OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos

OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos

Alright, so first thing first, i don’t make review often, hell this is my second one since i created my account which pretty much showcase how badly i had to put what i think of the game out there.

Anyway, as much as i had fun with the game, i just can’t recommand it.

Why you ask ? Simply because the translation/localisation is horrible.

Be it the mistranlation of simple stuff like “Of course i was serious” or the use of meme culture slang to make it feel relevant to our era (which would make the replayability of the game near non-existent in the future) when it ends up having the opposite effect, the entire game is filled with those.

Real player with 31.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure LGBTQ Games.

“Straight like spaghetti, until it gets wet! (´ω`)"

+ Point : It’s one of the best visual novel based on the Japanese anime style yuri theme.

[1] Intro

OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos. This is a Japanese anime style visual novel by SukeraSomero. This development team has shown us yuri-themed works. In short, yuri means the theme of love between girls. Another visual novel called The Expression Amrilato was also produced by SukeraSomero Team. Their works are overall soft, heart-warming and pure. So it is especially recommended for beginners who are new to the theme of yuri.

Real player with 19.8 hrs in game

OshiRabu: Waifus Over Husbandos on Steam

Lili: Child of Geos - Complete Edition

Lili: Child of Geos - Complete Edition

2nd edit I played this through again for a couple of the achievements. I enjoyed it much more the 2nd time, even though I thought it would be a chore to play through again. The characters were still amusing, the art and model work were still beautiful, even the ‘fights’ were more enjoyable than they were on the first playthrough. I have no idea why this would be, perhaps it’s because I knew what not to expect from it 2nd time round. (I didn’t really want to make my review any longer, but since my first impressions kind of sat on the fence, I thought it only fair to update it.)

Real player with 20.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure RPG Games.

Oh, Lili, where have you been all my life? It’s hard to argue with anyone that might label this as a port of a casual, mobile, kid’s game; you’ll play as a young woman on a field trip wandering around an island, picking flowers, making friends and not really being challenged all that much. But while all that may be true, to be so reductive is to a do a great disservice to an amazing hidden gem of a game.

The most obvious strength of Lili: Child of Geos is its visuals, as there’s a glowing radiance emitting from every individual pore of the world along with everything that populates it. But what’s less obvious is the writing that backs it up. I feel like the dialogue in a lot of games is there merely to facilitate moving the player to the next objective or set piece, and I guess that’s fair enough since actual game play is typically going to be the feature that gets top billing while the story is little more than connective tissue to form vague context for your actions. However, I think people sometimes forget gaming is an entertainment medium, and there’s lots of other ways to entertain besides pure play, a fact this game thankfully does remember and arguably makes its greatest triumph.

Real player with 14.1 hrs in game

Lili: Child of Geos - Complete Edition on Steam

A Rose in the Twilight

A Rose in the Twilight

A really underrated puzzle platformer.

If you’re like me and are interested in this game because you played The Liar Princess and The Blind Prince and noticed the similar art style (they’re made by the same developer), get this game. It’s a no brainer, and I actually liked it more than The Liar Princess and The Blind Prince. Do keep in mind that this game has a much more darker and violent tone, with blood being a central mechanic of the game and its story.

If for some reason you have only played this game and haven’t played the aforementioned title, then please try to play it as well if you can. Unfortunately it’s not on PC, so I played it on Switch. I really wish we get a PC port eventually.

Real player with 32.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Puzzle Platformer Games.

The thorns hunger for blood

A Rose in Twilight immediately opens up to a little girl waking up in a ruined castle. Soon seeing she has a huge rose on her back. As you continue walking through the unfamiliar scenery, you soon learn of the powers you possess and much more. The little girl, named Rose, is able to absorb the color red to take the life out of an object, making it stark white and stuck in place. Turning the rose on your back red in the progress so you can transfer it to another object. This also goes for blood you see spilling out of long dead people, giving you a vision of their memory. However, the ruins is more deadly than you think as falling to your death is always a possibility, especially when a flower brings you back, essentially making you immortal.

Real player with 24.0 hrs in game

A Rose in the Twilight on Steam

Beyond Good and Evil™

Beyond Good and Evil™

About The Game

Beyond Good & Evil, published by Ubisoft in 2003. Where do I start with this game? First off, I want to say that this is a good PC port. It’s not perfect, but it gets the job done. I will explain why later. What’s the premise to this game? You play as Jade, a reporter who lives with her pig-uncle Pey’j, taking care of orphans on your lighthouse reservation. In this planet called Hillys, Hillyans fight for survival as evil DomZ, alien-like creatures, take over the planet. A combat force called the Alpha Sections has been sent to fight back the DomZ, but when the Alpha Sections fail to show up during attacks, a suspicious Jade goes undercover for a resistance force called IRIS to see what the Alpha Sections are really up to. Camera in hand, you participate in various undercover missions to expose the Alpha Sections for who they really are.

Real player with 18.4 hrs in game

Beyond good and evil - это классическое игровое приключение, сделанное с душой, во времена когда у юбисофта еще была душа… Я играл в beyond good and evil в 2021 году впервые, и ей все равно удалось очаровать меня до глубины души. Хотя, как и со всеми старыми играми, над ней пришлось поколдовать, прежде чем запустить ее в нормальном разрешении и фпсе, все же по сравнению с многими играми это было довольно легко. (не слушайте тех, кто что-то пишет про порты и подобные глупости, это вам не инсёрдженси)

Real player with 16.0 hrs in game

Beyond Good and Evil™ on Steam

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

Do you remember watching the Back To The Future film series? Great start with a disappointing middle before recovering to end in a pleasing fashion? Well, I haven’t installed Chapters as yet, but at time of writing, Dreamfall: The Longest Journey is that awkward second instalment.

It certainly has its merits. The story is almost as good as its predecessor, and it is this that will most likely carry the player through to the end in spite of the drawbacks; and the author also sensibly cut back on the length of the conversations. Despite its undoubted strength in depth, many character discussions in the original TLJ simply went on too long.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

Dreamfall: TLJ is a 3-d third-person point and click adventure game. The game is a sequel to a classic adventure game released in 1998 called The Longest Journey. It is not necessary to play the original TLJ to play Dreamfall, but it helps a lot, since the game universe and many characters are the same. The game is very heavy on story, dialogue, and cinematics, and light on puzzles and gameplay.

Story: the story is both the best and the worst I have ever seen in an adventure game. In the last two years I have completed 12 adventure games including old classics and modern indies. Dreamfall has a very complex and compelling story involving several interesting characters, political movements, and the complex game universe. It includes elements of comedy, drama, and tragedy. The story really gathers steam toward the end, resolving one storyline while introducing several more. Then, in the middle of the gathering drama and revelations, the game suddenly ends with no resolution to the fate of a dozen major characters and a dozen major plotlines. This is perhaps the most unsatisfying ending I have ever seen in a game, movie, book etc. Even if they did plan on a sequel, this was just plain terrible. I know a lot of people hated The Empire Strikes Back because of the unresolved plot lines. This is 100x worse.

Real player with 17.8 hrs in game

Dreamfall: The Longest Journey on Steam



Worst outcome from the entire affair is the more I look into them and play them, less tolerance I have for walking simulators as such. Which is a shame because Virginia is honestly quite a good one. High production values all-around and obvious effort went into this project. It’s also a walking simulator seemingly hellbent on setting your pace and putting its intentionally jumbled narrative ahead of everything else it may have had to offer.

So, what’s cooking? We step into the shoes of one Anne Tarver, fresh FBI graduate who just got her first case assignment. Paired up with a more experienced partner the two embark to a fictional town of Kingdom where they are to investigate a missing child case. Twist is Anne’s superior instructs her to keep a close eye on her new partner, Maria Halperin. She may have some secrets of her own. That’s the premise and what we have to work with for a while, but as the game itself quickly reveals, there’s more underway and you can’t tell WHEN a lot of it is happening. So don’t let anyone tell you there’s no story in Virginia because there sure is. It’s simply told in this fragmented fashion where everything will only click towards the finale as you get context for game’s multiple events.

Real player with 4.2 hrs in game

As much as I’m an old school action, adventure and RPG gamer from ‘85 onward, I got heavily into point n’ click/investigative mystery games as time went on. Even in more mixed offerings from the genre like The Suicide of Rachel Foster or the pretty ho-hum Call of Cthulhu redux I can usually find enough mystery elements to stay engaged.

Virginia is a detective game where I didn’t feel like a detective the entire playthrough. I didn’t even feel like I was the janitor on hire to clean out the department’s bathrooms. The Twin Peaks' vibes are strong with this one, there’s a touch of Kubrick happening as well but juvenile, thuddingly heavy-handed cliches and plot twists so insulting the ending may as well be the main character f*rting in your face, absolutely destroy any momentum that the game might have worked up.

Real player with 4.0 hrs in game

Virginia on Steam

1f y0u’re a gh0st ca11 me here! 幽铃热线

1f y0u’re a gh0st ca11 me here! 幽铃热线

I think this game’s charming in its way. It has quite a unique gameplay that I think it’s worth a try.

Gameplay is somewhat demanding. It’s kinda like playing papers please, but have to check about 2-4 different documents all at once and it is up to the players to make a split judgement where to send where.

The game is quite difficult, but I think anyone can get used to the game over time.

Story is short? I think? I haven’t seen all the endings (cuz the game’s hard..), but in terms of building an overall environment and the characters were interesting enough for what this game is worth.

Real player with 3.0 hrs in game

i really wanted to like the game but the story sucks there is only one song that is kinda annoying the gameplay is innovating but at the end it breaks and looses meaning

at first i was like i need to get all A but in the end i said fuck it i don’t care

Real player with 1.3 hrs in game

1f y0u're a gh0st ca11 me here! 幽铃热线 on Steam

Dangerous Relationship

Dangerous Relationship

About halfway through Ryouhei’s route, I was fairly optimistic that Dogenzaka had finally gotten it right. So what if Dangerous Relationship was cheesy with an outrageously silly premise? At least the writing was enjoyably fluid with a great translation by someone who’s first language is clearly English. Toss in plenty of humor to keep things from getting bogged down in melodrama, and characters who didn’t feel like cardboard cutouts of every other otome character, and I really thought I’d found the first solid VN in Dogen’s catalog. And then things get bad, then downright atrocious before an oasis of amazing breaks out in the middle, then it slides right back to bad and ends on a disappointingly mediocre note.

Real player with 34.1 hrs in game

This is the 5th Dogenzaka Lab game that I’ve bought recently due to my new found obsession of otome games and the discounts that have been offered. I think this one is quite good. Here’s a breakdown.

The Great:

The illustrations are always the high point for me for their games. The guys have a nice range of expressions.

There’s no issues with this VN coming from a mobile game to PC (clear, crisp graphics). I like the amount of backgrounds for this story. They fit well. There’s no awkward choice for a background that doesn’t fit the story or worse yet a black screen because of lack of backgrounds to use.

Real player with 18.6 hrs in game

Dangerous Relationship on Steam

Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey

Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey

My daughter loves this game more than most of the other Disney ones she has played on Steam. The controls are very simple yet teach her some basic keyboard and mouse skills. The puzzles start out very simple and progress in a way that even a four year old can pick up without too much help, but I love how it challenges her mind. She also enjoys that she can go to the mirror and change up her hair, dresses, etc. She’s already put 15 hours into this game in just a couple of weeks and seems to always want to play it. It’s one that I also don’t mind helping her with because there are some actually fun minigames to be had.

Real player with 148.2 hrs in game


Real player with 69.0 hrs in game

Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey on Steam

eXperience 112

eXperience 112

Interesting take on an adventure game. I enjoyed the novel approach of indirectly controlling the character, and choosing what you want to see through various cameras. Unfortunately you can only get 2.5 cameras going at once.

The plot has some pretty amazing holes in it. The entire story as far as it gets explained to the player is mostly handed to you in some text files pretty early in the game. I was hoping there was going to some more explaining at some point, but unfortunately not. It’s 1970 in the computer files, then suddenly the game takes place 30ish (?) years later with no explanation why.

Real player with 34.5 hrs in game

I wanted to like this game for the unique (or at the very least, non-standard) gaming experience it represents. Indirectly guiding a non-player character through an adventure using nothing but your own power over a decaying security system?

“Sign me up!” I cried.

The reality unfortunately fell short of my high expectations. A good portion of the early-to-mid game is spent directing the focal character to each and every light switch in turn, just to make sure that she stops and searches EVERY SINGLE NOOK AND CRANNY for keycards and other important objects that you often CANNOT actually see yourself due to the awkward position and orientation of the cameras. For me, this was a frustrating and drawn-out experience. Not only because it often feels like Lea Nichols moves about with all the alacrity of a pregnant sloth, but she will potentially not notice important plot items if she doesn’t specifically STOP MOVING at key locations. Prompt her to move a little faster to the next light switch, and she may just miss that all-important keycard, scribbled note, or whatever-the-heck else you need to progress to the next stage of the plot.

Real player with 22.0 hrs in game

eXperience 112 on Steam