Do It With Hay

Do It With Hay

u dont like hay-ur mom gay

Real player with 1.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Action Games.

Very cute, but content-lite. Realistically Do It With Hay has at most 15 minutes of content, thickened with the bale stacking and having to do some DIY platforming for one achievement. Nice visuals just don’t make up for the wonky physics though, stacking the bales goes fine right up until you try to jump or bunny hop onto them, then both they and you go flying and you must start over…provided the timer hasn’t run out, again. Pitchforks serve no purpose other than to poke the truck driver when he falls asleep, so trying to reach the stacking objectives while managing your stamina meter becomes ridiculously hectic.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

Do It With Hay on Steam

Graveyard Keeper

Graveyard Keeper

I wish Steam had a star rating system instead of just yes or no. This is one I would put midway. I like the game. I like the story and the world and I enjoy finishing the quests.

However, I do not like how complicated they made it to complete the quests. For example: You need acid. You need 3 ingredients for it. You have to do a little running around to get those 3 things, but that’s not bad, no problem. Then you realize you need to build the workstation to combine those 3 ingredients. Okay, still not too bad. But then you realize you need to build 2 more workstations just to get the material to build the workstation to make the acid. Oh, but wait, first you need the tech points to unlock both additional workstations separately. Think you’re ready now? Oh, think again. You also need more tech points to unlock another technology to make the material needed for the original acid workstation. Then when you finally get the acid made, you have to wait for a particular day of the week for the npc to show up. Which with luck like mine is the day that just ended and you have to wait 5 days to complete the quest that just took you 2-3 game weeks and lots of frustration and lots of looking up stuff on wiki just to make one little bottle of acid. Almost every quest is like that - jump through 20 different hoops just to get the one thing you need.

Real player with 119.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Crafting Games.

In spite of having bought and played all of the DLC (as of 2021, November), I still hesitantly recommend you play this.

I’m only going to review the main game and ignore DLCs for now, they might get their own review…

I enjoy this game a lot, but I think part of me feels a bit foolish for doing so? I think there are parts of the game that lacks polish, and I’m seeing some generally lazy or unfinished portions that is in some cases difficult to forgive

! town. The game also has a very frustrating way of lengthening quests.

Real player with 102.5 hrs in game

Graveyard Keeper on Steam

Sex Robot Road Trip: Highway to Harrisburg

Sex Robot Road Trip: Highway to Harrisburg

This game’s writing is hilarious, and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. Excellent stuff for showing your friends out-of-context screenshots (although context doesn’t make it any less ridiculous). I would really love to study the writer’s brain to see how they came up with some of those gags. And I hope Prince Harry doesn’t sue them for defamation.

If you’ve scrolled this far, gorgeous graphics probably aren’t that important to you, so I won’t go into much detail about that here. The simple style is very expressive and enhances some of the visual gags, so I’d say it’s not too bad once you get used to it.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture Cartoon Games.

Sex Robot Road Trip: Highway to Harrisburg on Steam

Human Factory

Human Factory

Human Factory has so much potential that it was able to keep me hooked despite bugs that would normally cause me to instantly abandon E.A. I play a ton of simulation games, and I sincerely hope this one doesn’t get abandoned (the dev’s fast response on the discussion board suggests otherwise).


Easy to understand process with fairly optimized factory production. I wasn’t able to find anything that was too over or underpowered: the numbers felt just right.

Solid music, a must have if a simulation game is to keep you hooked

Real player with 9.6 hrs in game

I’m not a hardcore gamer and this game made me play for almost 8 hours straight. Yes, it’s very good.

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

Human Factory on Steam