The Swords of Ditto: Mormo’s Curse

The Swords of Ditto: Mormo’s Curse

The Swords of Ditto

The Swords of Ditto is a very nice, cute, and colourful hack and slash, rogue style game and from my experiance it seems to be inspired by Zelda style games, BUT is its own unique game.

There is a fair bit to explain regarding this game, to much for me but there is a very helpful starter guide that can easily give you the run down about getting started in the game.

Game can be very confusing at the start and give mixed messages about game play. Here is what I have experianced so far :::

Real player with 114.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure RPG Games.

Going through these reviews is kind of crazy in my opinion. I normally wouldn’t write a review this early, but this game doesn’t deserve the negative reviews its getting and the simple reason why is that it is really fun to play. I agree that it has some problems in design, but in my opinion, its not because the timer is too short, its the timer doesn’t do enough because it freezes in dungeons. I agree with people who say to increase the length of the timer (probably by about triple), but also make it so that it continues to count down while you are in dungeons. That would be more intuitive to new players who are spending time trying to level up in the overworld rather than side dungeons and so think that the game is impossible because they can barely gain one level up by the time a day has passed.

Real player with 36.2 hrs in game

The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse on Steam

bit Dungeon

bit Dungeon

I played Bit Dungeon II multiple times so I bought this thinking it would be just as relaxing & mildly interesting. It was for the first 50 floors. By the time I hit around 80 I was playing just to see the end. I ended up making it to floor 176 when I died & wound up back at 1. I AM NOT playing through all that again & I cannot recommend this game unless you like boredom, impotent anger, & feeling like your head is bleeding from banging it against a brick wall. If you still want to play this after reading my & other negative reviews then I bid you good luck.

Real player with 25.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure RPG Games.

Very simple (yet sometimes confusing) hack’n’slash game. Clearly designed for mobile devices… my finger hurt from all the clicking. Barely positive!

At its premise, it’s a simple hack’n’slash game where you control everything with a mouse. You click to move, click to attack, the faster you click - the more attacks you do, hold the button down for a special attack, hover over enemies for auto-attack. You run through 3x3 dungeon floors up to the boss room, picking bonuses, loot and clicking mobs to death along the way. Repeat. That’s it. Potentially infinitely.

Real player with 4.1 hrs in game

bit Dungeon on Steam

Desert Magic Adventures

Desert Magic Adventures

Lucky me wins the dubious honour of writing the first review for Desert Magic Adventures, an asset flip from cash grab copy + paste artists, wow wow Games.

Desert Magic Adventures is another GameMaker Studio asset flip from serial copy+paste infringers, wow wow Games. All these guys do is rip off game templates and projects from the Yoyogames/GameMaker Studio store, change the name and a few cosmetic details, and try to scam people into paying for someone else’s work on Steam. They have run asset flip scams dozens of times, and this is no exception. It’s nothing but a cash grab.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Survival Games.

Desert Magic Adventures on Steam




I’m trying to understand how exactly this game has such a large ammount of positive reviews. This is an awful game, made even worse by the fact the creator has said the game will no longer be updated and that this is the final version of the game.

The good part of this game is that it’s decently well made, in a sense that it looks good and, at a first moment, it also feels good to play, showing that the game has potential.

Sadly, that only lasts until you step out of the starting room and start to deal with enemies and traps.

Real player with 13.1 hrs in game

3/10* get lost, rooMaze!

A terrible tale of missed opportunities. This game has so much potential which has completely gone to waste.

The game as it presents itself right now is broken for several reasons that every developer worth the title should be able to fix. But THIS developer claims that he can’t fix ANYTHING about the game because “core files are lost”. Which is the equivalent to “the dog ate my homework”. A new low even for a game on STEAM.

If the developers lengthy explanation why he abandons the game is meant honest, he should make whatever files he has on the game public domain and hand it over to the community, so the modders can step up and salvage from this mess whatever is possible.

Real player with 5.3 hrs in game

rooMaze on Steam

Adventure of Tuck

Adventure of Tuck

Wishlist now to get notified when the game launches!

Adventure of Tuck is a roguelite game in which you play as Tuck.

Tuck wants to be a writer, but he has no inspiration. This is when Tuck decides to go into the forest for an adventure of his own. Once he gets into the forest, the ideas start flowing, but this quickly comes to an abrupt end. This is when his true adventure begins.

Fight a wide variety of enemies with unique attack patterns. Upon defeating the enemies, Tuck will write more information down about each enemy with some of his own silly little comments. Tuck has a basic attack, three different basic abilities and an ultimate ability. These basic abilities are upgradable!

Explore different types of biomes which have different enemies. Each biome also has a couple unique special tiles, which makes it worth exploring!

Make friends with cute little characters. Some of these will help you on your journey by giving you quests, upgrading your weapon, upgrading your abilities, and more!

Each biome contains a unique boss with different attack patterns and multiple phases. These epic boss fights are definitely not something you should underestimate!

Adventure of Tuck on Steam

Earth Overclocked

Earth Overclocked

Surprisingly nice and addictive game in the genre that I don’t usually like. Earth Overclocked is yet another one of those cheap indie real-time permadeath rogue-like games that you can often find in bundles and most of which suck very hard. For many reasons. Those are usually way too poor, way too unpolished, or something like that. Up to the point where they’re half-broken games that kill you faster than you can understand what’s going on and what you should do. For example, not so long ago I suffered through a game called Vampire of the Sands. The idea itself wasn’t that bad, but the experience itself… it was extremely unpleasant.

Real player with 8.0 hrs in game

Actually, not bad, but with some problems.

I liked how quick the runs are. You are forced to finish your run in 20 minutes, but you can find some items which can extend your timer, so there is no need to stress out about the timer, especially on the first difficulty. I finished my first run after 100 minutes of playtime and after that I could fairly easily finish the game on every second try. My record was 12 minutes and 4 seconds.

There are a lot of weapons to find and play with, but the downside is - all of them have a durability stat, so after some time they just break and you are left with nothing. So switching weapons is essential and a big part of the game’s core difficulty.

Real player with 5.1 hrs in game

Earth Overclocked on Steam

Grimm: Dark Legacy

Grimm: Dark Legacy

A lovely beautiful fun game to play and i like it but sadly the game sometimes hangs during play as no doubt it needs an updated patch.

What happens is you could be on a leisure hunt and everything works ok till some point when you collect or killed some creatures then when you try to kill a creature by hitting it then you find you go thru the actions of striking the creature but it has no effect as if your weapon does not make contact with the creature.

Also the same when you try to collect items you go thru the motions of collecting items but don’t collect anything even when you got plenty of space in your bag to store items.

Real player with 97.6 hrs in game

Played Iron Man only. Got to Iceland on my 3rd try. Got 1 shotted.

The game’s good but it gets old fast. I’m not doing another try - quests are too repetitive!

Worth the price tag though, if only for the art.

That being said the game could be renamed: ‘‘Eating & hunting simulator 2016’’.


-Smooth controls

-Amazing art

-Music/soundtrack is fitting


-Only 4 quest types (find a guy, protect villager(s), gather food, kill x mobs)

-You eat non stop. For some reason your guy needs to eat far too much. Food also heals you after your full so you’re always in need of more, it never ends. Even if you end up full you’ll just get hit by something and have to eat half of your rations to heal up, which in turn means more hunting needed.

Real player with 25.2 hrs in game

Grimm: Dark Legacy on Steam

Seed Hunter 猎源

Seed Hunter 猎源

serious i feel this game better than hades or dead cells…

Real player with 38.9 hrs in game

Yesh, quite a fun game.

Kinda harsh, but you’ll be able to find loads of weapons movesets and stuff.

Real player with 22.3 hrs in game

Seed Hunter 猎源 on Steam



Probably the closest to a legitimate Bomberman experience you’ll get to on PC, not just Steam, outside of emulation, and far more party-ready. The multiplayer is solid, and you can play online via Parsec (which I recommend if you’ve got a good connection for just about any local-multiplayer game).

The single-player is fun and has all the highs and lows of any other rogue-like game. Other than a few very rare bugs that can occur (especially frustrating toward the end of a very powerful run), the game runs very smoothly and without issues on a large variety of hardware. The bosses are extremely tough when starting, but are fairly predictable, and as a result this particular game is more consistent than most rogue-likes. The item variety adds a fair bit of strategy to the game, and it’s fun messing with different builds to find either incredibly powerful builds that will allow for an easy run or succeed-or-suck builds that are a huge gamble with the possibility of quick death or deft victories. I’ve put in a lot of runs on this game and it’s an excellent time killer with endless opportunities for fun during multiplayer. My only wish is that multiplayer would get more options for customization going forward. Other than that, the game is fairly flawless, and delivers on its promises excellently for both the experienced rogue-player and newcomers alike.

Real player with 44.5 hrs in game


  • overall the game is fun

  • nice art style

  • different builds are possible

  • some degree of replayability(different bosses, unlockable starting items, levels layouts randomly generated each playthrough)

  • not a lot of bomberman-like games out there


  • the game starts slow. Your avatar moves slow, has one bomb with one title blast radius. I almost dropped the game at first, but struggled through the first couple of runs and luckily unlocked a couple of items which made the game less tedious

Real player with 19.2 hrs in game

Bombslinger on Steam



So although I am actually enjoying this game as a time waster, there are too many design decisions that make me say do not buy. The first issue is the obvious, the controlling scheme. The character feels ‘floaty’ and is too unresponsive at the best of time, meaning that most falls will be to the game over-steering and not to any actual skill and thus not the players' fault

Secondly, the lackluster combat. The fact that’s a simple three hit combo is fine, the button presses are reasonably responsive, but the targeting is sloppy and in a game like this that means most of the combat deaths are not going to be the players' fault.

Real player with 12.5 hrs in game

This will become a cult classic for ARPG/Roguelite fans

The Good

– ASCII aesthetic extremely reminiscent of the warez and .nf0 days of early internet piracy and cracking

– Near-fully destructible environments (destroying environmental items gives experience and has the potential to drop phat lewts)

– Lock system that requires weapon enchants to open doors. A new twist on an old mechanic (door keys)

– Interesting and varied weapon selection

– Simplistic yet effective weapon enchantment system that offers high reward for your checking-every-corner-for-hidden-loot addiction

Real player with 10.2 hrs in game

Brut@l on Steam