Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure

Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure

Was a fan of Scribblenauts Unlimited, so when I heard they were making a DC themed game, I preordered. Since then, I’ve played Unmasked many times, and until recently I hadn’t played Unlimited in years.

Unmasked is hands down the best DC game out there. While it doesn’t have every DC Comics character (The Penny Plunder and James Gordon Jr. are two omissions that immediately come to mind), it has most of them. There’s some really obscure characters in here; RUU-9-2, Salamanca, Kritter, Dragon King, etc. You can use the Batcompter to get information on them at anytime, although some of their profiles are a bit odd. (Computo’s entry is clearly about his New 52 version, but the character himself looks like his Pre-52 incarnation)

Real player with 388.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Action Games.

This is like a $40 DC Comics Database. They have almost every hero you can think of. The game ruined me from enjoying the others, though. This was my first Scribblenauts game. I bought it because I saw Smosh play it. xD

I suggest you start off from a different one, unless you’re a big DC fan like myself. However, it seems like people who start from Scribblenauts Unlimited tend to not like this one. I am an example of someone who started playing Scribblenauts with this game, and I don’t enjoy the others as much.

Real player with 43.3 hrs in game

Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure on Steam

Supreme League of Patriots - Episode 3: Ice Cold in Ellis

Supreme League of Patriots - Episode 3: Ice Cold in Ellis

Μπορεί να μη γέλασα πολύ, σίγουρα όμως διασκέδασα με την πρώτη δημιουργία της No Bull Intentions, θαυμάζοντας ταυτόχρονα το πλήθος των ζητημάτων που κατάφεραν να Βρετανοί να θίξουν όσο διαρκεί το παιχνίδι τους. Δε θυμάμαι άλλο adventure game που να χαρακτηρίζεται από τόσο διάχυτη και καυστική σάτιρα επί θεμάτων που αφορούν την εποχή κατά την οποία κυκλοφορεί. Κυριολεκτικά καταπιάνεται μ’ ένα σωρό –ευαίσθητα- θέματα, προσπαθώντας να περάσει ανθρώπινα μηνύματα και ν’ αποτελέσει ευθεία και δυνατή φωνή ενάντια στην εκδήλωση κάθε μορφής βίας και ρατσισμού.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Point & Click Games.


Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

Supreme League of Patriots - Episode 3: Ice Cold in Ellis on Steam

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1+2]

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1+2]

very good game that’s it

Real player with 5.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure RPG Games.

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Winning Love by Daylight Is a visual novel by Cutlass Boardgames. The game starts off quickly and puts you straight into class, introducing each character one by one. Winning Love puts you in one-one scenarios with these characters very quickly, and introduces important plot points immediately. Right off the bat, The art made a good impression on me, not being your typical visual novel fare. The artwork ranges from good to very pleasant, my only complaint being a few odd character features such as remarkably long fingers. The music was not as kind to my ears as the visuals were, as it was an annoyance as often as not.

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Winning Love by Daylight [Ep 1+2] on Steam

Batman - The Telltale Series

Batman - The Telltale Series

I have some friends and people-I-know who like to judge me. All these judgement comes from their inability to accept that people can be different and their tastes can vary, it highly depends on what kinda person you are, your lifestyle and your education.

Telltale Games are always a reason for discussions and some weird talks like “what do you exactly call a game in there?” and every time I hear it I start to get mad. Truth be told, I never understood why people like to judge the genres they don’t like and people who play them, ‘cause it’s never been a big problem for me. If I don’t like the game or genre, I just don’t play it, easy as that.

Real player with 67.9 hrs in game

By now, Batman is a well known character who’s had probably the largest exposure among comic book characters. Across the years there have been many interpretations of the character, some focusing on the hero, others on the darker aspects of his personallity and most of them on his growth. They’ve all been done to death. How does Telltale’s Batman fare? Do you need to know his character to enjoy this game? Is this a cashgrab or is there some worth to it, something that make the game shine ? Telltale’s catalogue is formed of both kinds. Batman season 1 is an interesting one. It starts as the former and ends as the latter. Before I go on with the narrative and technical details, I’ll get something out of the way: If you intend to play it on a low-tier device, better stay away! The engine of the game served as a prototype and therefore not many things could be fixed. To this day, the framerate can drop to the half of your display, there’s some stuttering in few moments on high-end machines, but it’s much worse on lower-ends. With that out, here’s the actual review:

Real player with 35.3 hrs in game

Batman - The Telltale Series on Steam



If I was to sum Noctropolis up in two words, I would say it’s “beautifully one-dimensional”.

Initially I planned to give somewhat of a tentative recommendation based almost entirely on the game’s gorgeous environments and striking atmosphere, but as I went on playing I found that beyond that there was nothing there for it. The writing is abysmal, and even if I tried to look at it through a more tongue-in-cheek lens so much of it is just empty. It’s not an amusing kind of bad either (like “Rise of the Dragon”, which is another point-and-click game that puts style over substance). There’s no sense of weight to this world that ironically enough fleshes itself out only visually, but has absolutely no other substance to it. It’s completely hollow of personality, of characters, of emotion or of any real world. It’s a beautiful backdrop of nothing.

Real player with 28.2 hrs in game

FMV game that has been Enhanced properly.

Whenever we tend to visit our nostalgic old adventure games to reply them , we fear going back to fmv games (full motion video) because they are a pain to get it to run properly in the modern os and you can always expect them to have bad elements of adventure games aka lack of humor, death , miss a item and you get stuck forever, horrible acting in fmv etc.

So i came across this game Noctropolis Enhanced edition and had the same fears starting to play it but then , it set itself apart.

Real player with 8.8 hrs in game

Noctropolis on Steam

Super Hero League of Hoboken

Super Hero League of Hoboken

My mummy had bought me a video game disc that contained a main game and a bunch of other free games back in 2009 and I played this game so much that I sleep talked to Dr. Entropy so after losing the disc and having to do all dosbox settings in order to download and run this game on my slightly better computer few years later was a bit problematic, but to see this on Steam is still a pleasant surprise even though it has a price tag.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

I played this game back in 1995 and have been looking for it again since! Nobody i have ever talked to has heard of this game and 25 years later im still quoting it and getting weird looks.

Superhero League of Hoboken has a very funny story that adds famous sites around the New York area into the environment. This game is a turn-based combat rpg with point and click environments. You can customize attributes on your characters with different items you find throughout the game. Music can be a little annoying because of some sharp notes, but i would rank it somewhere between ok-ish to digging-it. Interface is CLUNKY AF, but not unbearable. You can navigate using your keyboard or mouse.

Real player with 7.9 hrs in game

Super Hero League of Hoboken on Steam

Supreme League of Patriots - Episode 2: Patriot Frames

Supreme League of Patriots - Episode 2: Patriot Frames

I invested around fifteen hours into this mess.

All three episodes will receive the same review.

Let’s start with the story: It’s mostly enjoyable.

There are some parts that I simply did not like.

For example: Everything just feels so sluggish.

So many unnecessary dialogues, It’s just slow.

They keep on talking and talking and talking.

Every single story piece just felt very bloated.

At some parts it just feels like a boring chore.

The comedy elements are not funny enough.

Most of the time it feels like they forced it in.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Mixed. There are some fun jokes and puns, making a playthrough worthwhile. However, it also felt like they were trying too hard. It is a nice pickup from a bundle … supremely satisfactorily sufficient.

Additional Details

| Operating System | Ubuntu Linux 14.04 x64 |

| CPU | AMD FX-8350 |

| GPU | GTX 750 |

| Game Saves |

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Supreme League of Patriots - Episode 2: Patriot Frames on Steam

Supreme League of Patriots

Supreme League of Patriots

First, something about myself to frame this: I don’t care much for superheroes, I watch the Hollywood movies if/when I fancy, and that’s all; some I like, some I think are just junk. And I don’t watch much TV besides the news.

The game then: the superhero theme stays accessible, never got any impression I was missing anything, but that was not the case for pop culture references, which will make much of this game feel dated and inaccessible in not too long a while, I’m afraid.

That said, I thought the writing never quite kicked into gear, the humor overlabored and falling flat on its face, until the final stretch of this episode, after you’ve passed all of your audition tests, and those would be 4. The voice acting also felt kind of dull, never lending any extra weight or liveliness to the lines, but this may as well be a direction issue, rather than a problem with the performers themselves, a few of whom you may be recognizing.

Real player with 9.8 hrs in game

There are few things as vapid or as insipid as the Saturday night television lineup. Countless celebrity chat shows and talent(less) competitions litter the schedule, each one an almost identical copy of the other. You could liken those shows to television junk food – the type that really clogs your arteries up and causes a cardiac event in later life. There’s never anything original on either, like, say, ‘America’s Got Death Defiers’. Our weekend television schedules are positively crying out for some originality! Supreme League of Patriots has the answer and its protagonist, Kyle Keever, has set his eyes on winning the America’s Got Superpowers crown. Kyle’s ultra cynical British pal Mel is also on hand to give some moral support, as well as the occasional intelligence based insult. Over the course of the first episode the pair take the world to task on everything from police brutality to homophobia.

Real player with 8.5 hrs in game

Supreme League of Patriots on Steam

The Ables: Freepoint High

The Ables: Freepoint High

I am a big fan of Jeremy’s work. I really enjoyed the book, so when I first learned about this game, I knew I was going to buy it. These are my unbiased thoughts of the game so far.


  • Good looking graphics, somewhat reminiscent of Mega Man games.

  • Beautiful background music.

  • The gameplay works well, starting off fairly easy, then sending you into a real challenge quickly.

  • The boss fights are a nice challenge, taking me a few tries to beat them.

  • A wide variety of powers at your character’s disposal.

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

It’s real fun!!! I enjoyed the book and I am sure I will enjoy the game as well.

Needs a save/checkpoint feature ASAP, I had to quit and now I must play from the begging!

Also, in the controls there are button to change between powers but it doesn’t seem to work for the time!

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

The Ables: Freepoint High on Steam

The Adventures of Fatman

The Adventures of Fatman

A story about a fat dude that tries to be Batman (and somewhat succeeds).

There are tons of tropes in this game, both well and terribly done, but overall I liked it. The villain, the sidekick, the SCUMM inventory system, the art direction, classic Sierra death scenes, some Easter eggs, etc. The voice overs are good, but they suffer from poor production values - tons of ambient noise + distorted audio that could be prevented with a simple EQ pass and compression.

Most of the game and its puzzles are well thought, except for some contraventions here and there, which I don’t know if were made to mock the player or it’s just bad design - i.e. when you need to change suits, it gets annoying super super fast. Showing only 4 items in the inventory system is too constraining, should have been expanded to at least 6.

Real player with 29.8 hrs in game

Classic point-‘n’-click adventure that old-school fans of the genre will like

When I think back about a game I’ve played and can remember its plot and characters with fondness, I think it’s fair enough to say that such a game is worth recommending. Fatman is one such game.

It isn’t going to win any awards for graphics, innovation, sound, gameplay and what have you, but for its price, Fatman delivers a decent enough package of entertainment. The story is told with a touch of lighthearted humour, which worked for me. Puzzles were mostly not bad - exactly the type one can expect of a typical adventure game. And Fatman himself, as the protagonist, grows on you with time. There are also a couple of easter eggs to be found that contribute to the number of points you earn.

Real player with 12.8 hrs in game

The Adventures of Fatman on Steam