High Noon VR

High Noon VR

System being used:

VIVE Pro, Pro controllers and 2.0 sensors, i9-7900X, 1080 and 32 GB RAM

This game is a perfect representation of the old west in a wave shooter. The weapons are hyper-accurate, the tracking is superb. No hiccups in graphics, no artifacting, no screen tearing, no errors or crashes. Everything performs well.

Some features of the game include:

Having multiple “maps” where enemies will randomly spawn and attack you with basic AI.

You have an on-screen HUD arrow that notifies you if an enemy spawns too far out of your line of sight.

Real player with 11.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Action Games.

No luck catching those killers, then?

It’s just the one killer, actually…

A fun game where you play a (possibly undead) sheriff as he kills his way through seemingly infinite outlaws in an otherwise-uninhabited town. Your only companion is a voice that may or may not be entirely in your head. The voice seems to alternate between praising your killing prowess, making corny jokes, and implying that you might be a dangerously unstable psychopath. I played an earlier version of this with my Viveport subscription, but this version is much more polished and balanced. It would be nice if you could purchase and upgrade armor, as a way of fortifying your health in addition to all the weapon upgrades, and the side task to kill 6 enemies in 3 seconds with dynamite is a bit unbalanced (it’s hard enough to just get 6 bandits on screen at once without them blowing themselves up…) but other than that, it’s pretty great.

Real player with 8.1 hrs in game

High Noon VR on Steam

Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod

Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod

Excuse me, I might not have enough experience in this game.. but I believe this is one of the best multiplayer out there, it doesn’t feel like there is something you really try to achieve, but something you rather enjoy with other people and friends.

I personally recommend to not join freeroam servers as the interest dies out pretty quick in such scenarios, I didn’t even play singeplayer.. I started first with the multiplayer by joining a server called “Real Life Server”, it was very complex and hard to understand as a newbie with a lot of custom game mechanics/server mechanics and server rules to get used to, but eventually when you really know everything by heart and you have experienced most of what it has to offer. You will probably have the same opinion.

Real player with 4183.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Open World Games.

Multiplayer enables much more possibility than single player, with lua coding server developers can create all sorts of things. From faction and administration systems, freeroam servers, a survival server, or a whole server dedicated to airplane simulation. Heck I know someone even made a whole Minecraft script for this! Either way depending what type of server you may be interested in there are still quite a few to choose from. Pretty much everyone knows that this game in general is dying out compared to what it used to be years ago with hundreds and thousands of players that used to passionately play. It is quieter these days, but some servers are still holding on a rather decent player population daily. Some may disagree, but you can meet some really nice people depending what server you settle in. In some cases one server for example has a whole community with it, and I can say I have met many nice people there and made some friends along the way. I had enough interest and dedication for this I decided to help and be a staff member of said server.

Real player with 1579.8 hrs in game

Just Cause 2: Multiplayer Mod on Steam



Mankind tried to colonize other worlds when natural resources of Earth had run out. In order to discover new planets and to make them habitable A.I. robots were sent deep into the outer space. However something caused a global system malfunction and the terraforming process was interrupted. These smart machines went out of control and started to build their own tech world threatening the newly born biosphere…

All but one. The last of these robots found itself in a hostile environment of the gloomy and unfriendly planet XS-1271 far away from Earth. The surface of this planet was severe disfigured as a result of a failed terraforming process. Why did the mission of colonizing a new world fail? What went wrong and what could be done to stave an inevitable collapse off? This intelligent machine is up to survive and expose the truth behind this madness and the death of ecosystems.

Hundreds of unique enemies spawned by a technology disaster are eager do attack lone robot as it wanders the paths of a huge and constantly changing planet full of dangerous traps and engaging puzzles. The only way to survive is never to stop improving skills and battle tactics as well as to upgrade weapons and abilities of the protagonist. Change and progress are the keys to the truth!

Dark atmosphere of an alien world

You’re completely and utterly alone. It’s only you, technological landscapes and crazy robots!

Truly hardcore and exciting shoot ’em up action

This adventure is a challenge even for an experienced players!

Dozens of various foes and bosses

Planet is swarmed by all kinds of robots: from the primitive droids to the powerful multi-level structures.

Annihilate them all!

Vast arsenal of weapons and other ways to customize your character

Get you armor and weaponry stronger and become a true killing machine as you progress through the game!

Rich selection of tactics and approaches

Burn ‘em, shoot ‘em, hack ‘em or saw ‘em up?

It’s all up to you!

Powered with Eye Tracking

Choose a weapon, aim and shoot at a glance – no one can hide from you now!

Read More: Best Adventure Action Games.

Structure on Steam



I decided that it’s probably about time that i edited my review cause i’d say it’s pretty much needed, so yeah here it goes.

Back in early 2016 i stumbled across this game on the “Upcoming” tab on the store page i watched the trailer, read the description and such and i liked at the time i was still pretty new to the Half-Life franchise and i had just finished Half-Life 2 and it’s episodes and i still had a craving for more so i pre-ordered this game and patiently waited till its release a month later. Personally i liked the game, i loved the way it looked, its levels, music, etc, others didn’t cause it lacked many things which i don’t have to list cause we all know what it lacks, yet i still liked it despite that but lookin' back at it today i was being a bit naive. But anyways i’ve provived enough backstory and i’ll cut to the chase while i do love this game and know it has great potential and can be much, much more the path it has taken isn’t very bright. Over the course of about 2 years we’ve been shown future content that will be added into the game such as 3d models/brush works, new maps & updated maps, and even a video showing a future chapter to be added. That’s great and all but where is all this stuff? It’ll be added in a overhaul update so stay tuned!! The real answer you’re lookin' for though is: It’s been delayed…delayed over and over again. But it’s a small team workin' on the game and they have to deal with irl stuff too can’t you be more understanding? Even if that is true…to not add as much as a wrench that was modeled and has existed in the game files for 2 years to replace the crowbar kinda says a bit (and no you can’t manually do it yourself because it’s missing certain viewmodel & worldmodel files) but either way you shouldn’t have to try and do it yourself because there’s really no reason that an update as small as replacing the crowbar with wrench shouldn’t already be implemented into the game i’ve gotten a fair point across for the moment i’ll get to the pros & cons.

Real player with 29.4 hrs in game


It looks to be quite good. I have played around 40 minutes so far and I think that most haf life fans will enjoy this game and quite a lot of other people will too. For one person to have made this it is quite an achievement.

It is NOT a mod- it is standalone and does not require Half Life 2

The first chapter is very atmospheric and eerie- it reminded me of the feeling I got playing Ravenholm in HL2 for the first time.

The second has a lot of combat. The combat is okay but on normal difficulty I found the marines hard to kill with the SMG especially when they often have mounted machine guns. In HL2 you kill Cps first and by the time you are mass killing marines you have lots of ammo.

Real player with 9.0 hrs in game

Prospekt on Steam

Exotic Matter

Exotic Matter

so who should probably buy this game? If you are: a minecraft fan (or crafting/survival/block building) but would like to have a story, and/or If you like flexible, easier modding with much more freedom. the game is essentially an engine, so theoretically you can tweak everything and make a medival sandbox out of the game (not just the visuals). AFAIK Steam Workshop is also going to be a big part of the game.

the game is aimed to change heavily based on player/community feedback, thats why early access. so I highly advise to actively make suggestions/report problems in the forums if you like the idea/potential and think it can improve in different areas, and would want to see more content, more detailed lore or whatnot.

Real player with 38.7 hrs in game

Really interesting game, has an interesting learning curve that wasn’t to difficult to figure out, Was great fun.

I really do recommened this game to anyone who enjoys the block building type of game. Exotic Matter takes the base of these games and really does improve upon it.

Now i am an adult who has a rather short attention span so i give you the feedback of a 7 year old that loves Minecraft.

“you should add swimming effects and i really like this game”

Simple and to the point, if a 7 year old has enjoyed it after a thousand or so hours in minecraft then you cant go wrong expanding your library with a game that expands this genre of Gaming.

Real player with 17.4 hrs in game

Exotic Matter on Steam

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game

this is probably the most accurate skateboarding simulator I have ever played. I would say what also makes this game stand out is the modding capabilities that allows this game to not feel stale. I have played this since its first release and the progression of the game combined with the mods makes this really fun!

Real player with 1304.0 hrs in game

Pretty fun with mods sucks donkey ass without mods.

Real player with 69.3 hrs in game

Skater XL - The Ultimate Skateboarding Game on Steam

Estranged: The Departure

Estranged: The Departure

I don’t really review early access games but this time I am making an exception. The reason for that is that Estranged Act I is a great Half-Life 2 mod. I enjoyed every minute of it and when I saw the page for the second act was up and running I immediately jumped in to try it.

There are a couple of things you can notice immediately. First, the game looks superb. Way better than its predecessor - this is understandable as Unreal Engine 4 is responsible for making the 2nd act work. You’ll also notice that the game is incomplete. There are some puzzle sequences and a couple of enemies and in 30 minutes you are done. It was a bit disappointing as the menu allows us to launch several chapters but these are separated by a maximum of 5 minutes gameplay only.

Real player with 7.1 hrs in game

Continuation of the fisherman’s adventures

Estranged: Act II is a continuation of Part One. As a young fisherman, we are walking on an island where there are zombies. Our goal, of course, is to escape from the island, and John helps us to do this, or rather the news he left behind in the form of tapes or radio recordings.

Compared to the first part it will take us a little more time to complete the game. Graphically it is as nice as in the previous part. When it comes to music, it’s very good again. When the action happens, the music becomes louder and more dynamic, and in the moments of exploration it is gentle and slow.

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Estranged: The Departure on Steam

The Forgotten Ones

The Forgotten Ones

updated review:–———–

A survival horror game that needs a little bit more polish and a few bug fixes. A new update to the game improved on alot of the problems. There is still more work to do however.

What i liked:

-The game uses the cry of fear ammo mechanic (which means when you reload any bullets in that mag are gone) which punishes those who always reload after firing 5 rounds in a 30 round mag

-the weapons feel good as well as a nice variety

-Fun to shoot those evil things

-interesting bleed out mechanic

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

The Forgotten Ones is a Half Life 2 horror mod available for free.

It’s also a pretty bad game. Despite the story’s premise being interesting it’s not developed in any meaningful way, the only reminders of a story even existing in the first place being missable notes barely saying anything scattered across the game.

The typical atmosphere a horror game worthy of that name should possess is completely absent. Even the cat scares are horribly executed and will leave you wondering what just happened. The only scary thing in the game are the monsters, not because of they way they look or sound or anything like that, but simply because even the weakest creatures are unstoppable juggernauts of doom for about 3/4 of the game. They hit like trains, slowing down the player and leaving their aim wobbling all over the place, while shrugging off the completely inadequate gunfire.

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

The Forgotten Ones on Steam



It doesn’t get any better than this.

Each map is unique in its setting and objective concept (the cyberpunk theme of the game is greatly enhanced by excellent skybox’s and background noise that draws you into the level). They require good team co-ordination in order to win. Especially since aspects of the objectives take place in 2 parallel worlds that affect each other in real time [Meatspace - physical world: similar to most fps with a cyperpunk theme (weapons like laser rifle, tesla rifle, ion cannon), 3 class types (v.balanced) and deus ex like implants, inc increased speed, thermal vision, medic, stealth(invisi). Cyberspace - think system shock 1 or tripping on acid: req decking implant; deckers speed thru cyberspace hacking objectives, adding security and fighting off enemy deckers in low grav/high speed combat using in essence quake railgun, lightening gun and rocket launcher.]

Real player with 1765.2 hrs in game

What started out as an old half life 2 mod is now an independent game with a dedicated community and recently updated to 1.5.2! Dystopia gives some quake-style play with objectives and and alternate cyber space realm where players fight in quasi gravity for control over nodes. Cyberspace nodes can be secondary objectives to open up new paths around choke points or seal off defender’s quick access to the objective. They can also switch turrets to shoot the other team! Other times an objective requires getting a player with a deck implant in the middle of enemy territory and hacking an objective.

Real player with 811.5 hrs in game

Dystopia on Steam

Killing Floor - Toy Master

Killing Floor - Toy Master

Download the mod, then launch Killing Floor as normal, not the Toy Master mod. If you launch the mod itself, it won’t pick up your existing perk stats.

9/10 Mod

Real player with 120.7 hrs in game

Not as great as the main series by far, but it’s free and having some rounds with friends can fill quite a few evenings.

Real player with 30.9 hrs in game

Killing Floor - Toy Master on Steam