Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri

Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri


Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri is a casual point-and-click RPG set in a sci-fi universe where Captain Gail Pilgrim makes her livelihood transporting cargo and passengers aboard her father’s old starship. In predictable fashion, something goes awry when the ship is in space, and the adventure begins.

Graphics and Sound:

What are you expecting for a game that you get “awarded” coupons for on Steam for crafting badges? Alright, I won’t cut any corners this time! The graphics and sound are both comparable to the graphics and sound to games made in the fourth generation of consoles, which is good enough for me, since I find game graphics from that generation to be aesthetically pleasing, and this game’s graphics are no exception. There’s nothing in particular that I like about the graphics, but there’s nothing I would consider game-breaking about any of the graphics.

Real player with 13.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Space Games.


2020 friendly!

Episode 1 is currently free! 20-08-2019 (still F2P in January, 2020.

Special thanks to Rogue Wolf for bringing this to my attention!

  • Review is spoiler free!

  • Very enjoyable in 2019.

  • Have played this episode through roughly 5 times since its release in 2015.

  • Do not press F12 to screenshot as it will cause your game to crash. :P

  • If you want the game full screen you only need to right click the application on your desktop

bar and choose properties full screen.

Real player with 10.6 hrs in game

Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri on Steam

The Deed

The Deed

You play as Arran Bruce, part of a noble dynasty which goes back hundreds of years, and you’ve returned to the family home, Dunshiel House. It’s a place which doesn’t hold many happy memories for you growing up. It’s a miserable night, the raining is siling down and you’ve got to face your family whom you’ve not seen for many years. It’s your father’s fiftieth birthday but it’s not the real reason you’ve decided to come back to the family home.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Crime Games.

Meet the Bruce family. Son, Arran, soon to be disinherited (usurped by his sister) with murder on his mind. Father, Malcolm, violent tempered, oppressive, abusive. Mother, Gloria, in deep and utter denial of the dysfunctional Bruce family. Sister, Jennifer, violent, cruel, insane and about to die. Dunshiel House staff: one butler and one maid/cook.

A classic “who-dun-it” from the murder’s point of view.

Storyline: Estranged Arran Bruce returns home for his father’s 50th birthday with the sole purpose to murder his sister, Jennifer. Motive: Money, of course. The father, Malcolm, is about to disinherit him in favor of his sister. The question is: How to commit murder and still walk away a free man. 10 murder weapons, and 5 other people who can take the blame, assuming one does not get caught. Of course, there is always the “mysterious” intruder too. (Lizzie Borden will have good company if one manages that.)

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

The Deed on Steam

Space Pilgrim Episode II: Epsilon Indi

Space Pilgrim Episode II: Epsilon Indi

A year after the Alpha Centauri Incident, Gail Pilgrim is still in the passengers business, though she has Sabina White, the clever scentist that became her co-pilot. Unfortunately, now in Epsilon Indi, she’s under the investigation of the J.A.C., the corrupt space police. Between the rebel scientist, the priestess of a strange cult and the young man that want to be a Jackal, Gail and Sabina have to survive the encounter. And what surprise is in stock for them?

This game is the sequel of Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri. So, you bet that you’re familiar with the ship. The story is still well-written, with the same humor as before: Gail still in dangerous situation, not really trusting herself, Sabina still logical and in her world and now, on top of that, a young man overconfident with himself, a scientist that is too absorbed in his work and a priestess that makes sense but not really. You still have Galactic Hospital as the sitcom on TV and the cat Zubar, though he’s not useful in this opus.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Space Games.

Space Pilgrim Episode Two: Epsilon Indi, 2020 FRIENDLY GAME SERIES

If you like Firefly at all then you may just love this RPG Maker style game where you interact with items to play out episodic style narratives, with a few small puzzles involving item mixing and of course, a few laughs now and then.

**Edit: 2019 and I have played this episode through 6 times over the past several years!

This game has mature content, mainly tame sexual or bodily references for humor. Recommended for teenagers and above.**

Real player with 9.5 hrs in game

Space Pilgrim Episode II: Epsilon Indi on Steam

Greyfox RPG

Greyfox RPG

“I am incapable of conceiving infinity, and yet I do not accept finity. I want this adventure that is the context of my life to go on without end.” ― Simone de Beauvoir, La Vieillesse

Greyfox is a really short RPGMaker adventure game that tries to come as an empathy simulation with the touch of speculative supernatural motifs scattered on the side. Fair warning though: pledging catch phrases like “a town with a sinister secret” and “uncover its mysteries” that we encounter in the trailer are quite the misleading advertisement here. Whether there be any sinister secret or a mystery to uncover - or not, it sadly won’t be in our heroine’s power to reveal in this really, really short adventure. We are just invited for a brief experience and shooed away to carry on with our lives without much explanation.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

At most, I think the game is okay.

I can see what its goal was to do and for what it presents, it’s okay as a whole. However, the dialogue can be groan-worthy at times and the story arc for each character is too short to actually be memorable or even to have anything more than the cliches. I was able to finish this game and got all the achievements in less than two hours. The game tries to present this “depressing” and “mysterious” story and present “tough” choices for the fate of each character, but looking at it as a whole, it doesn’t exactly deliver the impact that it wants to give off.

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Greyfox RPG on Steam

Simple Story - Alex

Simple Story - Alex

Enjoyed this game for what it is – short and sweet, with a cyclical story structure and easy fetch quests that break up the dialogue and walking.

However, the English translation is absolutely atrocious – coherent enough that the story can be followed, but so terrible I wouldn’t subject anyone to play this. Originally the game was written in Russian and promptly translated afterwards, and unfortunately translating isn’t always smooth between such different languages, so it’s left a lot of holes everywhere.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

English below.

  • Schluchz * was für eine traurige Geschichte. Programmiert von jemanden der genau weiss was Sucht bedeutet.

Und deren zuweilen endgültigen Konsequenzen.

Kurzweilig, schnell durchgespielt und traurig.

– Muss sich jetzt erst einmal etwas berappeln von so einer Pixeltrauerstory

Mit der Taste F1 kommt man in so etwas wie ein Konfigurationsmenü.

Dort kann man - wenn man möchte - das Spiel auf Fullscreen stellen.

Neustart (des Spiels) ist erforderlich.

sob What a sad story. Programmed by someone who knows exactly what addiction means.

Real player with 1.5 hrs in game

Simple Story - Alex on Steam

Last Heroes 3

Last Heroes 3

Last Heroes 3 on steam is a videogame with limp strands of plant

derived gameplay that declines what i liked about the first 2 entrys

that came on board with a catchy storyline and seems like this

game was more copied into a paste bin of not trying hard or trying something

earnestly new!

Dont get me wrong its a RPG maker game that is fun to play

but never sorted out the builder of the 2 games i liked first that

gave us cool music to chill balanced through!

And this game is more of a sloppy mess and a cash in to grab roleplaying

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Straight up copy n' paste of Last Heroes 2 with a pointless story.

  • Uses default RPG Maker VX assets, like Last Heroes 1 & 2

  • 2 side quests like the last game

  • You go thru the whole dungeon, walk back out to the city only to find out you have to go all the way back to the end of the dungeon to fetch an item, then come back out again… Just like the last game

  • You find two new heroes, just like the last game

  • You do a whole bunch of stuff for nothing, since the prison is not on this continent, like the last game

Real player with 5.8 hrs in game

Last Heroes 3 on Steam

Sanctus Mortem

Sanctus Mortem

Streaming through this game is one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had in a LONG time! The story is beautiful, the music iconic and the graphics VERY well done. The game is extremely engaging, well balanced stat wise, and just a heck of a lot of fun. I recommend it to any and ALL RPG lovers and I can’t wait for the next installment of the story!

Real player with 35.5 hrs in game

Played through the entire thing on stream and as a beginner RPG player… this was an absolute blast! The emotional roller coaster this game sends you through is just too much! The mechanics aren’t hard to learn either. I’m so glad I was able to go for this wild ride. It opened my eyes to how fun RPG’s can be!

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Sanctus Mortem on Steam

Save the Universe, Please!

Save the Universe, Please!

I’ll say this right off the bat. This game is great if you’re looking for something really laid back. It has a cute, light-hearted story; nothing too deep, and the gameplay itself is quite simple. It also has a bit of a Star Trek feel to it. You can definitely tell the creator is a fan.

Basically, you’re the captain of a spaceship. You travel from planet to planet chasing down your threat-to-the-unverse first officer while collecting some alien friends along the way. You can either try to save the universe and win over your second officer, or like me, stab everyone in the back and make it with your first officer~

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

First things first–this is basically a visual novel. That’s fine, I like visual novels, but it might disappoint others. There is, nominally, combat, but when you run (usually by accident) into an enemy, you either defeat it and get one Spacebuck or you don’t and take damage. Enemies almost never block your path, and the main reason to use currency is to buy weapons, and weapons…allow you to beat stronger enemies. Hmmm.

Aaaaanyway, this game is for people like me who just wanted a story about cute alien girls running around and trying to save the universe. For that, it delivered. While the main cast is a teeny bit simplistic, they, and the story, are endearing and occasionaly surprising.

Real player with 8.2 hrs in game

Save the Universe, Please! on Steam

Story: Heaven & Hell (Complete Edition)

Story: Heaven & Hell (Complete Edition)

I got this in a bundle, tbh, and decided to play it. As of the date of this review, there is nothing here. Seeing the store page, I now see that it specifically states that there is no current choice to make. This is still early access, and incomplete, but it is interesting. The english tralslation is hilariously laughable, tho! I mean, seriously! “Am I died?” and other such gems make me fondly remember “all your bases are belong to us!” Not much to see here, at all, and the translation into english is subpar, but the mistranslation is at least understandable easily. What IS here, however, other than the translation, is flawless. The movements of the character are good, the script is interesting, as far as it goes, and looks very polished. No controls AT ALL, you don’t control ANYTHING. My only wishes are that there was an auto-continue for the dialogue, and that it was finished.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

This game is pretty shit. It’s more like a visual novel made in RPG Maker. There are to many grammar mistakes and the “story” ends really fast without any notice. The only thing you can do in this game is walk throug an unending maze where the game ends without notice.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Story: Heaven & Hell (Complete Edition) on Steam

1vs1: Battle Royale for the throne

1vs1: Battle Royale for the throne

Epic game. I decided to record the game soundtrack too. Here’s the full OST:

Real player with 3.8 hrs in game

RPG Maker games tend to look the same, but there’s a great story in this game. The plot is sufficiently well told, the sound is all right, the combat system is typical of JRPG.

If you’re looking for something simple and easy, this is your game.

Real player with 2.3 hrs in game

1vs1: Battle Royale for the throne on Steam