Toree 2

Toree 2

Toree 2 takes everything the first game did and does it even better. Faster levels, more colorful visuals, a much better soundtrack, it pretty much met all my expectations (and perhaps even exceeded them in some places).

My only real issue (and this applies to the first game as well) is that the default controls when using a controller kinda suck; the camera sensitivity is too low by default and you can’t control the camera with the bumpers or sprint with the right trigger like you can in the Switch version. It doesn’t matter too much since Steam lets you remap stuff anyways, but still.

Real player with 3.5 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Platformer Games.

The sequel to a Mini-Masterpiece, with some caveats

Any positive I have for Toree 3D rings true for Toree 2, it’s a decent expansion to the first game but that’s all feels like, an expansion despite it’s sequel moniker. This isn’t to sound negative, whats here is just as good as the first game but it doesn’t really change much or add much new to make it as enticing as the first game was.

The soundtrack is still killer, arguably even more killer than both the original and remixed versions of the first game’s OST. Toree 2 doesn’t mess around with it’s music and it helps add atmosphere to these new locations.

Real player with 2.7 hrs in game

Toree 2 on Steam

Batman: Arkham City

Batman: Arkham City

Been playing this on DirectX9 for one week since the game was released in the UK. I have already sunk around 46 hours into the game and am new just starting a new game+ after finishing the single player and collecting all the riddler trophies. The game is everything that was great about Arkham Asylum but more. More enemies to face, more gadgets, more moves and more things to do. The visuals in DX9 are impressive with the PC version having high res textures and the option for the advanced PhysX physics system if your rig can handle it. At the time of writing the DX11 version of the game is still buggy and has not been patched but WB have promised fixes. Overall a fantastic game with an insane attention to detail and a worthy sequel that surpasses the original.

Real player with 130.0 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Open World Games.

As someone who grew up with Batman the Animated Series as a kid, I couldn’t have been more amazed not only with the overall audio / visual presentation, but the dark storyline and familiar, excellently designed characters that came with this game. The game itself is a hell of a lot of fun not only with the action mechanics, but the stealth mechanics as well. When it comes to fights, it takes dramatically more skill than your average button masher, because if you do mash your attack buttons, you’ll constantly break your combos, which are needed to perform special abilities and you’ll leave yourself wide open to attack. Once you become accustomed to this satisfying battle system and the varying enemy types that keeps combat fresh, you’ll wish you could fight an entire football field of baddies. With the sandbox element implemented into this game, your playtime can vary beyond 10 hours. Even if you didn’t grow up with Batman, any lover of an action game will love this one.

Real player with 105.7 hrs in game

Batman: Arkham City on Steam

I accidentally restarted the USSR

I accidentally restarted the USSR

My English is very bad. I don’t read books by people who have betrayed the Motherland.

Few people understand the magnitude of the catastrophe that happened late in the 1980s when the Communist Party had failed to modernize the Soviet Union.

Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain.

It is necessary to suppress any extremist actions, on all sides, regardless of their origin.

I am not prejudiced in any way.

In some of the states in the U.S., homosexuality remains a felony.

Real player with 88.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Shooter Games.

In a wolrd full of poopy tripple A titles, bad ubisoft servers, and pay to win EA Games, a smal vladinov or whatever his name was, and his loyale Lada take on the basic human phillosphical question of how putin meme is funny,

conclusion putin meme is gut,

i accidentelyu start usr game very fun,


Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

I accidentally restarted the USSR on Steam

Little Big Adventure 2

Little Big Adventure 2

Little Big Adventure 2 is definitely among my favourite games. I’d say it’s not for everyone, but if you like scripted adventure games, LBA 2 will be a game for you. What’s unique about this game is its style and atmosphere. The game was released in 1997, so the graphics are not the best by today’s standards. But that also means that the developers couldn’t simply make a “good looking” game and sell it like hot cakes because it has a strong brand name and a fancy trailer. The game really is good, it makes you want to discover more and more of its story. At some point in the game the story becomes predictable, but it’s still very good. I’ve played the game in all three language versions (German, English, French), and the dialogues in the German version are definitely the worst, but the German voice actors are the best. If you know French, play the game in French, it will be much easier to understand the NPCs' hints.

Real player with 26.8 hrs in game

One of my favorite games to date. I played this back when it came in a CD and it suggested you to instell DirectX 3.a (!)

With a great comic approach, but with well done puzzles and a (although crazy) interesting story, this game has a bit of everything: Action, Puzzles, Comedy, Exploration and it has its somewhat open world parts!

tl;dr if you enjoy old style adventure games with lots of things to do and discover, you won’t regret this. It never gets old.

This game had a combination of 3d envirorment (normally outdoor) with 2d envirorment (indoor isometric) and it is really really old, so don’t expect great graphics.

Real player with 23.0 hrs in game

Little Big Adventure 2 on Steam

Swallow the Sea

Swallow the Sea

Wow. Such an amazing little game. The premise is simple: You can eat things smaller than you and you can be eaten by things bigger than you. This simple mechanic works amazingly well in a creepy environment that really makes you feel your progression as you delve deeper into the organic darkness of the sea. Beautiful and touching. Loved it and would highly recommend it!

Real player with 2.6 hrs in game

Simple game with an interesting artstyle and a fun concept!

Very good sound design, and somewhat obscure bribe of a story.

Quite short to beat once, a bit longer if you try for the achievements.

It does feel quite frustrating tho, the 4 minutes is very tight and I’ve lost numerous runs between 4:05 and 4:10, all to one same stupid mob in the last area.

Same for the hitless run, there’s a part I can’t seem to be able to dodge.

But otherwise it’s good challenge, and even if it’s frustrating it’s still fun, and not very long anyway

Real player with 2.5 hrs in game

Swallow the Sea on Steam

Minit Fun Racer

Minit Fun Racer

If you only need one reason to buy Minit Fun Racer, then buy it because all proceeds go to charity.

However, you’ll also be doing yourself a favour because it’s a fun little game - an endless runner style game (although there is an ending) where you have to ride your motorcycle from left to right through a course littered with objects, some of which can help, some of which will end your game. Buy upgrades to help you and see how far you can get. That’s it!

The minimalist but appealing graphics and great soundtrack really create a quirky atmosphere and the game has that elusive “just one more go” quality that makes you keep playing. There’s plenty of achievements to get and these add to the game’s longevity and appeal. It’s great fun and a refreshingly simple title that’s great to pick up when you want to play something, but only have a few minutes.

Real player with 4.5 hrs in game

A person would need to be incredibly petty and critical to find fault with a game that is clearly made with love, where all proceeds go to charity.

Luckily, I am one such person.

First, the headline: This game scrolls from left-to-right at a pretty constant rate. If you play this game for more than ten minutes at a stretch, you’ll notice that your field of view seems to continue warping leftward for a few minutes after you finish playing. For me personally, I noticed the muscles around my temples seemed to tense at this effect. If that sort of stuff tends not to effect you, great - otherwise, buyer beware.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Minit Fun Racer on Steam

Wobbly Life

Wobbly Life

this game is fun and cool and has cute litle people calld wobblys and the game has fun littie jobs I recimend people play wobbly life

Real player with 242.5 hrs in game

This is a super fun game to play with friends, its so goofy and enjoyable! The jobs are fun, and theres always something to do, just derping around.

Real player with 63.1 hrs in game

Wobbly Life on Steam



UNSIGHTED is phenomenal. It’s my GOTY, in a year of impressive games (for me, Beast Breaker, Riftbreaker, Death’s Door).

TL;DR: UNSIGHTED’s main gimmick (death timers) is optional, and it is a creative and intense adventure even without it; it goes as far as to try to be mechanically accessible, allowing you to make combat more forgiving. When playing on its default mode, though, it allows for extra meaningful player expression. You can even TRY the mechanic and turn it off later if you decide you don’t like it. It’s a must-play game for lovers of action-adventures/action-RPGs. At LEAST try the demo.

Real player with 67.0 hrs in game

Note: I’ve already played through this with gamepass, so I have more hours played than listed.

This game honestly surprised me with how incredibly well done nearly every aspect of it was. I can be very nitpicky and critical about certain aspects of the games I play, but for the most part Unsighted just plays very well.

TLDR; Fuck the combat is smooth and fast with no true bullet sponges and the exploration is good too. You can turn off the timers if they make you too anxious too! I really fucking like this game and if I were well off financially I would be buying a copy for all my friends.

Real player with 26.0 hrs in game


Yakuza 6: The Song of Life

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life

If you are obsessed with Yakuza games just like me, then Yakuza 6 will be a good experience.

Plot is both captivating and nonsense, just like all the other Yakuza games. Sidequests are entertaining and funny. This huge “Onomichi’s secret” is silly as hell, but other than that, this game fulfill it’s goal being both a good and bittersweet conclusion to Kiryu Saga.

Cabaret Club is a little different and easier in this game. K2 clan battles are back, way less boring, but way more grinding. Snack New Gaudi is a different, yet kinda enjoyable new minigame. And spearfishing it’s actually pretty fun. I am still confused with baseball, though.

Real player with 89.7 hrs in game

Another great addition to the franchise and while I feel like the ending could have been better. It is still a good yakuza game

Real player with 61.2 hrs in game

Yakuza 6: The Song of Life on Steam

Death’s Door

Death’s Door

Overall this game is really great. It has a great atmosphere and great music. While the game is cute don’t let its cuteness fool you. The game can be rather tough at times and many “Death” screens will appear. There is a lot of backtracking involved as well to obtain things that you cannot get until later in the game. And let’s not forget to mention, there is no map! A map would have been really useful, but nope, no map at all. You have to literally remember where everything is or get lucky and stumble upon it. Also the aim for controller players is horrendous. You can be shooting the same target without changing position and your arrow flies off in a completely different direction. I noticed that players who use mouse and keyboard actually get a pointer on screen which shows where the attack will land. Controller players would actually benefit from such a thing as well. Or at least add it in the settings making it an option you could toggle on or off. Though this game has its flaws, I would recommend this game any day.

Real player with 53.9 hrs in game

Another beautifully expressive soundtrack by David Fenn

Clean and satisfying combat

A world filled with secrets to uncover

Puzzle after puzzle that rewards you with an “aha” moment

Cleverly written characters and hilarious dialogue

Memorable boss fights

In-game systems to make 100% completion reasonable without google

Did I mention the soundtrack already?

But seriously, there were so many things in this game that just made me stop and marvel at how refined every detail seemed to be. Now where’s my Pothead farming-sim spinoff?

Real player with 22.2 hrs in game

Death's Door on Steam