

Pros and cons are down below) Don’t forget to drop a like if it was useful! Check out the game here (likes and subs are highly appreciated):


1. The story is impeccable - it was short, scary, moving, involving, well-made, intriguing and horrifying at the same time! I was fascinated. There are lots of pieces of lore in the game which reveals more of the story and the environment is also quite vivid, though despondent. Yet, I need to be honest and warn you that there are some strong visuals in the game that features violence towards children and animals, so be warned (gonna note that in the disadvantages section as well).

Real player with 9.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Violent Games.

Beer Night студийн хамт олонд баяр хүргэе. Монголын анхны steam дээр байршуулсан тоглоом гээд олон хүмүүс татаж тоглосон байх. Татаагүй эргэлзэж буй хүмүүст хандаж хэлэхэд: Манай пуужин ах маань өөрөө ямар хувь уран бүтээлч билээ гэдгийг бодоорой. Та бид дотроосоо гаргаж чаддаггүй тийм үг өгүүлбэрийг аймшиггүй дуу болгоод цацдаг шүү дээ. Түүнтэй адил нийгэм дээр болж байгаа нүдэнд харагдах бас үл үзэгдэм тийм аймар үйл явцыг тоглоом хэлбэрээр нь тоглуулж хүн бүрд өөрийн ойлгоцыг бий болгуулж байна. Мэдээ нийтлэлээр явж л байдаг бид нээх тоодоггүй гэтэл энэхүү тоглоомын тоглож байх явцад аа нээрээ л гэх бодол өөрийн эрхгүй төрнө. За тэгээд айдастай, сонирхолтой, шар малтуулам, нууцлаг тоглоомыг тоглохыг урьж байна. Монгол тоглоомоо дэмжье.

Real player with 6.8 hrs in game

Fragile on Steam

Lucius III

Lucius III


My 74 hours of playtime are pre-launch testing.

This game comes back to L1’s roots in two ways:

  • A focused, more cohesive narrative

  • Less sandbox and more linearity (which helps keep the game on track)


  • The game feels like an interactive movie with it’s extended cutscenes and detailed dialogues between characters.

  • While on the long side, the cutscenes don’t outstay their welcome and are easily skipped via Esc button.

  • Some elements of the story (chapter 3) will leave you gawking. It’s undeniable that this small team has crazy ammounts of courage and would’ve had their game positively gutted by a big-name publisher.

Real player with 85.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Violent Games.

The Devil’s Son or the Angel’s Advocate?

Before I played the game I was highly aware that the game was bugged but I dedicatedly finished the previous games and was curious on what would happen next. So risking my sanity and fear of bugs I started the game and was able to complete it while getting all achievements in the end.

In this game you follow the boy-devil in his brutal expeditions in completing the final assignment put to him by his notorious father. But would this final adventure make him the real devil or would it cleanse his soul? That is up to you to decide.

Real player with 18.8 hrs in game

Lucius III on Steam

A Cat’s Manor

A Cat’s Manor

Cat’s Manor is a puzzle based adventure about personal discovery. Waking up without any memory, and seeing a hand attached to the end of his tail, our unlikely victim must piece together what has happened, and what looming dangers are closing in. You soon realize you’re locked up in a house with an eccentric family whose demeanor doesn’t bode well. Help our little protagonist make sense of the world and its occupants. Help the cat escape the Cat’s manor. Featuring unique visuals, movie quality soundtrack, professional voice acting that breathes life into a truly immersive experience.

Read More: Best Adventure Violent Games.

A Cat's Manor on Steam

Blood Opera Crescendo

Blood Opera Crescendo

A terrifying investigative adventure game set in the 18th century: classical music, baroque style, horrible murders.


Year 17XX - Austria: former orchestra conductor Heinrich Steiner accidentally discovers the horribly mutilated corpse of an unknown person into the local theater. Someone turned that body into a working musical instrument. Heinrich, a passionate musical composer, is stunned: how can someone create something like this? Obsessed with the murderer and his musical skills, Heinrich is going to discover a tremendous truth hidden behind the luxurious curtain that covers the entire city. Who is the killer? Why is he doing all this? And more importantly: will Heinrich be able to discover his identity without being killed?

~~ THE GAME ~~

Following the steps of the former orchestra director and skilled composer Heinrich Steiner, the player will uncover the secret behind a bloody trail of terrifying murders. Blood Opera Crescendo is trying to “break the limits” of RPG Maker, offering improved graphics, a deep story and game mechanics inspired from series like Ace Attorney. During the game you will face interrogations and misdirections: if failed, they will lead to game over. Unlike other “classic” adventure games, in Blood Opera Crescendo you can fail and the world is dangerous.

  • A terrifying and elegant single-player adventure: a journey through the Baroque era on the trail of a murderer who transforms human beings into musical instruments

  • A refined soundtrack enriched with classical music masterpieces

  • 8-10 hours of gameplay for the complete game

  • Investigate, deceive, solve the mystery… and don’t get arrested (or worse!)

  • Uncommon adventure game mechanics, some inspired from famous series like Ace Attorney: rhythm game, stealth, interrogation/misdirection phases

  • Platforms: Windows (Steam)/Linux

  • Control: Keyboard/Joypad

  • Price at launch: 10 €

  • Languages: English, Japanese, Italian

Blood Opera Crescendo on Steam

Chronicle of Innsmouth: Mountains of Madness

Chronicle of Innsmouth: Mountains of Madness

Wow, this is a masterpiece. No adventure gamer should miss this for any reason.

The strength of this game is in its atmosphere: here, Mountains of Madness equals masterpieces such as Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. And indeed you are going to have Indiana Jones vibes through all the game. Psychodev studio clearly has talent in creating immersive atmospheres. They achieve this in different ways: the stunning graphics is full of exotic and evocative locations; the amazing and evocative music is never repetitive and never intrusive, but manages to talk to your subconscious and increase the experience; the presence of a party of companions, who follow you through all your adventure; the many differeent flashbacks, which increase the variety of the settings; many small details such as the flickering lights or the animated clouds; the many comic-style cutscenes which highlight the key moments in the story; the english voiceover which is very expressive and competent.

Real player with 29.3 hrs in game

“Mountains of Madness” is an atmospheric, compact and overall polished point and click adventure, who gives its own due homage to the source material and its gameplay-wise inspirations (Lucas Arts adventure games, especially “Fate of Atlantis”), while keeping its own strong autonomy and dignity.


The setting is surprisingly immersive and mind-blowing, the plot is good with its own sparks, even if rarely shines: some narrative solutions felt forced and other underused, left wanting for more. But I experienced worse, FAR worse in my gaming career.

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Chronicle of Innsmouth: Mountains of Madness on Steam

Die In The Dark

Die In The Dark

Atmospheric, fun and some challenging puzzles. Easy and simple controls and gameplay that anyone can pick up. A few good jump scares and an unexpected ending! Pick it up we had fun with it.

Real player with 10.4 hrs in game

I was always taught not to review a game unless you actually beat it, after finishing this I can honestly say I enjoyed it. Not a steam gamer but thought I give this a shot since I follow the dev on Instagram and it looked pretty interesting. While the game is a lot slower than I originally thought but I didnt mind because the story & atmosphere pulled me in. Zombies felt way too easy but the other monsters provided plenty of jump scares. Really enjoyed the puzzles and the flashlight attack which reminded me of Alan Wake.

Real player with 3.1 hrs in game

Die In The Dark on Steam



I have played most of Tonguc Bodur’s games and have enjoyed them as they have evolved from beautiful walking simulators with a story to games with added activities. The last few have had interesting elements of shooting enemies, evading death traps, parking vehicles, etc.

Having said this, Education is not my favorite. Not a bad game, but not really what I was hoping for. It is short, very light on story, and incredibly dark (as in lack of lighting). I spent a lot of time managing flashlight batteries and trying to see in the darkness.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Extremely short, glitchy, not scary in the slightest. I’d say the random freezing and crashing ruin the immersion but there would have to BE immersion for that to be true. Story is nonsense and the player character is a completely unlikable jackwagon who did a bunch of horrible stuff when he was a kid, up to and including causing another person’s suicide, and doesn’t feel bad about any of it at all. The environment might be effective at being creepy if it were actually possible to see it, which it isn’t because it’s about 400x darker than it should be even for a game set at night. Flashlight batteries die in 10 seconds so you’ll spend more time looking for them than reading the notes that explain the story. I’d say the bad battery mechanic ruins the immersion but there would have to BE…wait I covered that already. Christ, even the voice over in the goddamn TRAILER is nonsense and completely the opposite of what actually happens in the game. Even if you’re looking at this for $1 and thinking it would be an easy perfect achievement game to add to your profile….don’t do that either, because it got stuck under Steam’s limited profile nonsense so even if you 100% the achievements it won’t show up as a perfect game. I made a post explaining this to others who were already asking why it wasn’t showing up on their profiles and it got deleted. I guess it made more sense to censor my attempts to help others understand the situation than it was to take literally zero effort to deal with the issue. If achievement issue should be corrected at some point (not likely since the person who could get this issue resolved doesn’t give a big, fluffy crap about the people who spent their money on the product) before I’m too old and senile to remember that I reviewed this then I will remove that part of this review. As it is……your money is yours to risk.

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Education on Steam

Greenwood the Last Ritual

Greenwood the Last Ritual

Starting as an investigation plot with mystic elements and magic the game takes an unpleasant

! supposedly devotional turn. The player ends with

! unknowingly helping a destructive god in his cruel apocalypse. As is insinuated in found scrolls and conversations, mankind has committed a severe sin in trying to avoid being slaughered instead of just letting it happen. This is, what the player is meant put “right”. The meager story is quite linear, I did not find any way to change this pitiable course of action.

Real player with 23.4 hrs in game


  • dark and creepy atmosphere

  • intriguing horror story

  • easy, enjoyable puzzles and quests

  • big map with many different regions for exploration

  • game is not short

  • game is cheap

  • graphics looks nice


  • pixel hunting

  • bad and clunky Diablo type mouse controls

  • repetetive and frequent paranormal attacks and quicktime-events halts gameplay. it’s getting tedious after a while.

  • very long loading time when starting the game

  • can’t manually save - only auto save

  • frustrating final puzzle.

Real player with 11.4 hrs in game

Greenwood the Last Ritual on Steam

Heathen - The sons of the law

Heathen - The sons of the law

I got a soft spot for games like these, using underrated technology (making them pro in their possibilities) and still achieving huge fruits, first person shooter with a story, interesting game mechanics.

Made by only two amazing individuals. It’s amazing! This is their baby and they putting themselves fully into it’s development untill perfection to completion.

So, what is this game? Well, it’s a first person shooter with some puzzle elements, interactive machines, compelling story in a semi open world with an eerie setting. Oh and it’s quite hard.

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

I’m utterly amazed. I haven’t played such a game in so long. I’ll admit, I was a bit biased when I bought the game, simply because of the hype - I followed the development of this game for a few years now, visiting all the social media for it almost religiously.

Some may confuse the game as episodic, because of the weird wording ‘‘buy EP1’’, however it’s not that at all. Frog Factory have made this clear on multiple occasions, explaining that EP1 means the game could possibly end up being just the first part of a bigger franchise (meaning it could be followed by a future book or perhaps another game).

Real player with 16.9 hrs in game

Heathen - The sons of the law on Steam

Kemonomichi-White Moment-

Kemonomichi-White Moment-

Kemonomichi -White Moment- was a great surprise, a breath of fresh air around all the usual dating sims and erotic visual novels on Steam.

A mix between science fiction, genetically enhanced humans, sword fighting, revenge, religious symbolism and evil corporations. Seems a little bit cliché, but combined with interesting and well developed characters, violent and intense action sequences, MBF FILMs managed to create a really cool original story around these themes.

It may not seem that it’s a high-production, but it’s evident that they put a lot of effort and care in creating this game. In the opening act, the intense battle between the main protagonists really sums up that feeling.

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

Various technical issues, game crashes all the time, the player can’t take a screenshot and it doesn’t go full screen, the developer should fix these issues before selling the product. Requested refund, avoid.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Kemonomichi-White Moment- on Steam