Omno: Prologue

Omno: Prologue

This is the kind of game for which I spend hours searching: beautiful video and audio and meaningful story. I had only one issue with the game and reported it to the developer. I had a response the very next day with a commitment to do what can be done this late in development to address camera motion sickness. I highly recommend this game as wonderfully unique, creative, and a delight to play. I am deeply appreciative to the developer for his quick, kind, and meaningful response. I highly anticipate the release of Omno in the spring; have it on my wishlist; and fully intend to purchase this gaming experience as my expression of appreciation for years of hard work and dedication invested to bring this opportunity to me!

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Puzzle Games.

A jolly little 15 minutes of relaxed platforming. If the full game keeps the same tone and lack of pressure, Omno is sure to be one of the better titles in what I’ll call the ‘platforming walking simulators’ genre (puzzle/exploration 3D platformers).

The world is filled with rich vegetation and cute denizens, like these Lapicrabs.

Thanks to the various (increasing) abilities of the player character’s magic staff, you can dash around the map in a breeze, exploring or just absorbing the environment. Puzzles are simple so far, but you wouldn’t expect brain teasers in this short a demo. The full game was originally announced as “4-8 hours” in the 2018 Kickstarter, but has since become bigger (and multi-platform) as development went on.

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Omno: Prologue on Steam

Summer Pockets

Summer Pockets

So to begin with, this is not a former review for Summer Pockets but rather my opinions and feelings for the game.

To start off, it’s been a year since I finished playing Summer Pockets (April 30th, 2020) and it was hella an emotional ride. I was reading the story with another friend of mine and we literally stayed up until late 3am for almost 4 days. Like hell, our eyes were so tired and almost shutting down by itself but the story keeps getting more and more interesting that we decided to finish a route before heading to bed, that was a really great experience during quarantine.

Real player with 751.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Visual Novel Games.

A Really Great Story

(tl;dr at the bottom for a brief summary)

If you played Key games before, you probably know what to expect but for them who haven’t, its a good full length 50+ hours visual novel (even up to 100 or so hours if you don’t skip the additional playthroughs common route and complete the game fully). I wont go into details of what the game is about, it is however filled with amazing loveable characters, plot twists (several) and really well written story arcs. The stories cover many genre from Mystery to Adventure to drama to comedy, it has it all. There are 4 character routes and 2 unlockable routes which are both full length. As with all key games, the stories and very well written and with lots of depth, there are lots of sad moments throughout the game and the true endings will completly warp the way you have seen the story with lots of twists and unexpected events and as par for Key, expect some sad heart-wrenching twists throughout the game, you will get hooked and find it hard to stop for the night. Some of Keys best work right here.

Real player with 89.5 hrs in game

Summer Pockets on Steam

Pajama Sam 2: Thunder And Lightning Aren’t So Frightening

Pajama Sam 2: Thunder And Lightning Aren’t So Frightening

An Instant Childhood Point-and-Click Classic from the Days of my Childhood, which consist of the old MS-DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows 98 & Windows 98SE PCs in which you help Pajama Sam repair the Weather Machine at World Wide Weather by collecting all 4 of the missing parts for the Snow, Wind, Rain & Sun Machines (Automated Snowflake Inspector or ASI, Wignut, Y-Pipe & Velo Velocimomometer).

[Previously on Pajama Man]

Captain Gelatin: Hold it right there, Earthquaker! Stop that evil doing!

Real player with 39.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Point & Click Games.

One of many Pajama Sam games I never played as a child.

This was lacking a few things: same bgm alternations throughout the game–pretty lack-a-daisy, the voice casting for lightning was a bit disappointing than what I imagined, game didn’t feel that all engaging overall unlike the first one. Title was a bit misleading along with the prologue, thought it was to go against Thunder and LIghtning, like going after Darkness in the first game, not help them… then again…

Still, that’s just minor things, and I’m being a bit nit-picky.

Real player with 11.6 hrs in game

Pajama Sam 2: Thunder And Lightning Aren't So Frightening on Steam



A really short and a fun game to play! Easily playable within 10-15 mins; I took time to play as I left the game open and was busy some other work XD But, a really fun game to play! It’s free so don’t miss out on this game! Initially I was getting a little bugged as I felt it really really slooow… I mean some parts where the character walks is like, trying to itch your left ear with your right feet… but since it’s a very short game so yep You’ll enjoy it! Also loved the visuals! Took me back to my kindergarten days…!

Real player with 1.7 hrs in game

I really enjoyed this little game and as it is free at the moment so I would highly recommend giving it a try. Though it may be over quick, I still enjoyed the pleasant journey the game had to offer. It is a peaceful, foraging, puzzle, point and click game with the potential to offer a whole story/adventure. I loved the aesthetics of the art style and environment created and the characters were very cute. I hope the devs add more levels, story and puzzles to this game.

Hope you enjoy it too :)

Real player with 1.1 hrs in game

Tukoni on Steam



Senren * Banka

Cutting into the strings of fate.

  • This is an Adult Visual Novel - one with a free R18 Patch (obtainable at NekoNyan’s webshop) at that - designed to be R18, which is why I consider the R18 content part of the whole and will include it in this review. If for whatever reason you are not interested in this content, or aren’t legally allowed to play it, you should just skip this review.

  • Since many Visual Novels are similar in a bunch of ways, I’m gonna review this one on a few common aspects, including heavy reference to the previous title from YuzuSoft as well as independent explanations.

Real player with 80.3 hrs in game

Disclaimer: There is a free R18 patch available from NekoNyan’s official website which adds cut content (mainly H-Scene related) back to the game. I can’t speak for the cut version as I have only played the uncut one.

I’m going to keep this fairly short instead of doing a thorough review, but I’ve added some thoughts on various aspects of the game below if you want to dive deeper.

I’ve enjoyed Senren*Banka and highly recommend checking this one out. The overall focus of the game is the curse of the town Hori, with the protagonist being an outsider thrown in and the four main heroines being related to or influenced by the curse in one way or another.

Real player with 73.0 hrs in game

Senren*Banka on Steam

Vampires' Melody

Vampires' Melody

Review with accompanying screenshots at Sinical Network

I recently received a beta key of this game for free from MyLifeforAiur as a translator and beta-tester for this game.

AsicxArt has released its 5th title on Steam for 2020 with Vampires' Melody, containing thriller, romance, fantasy and fan service. This visual novel features an apprentice chef Raylan Monroe, and a vampire girl Yella Lester. Raylan is gathering ingredients for his restaurant in the wilderness one day when he stumbles across a girl sleeping inside a tree who had taken shelter from a heavy thunderstorm.

Real player with 57.4 hrs in game

Great indie VN that could give an experienced developer a run for their money.

Vampire Melody….just another day browsing the steam store and saw this one sale, decided to try this one out and what do you know! another great find!. This is the fourth game made by an indie develop called AsicxArt which I never heard of before but now they’re are definitely on my radar.

Now about the game

In a nutshell the reason I enjoyed the visual novel was:

(+) Live 2D sprite

(+) Multiple endings

Real player with 16.6 hrs in game

Vampires' Melody on Steam

Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery

Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery

Игра хороша,если вы не хотите стрелялок) Дает возможность расслабиться и получить наслаждение от музыки и красок. Ну а если вам близки импрессионисты,то и художественный стиль вам будет по нраву. Минусом игры есть отсутствие возможности самостоятельно рисовать(мне думается это сделать было не сложно). Но и как в детстве раскрасить тоже приятно. Игра не большая но эксклюзивная,что приятно. Рекомендую .

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Charming and engrossing; a little gem which deserves the relaxing game award. I really enjoyed my time in this little world . My PC froze when the kitty cat first entered the flat…but it is easily solved by exiting (via the paint tin) and entering from the front page again. I wished that there was a longer story so am hoping that these developers continue on; they are so talented. I see many compare it to the world of Ghibli; in my opinion, it is far better ; more subtle and heart felt. PLUS the art is gorgeous. Recommended and I look forward to more….

Real player with 3.4 hrs in game

Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery on Steam

Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet

Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet

Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head to Your Feet, or PJS3: YAWYEFYHTYF for short is a beautiful meditation on what it means to be human, the struggles of compromise, and the complexities of global multi-party politics.

In this game you play as the titular Pajama Sam; the alter ego of Sam, who goes on grandiose adventures, which are speculated to occur entirely in his imagination, in order to fix some problem in his waking life. In PJS3: YAWYEFYHTYF Sam is facing the pressing issue of invasive consumerism, as he’s pushed to eat 20 boxes of cookies in one sitting in order to acquire enough box tops to get a prize of his role model, Pajama Man. This excursion ends up ruining his appetite for supper, this is then paralleled in the game by Pajama Sam eating a giant cake and being forced to pay the consequences by being thrown in prison. In this allegory for his actions Pajama Sam (not to be mistaken with the non-imaginary “Sam”) Must seek out and rescue all of the delegates for the peace council, who have all become incopacitated in some way, Luke Wigglebig not included. This small detail makes me believe that the candy people were attempting to prolong the war by delaying the delegates, in order to cement candy as the one true food group.The first delagate you find is your prisonmate, Florette the Broccoli who was arrested due to Anarchistic Insurection. The second you find is Piérre le Pain of the grain peoples, who is found on top of the Ferris wheel, being humiliated by the muffins who used to be his friends, however they have a separate agenda and would rather follow their art careers than help ensure the peace of their people. Later on you find a race war breaking out between the Jelly Beans and the Kidney Beans and the quarry, because although they are both beans, the only thing that matters is the colour of their outsides. This causes them to stop working and partition themselves, with the Bean Foreman being powerless to stop the conflict, Pajama Sam ends up using circular logic to convince them to argue the opposite side’s point without realization. This causes the agression to simmer down, and allows Bean #47 to attend the peace council without fear of being jumped by the local Jelly Bean gangs. The next delagate we run into is Granny Smyth of the fruits, who is being harassed by a group of unrepresented canned goods, in order to passify this group you need to promise funded community programs. This convinces the canned goods to free Granny Smyth, allowing her to go to the peace council. The final delagate you find is Chuck “Cheese of Adventure” Cheddar, who’s flee via hot air balloon was halted by becoming lodged in the cotton candy clouds (who were possibly working for the candy kingdom), preventing him from leaving the country. You will end up blackmailing him, that if you save him from dying, by dislodging the hot air balloon that he’d be required to go to the peace council, which he accepts. With all the delegates rounded up, the negotiations descend into chaos, with all sides becoming more entrenched in their positions, while also yelling slurs at the other delegates and attempting to discredit their positions. It seems as if peace is impossible, until Pajama Sam chimes in as a neutral 3rd party, convincing them of equal representation in an oligarchy style food government. The game ends with Pajama Sam snapping out of his sugar-induced fever dream and remembering that it was time for Dinner. In short, this is one of the great works of fiction told in the modern era, we should be thanking Humongous Entertainment along with Nightdive Studios for making this magnum opus masterpiece available for the all the uncultured plebians on Steam.

Real player with 158.3 hrs in game

I first played this game on a disk when I was 5.

On September 8th, 2019 (4 days from now, at the time I write this) I will soon be 16 years old.

ELEVEN YEARS have gone by.

And why have I still been playing it, even though it’s “meant for kids”?

Because this game was probably the first game I ever played on my computer.

And it has surprisingly aged well (probably the best out of the 3 games, actually).

If you decide to get get this game on Steam, or see a physical copy at a thrift store…

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

Pajama Sam 3: You Are What You Eat From Your Head To Your Feet on Steam

Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse

Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse


On a serious note though… I played this when I was of age, and really enjoyed it more than the first one; still enjoy playing it for whenever I want to have some nostalgia.

Another point and click cult classic. This game is more intended for children, as the game is very short, depending what you need to do and where to go.

This time you take a visit to Freddi and Luther’s school house. A ghost is haunting the school and stealing kids toys in the process. Who is the ghost and will our fish heroine and silly sidesick capture it?

Real player with 5.9 hrs in game

Unique things about The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse:

• It by far has the most songs. It seems like half the characters have a song to sing. Seriously, if your kids (or you) like to sing along to things, this is the entry to get

• There are several different items you can use to build your trap. Which configuration you get each time you start the game is random

• It seems to use more dark colors to highlight the whole “haunted” aesthetic; this leads to some of the prettiest backgrounds in my opinion

Real player with 5.5 hrs in game

Freddi Fish 2: The Case of the Haunted Schoolhouse on Steam

Putt-Putt® Enters the Race

Putt-Putt® Enters the Race

This putt-putt game has god mode here’s how you activate it. Add Speed=R under file scummvm-puttputtenterstherace.ini with notepad then save. by prassing Shift+G putt putt can teleport anywhere in the game. plus added bonus Shift+I gives you Items and Paths Select.

by adding StateSpeed=101298. This tells the users video speed at start up.

this game has 4 temporary, unused spots that will only appear every 2-4 times the user complates the game. that will keep young kids playing for hours. that it changes a litter, everytime you play unlike putt-putt peps birthday surpirse. That will stay the same on every game. this is the toughest putt-putt game in the series. this is more like freddi fish style of game play. i’ll not adised first timers playing this putt-putt game with young kids instead play putt-putt saves the zoo.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

Putt-Putt Enters the Race returns us to Cartown - the setting of the first game, but instead of a parade we are instead looking to enter a race. We see the better graphics of the third and forth game put Cartown in a far better light, and we don’t ever see Putt-Putt intake ‘oil’ into his mouth (only gas into his engine). What’s more, we have a bit of the ‘move things around a bit’ happen from the forth game happening here, but not to the laborious extent that it was done in the preceding title.

Real player with 3.6 hrs in game

Putt-Putt® Enters the Race on Steam