Ancient Warriors Casino Jackpot

Ancient Warriors Casino Jackpot

You get to spin a prize wheel, scratch off a ticket, or use a slot machine.

Unfortunately you don’t get to have fun, because this game is super bad.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Simulation Games.

Ancient Warriors Casino Jackpot on Steam

Black Jack Story

Black Jack Story

Blackjack Story

Oh Im sorry… Black JACK story.

I bought it on Xmas and gave it a go a week later. I was thinking it to be a simple Blackjack (Im an avid Blackjack fan and enjoy it in every presence , in every game) and I was hoping I’ll get joy out of this one…sigh I was soooooo, wrooong…The game is terrible and not because It’s indie…, but its bad, ,,,really.

  • The mechanics are somewhat slow (the counter can show you got 22 then IMMEDIATELY change back to 12. Heart attacks and shtting brix guaranteed.) The game runs on a very slow pace… you can click the button 3 times until it activates. The Score counter is retarded. I personally saw how it counts two Aces (It scores as 12) as 22.

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Casual Games.


+Card game.


-Has no concept of international black jack rules:

-In real life, who ever makes a true blackjack (ace + 10 card) they automatically win.

-When u ‘Double Down’ that is supposed to mean you are going to ‘hit’/take one more card at the expense of doubling your original bet. This is not done within the game, it just doubles your money. The game also allows you to Double Down at any stage where in true Blackjack you may only have the Double Down option hitting your first card.

Real player with 7.4 hrs in game

Black Jack Story on Steam

Texas Holdem Poker: Solo King

Texas Holdem Poker: Solo King

Amazing Poker game. Smart and very aggressive AI.

I love it.

Real player with 56.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Simulation Games.

needs to have a way to change seats at the table if so desired.

Real player with 18.5 hrs in game

Texas Holdem Poker: Solo King on Steam

Governor of Poker 2 - Premium Edition

Governor of Poker 2 - Premium Edition

I just posted a nasty review about the fact that the programmer for this game could not do simple math, because when I added up the amount of winnings that you should receive in the game after a poker game it was not even close to accurate. I am editing the review (this review) now because the issue in the game is not that the math is wrong (which is simple to do), the problem is the tutorial provides almost no information whatsoever about the game so when the math seems obviously wrong which I think eventually everyone might come to that conclusion there was nothing in the tutorial to explain it. Another example of the tutorial not providing information on how the game works, was that there was nothing in the tutorial to explain what “fold & skip” means in the game which I initially assumed was you would fold and then leave the game (skip out). I can go on to give other examples of how the tutorial didn’t provide that much information on how the game works before you started to play. So I am not recommending this game until the tutorial is improved, if ever.

Real player with 479.4 hrs in game

At first I enjoyed this game. It was a fun enough time-waster that satisfied my craving for poker, but the cracks started showing real soon.

The biggest issue with the game, as many others have pointed out, is that the AI is rigged to a ridiculous degree. They will raise you pre-flop with completely unreasonable amounts with hands they should have folded instantly. And on top of that they more often than not get the exact river card they needed.

This goes the other way around as well. Something I’ve learned while playing this game is that you should fold instantly if you have a pocket pair. There’s something seriously wrong with the game’s coding because you never ever win with good hands, while something like 7/2 off-suit would have given you a full house on the river. Basically, the game encourages you to fold hands no player in real life would while playing hands that have very low odds of winning. And while yes, luck is a part of poker as well, but not to the extent this game takes it. I don’t think I’ve won a single hand with pocket aces. Whenever I’ve had that hand, the flop is always something like 2 fives, and wouldn’t you know it, somebody raised pre-flop with 3/5 off-suit.

Real player with 72.2 hrs in game

Governor of Poker 2 - Premium Edition on Steam

Jesters Poker

Jesters Poker


Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Jesters Poker on Steam

Green world: Catharsis

Green world: Catharsis

Простенькая игра-шутер про выдру с оружием на горбу. Цель - расстреливать врагов на “арене” из разных видов оружия, набивая очки. Новые пушки иногда проплывают по воде и нужно успеть их схватить. Враги - мужики на бревне, на лодке, просто вплавь и т.д. Валить их довольно забавно)

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

If you love otter and shooting, this game is definitely for you

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Green world: Catharsis on Steam

Jerma & Otto: The Curse of the Late Streamer

Jerma & Otto: The Curse of the Late Streamer

Before this game, my only real Jerma exposure was the dollhouse stream… so I’m writing this review from the POV of somebody that just wants a fun game. And I gotta say - I really feel like Curse of the Late Streamer delivers.

The puzzles are never overly challenging, and I say this as someone who generally sucks at point-and-clicks. Everything feels fair. And here’s my advice if you get stuck on a puzzle: just go do something else. There’s plenty to explore and work towards.

It is really really cool how much original art is in this game, too. Characters that are (presumably, again I am a newcomer) all drawn from Jerma lore? 3D environments that both evoke old-school game memories and feel like a real (virtual) space that this guy could live in? The dog is adorable?? Seriously, such an impressive amount of effort.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

–-{ Graphics }—

☐ You forget what reality is

☐ Beautiful

☑ Good

☐ Decent

☐ Bad

☐ Don‘t look too long at it


—{ Gameplay }—

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ It’s just gameplay

☐ Mehh

☐ Watch paint dry instead

☐ Just don’t

—{ Audio }—

☐ Eargasm

☐ Very good

☑ Good

☐ Not too bad

☐ Bad

☐ I’m now deaf

—{ Audience }—

☐ Kids

☐ Teens

☐ Adults

☑ Grandma

—{ PC Requirements }—

☑ Check if you can run paint

☐ Potato

☐ Decent

☐ Fast

☐ Rich boi

☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

—{ Difficulty }—

Real player with 2.9 hrs in game

Jerma & Otto: The Curse of the Late Streamer on Steam

Survive In Russia

Survive In Russia

Gameplay 1/10

Story 2/10

Controls 3/10

Graphics 4/10

Difficulty 1/10

Positive Aspects

  • Runs smoothly and stable. No crashes, bugs, or other major errors.

  • Is exactly what it’s advertised as, no more, no less.

Negative Aspects

  • The music will fade whenever there is a sound cue playing. Very annoying and had me mute the entire game.

  • The stories are a bit dull.

  • The difficulty. You can finish each of the 3 stories in about 10 minutes. You just have to click a few times and make some choices and you’re done.

Real player with 1.0 hrs in game

I kind wish there was more chapters and dlc help support game?? hint to developers.

I played it as far I could stay sitting comfortably by computer.

Like: Doctor story was interesting. I have yet play third time around teacher or rich kid roles yet.

Dislike: one chance encounters end up giving negative influences in your life is dice roll effect, there no character customization/ if characters were different sex?

Doctor character story last time I played it was unfinished. Teacher not sure how finished that was.

Real player with 0.9 hrs in game

Survive In Russia on Steam

Metro Sim Hustle

Metro Sim Hustle

1st impression:

I think the environment is very well done. This is much better than the family-friendly oriented Sims 4 because of its realism and immersive elements. I have read many reviews and seen videos before I buy this game. It is actually not easy to make a decision as there is also another equally competitive game which is “The Coin Game” with arcade elements. They have much more arcade, and have overwhelmingly positive reviews. But I have decided to go for this one instead because of the human sims and city living, and there is this hidden objective to live in a better house and climbing up the social ladder. I am wondering whether there can be casinos here too, so that this game is more adult oriented. Well, if “The Coin Game” is for young ones, then Metro Sim should be the adult version.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

It’s a solid sim experience, to me. I haven’t played very many sims, but decided to give this one a try and I can honestly say that I’m not disappointed.

Is it repetitive? Sure it is, but such is the nature of a sim after all and exactly what I’m looking for.

There are plenty of things to do in the game:

Fight for money - deliver pizza - drive the metro for exp and money - make and sell drugs - use drugs - play fun arcade games (emphasis on the word, fun) - own a business - gamble (black jack / 21) - play slots - own a house or two (very expensive and will take a very long time to get) - rent a place (paid per week) - furnace your house or apartment - buy clothes - date via app - romance your date / intimate relations (requires DLC to unlock) - sleep - eat a variety of foods - buy surgical procedures - drink a variety of drinks, including alcohol - smoke - use the bathroom - shower - complete objectives for money - sit in a chair once purchased for your apartment or house - and probably a few more activities that I haven’t unlocked yet.

Real player with 24.8 hrs in game

Metro Sim Hustle on Steam

Beach Restaurant

Beach Restaurant

Not even worth 1 buck.

Just a bad asset flip with no improvement at all, bad game mechanics, poor execution and boring as hell. The “game” is so poorly designed that Level 18 is literally impossible to finish because you never get enough orders in the time allotted and since it takes forever for people to waaaaaaalk to their spot and order, you lose every time. That’s how much thought they put into it.

Assets are one thing but they don’t make a game, thanks for proving it once again.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

I bought this game purely for fun to play and relax. Everything in the game is very simple and straightforward, you serve customer orders. Each client has his own unique taste, you make the wrong dish, you will lose the client. I got positive emotions, I rate the game 8 out of 10 cheeseburgers.

Real player with 3.9 hrs in game

Beach Restaurant on Steam