Alien AI

Alien AI

Keep in mind this is an “early access” game being developed by the good folks at GridSkyGames. This is pretty much a “cat and mouse” game between you and A.I. drones. Having to navigate areas in search for items all the while your food, water and health bar tick down. With limited resources to replenish those bars. At first glance I had issues with some of the mechanics, mostly getting stuck on just about everything. Since the patch game play has felt better, not sure if game mechanics were improved or if I just choose to avoid getting close to anything. The graphic are good complete with atmosphere effects. The voice actress is good but the script still needs a rewrite to pull the player into the story more. This is a game were quick thinking strategy comes into play. You won’t have time for waiting or walking and barely any time for a look around. Be quick enough and you’ll make it to the A.I. base where you’ll lend a hand to the evil A.I. demise.

Real player with 10.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Artificial Intelligence Games.

I am unable to find berries so I keep dying. I was able to drink from stream, but without berries I keep dying. After dying I have to go back to beginning. VERY annoying!!!

Real player with 4.7 hrs in game

Alien AI on Steam

First Contact

First Contact

I enjoy the game! very cool story

If you live radio you will love this game :)

Real player with 44.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Science Games.

It’s a fun game where you play as a scientist and search for patterns in radio waves. When you decipher the patterns you learn how to send messages back to the aliens.

I really liked the language images the aliens use for communicating. u need to decide which word is correct for every image.

So far, the story is amazing! very unique and fun, u get to meet intresting aliens :)

I learned a lot about radio siganl and astronomy, Some of the puzzles are very hard.

Recommended 9/10

Real player with 12.4 hrs in game

First Contact on Steam

Destroy All Humans!

Destroy All Humans!

Short and sweet. Unlike crypto, who’s short angry and not green.

The attention to detail is pretty incredible in some areas.

They fixed all the issues i had on launch other than a couple situations where frames tank. I hope they do them all and do them at least this well

! Even Big Willy.

Real player with 33.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Action Games.

I have loads of memories playing DaH as a kid on the PS2, this remaster keeps what made the original so fun whilst also modernising aspects that wouldn’t have held up today. Looking forward to DaH 2.

Real player with 21.5 hrs in game

Destroy All Humans! on Steam

Detonation Sauce University

Detonation Sauce University

This is a checkpoint game, you always encounter things on the way to school delay, to the school and was scolded by the teacher, also often encounter campus bullying, can not go on like this, take up arms for their own honor fight, remove all obstacles chasing their own life!

  • First you have to find the weapon, otherwise you can’t move.

  • Earn stars by writing quests.Destroy objects by throwing them at the target.

  • Fruit, junk, and even creatures can also be picked up for your ammo.

  • When you arrive at your destination, you can go through the customs.

  • No matter in the school or in the neighborhood there may be bullies, dogs and so on, be careful yo.

Detonation Sauce University on Steam

Hunahpu Quest. Mechanoid

Hunahpu Quest. Mechanoid

Very very hard game. Controls are odd, but after time you can easily adjust to it. If i had to compare, its like the dark souls of puzzle games.

Real player with 18.9 hrs in game

It’s really bad

Real player with 4.3 hrs in game

Hunahpu Quest. Mechanoid on Steam



<The Story>

Humans were engaged in their life, progressing and developing in all fields of science

when an unexpected guest arrived from space !!!

a lifeless civilization, robots that came to consume the earth’s resources, Especially its minerals, and eliminate any kind of life on it

Mankind fought a huge, unprecedented war, the first of its kind and they lost. humans lost the war, with more than 80% of them died or unfound

The life that humans knew were gone, cities were in ruins, and the rest of humans were either trying to hide or join the resistance.

il on Steam

Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey

Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey

A funny, replayable and “Zork-esque” Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game that compensate the shortness of a single run by offering lots of different choices that lead to extremely diverging paths and endings.

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

forgot to cover my space ship, created new beach front property, 10/10 would do it again.

Real player with 1.6 hrs in game

Plan B from Outer Space: A Bavarian Odyssey on Steam

Pleiades - A Subversion Saga Game

Pleiades - A Subversion Saga Game

Seems like the few people who have reviewed the game haven’t had a chance to spend a ton of time with it, so I thought I would chime in with a more detailed review. It’s gonna be all kinda jumbled cause I’m just gonna write what I think and keep writing until I think I’ve covered everything. I was hesitant to give the game a chance due to the low amount of reviews and the one lengthily negative review. After watching the trailer, I really wanted to see what it was all about and give it a chance. I’m glad I did! When I found out the game was developed by one man over the course of a few months, it blew my mind! That’s crazy, especially for a game with this much going on in it! That’s another reason I decided to write this review, this game deserves more attention and love from people who I know will enjoy it. Anyways, I approached the game with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised. As the negative reviewer states, the game doesn’t really do anything revolutionary in the mechanics department. Hell, most games don’t nowadays. The mechanics work well though and I very much enjoyed running around using my different light sources to explore the very unique and diverse levels. Not to mention the enemies in the game, which aren’t anything crazy but they are satisfying to kill and add more to the story than really present a major challenge. Although I did die a few times and often found myself running for my life. Where the game makes up for the lack of mechanics innovation, is in the rich story. I think the negative reviewer is not the type that is into immersing themselves in a world and was just trying to run through to “beat” the game. I took a completely different approach. I let myself get lost in the story, exploring every inch of the levels and I found myself taking a deep interest in the details strewn about. Take the papers scattered around the world for example. In most games I look these over and just keep going because they are usually some boring writing that’s not really relevant to anything and doesn’t add much to the game. With Pleiades, they are pivotal to the full experience. I stopped to find and read as many as I could and it was always something different. Sometimes it was just a nothing note, but it still added to the richness of the world and explained something about it’s strangeness. Sometimes, I caught myself laughing out loud as I read the hilarious woes of a notes author. Other times, I was highly intrigued by the science-fiction accuracy to real world UFO research. This guy that made this game really knows his UFO stuff and he made an excellent game and story that really entertained me. Some of the papers hold information that is absolutely vital to moving forward in the story via key codes or clues, etc, so I highly suggest reading every note you find and enjoy piecing the story together like that. None of the notes are really all that long and it never seemed like a chore to me like some games make it. But if you don’t like reading, or don’t like that type of story telling addition then this probably isn’t the game for you. Moving on, I think the voice acting is pretty damn good. Especially for a game made by one man, on what I can only assume was a really low budget. The main character Michael is actually voiced by the creator of the game and he does a great job of bringing the story to life with a very unique and enjoyable voice and character. Sometimes the acting is a little corny but given the rest of the humor peppered throughout the game I really think that was on purpose haha. The attention to detail given to every aspect of the game, story and world makes me think everything was intentional. The other characters don’t play massive roles vocally but there is some quality content in there. The overall writing of the dialog is great and moves the story along at a nice pace. I don’t want to give away any spoilers to the story but it is a great story in my opinion. If you are fascinated with the UFO subject like I am then I think you will really enjoy it. I really enjoyed the rest of the sounds and audio in the game including the music. It was all very unique and different to what I am used to. The footsteps on wood and some other surfaces are a little corny and outdated but they aren’t that prevalent throughout the game. I think the guy who gave the game a scathing review kept saying things like you walk here, do this, then walk there and do that or something like that haha I’m pretty sure that’s like every game ever haha Anyways about that, I really enjoyed running around and exploring and walking through the puzzle areas and taking the full story in while doing so. The puzzles aren’t anything mind blowing but they are certainly interesting and I found myself having absolutely no clue what was going to happen next, which I very much enjoyed. I kept thinking I knew exactly what was going to happen next and I was almost always wrong. The game certainly has a few “scary” moments and an overall aura of mystery and fear but it isn’t overly scary and I wouldn’t really call it a horror game. It’s more of a mystery with hints of horror. What else… the graphics are pretty damn good, a little dated and certainly not AAA status but I enjoyed the art direction and a lot of the world does really have a lot of detail. Not too often you see UFO’s in video games so seeing those parts of the game made me extra excited. The game runs really well. To be fair I am playing with a GTX 1080 at 1440P so it’s probably a bit overkill for this game. The levels were really well laid out and I found myself using the camera in the game to take quite a few pictures of really beautiful shots. (Which save to your PC so you can share them!) They aren’t the biggest levels, some are bigger than others but there is a happy medium. There is plenty of painkillers and light refueling items strewn about to make it relatively easy to make it through the game and there are no difficulty settings either. I’ve never been the guy that enjoyed games that make it near impossible to beat, so I really enjoyed the easier approach to survival and not having to sweat bullets or re-load all the time. Sometimes I just want to experience a game, enjoy the story, have some challenges but nothing over the top and Pleiades delivered on that experience. Cut-scenes are at times breathtaking, sometimes hilarious and other times a little lackluster. Overall they are great and the pacing of them is good. This isn’t the longest game. I took me about 5 hours to beat it and I was poking around exploring a lot. I know I didn’t catch everything though and I intend to go back and give it an even more thorough play through in the future. (There was a secret area I found but didn’t have all the clues put together to access it.) I wish the game was longer and there were more enemies and weapons and all that. BUT I did enjoy having a more limited experience for once with a game. Where it’s not all about getting new weapons to kill the enemy in a slightly different way. The game focuses on the story and gives you a handful of mechanics that aren’t extraordinary but do the job and fit well. Well, I hope this answered some of your burning questions if you were on the fence about getting the game. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend it if you are intrigued by the UFO topic, enjoy exploring and reading, like to game but aren’t in dire need of a massive challenge and you’d rather just experience the story. The ending is EPIC!

Real player with 6.5 hrs in game

This game is a FANTASTIC value for the price. While was initially confused, it is quite immersive and story-driven. If you enjoy games focused around a bit of mystery and heavy storytelling, this is the game for you

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

Pleiades - A Subversion Saga Game on Steam

Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets

Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets

Ah Plato… (What–don’t judge me, he was being cute.)

So… the story is classic, true, but creative and fun in its own way.

The design of the monsters is pretty cool, indeed, especially the humanoid one them called Intern. (I mean, he has green blood -shhh don’t use logic against me.)

Real player with 43.9 hrs in game

Preamble: I would make this review Informative, if I had the option. That’s not to say I haven’t enjoyed my time in this game to a degree, but…there’s definitely aspects i’m persnickety about.

Anyways- The fourth wall broke, earlier, so I decided to scribble a review, all while smirking.

In part, it’s courtesy of the games story, which does manage to be pretty chuckle worthy at points. That, and Plato is a fairly good boi- so long as he’s not cross with you.

That said, several hours later- and while I still believe the game is fun, there are certainly elements that are also infuriating. On the bright side- I am quite fond of the balance of ship side obstacles, and the intricacies of the various creatures you encounter- all of which provide some curious puzzles to unravel.

Real player with 25.8 hrs in game

Professor Lupo and his Horrible Pets on Steam

Yuppy’s Adventure

Yuppy’s Adventure

Yuppy’s Adventure

Yuppy is a small alien and protagonist of this story.

He just got shot down and crash landed on an unknown planet.

Can you and his friend help him master the platforming he will have to do to conquer the story.

Meet other lifeforms, let them live or let them disappear it’s your choice!

Earn ( Ingame ) Achievements and much more.

Yuppy's Adventure on Steam