Through The Fragmentation

Through The Fragmentation

Short but sweet. Charming, but at the same time, low-key depressing. The setting, the themes, the visuals, and the music all come together very nicely. The multiple endings and achievements add replayability, and coming back for more was well worth it. There’s some pretty deep and metaphorical stuff going on, which might hit home for many of you, I found it really touching too. Had a very pleasant experience. I don’t think the charm of this game is going to wear off of me for a long time, very memorable stuff.

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Exploration Games.

Defragging For More

I love it to pieces. Or should that be ‘I love it to fragments?'

If like me you’re a fan of Thirty Flights of Loving and Gravity Bones, you might be in the right place. One aspect I really loved about those was the light inventory management combined with something like a spy premise. There’s something so effective about an ‘augmented walking sim.’ Throw in as many varied and single-usage mechanics as you can and you birth something constantly engaging. Not the norm given how expensive a disposable approach to gameplay would make most games.

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Through The Fragmentation on Steam

Atonal Dreams

Atonal Dreams

Atonal Dreams is an RPG reminiscent of classic console JRPGs: you roam around a field and through dungeons looting treasure chests, talking to NPCs, and engaging in (non-random) turn-based battles that pit your team against hordes of monsters. Grow your characters by masterfully using skills to alter modifiers, build combos, and either destroy your foes or convert them to your side. The game is heavily story- and lore-rich, featuring an often-silly cast of characters who each have hidden depths that are gradually revealed.

  • In the world of Alora Fane, the omnipresent miasma causes thoughts and feelings to manifest as monsters. These can be destroyed with weapons, or tamed using magic. Tamed monsters can be controlled as allies for the duration of the battle.

  • Skills can level up by gaining XP equal to the damage inflicted with them. Stack up bonuses by manipulating a variety of psychological stats for efficient growth!

  • There’s a strong focus on story and characterisation. Dialogue scenes use full models with nuanced facial expression shifts that that add an additional layer of nonverbal storytelling.

  • A quirky blend of absurd British humour and deep layered meanings and metaphors about the nature of mind and reality and characters’ hidden backstories and self beliefs.

  • No unnecessary padding or tedious grinding; the game aims to make a memorable mental mark without overstaying its welcome.


Alora Fane’s gods once walked among the people they dreamed into being, until they were slain - and the world itself wounded - by a defiant blasphemer known as Blight the Betrayer.

A faction of devout knights called the Seraphim emerged to maintain ordered civilisation in the gods' absence, while those who saw the gods' death as freedom from tyranny founded the Blight Wolves to live lives of defiant chaos in the wild.

Centuries after this cataclysm, Savitr - a legendary Seraph whose unusual purple skin and horns reflect the inner demons that haunt him - and his starstruck apprentice, Collie - a former Blight Wolf, eager to rise above her brutal past - set out on a quest to rescue Savitr’s scholar friend from an island of monks who gaze into the infinite sea of potential dreams beyond physical reality.

Savitr’s quest to bring light to the world to atone for his past sins will face challenges from the competing belief narrative of his fiery squire, and by facing their dreams incarnate, they will reveal the light of truth at their core.

Read More: Best Adventure RPG Games.

Atonal Dreams on Steam

Wilhelm Gustloff’s Death

Wilhelm Gustloff’s Death

I remember when I learned about this ship once. It has a very strange and sad story looking into the vessel. Despite that it is the worst maritime disaster in human history, when I saw it come out tonight, I knew I had to give it a green light. The ship model looks good.

Real player with 38.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Simulation Games.

Very good game. The only thing that’s missing for me is entering the bridge. I have played all your games (Titanic, Britannic and Lusitania) and I had lots of fun with this. The ship model is very well done, and when I´m playing this I feel like I were on the ship when it was sinking. Hope that there will come more games with sinking ships. Good job :) (sorry for bad english, I’m from Germany)

edit: Maybe I would like a free camera mod without sinking on daylight for exploring the ship outside :D

Real player with 5.2 hrs in game

Wilhelm Gustloff's Death on Steam



Definitely recommend this game if you like puzzle adventures, and the price is well worth it at this time. The graphics are good and it runs well ( I am using Vive Pro wireless with Vive controllers) now that the devs have applied some quick hot fixes….this dev team is the most responsive of all game devs that I have seen on Steam ( and I have been a Steam/Valve member since 1999)….shows you how much they care about making this game great.

No real complaints as it is a lot of fun….and the puzzles are challenging but not extremely difficult. The atmosphere is generally dark and the immersion is good. Audio/sounds are well done to match the content.

Real player with 3.3 hrs in game

Anderson is a very fun puzzle game. Even though its still in early access, it has a lot of potential! I noticed a few bugs and other issues during game play, and the developers were very receptive to the reports and suggestions.

If you like puzzle games, especially in VR, this is one title to get and solve!

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game




It might need a little bit of tweaking (at the time of this review), but I HIGHLY recommend this game!

The rules -

Ship hits mine, you go to the lifeboats (not too early or too late) and survive!

I’ve already both killed and survived my player time and again (including jumping off the props!) LOL

Enjoy! :)

Real player with 35.0 hrs in game

While to game is a little buggy at times and there is some minor details missing, I thoroughly enjoyed it. You really do get a real feeling of impending danger and suspense. I hope the developer keeps refining and adding to this game as there isn’t much out there on the “forgotten” Olympic class sister. Recommended…

Real player with 16.3 hrs in game

Britannic on Steam

Cions of Vega

Cions of Vega

Another lovely walking simulator from Tonguc Bodur. In a departure from previous games, you have a companion on your journey to find your missing daughter. Your brother follows you, providing commentary (with a strong American accent that borders on a southern twang!) and a few inventory items. His dialog, coupled with notes found along the way, begin to alert you that all is not right in the world you are walking through.

The game is split into 7 sections, delimited by gates that each require a key. Keys are located by searching abandoned houses, a church, and some tunnels/caves for clues and solving some basic puzzles. There is one brief platforming sequence that is easy to navigate. Otherwise, you can run, walk, crouch and jump. For speedy gamers, there is a convenient ‘auto-run’ toggle.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Finished it, finally. I say finally because I am a novice gamer and what might seem old hat to most players will give me fits! The puzzles are basic–this game is mostly about the story and the journey. I love Unreal Engine 4 games because the scenery is so neat and this game doesn’t disappoint. The cons for me were inside the houses it is very dark and made it hard to see, and I thought the brother was SUPER creepy, following like red light/green light, but I understand he is a necessary part of the game. The best part was at the end when you earn the right to make a choice (of 3 choices). I’m not going to spoil it but I’ll just say the choice I made was VERY satisfying lol.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Cions of Vega on Steam

Paranormal Detective: Escape from the 80’s

Paranormal Detective: Escape from the 80’s

Nice puzzle game. If you’ve played other escape room type games, you’ll like this. Lots of 80’s references and humor throughout. I had to refer to a walk through twice: once for something I should have picked up on but the other was something I may have eventually stumbled upon what they were expecting you to do (tip: just play with everything extensively!)

Looking forward to the 90’s sequel, which is already waiting in my wish list.

Real player with 4.9 hrs in game

This game is totally RADICAL DUDE! Just played through and I loved it. Great escape room elements with so much 80s. Such cheesy acting and there is even a rap to dance to. Don’t want to give away too much. Took me about 2 hours to complete. I did search pretty thoroughly for Easter eggs and such.

The game nailed what is wrong with so many escape games.

  1. It has a great, fun story! This is lacking in so many.

  2. Everything is polished and works well! (surprisingly hard to find)

  3. A great length! I have played waaaay too many 15 to 20 minute experiences. This took me well over an hour to explore, complete the puzzles, and complete the end.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Paranormal Detective: Escape from the 80's on Steam



This is fun for a time. I HATE the time limit. I much prefer to approach puzzles in a logical way, and this game lends itself to a slow and methodical approach rather than a scramble.

Also, the torch and dark levels add nothing but jank (now we have to work with one hand whilst holding a torch in the other).

Also, the bugs (worst part) led me to lose my trust in some of the levels having a solution, as there are levels that are obviously impossible becasue of programming faults.

Also, the spelling mistakes….

Real player with 3.2 hrs in game

This is a fun little 3D puzzle game that challenges your spatial visualization abilities with the classic “connect the pipes to make the water flow” concept.

I’m playing standing up and walking around to pick up and place the pipes, which needs a large enough play space, I have not played it sitting down.

I’ve completed 65 Tasks so far. One was unsolvable due to a bug (one pipe won’t connect to other pipes), and two have a part spawning in a way that activates the water valve, but if you catch it fast enough when the levels start, you can solve them.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Plumber on Steam

Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time

Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time

Doctor Who Edge of time plays out like a great feature length episode of the show - playing an average Joe, going through your mundane life you’re suddenly thrown into the deep-end as the doctor draws you in to a journey through time and space piloting the TARDIS to save the universe.

Gameplay wise, rather than try and turn this into an action focused adventure, this is full of escape room puzzles, which is probably the best fit for the franchise as these are exactly the kind of scenarios you would expect the doctor and their companion to get into - if you’re looking for anything more action oriented then this isn’t for you, and there are great many other games that will scratch that itch, I for one loved the atmosphere and presentation is excels at delivering some outstanding moments - stepping into the yard is for the first time really felt special, it really is bigger on the inside!!

Real player with 9.4 hrs in game

This will be my first ever review on steam. I don’t normally do this, but I love the franchise so much, that I want to get it out there.

Warning: Spoliers - But not exactly having to do with the entire plot, so read on if you’d like.

1. The movement.

Yes, I’m starting with everything - not because I think my opinion is extremely important, but from the view of someone who likes the show and vr. I feel like the basic movement could be a bit faster. The teleporting is fine and all, but I think the smooth turning and walking could be faster. It feels like when you try to run in your dreams, but you can’t because your legs are being weighed down. If the doctor tells me to “run”, you know I wanna run - not trudge my way through soup. And if you can throw the viewer into the Doctor Who title sequence, with the spinning and turning, and the Time Vortex, I’m sure that they can handle turning a little faster than what the highest allowed speed is.

Real player with 7.3 hrs in game

Doctor Who: The Edge Of Time on Steam

Greyhat - A Digital Detective Adventure

Greyhat - A Digital Detective Adventure

This game ties if not usurps The Return of the Obra Dinn as my favorite game of all time. I’ve played hundreds of games on Steam and PS4, nearly all of them critical darlings, of all genres and scopes. Alphabetically in my library, it sits between Gorogoa and Guacamelee, and after this, Sniper Ghost Warrior Contracts 2 is next in my queue.

While not trying to spoil anything, I recommend this game to pretty much anybody without reservation, worth every penny of its asking price - but most especially those that actively seek out games of this genre like Obra Dinn and to a lesser extent like Unheard that tickle the brain a little they way a detective or point-and-click adventure game might. Hell even if you like the Ace Attorney series of games, there’s something in here for you too. Far from perfect and I have my critiques, but to be honest my library is full of these faux hacker puzzle/detective games but none are as creative, polished, or fleshed-out or quite frankly as affecting as Greyhat. The “a-ha” moments here are the most rewarding and feel most earned here and for example chatting and “tunneling” elements are two examples of how the devs going out of their way to nail the feeling of being a clandestine keyboard warrior furiously typing messages or lines of code. Were I to say more I’d worry about revealing spoilers.

Real player with 25.5 hrs in game

My playtime: 19.2h (based on steam, 100% achievement)

Grindy Achievement(s): No.

Optional Achievement(s): Yes (5 achievements).

Difficult Achievement(s): No.


Greyhat - A Digital Detective Adventure is a game where you have to find clues and solve minigames. The game has ~19 levels in total.


  • ~19 levels

  • Minigames

  • Hints

  • Some levels have different solutions when you replay it

  • Collectibles


  • You need to manually type some clues to your notes

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Greyhat - A Digital Detective Adventure on Steam