

This was on a deep sale, so I figured why not, but wow, it was not even worth it at that price. The character movement feels awkward, like you’re moving a frozen mannequin. The first region is so blacked-out in spots it feels like the whole thing is one giant bug. Then none of the buildings were accessible, making the objective impossible as far as I could tell. Don’t bother! I should have refunded this but missed the window.

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Casual Games.

BlueBete on Steam

Garden Paws

Garden Paws

I bought this game on Black Friday, when it was a few dollars off the normal price - not much of a discount, but enough that I was willing to pull the trigger on it, as I’d had my eye on it for a while. It looked like a fun little time-waster, for when I don’t have the brainpower to do anything else.

The graphics are good, and the character models are cute. Controls are easy to get used to, and you can customize keybinds if you don’t like the way they’re set up as default. Quests are generally fairly easy, though some become available before you actually have the means to complete them. I was unable to complete a seasonal quest because of this, but it probably comes back around in the next year, so that’s little more than a minor frustration.

Real player with 207.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Cute Games.

I bought the game when I was locked up at home for corona Quarantine and found myself with qay too many time on my hands. For 13€ I didn’t expect much. Maybe entertaiment for one, if I’m lucky two days. Well I couldn’t have been more wrong. As I am writing this review (the first review I have ever written for a game on steam) I am over 100 hours into the game and I have just finished the main Questlines.


: After stardew Valley, Harvest Moon and Graveyard Keeper set the standard for this genre to be pixelated graphics its a very refreshing change to see one that is fully 3D and rendered in beautiful Unity(I asume) graphics. The desing of the characters is overly cute but I guess we have animal crossing to thank for that. Weather, Lighting flora and fauna create a very pleasing picture that does invite you to take screenshots of nice sunsets or moonlight nights.

Real player with 195.0 hrs in game

Garden Paws on Steam

Harvest Island

Harvest Island

You play as Will, a kid that lives on a remote island with his father and sister. You give your harvest offerings to the gods by milking cows, petting goats, shearing sheep, and planting crops. The island is big and you’ll be able to traverse to new and unknown areas, discover wild animals that’ll hide in the thickets of trees, and explore the deep, dark, depths of the island’s caves. But you can’t wander off too far from your home. It’s safer to stay in the comfort of your farm.

  • Collect coconuts, seaweed, horseshoe crabs, and other peculiar stuff. Offer your gatherings to the gods.

  • There are tons of different types of fish that you can catch all over the island. Each fish has their own behavior and habitat. Depending on the conditions, fishing during the day, night, or far off into the corner of the island, will catch you different types of fish.

  • Craft various tools from your workbench to help you further explore the island. Create useful items like a ladder, axe, and a fishing pole.

  • The gods are always asking you for offerings. Be sure to give them what they want.

  • As time progresses, the forest, caves, and seashores changes. You can see the sunset and sunrise while the landscape changes. Or watch the fireflies come out.

  • Enjoy sunny or rainy weather. Experience animals hiding from the rain. Sometimes you’ll get a sprinkle, and other times it’ll pour down hard.

  • There are many wild animals on the island. You can befriend them, pet them, or even feed them. Sometimes they will give you items they find in the wild or show an undiscovered passage for you to explore.

  • Tides fluctuate as time progresses, changing the island’s landscape. New paths open and allow you to explore the island further than before.

Read More: Best Adventure Exploration Games.

Harvest Island on Steam

Our Love Will Grow

Our Love Will Grow

If you’re looking for a farming/dating/life sim you’re better off just investing in one of the many many MANY Harvest Moon or Rune Factory games. You’ll get better game play, more interesting characters/story and a more rewarding experience.

However, if you want a simpler, bare bones Harvest Moon-esque experience, I’d reccomend this game. It pretty much IS Harvest Moon, only much less in depth and with faster progression. It’s fine, it’s just nothing special and at times feels a bit hollow.


Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Our Love Will Grow is a fun little Harvest Moon clone that will have you growing crops, buying farm animals, training your dog, marrying a townsgirl, and eventually having a kid. It’s a very minimalistic game, with the time limit being mostly negligible and without there being any seasons in the game. Despite this, it still remains fun. It’s nice upgrading your tools and unlocking new crop seeds you can buy. There is a good bit to explore and you progress through the caves as you get better tools.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Our Love Will Grow on Steam

Pax Romana: Romulus

Pax Romana: Romulus

Hello All, after playing the game for a few hours (44.5hrs) I feel I can give PAX an honest review. The game is in Early Access so content is limited but the story looks promising with many possible directions. Starting off you will struggle managing Energy & Hunger needed to perform actions. I found farming, cooking items into meals, and then selling end product enabled me to build coin to buy animals and other raw materials. Farming isn’t fast and takes time but I was able to grind through it. Early on you will want to focus on mining for Turquoise to then have turquoise crafted into rune stones. These then are used to activate the rune portals to traverse the map between the different towns. Harvest wood/stone in between your crops growing. There were some bugs with different features (crafting recipes/beehives) and the Devs responded fast to resolved them. Feedback on issues and ideas were warmly received. Many games I have played you read from other players how Devs don’t care about it’s community. Locus Ludus does at least hear you an have responded. Is PAX the greatest game you’ll ever play, maybe not. Could it use more content, yes! PAX is a game that won’t give you everything and will make you work for it. It is a struggle to start until you get a better understanding of how things work (Energy/Hunger management). Berry bushes & mushrooms found while you’re out collecting resources (wood/stone) was something i overlooked early on. Due to hunger consumption you might want to save those consumables for when you decide to go out resource collecting. Going into options and turning on “sprint always” might help speed things up as well. You don’t die if energy\hunger depletes, you just walk very slow. I found using hunger items food/potions at your homestead really isn’t needed. Yes, you will move slower but you’ll find farming & tending animals takes time which wastes\burns your hunger meter. Once your established you can then consume meals\wine you craft as you feel the need but always make sure to buy enough seeds or regents prior to the next harvest. Also, be sure to take into consideration the cost of materials versus the profit of the finished product. It’s not worth buying\growing something that gives 4 gold profit if something else that you can grow/craft gives you 14 gold profit. My basic strategy in playing is like so. Plant crops & manage animals, collect (Wood/stone), harvest crops you grow, craft items (Cook food from grown crops, craft wine & cloth, smelt ingots, collect honey), sell end product. After completing the stories quest chain sadly there is little left to do. I’m grinding out the achievements but past that I’m just waiting for more content, At it’s current state I would give PAX a 7 out of 10. PAX does have potential to grow into a really good game if the Devs stick with it.

Real player with 46.3 hrs in game

I really like the concept of this game and I think it can grow to become great. But the risk/reward aspect is broken. More importantly, the effort/reward aspect is broken. The game has a lot of potential. There are a lot of unnecessary actions/clicks forced on the player due to the limitations of gamemaker. This game does not reward ANY of the standard gamer types - Highly impatient, Impatient, Easy going, Lazy, Lazy as Fk. These types of games will succeed only if the game rewards all the gamer types in some way. It is possible to pull off but requires a lot of thought.

Real player with 33.9 hrs in game

Pax Romana: Romulus on Steam



monster taming homesteading RPG

first off; the monster taming: monsters in this game are called ‘magnus’ which isnt a name that rolls off the tongue; theyre seemingly called magnus after the developers

every magnus you come across (except bosses) can be tamed; to tame them you need to feed them something they like (land crops, aqua crops, meat, fish, ore, lumber… and theres a couple of odd ones; like nerlicts are cannibals); whilst every magnus has a favourite food you dont need that to tame them (shroomies favourite food is rubrum logs; but you can feed it any logs to tame it)… once theyve been fed enough you can interract with them and a minigame occurs (theres some scaling to this to try and prevent you from getting high level magnus too early)

Real player with 73.6 hrs in game


I have played this game for a little under a week. While the game is still in early access, the devs have posted news about getting the game to a release soon thus, this review is mainly for their use and hopefully will allow them to fix some issues that I have found.

1. Gardening: The seed-plant pricing ratio becomes ridiculous immediately after the first spring in the game. The cost for the seed is almost equal to or significantly greater than the cost of the fully grown fruit yield. The gardening mechanic is effectively broken, as seeds often only give 1 fruit per grown seed, and then you have to buy more seeds. Half of the seeds are priced significantly more than the cost of the grown fruit, these are seeds that give fruit regularly(~3 days) per grown plant seed, but the cost is often greater than 10:1 and the entire season’s growth will just cover the cost of the seed in the first place. There seems to be no other method of acquiring seed other than the shop, as grown plants do not yield seeds for garden expansion or selling.

Real player with 30.4 hrs in game

Re:Legend on Steam

Adventure Farm VR

Adventure Farm VR

I think this is a possibility at fun… Unfortunately, there’s just too many game breaking bugs at this time. Just as an example, getting stuck in a wall, the game’s controls glitching to constantly show in multiples wherever you go (think your entire screen lighting up in blue curving teleport lines from every place you’ve walked in the last 30 seconds), and unfortunately for a friend of mine… Falling through the floor. We’ve tried to pick this up a few times, since purchased, but can’t get further than a few minutes in without something breaking. I hope the team continues to work on this and it isn’t forgotten or given up.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

This game barely works. IF you get it for free, its still not worth it because it takes up hard drive space. DO NOT BUY.

Real player with 0.5 hrs in game

Adventure Farm VR on Steam

Dong-Jin Rice-hime(東津萌米)

Dong-Jin Rice-hime(東津萌米)

Great game and free!!!!

Real player with 12.6 hrs in game

That dub is killing me. nice try TaiWan

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Dong-Jin Rice-hime(東津萌米) on Steam

Farm Dungeons

Farm Dungeons

Farm Dungeons was a fun experience. At a glance, it appears to be another piece of rpgmaker shovelware, but it further investigation will show that this game has time and effort put into it.

For years, I thought that a dungeon-crawling farm simulator would be amazing! The closest I have found to such a game is the Rune Factory series, which is really fantastic, but not quite what I have searched for. When I found this game, I decided to give it a shot.


  • The Dungeon is well balanced and fun to explore.

Real player with 14.3 hrs in game

Short and sweet Indie made with RPG Maker MV -

There’s farming, cooking, pets, and item crafting (through merchants) and repeatable bosses which is a nice spin on the traditional JRPG fare.

Bonus points for allowing The Dog to not only join the party, but lead it (if you put them first in the roster). You will gain multiple party members and can swap them at the beginning of a round without sacrificing an action; combined with auto battle (basic attacks only) this meant a minimal grind while also making the back benchers relevant to buff or debuff.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Farm Dungeons on Steam

Farmer Life Simulator

Farmer Life Simulator

As the tag says, I received a key for this game in return for covering it 100% as a content creator. That will in no way change my review. However, it does allow me to come from a place of extreme knowledge about the game. I have now completed everything there is to do in the game before posting my review.

Content: 7 / 10

This game gave me about 8 days of stream content, and my streams average about 2 hours a day.

I gave the game a very hardcore, focused, and nearly speed run level of play through. The game gave me about 16.5 hours of content.. (That’s nearly $1 per hour.)

Real player with 18.2 hrs in game

I’m kind of confused about the negative remarks on this game. It’s a sim game, there will be an element of grind to that. The devs also have guides up that explain how to do different things, including improving your rep quicker, things to do through the day, that kind of thing, that are pretty informative and explain their mindset when creating the different systems.

I actually quite enjoy the game. Once you get into the habit of starting to prep for the next day, the time issue is nothing like as bad. My usual schedule gets me to around 6pm when on 3 fields, so will obviously get later as I progress and I get more.

Real player with 6.3 hrs in game

Farmer Life Simulator on Steam