Alien Cat 2

Alien Cat 2

Stars received: 2.5/10 _ Note: v.5 [0.0 to 1] = personal impressions

[0.4] Controls & Training & Help

[0.1] Menu & Settings

[0.2] Sound & Music

[0.3] Graphics

[0.4] Game Design

[0.2] Game Story

[0.3] Game Content

[0.4] Completion time (level/game)?

[0.2] is it Enjoyable & Fun?

[0] Could it hold a spot in Favorites? (& if the Game can be repeatedly played again)

[0] BONUS point: Multi-Player related

[0] BONUS point: Review for VR

[N] - if Registration is required with providing PII

Game description key-points: 2D instance looter

Real player with 7.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Family Friendly Games.

Pretty fun little puzzle type game here…it’s tough but fair, although I prefer the side scrolling platforming of the first game. Wish it had more achievements but not gonna complain.

Real player with 2.1 hrs in game

Alien Cat 2 on Steam

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2

Oh Rats! No I’m serious actually…and bats as well. Just like a bat out of hell Dracula has furry friends in both low and high places. Awaken from an extremely long eternal night and find some nice necks to chomp on. Whip your blood back and forth (Whip it real good). Explore Dracula’s back to the future adventure. Talk about a miserable pile of secrets. You are the prince of darkness! The dragon Dracul! What a terrible night to have a curse.

This is the direct sequel to Lords of Shadow 1, which was one of my favorite Castlevania games. It feels like you are playing a medieval version of God of War. If you liked the GBA/DS SoTN style Metroidvania ones you might not enjoy this one.

Real player with 62.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Action Games.

I think I need to add this to the “games that most people hated which I actually enjoyed” list. Admittedly, I’m biased because I really dig Castlevania, enjoyed the first Lords of Shadow and Mirror of Fate, and am a sucker for the idea of playing as Dracula himself. But even at its most frustrating moments, Lords of Shadow 2 isn’t nearly as bad as Edge Magazine (which gave it a 4/10) or any of the other mainstream reviews would have you believe.

Bloodsucking awesome stuff:

  • I feel like combat’s speedier and more responsive than it was in the first Lords of Shadow, and there’s less reliance on quicktime events. This might have to do with the fact that I’m just more experienced with the combat system after playing through the first game and Mirror of Fate, but I had a lot of fun beating up some of the bosses, which leads me to the next point…

Real player with 42.0 hrs in game

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 on Steam

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don’t Dry

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don’t Dry

10/10 Must buy

Disclaimer: I received a review copy by Assemble Entertainment for this review

Note: This is a shortened version of a review from Gao Li Occasionally Reviews to fit Steam’s 4000 character limit.

When Assemble Entertainment acquired the license to make Larry games, they certainly had their work cut out for them. After all, each entry’s about Larry’s attempts to get laid, which, if writers & developers are not careful, can backfire horribly. Surprisingly, the original 1980s&90s games not only walked this delicate line gracefully, but garnered a sizable female player base. Nevertheless, some views expressed therein can seem dated or insensitive nowadays. I therefore asked the developers of this new entry if it was difficult to bring Larry to the new age, to which the lead writer, Falko Löffler, told me, “At first we had a concept where Larry, with his [views] of the 1980s, would be confronted with the modern times. Therefore, we didn’t have to change Larry at all. The entire team designed characters & situations that would pose big problems for Larry, because he doesn’t understand them. None of these were issues for us, but instead it was a lot of fun. We hope that new & old fans will like our interpretation of Larry.”

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Comedy Games.

If you are a fan of Leisure Suit Larry, then buy and enjoy this game, it is a worthy entry into the LSL franchise.

However if you are just an adventure point and click fan, maybe buy it on sale.

CrazyBunch gave Larry a much better treatment than it has had in a long time. Jan Rabson returns as the voice of Larry Laffer, and brings him to life as the sleezy loser we love to see fail. The effort put into making this game feel like a LSL game, rather than the Lovage offerings, is noticable in both the kinds of callback jokes and puns in the writing. Overall a great effort, but not a perfect game either.

Real player with 34.0 hrs in game

Leisure Suit Larry - Wet Dreams Don't Dry on Steam

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2

A charming, hilarious and fun adventure with the perfect balance of puzzle difficulty. This point and click has my favourite puzzle design because they are not too hard to figure out, but also not too easy. The characters are unique, interesting and lively, and the graphics are gorgeous without putting too much strain on a computer (as a laptop gamer, I especially appreciate this as there is nothing sadder to me than a game I really want to play with specs that my computer can just about manage with lags). As in the first game, Wilbur is an absolute treasure, Ivo is as great a female character as ever and Critter is quirky, sweet and loyal. Nate has grown more likable in this game as well as gained a fair amount of depth and development.

Real player with 92.3 hrs in game

If you played ‘The Book of Unwritten Tales (1)" you will probably enjoy this sequel. It brings back all the main characters from the first game and introduces a few new ones.

The textures and rigging are a little better than the first and the mechanics and walk paths are a little smoother but I still found that some of the walk paths (especially when you are switching between characters) are a little weird. You don’t have to do any pixel hunting because you can highlight all items that you can interact with so it’s hard to miss something. Some of the puzzles are not very logical to solve but most of them are reasonable.

Real player with 61.5 hrs in game

The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 on Steam

Broken Sword 4 - the Angel of Death

Broken Sword 4 - the Angel of Death

When I saw that this game received mixed reviews, I still kept my hopes high. After all, Broken Sword 3 got mixed reviews, and I enjoyed it, despite being trampled by boxes ;). Then I played it. I will say this: I’m glad I played it. I’m a Broken Sword fan; therefore, I must play the whole series. If you are a Broken Sword fan, you probably should play it. It doesn’t get everything wrong, it just doesn’t get enough right. I feel that Broken Sword 3 was much stronger in terms of story and graphics. Anyhow, lets get to the positives of this game before I load you with the negatives.

Real player with 30.7 hrs in game

Broken Sword 4

Sadly this really is one just for fans of the series… and even then this game will test a lot of them too.

I’ve played a lot of this game due to PC issues… mostly being that I like to reinstall my O.S. every few months to keep my PC clean and fast as possible. Sadly this means that I’ve had to restart games that don’t have cloud save features (This and Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag being two off the top of my head.) Simply put I’ve seen enough of this game up to the Turkish palace bit to last me a lifetime. Anyway that might explain why I logged up so many hours on this game.

Real player with 24.9 hrs in game

Broken Sword 4 - the Angel of Death on Steam

The Adventures of Fatman: Intergalactic Indigestion

The Adventures of Fatman: Intergalactic Indigestion

Sorry, but no.

I enjoyed the first Fatman game, but this is nothing like it:

  • It is smaller. Much smaller than the first.

  • It has no speech. (The first one had)

  • It is NOT point & click. It is purely drag & drop, which is, well… a drag.

  • It is not a complete story. At some point you return to the fatcave to get some paperwork for a new member and… game over.

Yes, the cost is minimal, but at the same price the first Fatman offers much, much more. It should be given as a free prologue to a series of episodes that will never come.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Compared to the firstgame…this sux

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

The Adventures of Fatman: Intergalactic Indigestion on Steam

Adventureland XL

Adventureland XL

I played the original Adventureland alongs with many other Scott Adams’s Interactive Fiction games back in the late 70s and loved them. As soon as I heard I could play Adventureland again with my kids and grandkids I purchased it right away on Steam. It brought back so many good memories for me and the new version is even better now using the Conversational parsing engine!

Real player with 13.7 hrs in game

Revival of the classic, plus much much more :). Great game for both seasoned and new adventurers alike :)

Real player with 8.4 hrs in game

Adventureland XL on Steam

Open Sorcery: Sea++

Open Sorcery: Sea++

A great game, in general.

If you have difficulty with the text-based nature of the game, just think of it as a point & click without pictures. The difference is minimal, you’ll just have a lot more freedom of action (and the branching paths which come with it) than with traditional point & clicks.

Buying this game was a no-brainer for me since I loved the ideas introduced in the first Open Sorcery. I just wanted to see more of the world introduced to us in the first game. And Sea++ delivered.

If you have even surface knowledge of computer science, you will find a lot of creative puns to enjoy. And those who like fantasy will find a refreshing take on the genre.

Real player with 69.9 hrs in game

Abigail Corfman has done it again, with a massive follow-up to one of my favorite Twine games ever, Open Sorcery. This time, rather than a magical creature as in the first OS, you play a human – one of the titular “open sorcerers”, who specializes in blending magic and C++ code to work her will on the world.

Sea++ also takes the opportunity to flesh out the world of Open Sorcery to a truly vast degree. Some of the highlights, for me, included:

– taking tea with a very eldritch spider

– convincing an angel to use gender-neutral pronouns for God

Real player with 61.5 hrs in game

Open Sorcery: Sea++ on Steam

Welcome To… Chichester OVN 2 : Master Tormentor Grendel Jinx !?

Welcome To… Chichester OVN 2 : Master Tormentor Grendel Jinx !?

DISCLAIMER: I have not played any of the previous titles, and this game was requested through the Steam Curator Connect.

It’s a free visual novel, which makes it hard to say anything negative, since the only thing you’re putting in requires your own time.

The overall feel of this VN was very similar to the over-the-top reactions and statements provided by a lot of stereotypical anime/JPN VNs with a heavy focus on shenanigans/antics with little to no depth (I was heavily reminded of Danganronpa shiver).

Real player with 10.0 hrs in game

This OVN is a brief side-story to an ongoing series where character relationships, story development & direction have been created which can make the whole experience like walking into a movie/series halfway through so I’d recommend WTC 1 and, as this OVN fits between WTC 2 parts 1 & 2, playing those first prior to this OVN otherwise the epilogue will reveal spoilers

This free to play second OVN continues the madcap Austin Powers style humour of the Welcome to Chichester series with its sexual innuendo jokes revolved around the rivalry of the Protagonist (You) and Grendel Jinx. In this scenario, the Protagonist has prepared against Grendel’s daily torments to ensure their own plan can be carried out as part of an unexpected surprise retaliation for Grendel. For the Protagonist there is also the dilemma of whether to take a blue pill (as advised in a pre-recording) but the consequences can be more worrying than the comedown!

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Welcome To... Chichester OVN 2 : Master Tormentor Grendel Jinx !? on Steam

Little Big Adventure 2

Little Big Adventure 2

Little Big Adventure 2 is definitely among my favourite games. I’d say it’s not for everyone, but if you like scripted adventure games, LBA 2 will be a game for you. What’s unique about this game is its style and atmosphere. The game was released in 1997, so the graphics are not the best by today’s standards. But that also means that the developers couldn’t simply make a “good looking” game and sell it like hot cakes because it has a strong brand name and a fancy trailer. The game really is good, it makes you want to discover more and more of its story. At some point in the game the story becomes predictable, but it’s still very good. I’ve played the game in all three language versions (German, English, French), and the dialogues in the German version are definitely the worst, but the German voice actors are the best. If you know French, play the game in French, it will be much easier to understand the NPCs’ hints.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

One of my favorite games to date. I played this back when it came in a CD and it suggested you to instell DirectX 3.a (!)

With a great comic approach, but with well done puzzles and a (although crazy) interesting story, this game has a bit of everything: Action, Puzzles, Comedy, Exploration and it has its somewhat open world parts!

tl;dr if you enjoy old style adventure games with lots of things to do and discover, you won’t regret this. It never gets old.

This game had a combination of 3d envirorment (normally outdoor) with 2d envirorment (indoor isometric) and it is really really old, so don’t expect great graphics.

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Little Big Adventure 2 on Steam