

Don’t mind the hours spent in the game. After refunding it, I ended up buying it on GOG to give it another try.

I first want to preface this review by saying I went in totally blind. I have no nostalgia attached to it, and I come from a background of loving point-and-clicks. I also seek out any game of the cyberpunk genre I can get my hands on.

That said, I wanted to like this game, but it felt impossible to. I saw it and I thought it was some kind of miracle I hadn’t played it already. Even its subtitle “The Cyberpunk Vampire Game” seemed perfect (as well as amazingly corny) to me. The screenshots made it look fantastic in that old time-y gritty moody kind of way. I felt like whatever its cons were, I wouldn’t let it keep me from enjoying a game that looked like I would love. But despite playing for long enough to get a handle on it, it still didn’t work for me.

Real player with 22.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Point & Click Games.

I’ll start just by saying that it is my favourite adventure (although it is much more) game. Bloodnet mixes elements of adventure and rpg. Among solving puzzles you command your small squad of friends and mercenaries in fights. There’s a lot of character statistics influencing combat, decking (travelling through cyberspace), crafting etc… Bloodnet tells a story of Ransom Stark, who is trying to lift a curse of vampirism. It is dark, mature and really sucks in. Ransom will meet a lot of interesting and well written characters. While combat sequences are not of best quality, great atmosphere makes up for it. Important element of Bloodnet is decking. Improving cyberdeck will help to experience it. It is not a point and click game (you won’t make a helicopter combining shoelaces and washing machine). Puzzles are interesting and logical. It is more of unraveling the story. If you like cyberpunk it is a must have. If you like vampires it is a must have.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

BloodNet on Steam

Dracula: Origin

Dracula: Origin

Tip: Press the space bar to see active clickable items so you don’t have to pixel hunt!!!

Enjoyable point and click adventure game. Puzzles were of a medium challenge, the main voice actor was convincing of the part, and the atmosphere/levels was fitting for vampire lore. I appreciated how the puzzles reflected the theme of the game and weren’t stand alone or unrelated like many other games. For example, you had to figure out the demons from normal animals or puzzles relating to dark arts. The music was good, but it got a little repetitive if you’re in an area too long.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Casual Games.

Dracula Origin for me presented an interesting and enjoyable story in settings that varied greatly and where both interesting to explore and well designed. The puzzels presented within Dracula vary in difficulty and complexity and the style of them also changes depending on the location you are in, this is a nice touch and keeps the game moving and engaging for the around 2 - 3 hours you are in a certain area. The story within the game follows a rather cliche plot, and ends abruptly however its enough to keep you going, however for an adventure game where story is usually a mian factor it is a bit of a let down. The sound design is great, with different background music playing in different areas and ambient noise creating a creepy atmosphere which suits the overall theme of the game.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Dracula: Origin on Steam

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

(Ignore my time on record as I’ve spent most of my playtime offline)

Easily one of my most favorite games of all time! I remember playing this on the original Playstation like it was only yesterday. In my mind this game set the bar very high for what video games were capable of. Wonderfully written script and rich dialogue, Extremely clever puzzles that make you consider all possibilities. A unique and large open world game that managed to pull off one of the first concepts of streaming data directly from the disk, cutting out loading screens from area to area. Crystal Dynamics had outdone themselves when making this game, and it’s a shame that we don’t get games like this more often.

Real player with 33.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Action Games.

Soul Reaver

“Tumbling, burning with white-hot fire, I plunged into the depths of the abyss. Unspeakable pain… relentless agony… time ceased to exist… only this torture… and a deepening hatred of the hypocrisy that damned me to this hell. An eternity passed, and my torment receded, bringing me back from the precipice of madness. The descent had destroyed me… and yet I lived.” ~Raziel

This game, to me, was the start of the Legacy of Kain series. Although, technically, that was actually Blood Omen. As a matter of fact, the first Blood Omen unknowingly set the stage and essentially serves as the backdrop for all of the Legacy of Kain games. In Soul Reaver however, you do not actually play as Kain. Instead, you play as one of his vampiric lieutenants, Raziel. But almost immediately, things immediately go bad as when Raziel approaches Kain and shows that he has evolved by gaining a set of wings (the first evolution of all of Kain’s vampiric brood), Kain considers this a transgression against him. In an act of rage, he rips your wings from you, and then has you thrown into the Lake of the Dead. Burning, trapped in the abyss, Raziel reaches the bottom but he is lifeless, his body practically destroyed.

Real player with 20.4 hrs in game

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver on Steam

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

Oh Rats! No I’m serious actually…and bats as well. Just like a bat out of hell Dracula has furry friends in both low and high places. Awaken from an extremely long eternal night and find some nice necks to chomp on. Whip your blood back and forth (Whip it real good). Explore Dracula’s back to the future adventure. Talk about a miserable pile of secrets. You are the prince of darkness! The dragon Dracul! What a terrible night to have a curse.

This is the direct sequel to Lords of Shadow 1, which was one of my favorite Castlevania games. It feels like you are playing a medieval version of God of War. If you liked the GBA/DS SoTN style Metroidvania ones you might not enjoy this one.

Real player with 62.1 hrs in game

I think I need to add this to the “games that most people hated which I actually enjoyed” list. Admittedly, I’m biased because I really dig Castlevania, enjoyed the first Lords of Shadow and Mirror of Fate, and am a sucker for the idea of playing as Dracula himself. But even at its most frustrating moments, Lords of Shadow 2 isn’t nearly as bad as Edge Magazine (which gave it a 4/10) or any of the other mainstream reviews would have you believe.

Bloodsucking awesome stuff:

  • I feel like combat’s speedier and more responsive than it was in the first Lords of Shadow, and there’s less reliance on quicktime events. This might have to do with the fact that I’m just more experienced with the combat system after playing through the first game and Mirror of Fate, but I had a lot of fun beating up some of the bosses, which leads me to the next point…

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 on Steam

Dracula: The Resurrection

Dracula: The Resurrection

2¢ Review

| Game Name: | Dracula: The Resurrection


| Original Release: | June 2000 |

| My Overall Grade (#/10):  | 2 |

| Demo: | No |

| Workshop: | No |

| Level Editor: | No |

| Captions: | No |

| Controller Support: | No |

| Multiplayer:  | No |

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game



✅Old looking




🔲Extreme graphics


✅Tin can

🔲Any pc

🔲A Decent PC

🔲A powerful pc

🔲An extremely powerful pc


🔲PC that god used to create the world


🔲Don’t have

✅Just a context

🔲Bad story

🔲Ok story

🔲Deep story

🔲Extremely deep and complex story


✅Easy to understand

🔲Easy to learn, hard to master

🔲You have to study a bit in order to play

🔲You will really need google


Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Dracula: The Resurrection on Steam

Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon

Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon

While this game started off promising as far as the look goes, I had a very hard time playing it. These games were known for being puzzle games. Well, they’ve removed the puzzles from this version. That means you’re going along playing when suddenly you hit a snag because you have a feeling you’re supposed to do something to progress. Except the thing you’re supposed to do has been removed or - worse - half removed. I spent this entire game bumbling through almost-puzzles that made no sense. You better hope you don’t get stuck on a “puzzle” because any walkthrough you find will be useless, since the “puzzle” you’re working on will be some ramshackle version of the one from the full game.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Dracula 3 fails in the excess. In the first cutscene we can see that the context is quite different from the other 2 games. We leave the nucleus of Jonathan and move into a context where the Catholic Church wants to investigate a possible canonization in a village in Transylvania, Romania. This shift from a romantic and adventure story in the first 2 games to an investigation of the supernatural seemed to be a good change for the series. The lore that is created around this new chapter is very interesting, but that is where the game fails in excess. There are endless dialogues and texts. The problem is not having too much of it, the problem is to have only this. Few puzzles, few parts of action, you are always stuck in a dialogue or pages and pages of readings. If these parts were diluted into interesting actions and puzzles, this would certainly be a great story, unfortunately a failure in excess. And jeez! It is annoying how many times the priest says “Hi, my name is father Moriane”.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon on Steam

Legacy of Kain: Defiance

Legacy of Kain: Defiance

Short and simple review.

Great game. Truly a masterpiece. Must-have classic. Story-driven and atmospheric.

P.S: For those who are having issues/crashes, here’s a fix:

1)Run the game.

2)Open Task Manager.

For Windows 7 or older:

3)Go to the Processes tab. (Second tab from left to right)

4)Find and right click the defiance.exe process.

For Windows 8/10:

3)Go to the Details tab. (Second tab from right to left)

4)Find and right click the defiance.exe process.

5)From the menu, click Set Affinity.

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

“He knew that all the hazards and perils were now drawing together to a point: the next day would be a day of doom, the day of final effort or disaster, the last gasp.”

~J.R.R. Tolkien

Endings. Those sure can be tricky. Especially when it’s about video games. Seriously, how many game series with perfect endings can you remember? Sometimes the greed simply blinds publishers and they begin to mass-produce games without caring much. We all know how it usually ends. The original Tomb Raider series is a perfect example of such an approach. Some others try to play it smart but fail due to lack of talent (hard not to remember Desmond Miles' story from Assassin’s Creed series, right?). But one way or another, we rarely get perfect finales in video game series. Surprisingly, that’s exactly what we’ve got this time. A perfect finale. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

Legacy of Kain: Defiance on Steam

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2

Its Soul Reaver lite

While not a bad game, its definitely not as good as it’s predecessor in a lot of respects.

The Good:

Superb voice acting, nice story, the puzzles are more complex and involved yet overall pretty good and offer a bit more clues to solve them, which is a marked improvement to the previous game.

The Not-so-good:

-The combat - In comparison to SR1 it feels distant, with little weight or consequence behind your punches, making it rather unsatisfying.

Furthermore, by the endgame, when fighting 4+ opponents, they will ALL attack at the same time, and while realistic and “challenging” it really comes out as cheap, specially when

! some of those enemies would naturally attack each other, but as soon as they detect you, ALL of them go for your ass instead. . Your Soul Reaver blade can be used from the start of the game and is a bit OP, that however is countered by a bar which fills the more you use the blade and kill with it, and once filled takes away some of your health, thus forcing you to mix its use with regular weapons, which at least brings some depth to an otherwise humdrum combat system. Speaking of the blade, it can be infused throughout the story with different elements (light, dark, wind & fire) but disappointingly only come into play in puzzles; yet another sign that the combat is undercooked at best.

Real player with 20.1 hrs in game

I was finally able to get the game working courtesy of this excellent patch right here .

“But suppose your throw a coin enough times – suppose one day it lands on its edge.”

The opening to Soul Reaver is seared into my memory.

No matter how many times I watch the introductory cutscene, the booming synth pulls me right back into the Gothic tableau of the Legacy of Kain universe, as if I were discovering it anew. With slick narrative efficiency, it sets in motion a tale of vengeance that spills out across time, daring its protagonists to challenge the apparent indomitability of fate.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 on Steam

A Vampyre Story

A Vampyre Story

A starting note that the play time does not reflect game length or completion time as I often leave games running whilst off doing other things.

A Vampyre Story is a fun point and click game that whilst not breaking any moulds of the genre it’s characters and dialogue I thought were witty and memorable and had me laughing out loud a fair few times. It also looks good, but the animations can sometimes ‘stick’ shall we say, although this is not a big issue.

Any fans of P&C’s will not be diasapointed in what this has to offer, although not the most challenging game out there, the puzzles aren’t ludicrously obscure as they can be in some other titles and range from simple to medium difficulty.

Real player with 46.4 hrs in game

I picked this game up when it first came out on disc and I regretted never finishing it. I was thrilled that it showed up on Steam and I’m very happy my memories of the game weren’t just nostalgia, it’s very fun and polished. The tone and puzzles are reminiscent of classic LucasArts games and the art is top notch, even by today’s cartoon game standards.

Some have not liked the voice of Mona, the main protagonist. It is high pitched and I can see how it could annoy folks but I thought it fit and didn’t mind.

Real player with 18.3 hrs in game

A Vampyre Story on Steam

Ashes of Immortality

Ashes of Immortality

Ashes of Immortality is a RPG maker game with an easy entry point

of satisfaction with some dispensarie flaws!

The graphics are pure kindling hot stepping gold!

The music is primed into a solitude effort!

You get a few side quests and some other milligrams transportation to use!

Now lets talk about the bad the bosses and enemies are copied rehash

novelty garbage disposals and its not recommended for that teensy bit!

But if you like a game and a challenging secret optional boss that gains you

the best reward ever then check this one out in customer-wise decisions

Real player with 27.5 hrs in game

With just RPG Maker stock material this game manages to create more atmosphere and excellent storytelling as many triple A games do proving that you don’t need a big budget or high end technology to produce a good game. This is truly 16 bit classic JRPG magic.


  • captivating story that ‘sucks’ you in, you want to continue playing to discover the story

  • well written dialogues

  • well chosen soundtrack

  • no grinding necessary (enemies are visible) but people who want to grind can choose to do so

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Ashes of Immortality on Steam