Heave Ho

Heave Ho

Hilarious game, with the ability of playing with your friends in a strategic and partly difficult world of grabbing things and throwing yourself across the map. This game is designed for ONLY local multiplayer , but there are some certain things you can go through to do this with your friends who are unable to go to your house- like Parsec or Streaming on Steam, which your friends too have to set up in their case(using parsec). Anyways, the game gave Steam a fun & strategic adventure indie game, with the perk of your friends yelling or laughing at you for dying or not being good, but nonetheless- it’s fun.

Real player with 51.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Multiplayer Games.

This is the most fun we had with my cousins on a couch co-op game.

The controls are responding and the physics really fun. My youngest cousin has no problem navigating through a level (compared to how she usually fares in other games.) It’s always a blast when we co-operate and swing, all holding arms together! The opposite is also true: making someone fall to their death and paint the walls with their blood is also funny.

The sound effects really help too. The voices and reactions of the characters sell the game by their own. There’s only laughter when hearing one of us go “iiiiiiiiiiih” while falling.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Heave Ho on Steam

Alpaca Ball: Allstars

Alpaca Ball: Allstars

Nice little indie gem with good core gameplay. It was designed with controller in mind. Playing with keyboard is possible but lacks precision in both movement and striking the ball. Has various arenas and ball types, but the single-player campaign is very short. I can only recommend to buy this one if you plan to play a lot of local co-op or during a deep sale. Online Multiplayer would be an awesome addition to the game that can justify the current full price.

Real player with 10.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure PvP Games.

I could not see where my first two hours of this game just vanished.

Super fun and super enjoyable.

Devs, if you are reading it, please consider an online mode with leadership table and other stuff. This would definitely motivate people to stick with the game and to look forward to any addons and different events.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Alpaca Ball: Allstars on Steam

Kooring VR Wonderland:Mecadino’s Attack

Kooring VR Wonderland:Mecadino’s Attack

Fun and cute, but I must say contents of game is bit lacking. I hope the dev adds more stages as DLC: I would like to buy it!

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Family Friendly Games.

I prefer casual games, so when I saw the screenshot of ‘Kooring Wonderland VR’ I thought it would suit my taste and downloaded it. I liked the protagonist character, but the rabbit-like guys who appeared as monsters were so cute that I had a lot of fun while playing the game. The games surprisingly had a good hit satisfaction, and the overall operation was intuitive, so there is no burden in enjoying the games with children. There is a lot of possibility for a sequel, so if it becomes a series, I think I will be able to enjoy the games again.

Real player with 1.4 hrs in game

Kooring VR Wonderland:Mecadino's Attack on Steam

Yuligans: Christmas is Coming!

Yuligans: Christmas is Coming!

This is the perfect game for social-distanced-Christmas. Play with your crew remotely and stream it! Seriously, these text-based games are a hoot live.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

merr crismus

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Yuligans: Christmas is Coming! on Steam

Bitten! Someone has to be a villain

Bitten! Someone has to be a villain

Had a lot of fun backstabbing my friends! :)

Real player with 15.3 hrs in game

Played Among Us for a long time, but this game is really something fresh!

All players look like you, but some of them may transform into a Zombie and kill everybody else! You have to cooperate to eliminate this Bitten player.

Absolutely love special powers (like fireball or scanner to check who is the traitor).

IT IS ALSO FUN TO PLAY AFTER DEATH! You become a zombie and can recruit other zombies to coordinate your attacks!

Can’t wait for more modes!

10/10 for listening to users

8/10 for gameplay.

Real player with 7.0 hrs in game

Bitten! Someone has to be a villain on Steam

Raiders Of The Lost Island

Raiders Of The Lost Island

Full disclosure, I contributed Design work and work on some maps to the game. That being said…Getting to 100% was fun, relaxing.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 20 Hours ~

Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10 in co-op 5/10 solo

Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 250 raids.

Is there a good guide available: One on Steam for the secret achievements, Rest don’t need a guide

Multiplayer achievements: Yes (but you can spawn players on the same PC by using controllers and keyboard)

Missable achievements: No.

Real player with 59.8 hrs in game

Very cool little game! Has a variety of content and gameplay, to play with your family and friends. Also, the team mode is very cool. What I really like is the way you can set your objectives: it’s free for all. You can try gather the best loot, try to survive, try to sabotage other players, try to kill them and steel their loot, try to gather the special loot only, try to have the best hat, etc., it’s very open-ended.

Watch out for hot-heads, might pick up some heat from the other players :) Better served chilly.

Real player with 30.6 hrs in game

Raiders Of The Lost Island on Steam



VERY solid 3D platformer. I’m thoroughly impressed. Especially considering this is these Developers' first child. What first impressions :D.

Highly entertaining. Very challenging. Reminds me of another game called “Cluster Truck” but with a bigger budget & more content yet the same price. The physics in this game are superb and highly entertaining. The controls are smoothe & fair. The grapple is intuative. Air control is flawless. Wholeheartedly reccomend. It’s also, can confirm, super fun with friends :). 100%’d the game. Much replayability trying to beat your previous times. Has a few secrets up its sleeve ;3. Games price seems super duper fair for 15$ base price :D. I USUALLY collect games on deep sales; and I feel no qualms buying this full price c: .

Real player with 39.1 hrs in game

Hate giving this a negative review since I feel like I should enjoy this. But the grappling physics that make up the fundamentals of Crumble keep me from coming back to improve my times.

With gamepad:

The priority of what the tongue “wants” to grab makes it feel like a painfully sluggish trial and error when going for better times. Even the slightest difference in approach can make the difference between the tongue pulling you directly into a wall or a graceful swing along side it for speed. Every time I pull off a good jump, it feels like random luck. There’s no feedback telling me what Im doing right or wrong when it comes to maintaining speed. The “aim cursor” is a damn liar and should be ignored. You can grab when you cant see it, and it does not tell you how long the tongue will be anyway(important to know, to properly time your release for more speed).

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Crumble on Steam



The luxury cruise liner Animals Star just set off on its first voyage and all of the animals are having a great time. However, the crewmates have no idea that there is a conspiracy afoot.

The animals invited aboard by the scientists have no idea that they’re about to become guinea pigs for a new experimental serum. The scientists take the first subjects through a tunnel and into the lab, inject them with the serum, and write down their reactions: “Increased physical function, slightly increased intelligence, decreased eye sight, gradual increase in irritability, increased aggression… the first experiment’s failed! The subjects are out of control!” After losing their minds, the subjects break through the observation chamber, kill the scientists, and take over the ship’s remote control and the keys to the tunnel.

Peekazoo on Steam

Prop Hunt

Prop Hunt

I love this game. It’s glitchy and definitely has some issues to work through but it’s so funny. I play with my siblings and we laugh and laugh. It’s fun to mock them when they are close to finding you and every location is very detailed. It’s a good stress relief, chill game.

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

This game is buggy. I bought it for like 6 of my friends as well and it won’t let them hide when their props, hunters can’t reach half the places props can go, and hunters are unresponsive half the time. I’m about to eat like $25 (when I bought it on sale for $3.99 each copy), but we’re not playing it anymore. It sucks.

Real player with 4.8 hrs in game

Prop Hunt on Steam

Lunch A Palooza

Lunch A Palooza

Very funny fighting game. I had it since the early access and now it feels very solid. Scenarios are very cool and they have a bunch of secrets that can help you turn the table (ha!). Totally recomended if you’re looking for a good game to play with your friends.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Look, this game has a lot of bugs that need to be squished but hey, it’s a pretty chill party game to play with your mates! Looking forward to seeing what the devs have in store for the game in the future!

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

Lunch A Palooza on Steam