Grow Home

Grow Home

A relaxing and enjoyable adventure to help a little robot complete his mission.

Grow Home is an adventure platformer where you play as a robot called BUD. The planet you come from is in danger and the only way to save it is to harvest the seeds of an alien plant. Well it’s not as easy as it sounds. BUD only has basic equipment, he can’t do much other than climb, and since the plant is on the surface and your ship is a couple of thousand meters up, you’re going to have to work for it. You soon realise the only way to get back up there and collect the seeds is to start growing the plant as high as you can, collecting a few things along the way to help you out.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Singleplayer Games.

So some of you may have notice some Game Grump videos coming out in the Steam Train branch for Grow Home, and after I saw what you could do in the game I wanted to buy it for myself. It most certainly did not disappoint. Everything it allows you to do is satisfying. The 100% crystal upgrade feels very worth the trouble finding every last crystal. The parachuting mechanics are lovely and work exactly like you’d expect. There are a few very subtle annoyances with the controls but that is rather to be expected with a game that prioritizes in procedural animations. For instance, when walking along a vine you’ve created, jumping or jetpacking off of it at too subtle an angle actually doesn’t work, it forces your character B.U.D. to stay directly above the vine to ensure he lands back on it. This is frustrating sometimes if you get a really sturdy feel for how to control your character and want to get off of a vine with a jetpack but do not jump directly off of the side. I’ve even had this strange wind-force push my character to a specific side of my screen when I was jetpacking well above the vine that would try to ensure my landing on it.

Real player with 11.9 hrs in game

Grow Home on Steam

Grow Up

Grow Up

Grow UP (Platformer-Adventure)

There is so much going for this game that I’m not sure I can do it justice, but I’m going to try! Grow UP assumes that we’ve played Grow Home. If you haven’t played the first game, I highly recommend doing that first (because it’s fun!), but it is not a requirement.

I was expecting the sequel to Grow Home to be the same kind of fun, quirky and delightfully-charming adventure that I enjoyed the first time around, and I was not disappointed! The basic gameplay and overall feeling of the game is the same, but the devs have included some functions and additions that beautifully expand on that which we already know, making Grow UP even more fun to play than the first game!

Real player with 24.6 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Casual Games.

Grow UP is the polished-up sequel of Grow Home. Similarily to the Portal franchise the first game was mostly just an experiment while the successor is a full-budget game. Has everything improved since our last journey with BUD the botanical research robot? Here’s a short list of pros and cons:


+A Whimsical adventure game with lots of places to explore and things to experiment with. The game is fueled by the player’s curiousity.

+Don’t need experience with the first game to be able to play this one. It’s very easy to get into.

Real player with 17.5 hrs in game

Grow Up on Steam

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2

Hold up right there mister, i don’t think i ever told you about that bank job in Tennessee

-an acrobat from Portugal

Real player with 1086.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Story Rich Games.

Best Western open world game!!!

Real player with 728.6 hrs in game

Red Dead Redemption 2 on Steam

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition


This was a beautiful game. It’s a game you could theoretically finish without much effort and time, but the world, the side characters, and the cultures played so deep a part in the story that I found myself sinking 200+ hours into it and not thinking twice. There is so much here in lore picked up in scraps and holograms hidden on your travels.

The thing that stuck out to me the most here was the relationships. Helping the people of the world was as important to the story as anything else, and it comes full circle

! at the end when those people that you choose to be compassionate to (or not) show up in the final epic battle (or they don’t, depending on how you interacted with them) . There are as many opportunities to show compassion and to be human as there are to kill things. It is such a human story that sets itself apart from your run-of-the-mill first-person shooter. It’s exploration and mystery as much as it is combat. It’s learning about people and cultures as much as it is learning about the machines, the world, and the secret of what Zero Dawn really is. This is not to distract from the story which was absolutely unique and incredible in how it unfolds, especially as you get closer to the heart of the truth.

Real player with 226.4 hrs in game

Horizon Zero Dawn is an awesome and fun game, definitely up there at the top of my list of favorite games.

It feels a bit like a fusion of the Tomb Raider reboot series and The Witcher 3 to me. Many of the game mechanics seem very familiar from either of the two but are somewhere in between. The climbing especially feels like somebody wanted a TW3 like game with climbing, was inspired by Tomb Raider (or Uncharted for that matter) and implemented a light version of that. Saying this however is not to diminish what the game achieves in any way. The net result of it is a very entertaining, fun to play set of game mechanics, from combat to stealth, a bit of crafting, riding, etc. (As with the other games many of the combat subtleties you only really learn on the harder difficulties.)

Real player with 149.3 hrs in game

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition on Steam

Just Die Already

Just Die Already

After a lot of re-consideration, I think i can reccomend this game, For the price and the amount of hours i play’d it. I did have fun, There were times i wanted to smash my controller, and others i laughed like a maniac. The Problems i have with this game, is how it feels unfinished and very limited in how it wants you to achieve the objectives. For example a puzzle in the game is in Zen park and it involves moving a green statue. They have these statues all over the map, What if you wanted to take the statue from the park and drag it across the map to do the challenge, sure more work but in games like this, you also make the challenge/fun for your self a lot of time. You cant do that here, none of the other statues move, just a certian one the game wants you to move you can move. Same electrocuting your self in water, it only works in one type of water source. The ocean, pool, kiddie pool, and fire hydrant all dont work, its just the fish tank that works for it. This added a layer of puzzle on top of the challenges. You may understand what its asking, just not how the devs want you to do it, another example is to de-rail the tram, i would have loved to be able to derail it with force, by clogging the track enough. i put on the 3 flattners, 2 forklifts and the 1 giant green statue from zen garden and nothing happend, the tram could only be derailed by electricity. But overall i had fun doing the tasks once i understood how to do them, and the frustrating path to get there was kinda fun? Another thing that makes this game feel unfinished is the amount of clipping buildings and invisible walls. You will often times see a building clipping through another building, or a invisible wall that dosent line up with a physical wall right beside it. Some of the rewards for doing challenges feel pointless. For setting off the biggest firewrok on the docks, it opens a room, with nothing in it. For moving the statue we talked about earlier, you unlock a furry room, a ninja mask, and a healing well. A lot of sections leave more to be desired, and thats where my frustration with this game comes from, it could have been so much better, they could have added more challenges to the toy store and other sections that only have 2 or 3. Overall i did have fun playing this and would reccomend to anyone who findes the trailer intruging

Real player with 24.7 hrs in game

A real review:

Game mechanics: The game mechanics are how you expect with a rag-doll physics, but the aiming is actually a lot better than expected. Some things are hard to control, like cars, but that is what is expected when you are a elderly person.

Content: This game has so much content, and for 14.99 it is a really good game to play with your friends, or even by yourself. I see a lot of people writing reviews about them getting bored, well explore the maps, do the puzzles, there are some insane puzzles, there is even A ROCKET SHIP THAT SHOOTS YOU INTO SPACE. You can customize your character, get buff, unlock new areas, play basketball, play tennis, kill someone’s brother, unlock items like a rocket ship backpack. get eaten by a shark, destroy things with explosives, etc. There is so much content and it is insane and 14.99 is a perfect price.

Real player with 15.6 hrs in game

Just Die Already on Steam

Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure

Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure

Had the ol’ lockdown blues past few days so I was really in the mood for an old 3D platformer type game to keep me busy but not take up too much concentration. Unbox: Newbie’s Adventure is a cute casual 3D platformer which I think fit the bill pretty well.

Although it has most of the classic characteristics of an old 90s 3D platformer; bright colourful graphics, hub world, collectables, slightly cheesy story, antagonist and characters, what Unbox does slightly differently is the movement mechanic.

Real player with 16.4 hrs in game

-:Updated 13th September to reflect 100%ing it:-

From the moment you start this game you can tell where it gets its inspiration and thats the games of Rare in the 90s. From the cute nonsense babbling characters to the light sense of humour, this is a love letter (no pun intended) to the likes of Banjo and so far I love it. The first world is brimming with charm; from the boxes that follow you around and welcome you to the little cars you can drive. I always think that you can tell the quality of a 3D platformer by how much you want to just forget about the point of it and explore, and this one had me doing it from the start (which is frustrating that it starts with a locked in tutorial).

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Unbox: Newbie's Adventure on Steam

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles


Yonder is clearly heavily inspired by games like Harvest Moon, Zelda, and a touch of Animal Crossing, but makes sure to give a unique twist to the whole experience, including familiar elements such as farming, exploration, crafting, fetch-quests, character customization, animal taming and fishing.

Overall, I would absolutely recommend this game to anyone who enjoys the genre. I know this review comes across as a negative one; I’m just mostly focusing on the negatives of Yonder rather than the positives as it is so incredibly close to being a game I adore, the shortcomings become that much more irritating.

Real player with 44.0 hrs in game

Embark on a journey across Gemea, farming, exploring, and taking in the breathtaking scenery as you unlock the secrets of who you are while revitalizing the land and removing Murk.


If you enjoy crafting, gathering, exploring, farming, questing, collecting animals, and playing at your own pace, Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles is a great blend of open world exploration, beautiful landscapes, and simple gameplay for the casual gamer.


Yonder has you land, albeit unexpectedly, on Gemea, your once home. Once you create your character, you’re let loose into the beautiful and wild lands. Upon arrival, you meet your first friend named Lumie. They’re a Sprite that only you can see that will help you along your journey. You’ll be seeing plenty more of its kind during your travels and they’ll be hidden all over the place.

Real player with 36.9 hrs in game

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles on Steam

Serin Fate

Serin Fate

(This review is based on the June ‘20 update)

Right off the top, I want to be clear this game is still, as advertised, very much a work in progress. However, that being written, I’ve enjoyed my experience enough that I’m content having bought the game at full price even though many of the game mechanics are presently under-explained and the game play is a bit out of balance here and there. What’s more, I can tell from past comments in the forum that some problems have already been fixed – I’m looking at you, person still whinging about inventory size when I massively upgraded mine as a rank newbie in three days of in-game time – so the Developer seems to be responsive and engaged.

Real player with 201.9 hrs in game

Playing status: 12/14 achievements, finished the game (I don’t know how to get the last 2 achievements)

Grindy Achievement(s): Yes (1 achievement).

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (12 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): Yes (1+ achievement).


Serin Fate is an adventure RPG with a lot of mandatory elements that you usually find in farming games in addition to magic and monster taming. You can farm, mine, capture monsters for you to fight, fish, and many more. Despite the varied features, it still focuses on the adventure element at its core, allowing you to explore the whole region and figure out how to proceed from the obscure hints.

Real player with 87.0 hrs in game

Serin Fate on Steam

Die Young

Die Young

If you are coming to this game looking for a survival experience, and are not a fan of platforming games, stay clear of this product. If you’re a fan of parkour games, this is definitely an interesting twist!

I just want to start by saying this game looks amazing. I don’t have the best graphics card on the market, but even running on med at 75% render scale I feel like I am on a beautiful remote island as I lose myself in the game. I bought this game the week it released, and ended up returning it because I felt like it was too early for it to be released for money. Albeit they were clearly looking for funding, where as I was looking for something to play. I bought the game a few months later and played it a nice bit.

Real player with 102.4 hrs in game

I hate walking simulators where you aimlessly wander through corridors and boring landscapes under the moniker of “exploration”. I hate jumping puzzles where you have to perform pixel perfect jumps on moving platforms. I hate adventure games where you have to solve contrived puzzles in order to open a door. I hate survival games where you grind for hours to finally craft a new nifty tool that breaks shortly after.

Die Young has exploration, jumping puzzles, adventure elements and survival mechanics. And somehow mixes them together in a surprisingly engaging and fun way.

Real player with 46.5 hrs in game

Die Young on Steam

Drake Hollow

Drake Hollow

This game is like Grounded meets Remnant Ashes with a touch of Life is Strange atmosphere, and it works. I enjoyed it.

There are a few points I noticed people getting wrong and they have low play times - let me correct these thoughts and add some tips for starting out.

1.) The game isn’t short. There is a lot to explore and do, but once you complete a set of islands you’re offered to move on to the next area. Beware though, you can’t go back! It’s good to set up a network and farm supplies before moving on. Especially if you want to age up your drakes, they eat so much and take damage when they don’t have supplies. You can frequently heal them up from starvation/thirst but it means heading back to base a lot.

Real player with 47.4 hrs in game

Drake Hollows is a very cute game and a mix of various genres. As the protagonist we got teleported to another world where we need to care about the cute Drakes. It is a building sim as it is required to create some buildings for them. The game is also a resource management game as we need to feed and entertain them. Additionally, it is required to explore the world for resources, fight enemies and defend the camp from raids so Drake Hollows


…the character creation. You can be female/male and you can choose any possible color for skin, eyes, hair.

Real player with 44.1 hrs in game

Drake Hollow on Steam