

Suzerain is a really interesting story exploring the trappings of power, geopolitics, political dynamics, and the push and pull between reform and historic legacy.

Based loosely on the political situation of Turkey in the 1960s, your character inherits the reigns of a semi-democratic, semi-authoritarian country with a troubled past and present in a world increasingly pulled into the spheres of two superpowers. You inherit a recession, tense political situation, and a large, belligerent country breathing down the neck of your own. Your primary mandates are to resolve the political situation by siding with reform or using the tools of state to secure or expand your considerable powers and put an end to dissent; fix the economy; put an end to threat across the northern border through deft political maneuvering or military build up; and, of course, secure reelection.

Real player with 210.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Choices Matter Games.

Excellent political simulator set in a very well crated world. The world-building is excellent. There are countless ways in which you can see the effects of your actions. The first half of the game is pretty boring especially on replay however second half of the game is always great and is worth the lengthy setup. I can’t recommend this game enough if you like games about politics.

Real player with 62.8 hrs in game

Suzerain on Steam

A Tale for Anna

A Tale for Anna

It’s been a long time since a casual game from BF was actually challenging. In fact, with no walkthroughs available yet some of the puzzles I had to skip due to not enough info in the directions to get what I was supposed to do. But I loved the challenges and story and will be playing it again in hopes of not skipping any puzzles.

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure 2D Games.

What a brilliant game, unlike any HO games I usually play and, I confess, I’d decided I didn’t like it within the first ten minutes of playing it! I only went back when I’d run out of games to play and my wish list was full of games yet to be released! But, having said that, I found myself drawn into the story and finding all the little objects that were needed for each task or mini game. I have to say some of the mini games were rather too complex and I had to use the skip button, a shame there isn’t a strategy guide.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

A Tale for Anna on Steam



I hate leaving negative reviews…but…uh….I’m going to just be honest. I actually streamed this game, and the frustration was shown on my face 90% of the time. I tried NOT to compare it to Locked Up but it was so hard not to.

Picking up items was an absolute pain. I had to be at the PERFECT angle. I couldn’t even pick up the very first paper (which I assume had the controls for the game).

I couldn’t go back to look at the controls. Options didn’t even list the controls. This was extremely frustrating because some parts required you to zoom into the object to proceed with the game.

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Horror Games.

Curator page here-- [url] DaRevieweD #43 [/url] -- [i]New review every Sunday[/i]

Tainted Games- who was my first ever (I meant as a Steam curator) is back once more with Agoraphobia and has graciously offered me a key to test and review, oooh I have chills already.. Some background, this was made at the same time with ‘Little Terror’ , and so if you’re wondering why there’s no updates, they’re on the way!

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Agoraphobia on Steam

CAT Interstellar: Episode II

CAT Interstellar: Episode II

CAT Interstellar: Episode II

Return to Mars as a UNC Marine for the second installment of the cult classic CAT Interstellar.

Episode II picks up 24 hours after the first episode and primarily follows the United Nations Common (UNC) Marine Sergeant Gary Freeman. In this episode you’ll navigate a treacherous Martian passage, drive a 4WD rover through Turing Canyon, and blast your way through a Martian laboratory as a Marine Sergeant on a mission to deactivate Android 42.

This experience is intended to be ~1 hour long and follows a very similar structure to the first game. It is a linear story with both first and third person gameplay.

CAT Interstellar: Episode II on Steam

Cubes of Death

Cubes of Death

Get ready to put your skills and your mind to the test. Cubes of Death is played from a 3D grid view and has both a story mode and an arcade mode (with randomized settings). 6 skill levels include everything a beginner needs to get into the game, a more challanging mode for the quick-thinker and GOD-MODE, for those of you that really think you will be reincarnated as a box your life after this. The 6th mode is where you get to measure your skills with your friends, allowing you to customize a course entirely for your needs, using a seed to replay same map as your friend and compare your scores and times. In future settings we are implementing PvP as 1 on 1 and up to 4 players in a battle royale style where players compete for time capsules, one-time-use-weapons and re-usable traps. The story-mode will hopefully get a co-op mode in the middle of 2022 and after that, we will see what you, our player-base asks for. Our ears are here for you so please send us ideas for future releases, we want Cubes of Death to be fun, fastpaced and re-playable.

Cubes of Death on Steam

Disturbing Forest: Demon’s Path

Disturbing Forest: Demon’s Path

Decent free little adventure rpg-lite.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

The game looks really interesting and I definitely see myself diving deep into it’s story. Can’t wait for the full thing to be out!

Here’s a link to the review I did on my YouTube channel, if anybody’s interested -

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Disturbing Forest: Demon's Path on Steam

Einar - Loki’s Traps

Einar - Loki’s Traps

The player controls everything with keyboard and mouse, being a very simple and intuitive interaction.

The game screen is totally clean without an interface, where the player can focus directly on the character and the traps the game offers.

In a dangerous environment, where your death is served on a silver platter to the gods and your chances of staying alive are pure fun for them.

With countless obstacles and puzzles between you and your goal, reaching the end becomes challenging, even in the simplest of things.

Survive in this puzzle adventure game and prove to Loki that you are worthy of a second chance.

With easy commands, well-crafted puzzles and lots of challenges, Einar is a simple game, but it takes a lot of time and is guaranteed fun, or not!

The main difference is the mix of obstacles and puzzles and a camera move where the angle will help a lot, especially in puzzles.

If you want something different and challenging, then give this indie game a try and have fun.

Einar - Loki's Traps on Steam



This is an utterly charming traversal-based metroidvania!

The world is colorful and interesting, but the surprising thing is how impeccably designed it is. It’s a compact little puzzle of a world, and everything is set perfectly in the right spot.

If the fun of games to you is exploration, asking “how do I get up to that spot?” “that tile looks strange, I wonder if I can do anything with it?"…then this is 100% your game!

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

This game is very nice and solidly done. It’s a “metroidvania” in the loosest of the sense that doesn’t really focus on action or combat, but instead on simple and engaging platforming puzzles. The item system is interesting in the way that you can access all 4 at the beginning, but only one at a time until you expand your holding capacity, which allows access to areas that require multiple items. The game is very slow-paced, almost too slow at times, but that’s exactly why you can change the game speed rendering it a non-issue (I prefer speed 3). Lastly, the graphics are cute and adorable with nice colors used throughout despite the art being very minimalistic.

Real player with 6.9 hrs in game

Elephantasy on Steam

Final Winter

Final Winter

A fast paced rogue-like where combat is more about the amount of time lost for the xp gained. You have 10 minutes to get as deep as you can before the curse takes your life. This takes my usual approach to rouge-likes of careful, deliberate precision and tosses it out the window. The game compels you to take each floor faster than the run before to get deeper and grants you powers that help you traverse the floors with greater speed and yet the cave isn’t exactly the same as the runs before.

Enjoyable, challenging and leaves me feeling accomplished after a good run, and yet still feeling like if I could only run it faster than ______ wouldn’t have died. Who is next and how many can I save I wonder?

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Monster Fighting? Check. Puzzles? Check. Well made characters? Check. Good story? Check. This game has everything you need to keep you entertained for many hours. I have played through once (and lost) and it was very fun. I will be playing again. That being said I don’t know the replayability of the game. But it is for sure worth the cost for the hours of enjoyment.

Real player with 6.7 hrs in game

Final Winter on Steam

Ghost of the Seas

Ghost of the Seas

It is a rather impressively large set of islands.

There is a sense of epic scale during exploration that feels great.

Unfortunately, there isn’t much in between the big scenic set pieces.

This is missing 90% of its content (as it mentions) BUT given that fact, this should still be in the cooking phase, not in the selling it for $15USD on Steam phase.

The dev is obviously talented and I wish them all the best of luck.

Simply can’t recommend paying for this in its current state.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Ghost of the Seas on Steam