

Very nice game, much potential

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture City Builder Games.

Although this title does not support English, its playable to an extent thanks to its general city building concepts. Has promise, looking forward to if the dev adds support for English.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

乡间 on Steam



Very cute game. Nice graphics and music.

The game looks easy to play, but the mission is more challenging for me, especially killing evil flowers.

The idea of a flying pig is fun and I like it.

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture RPG Games.

The controls area little laggy, but once the dev has that down to pat, i reckon it will be a fairly good game. For the price i would recommend it. It slants towards using a controller, so bear that in mind. But cute art style, good concept, look forward to seeing how it progresses

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Hogvalord on Steam

STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town

STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town

I will say this~ As a die-hard HM weeb

With only 40hrs put into this game and only on “Autumn” Xseed has done a fine job with keeping the Harvest Moon franchise alive and ongoing. I love that they keep some of the same elements from the earlier games.

Pros: The graphics are beautiful and the characters are way better than Xseeds “SOS” where everyone looks the same. You have more personality with these new characters and they’re all so bubbly and cheerful and have their own unique dialogues. I do hope in the future that MORE Harvest Moon games will be coming out on the pc as I lack a newer Switch. Thanks for catering to the PC master race Xseed. Natsume has lost me in its very weak and un-immersive graphics. The animals are adorable everything about this game is amazingly fun and there’s so much to do the repetitiveness does not get “boring” or “old” It feels fresh every time you do something even if it is the same thing over and over again. All the villagers literally like everything so finding an item to give them daily is not hard. You even have CUSTOMIZATION to your main character. This is by far the best I have seen and ever played from Harvest moon when it comes to that. The outfits are so pretty too and don’t even get me started with the animations when farming. They’re on the peak.

Real player with 130.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Agriculture RPG Games.

As much as it pains me, this is probably the first Story of Seasons title that I have to honestly say I cannot recommend.

There are some cute things about it, and some of the heart of the series is there, buried way way down in there, but honestly this feels like Story of Seasons is trying too hard to take My Time at Portia elements and falling so flat on it’s face that it tumbles right over a cliff.

First and foremost the balancing in the game is atrocious. Day 2 of Winter Year 1 and I had already beat the town development “main” story. Winter 23 of Year 1 and I was married to the bachelor of my choice. The only major story milestone left for me is to have the kid (which I have read ahead is an adoption thing regardless of hetero marriage status or not and that moderately irks me). After that it’s just little completionism, which at the rate I smashed through them in year 1 I don’t expect will take longer than the last Year 3 achievement.

Real player with 117.1 hrs in game

STORY OF SEASONS: Pioneers of Olive Town on Steam

Elf Manor

Elf Manor


Real player with 68.6 hrs in game

32 hours into the game. So far, so addictive.

The game has an in game tutorial that covers the basics.

There is a lot of details not covered by the tutorial. I can’t quite make up my mind whether this is tantalizing or annoying. It has been sort of fun figuring out stuff myself.

There’s autosaving, but there are also manual saving options, so you get to choose yourself whether you want the game to be rogue, roguelite or hardly rogueish at all.

There is not a lot of storyline. Which is a good thing, in my opinion. There’s plenty stuff to think about just balancing the farming, the feeding and the fighting :)

Real player with 60.2 hrs in game

Elf Manor on Steam

Desktop Farm

Desktop Farm

this game is great to just have running and check back in on from time to time. the plants are adorable, the animals are adorable, and you can do some pretty entertaining things here.

personally, i made a maze for a bunch of cows to meander around and get lost in. those that got out of the maze got the sweet reward of getting satiated. those that did not are now stuck in the fences, and it is a deserved fate for not escaping before they got fully grown.

however, that isn’t to say that the animal ai is particularly bad, but they get stuck on fences a lot. as in, they’ll be trapped and infinitely walking forward forever into a fence and their satiation will plummet.

Real player with 236.2 hrs in game

Desktop Farm is fun and it works like a basic farming simulator should. It did get a little laggy near end game but I must have had 2k animals by then. I did not feel it was heavy on the PC but i felt like the game limited its self from using too much RAM and CPU. The game did crash once or twice but it was far from crashing the PC. Moving around the map was kind of annoying because the blue highlight square would show up when right clicking and dragging. Despite that it was still very playable and enjoyable for a few days. It gave me the urge to play more in depth and expensive farming games while satisfying my idle itch. Get it if you are in the mood for casual farming/idle play, a few achievements or you need something to do while waiting for loading screens or smelting metal frags.

Real player with 146.4 hrs in game

Desktop Farm on Steam

Sex Robot Road Trip: Highway to Harrisburg

Sex Robot Road Trip: Highway to Harrisburg

This game’s writing is hilarious, and I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it. Excellent stuff for showing your friends out-of-context screenshots (although context doesn’t make it any less ridiculous). I would really love to study the writer’s brain to see how they came up with some of those gags. And I hope Prince Harry doesn’t sue them for defamation.

If you’ve scrolled this far, gorgeous graphics probably aren’t that important to you, so I won’t go into much detail about that here. The simple style is very expressive and enhances some of the visual gags, so I’d say it’s not too bad once you get used to it.

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

Sex Robot Road Trip: Highway to Harrisburg on Steam



Good, but…

The concept is already existing in some mobile applications, but it’s still cool. For 2$ you can actually have a lot of fun but for a short time period. After an hour spent in the game, you have unlocked all bonuses and you win every time if you understand the game mechanics. Only one map and always the same bot mouvements.

That would be great if the game was online and multiplayer, withe more maps like in the already existing mobile apps that have the same concept.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Only fun for a few minutes.

I got it at 90% off which made it less than 50 cents. And it is a simple, but fun idea. But it needs more work: as others have mentioned, the AI needs to be improved, there should be more than one map/level, and it could stand some real online multiplayer instead of just simulated.

For now, I would suggest waiting for a better version, or for this product to have more work done, even if it’s on sale.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

SHEEP.IO on Steam

The Evil Farming Game: Replanted

The Evil Farming Game: Replanted

All screenshots are of alpha builds, and are subject to change.

What have you gotten yourself into now?

When Richard, the town farmer, finds himself at the center of his wife’s murder, it’s up to him (or you) to figure out what the hell to do.

You live on a small island village, with friendly people, law enforcement, and your wife.

Everyday starts the same, harvest yesterday’s crops, give them to your wife, and plant some more. Forever and ever, maybe sometimes you head to the market to pick up some tools.

But one day, that all changed, late at night, you lash out at your wife, and kill her. As you feel her pulse stop, you have no idea what to do. Will you turn yourself in? Or will you hide, stealthily avoiding punishment.

Make your choice in the First Part of this 2 game duology.

Meet friendly faces! Make friends, make enemies! Make your own story. With endless possibility to how your scheme will end up, there is no way you’ll make it out of this scot-free, as you’ll have more than just your wife, taken away from you.

Replanted is primarily based on the “Evil Farming Game” myth.

The Evil Farming Game: Replanted on Steam

Dairy Dave

Dairy Dave

I really enjoyed my time with this game so far!

I love the art style and animations. The pixel art is simple yet so vibrant and fun to look at.

I really enjoyed the visual feedback from the large milk bottle filling up as you milk the cows to the cow’s heart broken expressions when you miss your chance at milking them.

The short 12 page backstory was quirky and silly, put a smile on my face.

Something about this just gives me nostalgia of playing flash games in my free time as a kid idk

TLDR? Fun and simple little runner, would recommend

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

I’ve played this for over 10hrs on my phone, I love it! Very simple but there is still alot of subtle things you need to learn if you wanna get a high score (my best is 150k which is currently 3rd).

Probably works better as a mobile game but it’s free and there are no ads or mtx (how did the dev intend to make any money lol?) so there is literally no downside to downloading it. Very polished, no bugs fun game loop. Strong recommend if you like high score games!

Real player with 0.4 hrs in game

Dairy Dave on Steam

Eggs Catcher VR

Eggs Catcher VR

⣾⡇⣿⣿⡇⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣄⢻⣦⡀⠁⢸⡌⠻⣿⣿⣿⡽⣿⣿ play it

⡇⣿⠹⣿⡇⡟⠛⣉⠁⠉⠉⠻⡿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⣄⡉⠂⠈⠙⢿⣿⣝⣿ It’s good








Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

First time i download and played a VR games it was fun and hilarious i just hard find to get a maneuver of the command maybe soon i might get used to it. It recommended for playing with your kids surely they will enjoy it

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

Eggs Catcher VR on Steam