet them, find ways to further your relationships with them, and soon you’ll know each one by name. These citizens offer quests a-plenty, and spout dialogue that’ll keep you coming back for more. High relationships come with high rewards, but don’t think everybody in Softshoal is going to be easy to please…

The seeds you sow in the community will quickly begin to bear fruit. However, you better be careful not to grow weeds! Build your relationships with townsfolk by giving them gifts, attending special events, performing quests, and remembering their birthdays. Earn enough favor and maybe the townsfolk will begin giving you gifts in kind. Some nuts are harder to crack than others, but with some finesse, they just might come around. You never know - you might even find love out there.

There’s beauty and intrigue found in every corner of Softshoal. It’s a compelling place that calls the player ever further into the mysterious woods, down into the dangerous caves. As you explore, you’ll see things that you’ll never forget and you’ll experience adventures worth re-telling.

And where better to relay your stories of heroism than back in Port Meridia? This fair-sized town has plenty of places to kick back and enjoy a day away from the farm, but it’s also home to the many festivals that you don’t want to miss!

Every season brings with it a great calendar of holidays that are perfect cause for celebration. You’ll find the townsfolk have a festival for nearly every one of those occasions. Make sure you’re there!

Your character is a reflection of your personality (we assume that deep inside, everyone is an attractive, island-dwelling farmer). As such, they can be customized in any way you desire, including your gender. After creating a glorious persona, we know there will be fashionistas who want to take it a step further. Want to give them a more epic hairstyle or outfit? Visit the barber or tailor! You will soon become a shining star in the farming community.

And so much more!

Farm Folks is whatever you make of it. It’s an adventure driven entirely by you. There is so much more to discover and so much more fun to be had when you get creative. Live this pleasant life to the best of your abilities and become the greatest farmer that Softshoal has ever seen!

Farm Folks on Steam

Farming World

Farming World

Overall good if you want to micromanage farms

Recommended if you enjoyed playing John Deere American Farmer or Farming Giant,

also less buggy than either of them.

Bored? Create your ideal farm in a couple of hours.

Start with cows for fast cash, get stars by processing food, there is no end game.

Most “bugs” reported are intentional - realistic annoyances,

except it’s designed for XP so need to use fullscreen mode in newer versions of Windows.

Internal achievements for plants, animals and contracts are non-functional,

Real player with 25.4 hrs in game

I will preface this by saying that, in truth, I genuinely love this little game. It’s simple. Not criminally so, but simple nonetheless. It’s a farming management simulator, and has its tendrils set firmly in a long past epoch of gaming.

Long, long, past. In fact, this game plays like something from decades ago, which might just be why I find it charming and enjoyable. Make no mistake, get it on sale. I don’t think most people share my nostalgic fondness for this charming little game, so if you have doubts, get it on sale. In truth, getting it on sale is almost a must either way.

Real player with 24.3 hrs in game

Farming World on Steam

Farm Frenzy 4

Farm Frenzy 4

This is NOT a farming game. It is, in fact, a factory game, the use of farm products as widgets notwithstanding.

If that’s fine with you, then great. Personally I want a FARMING game - without the “social” junk imposed by Farmville.

There is no continuity in this game whatsoever. You are not building a farm, you are not planting crops, you are not able to choose for yourself which farm buildings you want or where they will be placed.

It’s a series of hoops you have to jump through with a set goal, imposed by the game, and totally linear. The only thing that is valued is how fast you can do things. They place the buildings at random so at each new “level”, none of which last more than a few minutes, you are starting over with some random initial conditions. Within each level, the initial settings will be the same, but from one level to the next, you are starting with different buildings placed in varying and seemingly random locations, and with a variable number of farm animals and varying amounts of startup cash.

Real player with 341.3 hrs in game

I have never played any of the prior Farm Frenzy games except the demos. FF4 is a surprisingly addictive game. I am used to buying and playing high-budget AAA games and playing a “casual” game like FF4 is a different experience for me.

I was introduced to “time-management” games recently and I am enjoying this genre because it requires a bit of fast-paced thinking, not just clicking. FF4 can get a little hectic and it takes a while to get through the entire campaign. It is very difficult to collect all the Steam Achievements due to how many rounds there are in the entire campaign.

Real player with 76.6 hrs in game

Farm Frenzy 4 on Steam