Heaven vs Hell

Heaven vs Hell

Unbalanced units. Progress is easy. Currently too glitchy (immortal units and disappearing one prevent beating levels).

Real player with 8.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Casual Games.

Heaven vs Hell - Good turn-based strategy. The game has a plot for the Angels and separately for the Demons.

Each of the typical units has its own strengths and weaknesses, so you need to place them correctly on the battlefield.

At the beginning of the game, you play as Angels, after defeating 3 bosses, Demons will open up to you.

The game is well-made and will definitely come in handy for fans of this genre.

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Heaven vs Hell on Steam

Der Geisterjäger / The Ghost Hunter

Der Geisterjäger / The Ghost Hunter

You know the expression “handling something with kid gloves”?

Yeah, Der Geisterjäger does - except its “kid gloves” are boxing gloves with horseshoes in them.

Basically, DGJ is a mecha dungeon crawler that not only isn’t afraid of being “unfair”, it actually incorporates savescumming as a canonical ability for your main character - something like precognition from Katana Zero, if you will. “This is only a dream” is a sentence that, if you, like me, are not a particularly sharp tactical mind, you’ll get used to seeing. A lot.

Real player with 20.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Exploration Games.

Der Geisterjager is a lot like Der Geisterturm, but better in every way. More enemy variety, interesting environmental challenges, and new hazards to deal with that aren’t mines. Along with quality of life improvements you should expect from continued development.

The single most important change is the addition of the credit system, you gain money for killing enemies now and the credits allow you upgrade your RCS as you see fit at repair stations dotted about the dungeons, creating an agency that the previous two games lacked while providing a much greater replay value.

Real player with 14.4 hrs in game

Der Geisterjäger / The Ghost Hunter on Steam

GOD WARS The Complete Legend

GOD WARS The Complete Legend

I have a policy to play and finish all games I buy. Occasionally I find a game that makes me rethink my questionable life decisions like this and God Wars is one of them.

The story is a combination of badly connected events, one-dimensional characters with erratic behaviour (especially our protagonist) and terrible cliché. There are about 30 characters and the game has no idea what to do with them. You might think that the queen of a nation, Amaterasu, will be an important character but no, she appears in two scenes, a flashback and then the plot forgets about her existence. There are several other non-playable characters who appear in one scene, give you plot item, kick you out and never appear again. Your party members are not treated any better. They get an introduction, join you for strange reasons, speak few lines and that’s it. Maybe someone needs to learn basic logic and writing lessons before embarrassing their own mythology.

Real player with 146.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Simulation Games.

Playing the patience game


  • Large gameplay. (+100h)

  • Enormous role variety.


  • One-way road campaign.

  • Awful AI.


Every stage is unique, meaning that you will only be able to work the campaign from them once. Now, a little bit more ahead in the game, there are some quests that will enable the character to visit some old scenarios and get to work for some rewards.

The first battle stages will show how the main skills and basic elements of the genre works. I really appreciate that since I’m not an expert when it comes to tactical RPG battles.

Real player with 93.9 hrs in game

GOD WARS The Complete Legend on Steam

Keezeh The Spector of Time

Keezeh The Spector of Time

Keezeh The Spector of Time is an indie Adventure / RPG PC game set in a fantasy universe where the player take on the role of an adventurer wandering through lost and uncharted islands, trying to reach the only mean for escape, the player’s spaceship.

Defeat warriors who spent their entire life training and fight dangerous wildlife in order to remain alive. Be careful with each step you make, you can’t be sure where traps may lie in wait.


  • Explore the island and warriors’s villages

  • Fight bosses and tribal warriors

  • Defend yourself from tigers, warriors and other creatures

  • Find your spaceship to travel back home

Keezeh The Spector of Time on Steam



Interesting game with old-school flavour, it took me a while to get the controls but does seem fun once you grasp it, the way character aim and angle the attack with camera rotation is unique.

This game doesn’t have much content to offer atm, but will still recommend if you wanna a casual and refreshing experience with this indie ARPG.

Real player with 7.6 hrs in game

Renova - a game with a very good idea. One combat system is worth a lot. But there is too little content in the game at the moment. More in the video review ….


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Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Renova on Steam

Shieldwall Chronicles: Realm of Madness

Shieldwall Chronicles: Realm of Madness

Gather a party of hardy adventurers and venture to the desolate wastes of northern Tarren, a realm ruled by the demon kings and their twisted champions.

Explore an open world freely while pursuing either the main quest or numerous side quests as may suit your fancy. Earn glory and riches as you lead your party into ancient ruins and face the monsters that lurk there.

Write your legend in the blood of your enemies as you face the corrupted denizens of a land steeped in dark magic. Your tactics, courage, steel and sorcery are your only allies in the northern wastes.

Choose from a host of varied character classes from among the many races found in the northern wastes. From men, elves, orcs and dwarves to outlandish creatures such as iron golems and even those possessed by the demonic. Each class has unique strengths, weaknesses and abilities that you must leverage to earn victory.

The northern wastes were warped beyond recognition by the foul magics released by the sorcerers of the elves and humans in their last great war. The unchecked and reckless use of sorcery tore the realm apart and corrupted its very nature. Worst of all, the magic brought the demon kings into existence … creatures of immeasurable power and malice. They rule the north now and their armies march ever southwards in their endless desire to bring war and death to the entire world. Holding back this tide, are the men, elves, dwarves and other races who now stand together, united by a common foe.

You will venture into this realm and face its horrors. You will gather a party of heroes that will battle and overcome the dangers of the northlands. Face braying beastmen, demonic champions and monsters formed of dark magic in tactical, turn-based combat.

  • Explore an open world freely, pursue the main quest or one of the many side quests.

  • Earn glory in tactical, turn-based battles.

  • Face countless horrors as you explore ruined castles, fetid swamps, corrupted forests and dank caverns.

  • Earn gold and loot from defeated enemies and use it to better equip and customize your party.

Shieldwall Chronicles: Realm of Madness on Steam



once up a time in a world far far away, there lived a group of heroes bound together by fate, chosen to battle dark forces, on an epic adventure.


Join, magog of morskar, Faiza Ikrum, Arcturus of Sarthos, and Laira final solution Windfarter III, on a journey the likes of which, has admittedly been seen many times. travelling through morskar, in a world breathed of the finer things like not having everything wanting to kill you.

Your foe, Ka-ren Scojus a Noble of Morskar who through some advanced artifice has come across the earthrealm and seen Magog’s plan to conquer it. Ka-ren with little skills outside of artifice, enchantment, and shadow puppetry, Ka-ren, found a discarded Veil Crystal and partially reactivated it allowing him to see Magog and Crew, and worse their browser histories. Truly disturbed by their plan to conquer the earth realm, Ka-ren has made it his goal to pierce the Veil before Magog.

Sidequest on Steam

Dark Deity

Dark Deity

I want to start this by saying that I DID enjoy the game… but I don’t think I could recommend it in a lot of cases. There are many reasons why for this, but at the moment I think that I’d want to start with the things I did like about the game, because there are a good few things I enjoyed.

Things I liked:

-Spritework. The animations of characters and attacks did actually blow me away from time to time. Was always excited to see what new animations I would get from a new class, or for the spellcasters, getting their spells ranked up.

Real player with 51.4 hrs in game

Dark Deity takes its inspiration from Fire Emblem games, generally. Here are the pros and cons:


Sprite animations are great.

Movement ranges are visible and easily determinable.

Weapon damage output, hit chance, and crit chance are all clearly visible based on your chosen weapon.

Leveling up characters is fun, and you have multiple options for modding the game in terms of XP, GOLD, and STAT start.


-Loading screens. Holy moly, anywhere between 4-7 loading screens (requiring around 5-10 seconds of loading time each) between given battles. It’s nuts. A loading screen before the save screen. A loading screen before the dialogue cutscene. A loading screen before the actual battle. Absolutely bonkers and annoying. Please fix this, it’s fucking stupid.

Real player with 48.2 hrs in game

Dark Deity on Steam

Iron Danger

Iron Danger

Extraordinary game with a wonderful combat system! I would like to call it ‘combat choreography’ at times, a delight for anyone looking for a casual adventure, because the mechanics ensure that you basically can’t loose. This inside a pearl of a story, which isn’t always conveyed the best in this game.

The story begins…

Kipuna’s hometown is under attack, and during her fled out of town, she tumbles through a gap in the pavement to an ancient forgotten temple, right upon a magical shard. The shard is pierced through her heart, and it gives her the power to turn back time 7 seconds, and to conjure firespells. A magical apparition sets Kipuna off on a quest to get the five other shards that form together the Aurolith!

Real player with 53.5 hrs in game

It all started with the save scamming. Remember the old school role-playing titles like Baldur’s Gate? There were powerful spells that had chance to kill any enemy from one hit but the chance for it was pretty small. Now what did people do? Naturally, they used to save before the battle, tried to cast the spell and if it didn’t work, they just loaded their save and tried again. Just because it was an easy way to win and… you know how it is. People love the easy ways. Well, as long as those are not the Dark Souls fans but we’re not talking about those masochists today. Anyhow, later, when playing games in a proper way started to get completely out of fashion, publishers started to add a certain feature to their games. A feature that allowed us to “rewind” things and try again. Without even using an old school save feature. Press one button and pretend that you didn’t die a second ago. In a way, it was like watching movies on VHS. You know… VHS? That bulky thing… with tapes? The one that allowed us, old geezers, to watch movies at home before most of you, youngsters, were even born? OK, OK, I’m shutting up now, don’t be mad.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Iron Danger on Steam

Terrain of Magical Expertise

Terrain of Magical Expertise

I was a fan of the Terrain of Magical Expertise concept since middle school after discovering it’s original iteration, TV Tome Adventures. Discovering the 2011 web series at a tad bit much later after being introduced to several alumni’s work prior to TOME (e.g. LittleKuriboh’s work with animation done by the creator of TOME himself, DBZ Abridged, etc.) was also a big shocker to me because of how much I loved the cheesy simplistic animation, story driven writing and decent voice cast. And the moment the Kickstarter was announced for this game a few years back, I was initially excited for it. After finally purchasing the game and playing 3 consecutive games of it, trying to undercover each easter egg, minigame, quest, side character and everything possible, I figured it was finally time for me to write a review. I do not want to have this review come off as mean spirit and any way and I have no hostility regards to the creator himself and any outside drama that occurred prior to the making of this game, but this review is a preparatory mix of my experience playing it beforehand, witnessing the development of the game step by step when it’s publicly announced and nitpicking each and every single aspect of what I liked and didn’t like in the game. So don’t look at how the game was not recommended and immediately think, “Oh, he says it sucks”. That’s not what I’m saying at all. I have sort of a mixed middle ground with this game and Steam does not have much options on what I should say and since this game had hardly any not-recommended options, I figured to just add one more to the already good pile of reviews which would sure knock it down of the park. If I get chewed out on it, I’m sorry but this is what I think of the game overall. So grab a snack and a drink because this is gonna be a long one….

Real player with 111.4 hrs in game

I love TOME, I’ve always been really a big fan of it ever since the webseries, I’ve been anticipating this game for years now and I can say as a big TOME fan this has really lived up to exactly what I was looking for.

I can say that it has its few fair share of bugs here and there of which many I’ve reported on the discussion forums and on Twitter, but the only reason of which that should detract from your experience should be if the game outright stops you from playing from a bug, of which you can probably fix due to removing your previous save file from one of the previous demos, likely the Itch demo, this happened to me and I was kinda bummed but I got as far as like 10 minutes into the game so starting a new save file wasn’t a problem really, and it certainly wasn’t the developers faults. They’ve even gone into suggesting the same fix to many people and have been active about responding to people on the forums for reporting bugs, and good on them, they’re really great developers who are listening to feedback and I legitimately hope eventually we can make this game as perfect as possible.

Real player with 62.5 hrs in game

Terrain of Magical Expertise on Steam