Duck Simulator 2

Duck Simulator 2

Duck simulator 2 is a masterwork of gaming media. The oozing thought and care put into every minutiae of detail really cements this game as something comparable to Half Life 2 or Demon Souls–the trailblazer of the legendary soulslike formula. Some other forms of media I would compare it to would perhaps be the first two parts of the god father, solely in regards to its raw quality. It has completely metamorphosed my conception of the lofty heights that gaming, and things produced for the entertainment medium in general, can reach. However, I feel like using the term “entertainment medium” is a misnomer, because Duck Simulator 2 also qualifies as a spiritual experience. I was losing faith in Jesus Christ until I completed this game, and today I have begged the LORD forgiveness for my sinful misdirection. It was only thanks to this game that Orius was able to redress my waning spiritualism. The auteur of this paragon of artstyle, storytelling, gameplay, and graphical quality, Orius, could be nothing other than a creative genius after bestowing this game upon us, and to think otherwise would be foolish.

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure RPG Games.





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Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

Duck Simulator 2 on Steam

Sid Meier’s Colonization (Classic)

Sid Meier’s Colonization (Classic)

This game is a gem, and still great fun to play more than two decades after its release. It starts in 1492; your sovereign grants you a few colonists, some tools and muskets and a ship to head into the vast unknown. It is up to you to turn that humble beginning into a vast colonial empire - and then rebel against the ever more oppressive rule from across the seas.

It is a game that is fairly simple to get into, but the more finnicky bits of growth and economy can take a while to get the hang of. Do you start a vast agricultural colony, raising new colonials through food, or do you start with cash crops and their refined versions to scrape together enough gold for new recruits from the old world? Perhaps you instead focus on spreading the good word of your faith to lure lost souls across the Atlantic, or use your military might and missionaries to subdue the local natives as converts? Perhaps all of the above, all the while bickering with your fellow European colonies and treading carefully around the sovereign’s steady requests for higher taxes, your day only brightened as founding fathers flock to your banner to aid you.

Real player with 121.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Turn-Based Strategy Games.

An oldie, but a goodie and, IMHO, superior to the 2008 remake.


1. Works fine on Windows 10 though my PC is a toaster from 2009ish so your mileage may vary.

2. Excellent soundtrack.

3. The same addictive formula as the other Sid Meier games.

4. Colonial setting. It’s not super historical or anything, but it’s still an interesting time period.

5. The ability to commence your own 1776.


1. Combat. I once had a unit with 15 attack lose to a unit with 5 attack… 15 reloads in a row. There was another case where a unit with 1.5 attack managed to defeat my artillery which had 20 attack. I’ve seen fishermen defeat dragoons more then once. These kind of upsets don’t happen constantly, but are frequent enough that I wasn’t surprised and would save before every attack just in case. TL:DR A higher attack doesn’t guarantee victory so your frigate could end up being sunk by a guy in a rowboat with a knife.

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

Sid Meier's Colonization (Classic) on Steam

Thrillville®: Off the Rails™

Thrillville®: Off the Rails™

This game , IN MY OPINION, is BETTER than rollercoaster tycoon, With Nostalgia, it brings social Intercation, Cool Rides, a Wacky Scientist named Mortimer who looks like the guy from back to the Future,and overall, the best thing is the park itself, or PARKS, with an s, YUP, there are a total of 5 dif. Parks to play all with 3 areas with totally different genres. the 5 parks are, Thrillville Stunts, the Starter park based on action (duh),Which contains the areas Throttleville, Battleville,and Saddleville (cowboys). then there is Thrillville Explorer, which contains Relicville, Summitville, and Scurvyville ( WOO PIRATES!!!!!). then Thrillville Other worlds, with Uragiville,Astroville, and Oceanville. Thrillville Giants is next, with Candyville,LawnVille, and Casaville. FINALLY there is Thrillville Holidays, with Fallville, Winterville, and Summerville. the only downside is that it is kinda short.

Real player with 21.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Strategy Games.


🔲 My grandma could play it

✅ Easy

🔲 Normal

🔲 Hard

🔲 A challenge to be reckoned

🔲 In the heat of confrontation, treat your opponent with respect


🔲 MS Paint

🔲 Bad

🔲 Meh

✅ Graphics don’t matter for this game

🔲 Good (nothing special)

🔲 An original artistic direction

🔲 Beautiful

🔲 Masterpiece


🔲 This game has no story

🔲 Basic element of the contractual requirements

✅ It’s there for people who want it

🔲 Well written

🔲 Leading to more in-depth researches/thoughts

Real player with 19.1 hrs in game

Thrillville®: Off the Rails™ on Steam

Sword of the Samurai

Sword of the Samurai

Today I’m reviewing the 1989 release of the “Sword of the Samurai” by Microprose.

My father originally bought this game back in the 90s, which is thirtysome years ago! As with any game from that time, the graphics aren’t the best and the AI is as dumb as a slug. That said, this game excels as a samurai role-playing game, and the re-playability of this game is practically endless!

You first start off by choosing a name (or not!), a difficulty level, and a starting province which will impact the 2nd phase of the game when you become Daimyo for your clan. Until then however, you start at the bottom as a samurai serving a hatamoto with only a handful of retainers to defend your lord’s lands.

Real player with 108.7 hrs in game

Sword of the Samurai is an unbelievably deep and charming game. The ancient graphics hardly distract from the incredibly solid mechanics, especially since retropixel style is all the rage these days. Sword of the Samurai offers essentially three minigames under an umbrella of casual strategy roleplaying. The one-on-one duels, one-on-many melees, and full-scale battles all have their charms, but by far the most satisfying (and difficult) play experience is to be found in the melees.

Sometimes you’ll be minding your own business when you come across a band of uppity ronin whose heads need to part ways from their necks. Sometimes you’ll be stealing into your lord’s mansion in the dead of night to stab your way to a promotion when a tripped alarm turns your stealth mission into Kill Bill Volume 1. Sometimes your psychotic father-in-law keeps breaking into your house to kidnap your son. It’s delightful!

Real player with 26.1 hrs in game

Sword of the Samurai on Steam



With 9.1 hours, all 4 planes, all 8 airports and 49.6% of jobs completed, I recommend this game to people who are after an enjoyable flying experience. I bought it after getting hooked playing it on a mates Vive. Be warned though that it doesn’t include a massive range of aeroplanes, the physics are great and planes are good but if you are looking for something more ‘realistic’ in terms of planes and environments then this may not be for you.

I found the tutorials well set out although I think it would be nice if they contained more information for people who are begginers and don’t know much about aviation. The physics are great, I’ve even managed to get it into an inverted flat spin!

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

It should be noted I am using the motion controls not a HOTAS flight stick. I have one but this game is supposed to be good with just the motion controllers.

This pilot wings inspired vr title should be called Pilotwings: filler edition.

Honestly the developers lack of faith in their game is pretty frustrating. the padding out they do with the pacing and needless island jumping is unbearable at times.

They start you off with a plane that feels like your flying a hot air baloon. that’s fine. get people used to it ect ect. But it’s so slow I feel I would make better time on the back of a seagull. It’s still fun it’s great to get used to the mechanics. it also will be the only thing available to pilot for a rediculously long amount of time. suspiciously it takes about 2 hours to earn enough to get your second airport and second plane, yup you have to buy airports to have additional planes available for purchase. Most games that aren’t trying to make progession take an enternity would just have every airport have a plane dealership. But we gotta fill that 2 hour refund window don’t we.

Real player with 13.9 hrs in game

Ultrawings on Steam

Bum Simulator

Bum Simulator

This game gave me many hours of screaming laughter. I can now be one with the pigeons, When I play Bum simulator I really am just practising for my future. If being a Bum is this easy I might give it a try and with the acute lack of employment opportunities these days it might just be worth doing. The pigeon lady is me in 10 years.

I love being able to shove pigeons in everyone’s faces and piss everywhere at will on an indifferent world, cause twister-fulls of pigeons wrecking everyone’s day, causing car crashes everywhere, running from the police, pissing on them and launching fat dirty pigeons at them from great heights. writing obscenities on signs and getting money for them. It is pure joy.

Real player with 22.5 hrs in game

From Completing the game on Normal and progressing on Hard difficulty, I believe I can leave a review on the game.

From all of the other survival/simulation games.

I really enjoy the concept of this game of where it’s going.

The building can be a bit funny at times. But as to expect as a early access, but don’t get me wrong. Everything else is dam brilliant,

The graphics of the city is absolutely great, Decent size starting map. (I still get lost half the time which is good for as i have to figure out how to get back to my base).

Real player with 21.6 hrs in game

Bum Simulator on Steam

Understanding, The Game

Understanding, The Game

amazing!! bravo maty!! this is a very good example of a guy making a game with love.

i loved the idea and the basic but efective gameplay! cant wait for full game

atmosphere 10/10

music 9/10

player mechanics: 7/10

gameplay : to be a demo very nice! it took me 45 minutes to finish it.

the game mechanics are basic and easy to play! the flashlight lifetime is so weird, but developer will make an update and increase the lifetime of the flashlight so that’s fine

I see people who say the game has no point of direction. there are many videos on the internet of people who have passed the game without having to go around harassing an independent developer, the game is not perfect and is not a game made by a studio with million dollars of budget.

Real player with 2.0 hrs in game

This game is still in its ‘demo’ version with the full release coming as a DLC sometime this year.

I’ve played A LOT of horror games. Easily a couple hundred. This game has serious potential. It just needs polish.

The visuals and the spoops are on point. From the menu screen, I was immediately pulled in and couldn’t wait to get my teeth bloody on some good scares. Atmospheric sounds that have been used in some of my favorite horror games can be heard here as well. I heard noises that I recognized from Silent Hill, which is always guaranteed to score good points with me.

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Understanding, The Game on Steam

Airport Madness 3D

Airport Madness 3D

Some would call me a hardcore Airport Madness fan. They are probably right. I’ve poured hundreds of hours into this franchise from the PC browser days, to the mobile apps, to the standalone PC versions, and on to repurchasing and clocking hours on the other 4 titles here on Steam. The developer himself is an air traffic controller, and I’ve probably dealt with more digital aircraft than he’s handled real planes. (Although he has a much better safety record than I do!).. So I openly admit that even as a 33 year old man, I giggled like a strange psychotic Schoolgirl when this game was announced.

Real player with 84.0 hrs in game

I’m biased because I have all Airport Madness games. Airport Madness 3D could not be missing in the collection so i was fortunate to get the game as a birthday present.

If you have played previous versions of Airport Madness, the game play won’t be that different. You need to click slightly below the airplane to get the menu and in my experiance the sky cam view is the best way to play. Tower view is my second choice.

Although the game is not yet bug-free, i can’t think of a big negative (yet). The positive is future airport additions and of course the possible addition of the workshop. Looking forward of spending more time in the game.

Real player with 63.4 hrs in game

Airport Madness 3D on Steam



The SpinTires/MudRunner series has finally become a full fledged game. SnowRunner brings map exploration and change to a new level with the ability to improve and repair disaster struck areas. The trucks have a high level of customization and unlocks to make them increasingly capable as you delve into stickier situations. Finally, the map sizes and routes require planning in the late game to ensure you bring the right tools for the job; don’t prematurely lose your load; and make it to the finish line with more than fumes in your tank.

Real player with 427.2 hrs in game

Snow runner is the much anticipated sequel to Mud runner, the third game in the spintires off road simulation series, and this new installment takes the spintires concept from being a curious toy to a full fledged game. Quite a monumental leap to say the least. I won’t be covering many of the things that stayed the same from mud runner, as I already made a review of it.

It does this mainly by adding a new progression system. Trucks and upgrades are now earned through money, an XP level system, and scavenged from the maps as you play. In some ways, this makes the game into a bit of a metroidvania type of ordeal. There are many areas starting out that you simply cannot reach with your current equipment. And that can be rather frustrating to someone unfamiliar with spintires. Your biggest enemy is yourself if you don’t know what your trucks can and cannot do. Many judgement calls will have to be made. Especially when doing a super heavy haul contract with early game equipment.

Real player with 315.3 hrs in game

SnowRunner on Steam

Bear Simulator

Bear Simulator

I have had this dream since I was a little boy in Quebec, this dream that has stuck with me for nearly two decades. It all started during my first ever visit to the zoo, I was…I was 5 years old. My parents took me before their divorce, before my mom started to take a liking for nigge󠂪r dic󠂪k. I don’t remember much from that trip besides one thing, a gigantic 680kg grizzly bear. He was so big, so strong, so…sex󠂪y. This is also where I remember experiencing my first boner. I remember seeing this magnificent creature and just feeling all tingly inside, and I felt something in my pants going hard, it was my tiny little 5 year old pee pee. Anyway, I can see the bear like it was yesterday, oh I so dearly wish I knew the concept of se󠂪x back then. I knew this bear was different, even then, and the thought of it stuck with long enough to when I got home. I had my first dream about the bear that night. The bear appeared in my sleep, and was still the same muscular and powerful creature I saw at the zoo. It just stared at me, I didn’t know what to do, I stood there in awe and engrossed with what I know now is lust. As the nights went by my dreams only grew more frequent, and by the time I was 12, I found out about internet por󠂪n. However, I never found the girls to peak my interest like the bears did. So I started watching nature documentaries about bears to explore my sexuality. It was the best discovery 12 year old me could have made. Unfortunately, I became more and more immune to the sight of bears screwing on the TV, and wanted to try some bear dic󠂪k for myself. I was 16 at the time, and knew about the native bears in my province. I decided to make a 3 day trip into the Boreal Forest. It did not take me long to find what I was looking for. I saw him…this almost holy creature…I found the one whom I wanted to do unholy things with. I was at a distance, and quietly stripped to my bare as󠂪s, and slowly made my way towards him. However, he noticed me from about 20 meters out and began to run at me full speed. My coc󠂪k became extremely hard, and I ran towards him, I remember so clearly when we made impact. He pinned me to the ground and began to take advantage of my body. He ravaged me right there in the forest. He swiped at my face breaking my jaw and crushed my sternum, he then slashed at my leg, almost ripping it off. I passed out from the pain, and when I awoke I was at the hospital. Although no penetration occurred I was told by the doctors that I was lucky to be alive. I was disappointed though. To this day I still dream of a bear to pin me down, and force itself into me every night. I want to experience these dreams in reality, but if you’ve ever had thoughts like mine, Bear Simulator is the game for you. The sex animations are absolutely sublime and I nut to this game about 120-150 times a day. If only I could feel the true sensations.

Real player with 20245.0 hrs in game

I’d like to start off with a simple statment of profound meaning for anyone who is curious why this game bombshelled: F*ck PewDiePie in his pretentious judgemental and cruel little nordic butt.

That aside. Bear Sim is a wonderful game. The elements of exploration and the way the game is designed to keep you drawn in is fantastic. Very few games have ever capitivated me in the way that this game did. It has humor in place of horror or cheap jump scares. It gives a sense of purpose which is quickly and easily adopted without the need of an explanatory narrative. It is build to be friendly and still challenging. An absolute marvel of ingenuity on the dehalf of the developers.

Real player with 55.3 hrs in game

Bear Simulator on Steam