The Survivalists

The Survivalists

This is a very good title for anyone looking to start or get someone started on survival games! It is also a great game for anyone looking for a low-stress survival/building game. I got my 70 year old Dad playing this and he loves it with over 187 hours logged so far and still counting (he took over the entire home island as his base).

So here are the good, the bad and the ugly of it

The Good: The monkey automation is fantastic at this stage though it does need some tweaking to perhaps assign single monkeys to a specific workstation IE: this monkey only crafts things at the Forge and ignores other work stations.

Real player with 151.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Online Co-Op Games.

Island Escapists

The Survivalists, by the studio behind prison breakout game The Escapists, has your basic “explore and craft to escape the island” plot.

Hoo boy, is there a TON of crafting in this game. No raw resource that drops is of much use without modification, not even the fruit that you can eat right away.

Recipes come in three basic styles. Items crafted By Hand must have the items in your inventory. Items made at crafting stations or as blueprints set on the ground do not need you to have all the items in inventory at once. Instead, you can put just a few at a time until you have all you need. These latter two styles also require the use of a “multitool,” but it looks and sounds like a hammer, unless it’s stirring food.

Real player with 62.4 hrs in game

The Survivalists on Steam



Keeper is an adventure RPG with a focus on crafting and exploration. Journey across different biomes and find new materials and recipes for crafting. Along the way, meet new characters who will help you with your quest.


  • Discover new recipes by smashing two items together to see what sticks

  • Use your new weapons to fight powerful enemies

  • Solve puzzles and find dungeons to progress to new areas

  • Explore a hand-crafted world full of secrets and surprises

Read More: Best Adventure Exploration Games.

Keeper on Steam

Surviving West

Surviving West

Yea !!! the Dev God heard me, multiplayer fixed :). Cool game, my wife and I are always on the look out for games we can play together. (she needs lots of help hehe). The game is fun to play, and very nice graphics even dough they are cartoonist. Its still has a few quirks, but he’s working on it at least unlike some other games. Its not hard core, so those who like real hard challenges may find it too easy, its more laid back, take tour time kinda game. So far those I’ve played with are very nice, some very helpful…and if you need help, the dev is on discord and will talk to you.

Real player with 26.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Exploration Games.

The game is good. I had an issue with the key binding, went in to the game discord and before I knew it I was having a conversation with the Dev “NEMO” and in no time at all the issue was fixed. That’s what I call service!

The game plays well and runs pretty smooth being an EA game there will always be some issues to work out but for this game…So far so good.

Yes I recommend this game.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

Surviving West on Steam



The main character returns to his native planet after an unsuccessful journey to explore and colonize Mars. Waking up in space after a cryogenic sleep, it turns out that after the cataclysm that occurred on planet Earth, nature is on the verge of extinction, all people died from a devastating pandemic of fungus around the world. You will have to survive and return the former beauty of your native planet.

Buoy on Steam

Cave Confectioner

Cave Confectioner

This product was provided for free to review by a friend of a friend.

The game initially reminded me of the classic Kings Quest game on the Apple II. You wander around a bit looking for the next thing to pick up. Kind of just wandering and clicking around with very little direction, but there are some occasional tips by talking to the characters. It was probably inspired at least some by MineCraft, since the player starts with nothing and has to pick up items and then use them with other items in inventory or objects on the ground to try to get make else. It also has similarities to One Hour One Life. There’s a lot of experimentation required to get anything going.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

The game seems really nice, and I like the concept a lot. Thing is, I am having some issues with saving. However, as far as I understand the game is early in development and possibly being made by one person so issues like these are understandable. Can’t wait for future updates!

P.S A little help with saving would be much appreciated! :D

Edit: Save function in now working. Also, the controls are fine, that was a mistake on my part. Big thanks to the developer for the fast fix and the kindness!

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Cave Confectioner on Steam

Survival RPG 2: The Temple Ruins

Survival RPG 2: The Temple Ruins

Not very different from the first game in the series - ‘Lost Treasure’. Has some more crafting materials and more grind though. I liked it as much as the first game. The controls are ported over from the mobile version of the game so it pretty much feels like you are playing this game on the mobile. But as a fan of crafting and exploration RPGs, I don’t really mind that.

Real player with 23.5 hrs in game

As its predeseccor, it is a nice simplistic adventure and survival game. It is a little bit more complex. I enjoyed it very much and hope for more in the future!

Real player with 13.8 hrs in game

Survival RPG 2: The Temple Ruins on Steam



Balrum, a game with a great deal of potential, squandered with bad design decisions. To give you an idea of what I mean, think of a 2D MMO similar to Albion, now keep the lackluster combat, and remove the group up mechanics, and interesting skill trees. You will find that this game suffers from the most heinous of video game crimes imaginable. It is boring. It is very boring. And getting through this game is a test of patience and endurance, increased by it’s fairly unforgiving difficulty.

I have tried to be fair. I have tried 3 times to complete the game’s long and epic quest, and truth be told, the narrative is interesting, and full of good twists and turns. If not for the narrative I would have given up on the first try, but the very core aspects of the game are problematic from the beginning, and no matter how much I forgave, and looked for the silver lining, I always found something else that just drove me up another wall.

Real player with 98.7 hrs in game

Something about this game has me seriously hooked. When I’m not playing, I’m usually wishing I was playing. Balrum just scratches an itch for me and is the perfect game for what I want to play right now. A lot of the game isn’t particularly intuitive, but once you’re able to accept some of the rough edges in the UI, it usually plays well.

Balrum’s got a pretty sedate pace, which is a little odd for a game with Hunger, Thirst, and Tiredness meters. But even though the survival mechanics are reasonably well implemented, they simply aren’t strict enough to be problematic once you’re clear of the early game. This isn’t Nethack: as long as you pay a bit of attention and plan slightly ahead, you probably won’t have “starving” be your most common death. Since farming and cooking are important mechanics, it’s not especially hard to keep yourself going. The game is perfectly happy to let you spend some time dawdling. In a bit of a twist, it’s usually your character that pretends they’re in a hurry (“I’ll go do that right away!") and the other characters are much less urgent about the things they ask you to do.

Real player with 81.0 hrs in game

Balrum on Steam

Deep Despair 2

Deep Despair 2

A game with good atmosphere, a nice amount of content, a surprising amount of horror elements, and all at a good price. Its a good game.

After looking at the reviews of the first Deep Despair, it appears that in this installment, every issue and problem people had with the first game has been fixed, along with improvements to every aspect of the game. Also I like how the deeper you go, the more monster types appear

Real player with 21.8 hrs in game

I want to like this, but I’ve already had a game breaking bug. I equipped a torch for the first time, went down a ladder for the first time and that was all she wrote. I got the “Mines” text and the game hung permanently. I tabbed out and closed it, reloaded and the “Loading world” screen hung indefinitely. SO that world is broken, and is now useless. We’ll see what happens in the next .8 hours before I have to make a refund decision :(


New world made and attempted to recreate the issue. The game DOES take a long time to load mines, so don’t think it will be an instant transition when you go down the ladder. This time it finished loading and the game did not freeze. I tried leaving and re-entering several times and with the exception of less loading time, there was no change and it worked fine. I DID go back to the original world and let it load for a half hour but it remains broken and unusable. Second world seems to be behaving as desired so far.

Real player with 13.6 hrs in game

Deep Despair 2 on Steam

Defend Till Sunshine

Defend Till Sunshine

• As a Hunter you need to survive against multiple situations on Defend Till Sunshine, you need to discover across the land, find villages, learn blueprints and craft techniques, interact with villagers and learn tips from them, build your own house and more!

• On this adventure you are not alone you have a companion puppy with you. He will grow with you each day passes. You can pick his color at the start of a new adventure. You and your companion will live together, he will be with you wherever you go. You can take your puppy to fishing with you, or to chop some trees for your own house that you can build anywhere on the map instead of inside of the villages. Or if you think your companion is not on his mood you can command him to stay on home to rest a little bit.


• You don’t need golds or cash for learning blueprints, you have a 2 token types. One is a Fox Token and the other one is a Deer Token, some villages are marked as a Fox Village and some of them are Deer Village. They will treat you based on your token count, for example on Fox Villages you can only learn with your Fox Tokens.


• Each day you will gain some deer/fox tokens at the same amount but if you hunt a deer or fox for its meat to survive instead of mushroom soup for example you will lose some of your tokens depends on which animal you hunted.

Defend Till Sunshine on Steam

Just Us

Just Us

The story is about a couple, set on an Island created due to global warming that has flooded most of the Earths surface.

You moved here to settle down and live the quiet life, far away from civilization.

The problem with this is that nobody notified you of the ongoing world crisis that would alter the fate of all living beings on Earth.

The few neighbors who lived in your vicinity has abandoned the Island in hope of finding out what remains.. without any means of communication there is no telling what they found, if anything.

You must scavenge the Island to find resources to stay alive, due to global warming the climate is quickly shifting from summer to winter temperatures with harsh rain and thunderstorms.

But the most important question.. Are we truly alone in the world? If not, how long until others find this place…

Stay up to date, follow the development of Just Us

Game Features

  • Animal Breeding

    You have the ability to breed animals that you catch in the world

  • Pet System

    You will have a companion throughout the game that will help you find items and enemies in the world

  • Dynamic weather system

    The weather can go from being a nice sunny day to a freezing snowstorm, thunderstorm or rain. The weather affects a lot of things in the world, most importantly your body temperature and health, you will get sick if you stay out for too long, for example.

  • Crafting System

    You can craft things like building parts, campfires, clothing, weapons, ammo, traps, etc.

  • Farming

    Enables to you grow your own crops/food/medicine in greenhouses.

  • Inventory System

  • Vehicles

    Vehicles can be found in the world, they require fuel, parts and maintenance to run.

  • Fishing

    You can fish in some lakes found on the Islands, the fish will require cooking before consuming, otherwise you will get sick.

  • Cooking

  • Gathering

    Chop down trees for wood, gather stones and herbs/seeds from bushes and plants.

  • Weapons

    There are some rifles in the world for you to find, but you are able to craft the more basic kind of weaponry, such as bows and crossbows.

Just Us on Steam