Herr Palmister

Herr Palmister

India is finally free! Changes are coming!

The new government promises equality to every citizen, which will be achieved by the Reformation of the Castes before the end of 1939. Now it is not the birthright that determines the fate of a person, but their hands - the distribution of new activities occur through the reading of the palm.

In this small indie narrative-focused game you play as a palmister, working in a branch of the newly formed palm-reading agency in the Third Reich embassy in Bombay. The relationships between the governments of Germany and the new, Free Republic of India are very close. The Fuhrer denies participation of German troops in the overthrow of the British regime, but it is rumored that only German speech was heard on many merchant ships that arrived at the harbor a couple of days before things heated up.

The gameplay is inspired by Papers, Please, and similar puzzle games; look over people’s hands and select their new occupation according to the combination of lines and palm type. Some of those people will gladly accept their new occupation, some will not. There will be arguments, threats, and tears. But in the end, the power is in your hands - and we can only hope it will remain like that.

Be careful when you make decisions - in the power trip you may not notice how a new revolution will flare up outside the window.

Game features:

  • Totalitarian bureaucracy puzzle gameplay

  • You can actually learn basic palm reading from the game

  • A constant feel that even though your choices matter, you’re just a cog in the wheel

  • From 2 to 4 hours of gameplay

  • Non-linear storyline, full of struggle and conspiracy

  • Multiple endings

Read More: Best Adventure Puzzle Games.

Herr Palmister on Steam

The Dealer

The Dealer

It’s a cool idea. I like the concept. All the core mechanics seem like they work but I would recommend a few specific things which I posted on the discussions page.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Multiple Endings Games.

Well done salesman simulator

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

The Dealer on Steam

The St Christopher’s School Lockdown

The St Christopher’s School Lockdown

It’s awesome! I love it! The ending I got went out with a BANG! It scared the shit outta me lol.

Real player with 37.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Female Protagonist Games.


A classic-style point-and-click adventure with a unique and eye-catching graphic novel art style. The characters are well written, dialogue is believable and well acted, and the environment feels very well lived-in, with a great use of flavour text to maximize humour and character by describing the world through the character’s eyes and personality. The only flaw I can think to mention is a few interface issues that can get annoying but should definitely not stop you from playing this little gem.

Real player with 23.9 hrs in game

The St Christopher's School Lockdown on Steam

1979 Revolution: Black Friday

1979 Revolution: Black Friday

Certainly one of the more unique and surprising games I’ve played. The concept had peaked my interest, as I’m a film-maker and interested in politics myself, and also interested in world history. I believe you cannot truly make an informed choice, until you understand the context behind what you believe, and the bigger picture. I’m well aware of Iran’s history in the 20th century, from the CIA/British coup against Mossadeq, to the current day Islamic republic. When I’m told by the media that ‘Iran is evil’, my first thought is ‘why?’. It seems in today’s world, we’re expected to hate on command, rather than to think critically and dig deeper. With that in mind, I was keen to see how the events were depicted in this game.

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

It is quite difficult to fairly judge a piece of work when its qualities and failures are exceptionally conflicting. 1979 Revolution: Black Friday proposes a fresh and intimate look at a very critical moment in history, mostly unexplored in today’s media, and becomes a very important creation deployed over a rich, unique background. However, it completely fails as a game on so many basic levels that it renders the experience partially unpalatable.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

1979 Revolution: Black Friday on Steam

Bleeding Moons

Bleeding Moons

A unique and entertaining point and click adventure game in the vein of Space Pilgrim about war, politics, love and everything in between. The game is more of an interactive novel, the puzzle part is very easy, too easy I would say, so if you are expecting to get creative about picking things and combining them in the inventory, this is not the game for you.

The game tackles adult issues such as rape and abuse, but very tastefully, which is testament to the overall excellent writing. The world is rich with characters and they all have a story, even the many NPCs will tell you their tale. The creators really took their time with every detail, including some humorous: in a city with many stray dogs, of course you will find poop on the street :) … which should have been an achievement itself.

Real player with 35.4 hrs in game

First of all, I’m writing this review as a huge THANK YOU to the creator. I just finished the game and I’m absolutely in love with it! I spent about a good 10 hours playing through the story and because I’m that kind of guy that wants to know everything, I logged over 200 saves. I’ll be going back to my final save later this week to try something a little different. After that I’m likely to try again from the beginning to see what I might be able to change.

! I was surprised to find out I was locked out of Luna’s ending but the rest were available to me

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Bleeding Moons on Steam

Floor 13: Deep State

Floor 13: Deep State

The negative reviews are just stupid to me. We have visual novels on here with little or no gameplay that get higher reviews then this. I own the original game and have played it on and off for years and yest this is not as good as the original but its not bad either. It has members of the original team on it and you can see a lot coming through from the original because of it. The original had a little more complexity to the game play then this one and it did have more of an urgency. The graphic look of this is amazing to me but I do wish more was interactive in your office to add to the immersion. Why do we need hand holding in 2020 ? You have to think about the different files and pay close attention to what the you are told in your meetings it is obtuse but it does help if you pay attention . Yes the game is obtuse and when you think are doing OK but somehow miss something and you are exiled (better then being thrown out a window) its frustrating but for me at least it makes me go back through to see how I missed something. It may not be everyone;s but of tea but I’m sure there is a few that will like a game like this.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Honestly, this game could be way better, and should be. I absolutely love the premise but for a modern game it lacks a fair bit right now. You are pretty much chucked in the deep end when you start, with only a cursory “probation period” which serves as the tutorial (although it barely deserves to be called that) which you seem to have no choice but to repeat each time you restart the game. You can breeze through it in a few minutes but honestly it shouldn’t be too hard to let it be skipped. My main issue though is with the complete lack of direction when playing. It’s just, ‘here you go you figure it out’. Next thing you know you’re fired. I have no idea which of these people I should put under surveillance since there’s more than 3 and you can’t put more than 2 under surveillance and 3 being tailed and none of what I find makes any sense to me whatsoever. This would seriously benefit from like, some form of easier mode, or a better tutorial instead of a few short ‘documents’ that simply show you how to issue orders and not at all explain when to issue them or how to make sense of any information that your pursuit or search yields. I’m like “so the search of this persons house found nothing and all he did for the last two days was leave home, go to work, and come home.. what the hell do I do now??”

Real player with 5.0 hrs in game

Floor 13: Deep State on Steam

A Bewitching Revolution

A Bewitching Revolution

The epitome of simple and minimalist visuals coupled with a direct dialogue that forms the story. That story though, is quite short, just keep that in mind and consider the message more than the length of the game play. The game play itself is fun and, in keeping with the visuals, simple. It might seem cliché, but the feel of the game is akin to Minecraft, but simpler.

p.s.: If you feel a sense of wanting for more after finishing the game, take the game into reality. Because, games are an escape from the work you do. Volunteer in your community, organize at work, make the future you want to live in.

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

This is a game that is less like a game. It’s not a story either. It’s more like an atmospheric theatre where the player interacts with the city.

Honestly, while some of the interpretations of communism and socialism seem too surrealistic to me, the whole concept is a nice thing. Being free to play is also a part that serves the theme I suppose.

As for the gameplay, the minimalist graphics made me a bit confused at first, but after an hour (when I finished the game) I got used to it. Still, I would advice contours be added (or an option to turn contours on).

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

A Bewitching Revolution on Steam

Black Border

Black Border

They don’t want you to do your duty, they want you to obey.

-Mark Madison

Brothers and Sisters , Alanan greets you.

After the independence of the states of our motherland , Mudland, we were the only ones who stayed true to the ideals of Mudland. Based on the speeches of our Leader, we searched for nothing but freedom, but the intrusive and corrupted regimes of Partakna And Denber were against the freedom of our country. After years of bloody war with enemies of the people and the killing of innocent women and children of Alanan, now is time to rebuild the country, let’s unite once more and create Alanan anew. Shall our Great Leader be with us along this journey.

Black Border on Steam

Need to Know

Need to Know

So I was one of the people who tracked this game from pretty much the start. I backed it because I loved the idea of the setting and the Papers, Please-style gameplay. Now that I’ve finished the final product I can say I got both a little more and a little less then I anticipated.

So let’s start with what was good.

From what I saw this game looked like a 1984-style distopian future game. It seemed like you would play as an evil institution with no goal but to moniter what people think. As it turned out, the game made it much more complicated, in a good way, that is.

Real player with 67.0 hrs in game

What is this game?

It is the foremost NSA-watch-the-world-from-an-office simulator you will find as of the time of writing this review, and possibly for a long time.

You play a young man, joining a government agency. The rabbithole goes deep, and you are thrusted into a position of Orwellian surveillance, intrigue and thrill.

Starting at the bottom, you analyze simple things. Metadata, browser history and try to piece together a puzzle that is very clearly Need To Know. Given only slight glimpses of what is truly going on in this world. As you progress, you will advance in rank, getting a higher and higher level of clearance, and quickly find yourself face to face with the choice of whether or not to use your access for the good of the agency, the government, the country. the people or even yourself.

Real player with 35.3 hrs in game

Need to Know on Steam

Shape of America: Episode One

Shape of America: Episode One

Leaving this review because it’s the least I can do after getting this as part of a $1 bundle which is literaly a steal even for just one episode of this game. There are very few games based on politics and most tend to the statistical simulations vs the push and pull of who-you-know and who-to-help/gain future favor from horse trading that is politics (as opposed to policy) and this is the first/only game I’ve seen that does that and one that offers a pretty decent story and characters to boot. $5/episode is about the right price for the game given the current presentation level but I’d say the core game and ultimate the enjoyability of all is worth $10. This is a developer worth supporting.

Real player with 7.2 hrs in game

Eh, it’s ok. I was able to make over a million dollars because a stock fell bellow $0, so they paid me to buy it… which was weird. Also there are tons of grammar and spelling issues, weird endless loops of possible throwdowns among other dialog issues, glitches, and strange designs that just make it feel pretty low-quality. And they canceled the future game episodes, so what they have is barely worth it because it ends right as the story gets interesting. Too bad too, it seemed like it had potential.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Shape of America: Episode One on Steam