

The game was a great balance of level size and difficulty. I really enjoyed the variety and creativity for each of the levels. The atmosphere is great for fall with wonderful visuals and music! I am really glad to have a game that I can play with my 5 year old that he gets into as much as I do. He is able to help me pick up the pumpkins while I move around. Great Job!

Real player with 12.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Arcade Games.

I really enjoyed this fall puzzle game! It took me 5+ hours to complete the game, the levels are increasingly challenging

and quite a few of them were tough to solve. Each level tracks your time and the number of attempts it took to complete the level. Overall this game was a good challenge! The visuals and music were excellent and all the different enemies and bosses kept it interesting. Great spooky atmosphere while still being family friendly. You’ll never curse turkeys or scarecrows more when trying to get through some of these levels!

Real player with 6.1 hrs in game

Pumpkins on Steam

Cave Confectioner

Cave Confectioner

This product was provided for free to review by a friend of a friend.

The game initially reminded me of the classic Kings Quest game on the Apple II. You wander around a bit looking for the next thing to pick up. Kind of just wandering and clicking around with very little direction, but there are some occasional tips by talking to the characters. It was probably inspired at least some by MineCraft, since the player starts with nothing and has to pick up items and then use them with other items in inventory or objects on the ground to try to get make else. It also has similarities to One Hour One Life. There’s a lot of experimentation required to get anything going.

Real player with 2.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure RPG Games.

The game seems really nice, and I like the concept a lot. Thing is, I am having some issues with saving. However, as far as I understand the game is early in development and possibly being made by one person so issues like these are understandable. Can’t wait for future updates!

P.S A little help with saving would be much appreciated! :D

Edit: Save function in now working. Also, the controls are fine, that was a mistake on my part. Big thanks to the developer for the fast fix and the kindness!

Real player with 2.2 hrs in game

Cave Confectioner on Steam

Stranded Sails - Explorers of the Cursed Islands

Stranded Sails - Explorers of the Cursed Islands

(Summary at the end of this review for easier, faster reading)


Having had fond memories of The Sims: Castaway in my childhood, I was quite ecstatic when I found a game that sounded similar. There are a great deal of differences between the aforementioned Sims spin-off and this indie game, and it more easily compares to Yonder: the Cloudcatcher Chronicles in regards to progression. Instead of simply relying on the tired “get better tool to get next material” method of game progression, you get access to new locations by acquiring new tools (an axe to cut down bushes that block your path, a raft to row to different islands, etc.) or by learning new crafting recipes (like ladders, and bridges) to cross previously impassible obstacles.

Real player with 106.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Exploration Games.

Update October 2020 - I quit playing this game because the fishing became VERY UNPLEASANT. The fishing was fairly fun before the 2nd update. Now it is a CHORE and this added difficulty adds nothing to the game. Many food buffs rely on the fish that are now so difficult to catch that it actually spoils the game. Several players have commented on this only to fall on deaf ears. Too bad…. there are many other aspects of the game that are enjoyable.

Here is a January update since the fixes in December. Note I did not start a new game but continued with the added update.

Real player with 58.9 hrs in game

Stranded Sails - Explorers of the Cursed Islands on Steam

The Stillness of the Wind

The Stillness of the Wind

I cant say as i regret playing this but if someone asked me if they should play it, i would say no and thats why i decided on a thumbs down.

Firstly if, like me, you expected a farm simulator of some kind you would be very wrong. Do not get if you have that in mind.

The only two things i enjoyed enough to note are the visual style and the writing. This game has a very nice visual style, simple but pleasant and enjoyable. The writing is very artsy and poetic.

There are many things i did not enjoy. Nothing about the game is explained at any point other than the blurb on the store page. Its easy enough to get the point and click controls though. The story is unclear, difficult to understand (due to the very poetic nature of the writing) and i couldnt figure out what was happening, political unrest maybe? The day to day routine or running of the little farm is mundane, nothing really changes at any point. The character you play is a little old lady and the movement is SO SLOW, i get shes old but moving around is a chore in itself and gets boring very quick. It looks like there are place outside the farm to explore but after walking about 5 metres out the fence its night time so no idea what they are. The days go so fast that you cant get anything done. Your food does go off but there are no indicators at all as to how long before this happens. I dont know if i did something wrong or not enough of something. There is no indication how much things are worth when the trader shows up so you just have to click stuff until a tick appears. Wolves attack but they move so fast and you move so slow its impossible to stop them (i never managed to at least but i did shoot my own goat apparently). Eventually everything kinda stops for a few days yet again with no explanation or idea on what to do about it.

Real player with 6.4 hrs in game

In The Stillness of the Wind you control an old lady living quietly in solitude.You do minimal task everyday to survive and sustain. You can trade your artisan cheese, goat, chicken, harvested crops for resources you don’t have or need more of. As your family goes far away from town, you receive heartwarming and sometimes heartbreaking letters.

You may like this game if you are okay with or want to…

  • in-depth letters with emotions of a roller coaster and steadily dealing with some grief/loss (you can’t reply and that can make it harder to endure feeling uneasy like prisoner in chains - at least it was for me)

Real player with 6.0 hrs in game

The Stillness of the Wind on Steam

Farm Frenzy 4

Farm Frenzy 4

This is NOT a farming game. It is, in fact, a factory game, the use of farm products as widgets notwithstanding.

If that’s fine with you, then great. Personally I want a FARMING game - without the “social” junk imposed by Farmville.

There is no continuity in this game whatsoever. You are not building a farm, you are not planting crops, you are not able to choose for yourself which farm buildings you want or where they will be placed.

It’s a series of hoops you have to jump through with a set goal, imposed by the game, and totally linear. The only thing that is valued is how fast you can do things. They place the buildings at random so at each new “level”, none of which last more than a few minutes, you are starting over with some random initial conditions. Within each level, the initial settings will be the same, but from one level to the next, you are starting with different buildings placed in varying and seemingly random locations, and with a variable number of farm animals and varying amounts of startup cash.

Real player with 341.3 hrs in game

I have never played any of the prior Farm Frenzy games except the demos. FF4 is a surprisingly addictive game. I am used to buying and playing high-budget AAA games and playing a “casual” game like FF4 is a different experience for me.

I was introduced to “time-management” games recently and I am enjoying this genre because it requires a bit of fast-paced thinking, not just clicking. FF4 can get a little hectic and it takes a while to get through the entire campaign. It is very difficult to collect all the Steam Achievements due to how many rounds there are in the entire campaign.

Real player with 76.6 hrs in game

Farm Frenzy 4 on Steam



So with 4 hours of gameplay, this game has a lot of potential!

As of 2/13/21 it is VERY buggy.. any progress you make in the game is purely for fun and a majority of it will NOT be saved, even items stored in the chest disappear. If you get this game, dont expect a lot right now.

The graphics are pretty great and the idea behind the game is good, i would wait to buy until at least another patch or 2 comes out.

you can play as a human or a wolf or a bear, as of now, the animal side is very unfinished and not really playable. you can run around and explore but thats about it.

Real player with 4.6 hrs in game

So….. I feel like a lot of early access games are released to soon, this one included. But, since its out and I have played it. I will say I see this being some fun in the future. I know the bugs are frustrating, and I know that at the moment not being able to craft rope makes playing as a human basically unplayable. I was having issues with the bear only being able to eat once. After that the animation wouldn’t even happen. Couldn’t figure out how to sleep exactly so that was out of the question. The wolf seemed was as fun as the bear to run around with but had the same problem with eating. I do not want to give it a “Yes” or “No” at the moment, because there’s not enough info at the moment. Make of that what you will. But I am putting “Yes” due to steam requiring an up or down vote.

Real player with 3.7 hrs in game

Wilderness on Steam

Elf Manor

Elf Manor


Real player with 68.6 hrs in game

32 hours into the game. So far, so addictive.

The game has an in game tutorial that covers the basics.

There is a lot of details not covered by the tutorial. I can’t quite make up my mind whether this is tantalizing or annoying. It has been sort of fun figuring out stuff myself.

There’s autosaving, but there are also manual saving options, so you get to choose yourself whether you want the game to be rogue, roguelite or hardly rogueish at all.

There is not a lot of storyline. Which is a good thing, in my opinion. There’s plenty stuff to think about just balancing the farming, the feeding and the fighting :)

Real player with 60.2 hrs in game

Elf Manor on Steam

Garden Paws

Garden Paws

I bought this game on Black Friday, when it was a few dollars off the normal price - not much of a discount, but enough that I was willing to pull the trigger on it, as I’d had my eye on it for a while. It looked like a fun little time-waster, for when I don’t have the brainpower to do anything else.

The graphics are good, and the character models are cute. Controls are easy to get used to, and you can customize keybinds if you don’t like the way they’re set up as default. Quests are generally fairly easy, though some become available before you actually have the means to complete them. I was unable to complete a seasonal quest because of this, but it probably comes back around in the next year, so that’s little more than a minor frustration.

Real player with 207.1 hrs in game

I bought the game when I was locked up at home for corona Quarantine and found myself with qay too many time on my hands. For 13€ I didn’t expect much. Maybe entertaiment for one, if I’m lucky two days. Well I couldn’t have been more wrong. As I am writing this review (the first review I have ever written for a game on steam) I am over 100 hours into the game and I have just finished the main Questlines.


: After stardew Valley, Harvest Moon and Graveyard Keeper set the standard for this genre to be pixelated graphics its a very refreshing change to see one that is fully 3D and rendered in beautiful Unity(I asume) graphics. The desing of the characters is overly cute but I guess we have animal crossing to thank for that. Weather, Lighting flora and fauna create a very pleasing picture that does invite you to take screenshots of nice sunsets or moonlight nights.

Real player with 195.0 hrs in game

Garden Paws on Steam

Harvest Moon: One World

Harvest Moon: One World

Love the open world concept and the traveling. 10/10 for me and I would recommend anyone who likes the Harvest Moon series to take a crack at this :)

Real player with 277.4 hrs in game

This is another great Harvest Moon adventure as I expected.

Real player with 146.7 hrs in game

Harvest Moon: One World on Steam

Our Love Will Grow

Our Love Will Grow

If you’re looking for a farming/dating/life sim you’re better off just investing in one of the many many MANY Harvest Moon or Rune Factory games. You’ll get better game play, more interesting characters/story and a more rewarding experience.

However, if you want a simpler, bare bones Harvest Moon-esque experience, I’d reccomend this game. It pretty much IS Harvest Moon, only much less in depth and with faster progression. It’s fine, it’s just nothing special and at times feels a bit hollow.


Real player with 25.6 hrs in game

Our Love Will Grow is a fun little Harvest Moon clone that will have you growing crops, buying farm animals, training your dog, marrying a townsgirl, and eventually having a kid. It’s a very minimalistic game, with the time limit being mostly negligible and without there being any seasons in the game. Despite this, it still remains fun. It’s nice upgrading your tools and unlocking new crop seeds you can buy. There is a good bit to explore and you progress through the caves as you get better tools.

Real player with 23.6 hrs in game

Our Love Will Grow on Steam