A Week In The Cold

A Week In The Cold

This game has a very relaxing vibe; it has a good progression of difficulty and it can get a bit challenging at times. I very much enjoyed playing it, also nice graphics and music!

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Casual Games.

Its an ok game, a bit short but its very fun to skate on the ice.

The story could use work but the game is stunning!

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

A Week In The Cold on Steam

Tanuki Sunset

Tanuki Sunset

A Bird’s Eye View Curator 🦜


Tanuki Sunset is a game in which you play as a rebel raccoon not only disobeying their mother by not wearing a helm but also all of the Tony Hawk knowledge I possess that you don’t do tricks on a longboard AND the titular Tanuki even does it without looking ahead!

Visuals and Mechanics

The visuals of Tanuki Sunset are a gorgeous depiction of the 80’s synthwavey style with dancing to the music suns and buildings and overall vibrant and un-photorealistic style of the entire game and it’s menus. As for the mechanics boy is this game an example of easy to learn and hard to master. Much further than steering, drifting and a few tricks the game doesn’t push you but if you want to do it well you need to be on the ball!

Real player with 25.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Racing Games.

The glory of an indie game is the freedom to do with it what you please. Gone are the shackles of publishers chucking deadlines and investors expecting what will profit the most over what will be enjoyed the longest. Take the craziest idea in your head and so long as you have a decent crew and the wherewithal to plug the hours in, you can make that crazy idea happen. Like, say, piloting a longboarding tanuki through 80s inspired chillwave landscapes worthy of a computer wallpaper while Tokyo Drifting to a slappin’ soundtrack. Yeah. Indie games, man.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Tanuki Sunset on Steam

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game

this is probably the most accurate skateboarding simulator I have ever played. I would say what also makes this game stand out is the modding capabilities that allows this game to not feel stale. I have played this since its first release and the progression of the game combined with the mods makes this really fun!

Real player with 1304.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Skateboarding Games.

Pretty fun with mods sucks donkey ass without mods.

Real player with 69.3 hrs in game

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game on Steam

Magic Trick

Magic Trick

Magic Trick is a steam videogame featuring shower demented fun with a short sample story twist of trans rights and bundling upstairs in a cattling room of banging sounds of music and charming visually design choices…nice curving cards to collect..even though they arent helpless or powerless…i infringe for the most flowing part as celebrating independence black slacks of crisped magical knowledge…high heels of imagination to a ballet flattened…stripped amazingly half-sized locations that throw a cosmetics case of zooming manageable cocooned ease…i give this game a 10/10 its a short portable phone in of greatness fun pleasant surprises i really loved it love the burrito master!!!

Real player with 10.5 hrs in game

this game is a MUST play. super cute dialogue, charming characters, amazing queer representation, and epic skate tricks :-) the achievements are so fun to earn and the atmosphere is beautiful. this game deserves way more recognition!! i’m so glad i found it

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

Magic Trick on Steam

Escape of Mari: The Polar Ladybug

Escape of Mari: The Polar Ladybug

Who knew that a tiny ladybug could cause so much headache? Help Mari navigate and make your brain twist for a solution in this frozen puzzler that will warm up your hearts. It’s difficult but fair.

It’s a very underappreciated game that got lost with a high initial price. It was worth that price as it is actually very very good but nobody ever gave it a chance.. I’ve had it for quite some time but unfortunately couldn’t review it (before the price drop).

Given the price reduction BUY IT A-S-A-P as you are missing out. Very nice stages, good design, smooth gameplay and a real puzzler that will take a lot of your time to finish. It can frustrate at times but you will get the handle of it and feel accomplished in the end of the level.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Escape of Mari: The Polar Ladybug on Steam

How I learned to Skate

How I learned to Skate

“This is a story about how I learned to skate. It was hard…"

How I learned to Skate is a desperately difficult ice-skating challenge about a boy learning to skate for the first time, following an increasingly burdensome path, chasing after the girl he could never have.


Control individual legs and body tilt to move the ice-skater with a mouse or a controller. It’s simple.

  • Raise a leg

  • Choose a direction

  • Release the leg

  • Tilt the body to turn

Additional info

This game is all about learning and mastering a new unique mechanic.

  • A challenge with checkpoints.

  • Inspired by a Warcraft 3 mod that I love, Polar Escape 5

  • Merged together with instantaneous mouse controls from Getting Over It

  • Takes roughly 12 hours to complete, depending on how fast you learn. Roughly 3 hours for the demo.

How I learned to Skate on Steam

Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends

Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends

Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends is a well-designed, fun, colourful and ambient rage game that stretches the lines of human sanity, determination and pain. On the surface, Pogostuck looks and breathes like a bouncy, Getting over It-esque, online, fun challenging game; however, this fantasy is destroyed after around 25 hours of playtime. In total, the first map took me around 50 hours to beat, which can be visualised below:

0-3 hours: “This is pretty hard but I’m going to beat it.”

4-10 hours: “This is kind of hard but I’m making progress.”

Real player with 208.2 hrs in game

Is this the start or the end?

Oh caterpillar, hold me friend!

I’m soaring high right through the sky,

see soaring beans this must be dreams.

I pogo this, I pogo that,

I’m longing for my brand new hat!

I bonk and yeet,

land on my feet,

I Alt F4,

come back for more.

I ‘member grapes, I ‘member trees,

but not the bees I beg you please!

The blade of life, it does it’s thing,

like I do mine, I hear it swing…

Real player with 63.6 hrs in game

Pogostuck: Rage With Your Friends on Steam

clown town 1443

clown town 1443

I’m just gonna say it, I honestly expected a lot worse going into this.

But I’m glad to say that this game certainly didn’t disappoint. Taking inspiration from the classic era of flash games, this game follows a well-established formula with a few extra strings attached. Simple but challenging, short and sweet, it is definitely worth picking up.

While the graphics in some aspects may be somewhat crude, it adds so much to the overall charm the game brings. The gameplay is solid and enjoyable, as physics are used very well to give the car a sense of weight and velocity. Although it is only 10 levels long for the main game, it can be very challenging at times. Especially with the 10 bonus levels you get from getting a high enough score in the endless mode.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

I bought clown town 1443 because the developer was in a random unrelated Twitch stream dropping Steam keys out of nowhere. That kind of guerrilla marketing appealed to me and so I decided to purchase the game instead, and that isn’t just me coping for not being fast enough to snag one of the keys despite how generous the developer was in giving them.

As a big Friday Night Funkin’ appreciator I have a soft spot for games that are basically love letters to Flash classics, and this game is very clearly wearing its Trials influences on its sleeve. There’s a bit more to it than just a straight clone, as this game features a bit more depth to its mechanics, such as a heat bar that must be managed. You’re free to bump around generally as much as you want, but if you overheat from too much acceleration you temporarily lose control of your vehicle. Crash in this state, and you’ll have to restart the level again.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

clown town 1443 on Steam

Neon Tail

Neon Tail

The game is slowly getting better but there are 3 major problems that make it difficult to recommend - the acceleration on the slopes, optimization, and general lack of meaningful content. Some people also mentioned that controls are not good - that is not the full truth, I think the problem with controls is mostly coming from issues in the environment and not from skating mechanics that work fine when mastered. There are many parts in the city where you will have awkward platforming due to having multiple sticky zones in small proximity or invisible walls, making it nearly impossible to fully control the character. It’s not a problem in areas with more space, after playing 7+ hours I can execute platforming very consistently (it just has a learning curve). On that note, I would not recommend forcing new players to do tasks in small streets, or polish that level design so you not constantly hitting weird artefacts that you can’t see. Now the game feels kinda clunky at first because it prevents you from instantly stopping to show momentum, you have to make u-turns instead by spinning and using that momentum, which is kinda the main gimmick in the game, you are roller skating after all.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

I may not have too much time in the game but I’ve been occasionally playing for about a year now. While the movement feels sluggish in the beginning and takes a bit to get used to, its a unique feel that rewards quick reactions and improvisation to continue the flow of grinds and tricks. And the new September update greatly improved the game including a mini map with icons and the ability to travel to certain points on the map by bus, a new take on the upgrade system that is more straight forward and removes the need to choose between better stats or fun abilities, and a revamp of the current story and missions that greatly improve the new player experience. While still a work in progress game, it has quite a bit offer to those looking for a inline skating game that scratches the “you know what” itch.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Neon Tail on Steam