军团战棋Legion War

军团战棋Legion War

Just on the last weekend I played a big FFA the demo for 10.2 hours.

Then got the full game and played 2 1v1s for a combined other 5.5 hours!

It is rare that a game captivates me that much from the get go.

The AI is also quite competent already, which is part of what makes the game so fun to play. But I also see room for improvement there.

There’s some minor annoyances that could easily be improved like:

  • no hotkey for ending the turn

  • a lot of places where I first have to select something and then click a button instead of having double-click work there like with the hero-skill-tree, would be really nice if equiping items worked the same way

Real player with 85.9 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Strategy Games.

Legion War is a classic style turn-based conquer the world game with tons of options and depth to it. I’ve played nearly 75 hours and haven’t even touched the two campaigns currently included.

As of this review there are 5 playable factions with unique units, heroes, spells/abilities and mechanics as well as several minor factions that can be encountered in game and whose units can be recruited.

The game receives regular updates adding new and completely unexpected content, and development on the campaigns for other factions seems to be ongoing at a steady pace.

Real player with 74.5 hrs in game

军团战棋Legion War on Steam

Into the Void

Into the Void

I might have gotten this for free… if not it was from a cheap 1$ bundle.

The game is a space exploration type of game with turn based combat. Although you can raid and attack planets, that battle is compleately automatic and you don’t even get to see it. Space combat can be played by AI or yourself and can’t be skipped.

There is a research tree, where you unlock different ship types, weapon upgrades, shields, various boosts and more.

You can own planets and get resources from them, but to be honest it’s much quicker to just fly around the galaxy and colect resources from the planets and raid them. I don’t think they are worth the resources to build mines on them, and you can’t build much on them anyways.

Real player with 40.1 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Strategy Games.

I was compelled to review this game due to all the harsh criticism. That being said the game definitely has issues but all in all it is definitely a fun sci-fi battles/4x game. Not that cheap makes it better, but it is $2, and well worth that price.

The Good

The game has great background music, reminds me of the haunting sci-fi music from Ascendancy. The graphics are very good to great, in my opinion. The three levels of view from universe, to system to planetary/ships are very nice. The planetary views are my favorite– they all look really well done and alive! The stars make you feel like you are there and your ships will burn up if they stay in orbit too long. The story driven campaigns and quests are good. Not great but not bad, just good. I am glad they are there as opposed to other 4x that are bland, no story etc… Granted the stories are quirky, but they add liveliness. Its obvious the devs/writers had some fun. You even get choices in some cases though the results are not very different. The battles and effects are enjoyable, though some complaints to follow. Please be aware that Newtonian physics are not adhered to exactly in all effects, c’mon really! I don’t understand how people can complain about the explosions not being realistic etc- they are pretty cool. Finally, its fun to build your ships with the latest equipment and nail biting when they are engaged in a battle. Sometimes its easy though other times its so close and you lose ships.

Real player with 39.9 hrs in game

Into the Void on Steam

Sid Meier’s Colonization (Classic)

Sid Meier’s Colonization (Classic)

This game is a gem, and still great fun to play more than two decades after its release. It starts in 1492; your sovereign grants you a few colonists, some tools and muskets and a ship to head into the vast unknown. It is up to you to turn that humble beginning into a vast colonial empire - and then rebel against the ever more oppressive rule from across the seas.

It is a game that is fairly simple to get into, but the more finnicky bits of growth and economy can take a while to get the hang of. Do you start a vast agricultural colony, raising new colonials through food, or do you start with cash crops and their refined versions to scrape together enough gold for new recruits from the old world? Perhaps you instead focus on spreading the good word of your faith to lure lost souls across the Atlantic, or use your military might and missionaries to subdue the local natives as converts? Perhaps all of the above, all the while bickering with your fellow European colonies and treading carefully around the sovereign’s steady requests for higher taxes, your day only brightened as founding fathers flock to your banner to aid you.

Real player with 121.8 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Simulation Games.

An oldie, but a goodie and, IMHO, superior to the 2008 remake.


1. Works fine on Windows 10 though my PC is a toaster from 2009ish so your mileage may vary.

2. Excellent soundtrack.

3. The same addictive formula as the other Sid Meier games.

4. Colonial setting. It’s not super historical or anything, but it’s still an interesting time period.

5. The ability to commence your own 1776.


1. Combat. I once had a unit with 15 attack lose to a unit with 5 attack… 15 reloads in a row. There was another case where a unit with 1.5 attack managed to defeat my artillery which had 20 attack. I’ve seen fishermen defeat dragoons more then once. These kind of upsets don’t happen constantly, but are frequent enough that I wasn’t surprised and would save before every attack just in case. TL:DR A higher attack doesn’t guarantee victory so your frigate could end up being sunk by a guy in a rowboat with a knife.

Real player with 93.3 hrs in game

Sid Meier's Colonization (Classic) on Steam

Lords of the Black Sun

Lords of the Black Sun

I have been playing this game for a while now, it has grown into such a great game. The developers really shine in their skill, communication, and direction. Right now it is like an uncut diamond. You can see the potential in the game, but it might not quite be there yet. If you are looking for a finished or mostly finished game, this is not yet for you. Since I bought the game, it has been drastically improved, both functionally and with new content.

For your benefit, here is my take on a few features the game offers

Real player with 128.8 hrs in game

This game sounds good, but even in the Early Acess and room to grow - I don’t see it compare with the scope it wants to attain.

-/- the major races are restrictive, and doesn’t include any customization option at the start up.

-/+ instead there is a slight reimagining of “Domestic Polocies” that can further define and charactarize your empire, you can change them during the game and alter some aspects slightly - but there are pros and cons to them and often a particular race will just prefer a certain setup.

Real player with 20.3 hrs in game

Lords of the Black Sun on Steam

Water Drift

Water Drift


Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Water Drift is a reskinned clone of another game likely by the same developer, Space Ship DRIFT . Once again, it’s a sluggish, uncooperative racer built on low res textures and frustrating physics. With only one ship, one track, and no customization or modes to choose from, you’ll see everything it has to offer in a single lap.

Looking past the aquatic scenery, this app has déjà vu written all over it. The following is largely lifted from my review of its aforementioned predecessor, released just a month earlier:

Real player with 0.1 hrs in game

Water Drift on Steam

Worlds of Magic

Worlds of Magic

Updated Review, Brief! (6 December 2015)

This game is unfinished by a grat deal. Even leaving out features annotated in the manual. While some bugs have been fixed and it is possible to complete a game after dealing with many crashes, the developers have abondened the game. They do not post to forums nor have they updated this work in months. I would recommend strongly against buying this game. You have been warned.

It should also be noted, MY GAME TIME IS NOT ACCURATE. While I have likely played over a hundred hours in total and have played enough to confidently review the game, I often neglect to close the game when walking away from my keyboard, indeed keeping it on overnite at some points. I would not mention this, but it has come up in comments.

Real player with 724.4 hrs in game

This is my updated POST-RELEASE review as of 3/21.

“Worlds of Magic” is a 4X fantasy strategy game that attempts to be a spiritual successor to the classic 4X game “Master of Magic” If you are a fan of MoM, then you will want to buy this game. If you have never played MoM, and you like 4X games, I highly recommend you purchase it – nowadays you can get it really cheap from Gog.com. If you like it, you’ll want to buy “Worlds of Magic”.

WoM is an incredibly rich game, with tons of monsters and spells, and special locations to loot and exploit. It includes hundreds of spells, item crafting, heroes, 7 separate planes you can explore, the abillity to customize your game to last an hour or so, or to potentially last weeks, if you are so inclined. I’m not 100% sure, but I suspect that with everything implemented, it’s potentially the largest non-space-based 4X game there is. And there are so many different ways of playing the game, so many different ways of customizing your world and your wizard, so that no 2 games would ever feel the same.

Real player with 573.6 hrs in game

Worlds of Magic on Steam



Horizon is an attempt to capture the Master of Orion (MOO) spirit and has a huge inspiration from it in many regards. Yet the game simplifies many aspects of its famous reference, sometimes for the better, sometimes sacrificing features which made its 21 and 18 years old elders become legend.

I can recommend this MOO-lite 4X game to people who are new to the genre as a very decent introduction, although seasoned 4X players (who have tried Imperium Galactica series, GalCiv series, Endless Space, Space Empires series to name a few) may find it pretty shallow and fielding little replayability at the end. Also its graphical style, general atmosphere and pretty easy to grasp gameplay are perfectly suitable for children (even overgrown ones) while still offering enough challenge at first.

Real player with 66.8 hrs in game

Wow, just wow. Finally the 4X space strategy game that is at least as good but probably much better than master of orion I and II. I can’t believe it, especially with the mixed ratings that it got. I could write pages and pages of text about it to show how good it is, but nobody would read it so ill try to keep it short and simple. Here it goes:

  • The game is a typical 4X strategy game where you build and colonize new planets to expand your empire. You build ships and conquer worlds! The strategy part can be pretty deep. Long range view of things is needed for you to succeed at the highest level of difficulty.

Real player with 66.8 hrs in game

Horizon on Steam

Starfighter Origins Remastered

Starfighter Origins Remastered

Hi all and welcome to the CDF Starfighter Game….

Edited / Re written review….

The game has been entirely re done / re mastered in every aspect , and you can now see the work shaun has put into the game again . All on his own..

Yes things have been v difficult and more as we v stated before which was ignored somehow , but now im sure you shall all see it has not been in vain / futile..

The new remastered version / currently being finished up and tested is running better than ever and is great fun for all who own it or plan to own it shortly..

Real player with 90.8 hrs in game


Campaign achievements not unlocking after the first mission. Robot voice may overlap during gameplay depending on how rapidly one presses targetting or speed matching keys and abruptly ends during loading screens. Music also ends abruptly during loading screens. Sound levels cannot be independently adjusted, infact it cannot be adjusted at all in-game. Other than that this game is close to AAA standard in presentation; graphics, voice acting, cutscenes and music. Considering that all development it’s mostly done by a one man, it’s really very impressive. Shaun T Williams is probably as talented as Chris Roberts of Wing Commander, Privateer and Freelancer fame

Real player with 40.8 hrs in game

Starfighter Origins Remastered on Steam

Hero Generations

Hero Generations

Hero Generations Review

A nice little Indie Adventure lies in wait…

Some key points that this game offers:

  1. Beautifully hand drawn art style.

  2. Permadeath for that extra challenge.

  3. City Building and upgrading.

  4. Six unique worlds to find, explore and conquer each crafted in their own brilliant theme.

  5. Family legacies.

Gameplay & Controls:

The controls are pretty much mouse only, using the left mouse to click where your character moves, and by moving it can be in one of four directions, up, down, left or right unless one of those paths are obstructed by the edge of a map or an immovable object.

Real player with 103.6 hrs in game

This game is still in beta even though it is out on full release. I actually really like this game a lot. My advice is to wait 6 or more months down the line when it is really finished. Please take caution in purchasing this as the save file corrupts which will force you to delete your save and start over again.



To the developer: I respect what you as a 1 man team has done. I being someone who knows a lot about computer software/engineering know the amount of work that is required.

Real player with 31.5 hrs in game

Hero Generations on Steam

Warlock 2: The Exiled

Warlock 2: The Exiled

Warlock 2 is a truly fantastic game, despite what some of these reviews may say. If you’re a lover of 4X strategy games and fantasy lore, get this game – you won’t be sorry.

One of the reasons this game has so many harsh ratings is because it can be a little buggy. But on the right system (Windows 7, 8 and 10 all work well), it’s a ton of fun and you’ll encounter few bugs. I can safely say this after 2000+ hours of game play.

However, the Linux and Mac versions do not work. The developers were forced to abandon the game before they were fixed, so avoid this game if you’re using one of those systems.

Real player with 5783.6 hrs in game

I bought Warlock 2 during the Summer Sale, and I’ve quite easily gotten my money’s worth. It is a lot of fun, though not without serious flaws. My review is based on three (partial) plays of “The Exiled” story mode, and one full playthrough in “Battle for the Outplanes” mode.

A big complaint a lot of people have is that it seems like a content update, rather than a sequel to Warlock. This is true to an extent. However, the handling of the planes was the biggest flaw of Warlock 1 but seems to be the central appeal of Warlock 2. In Warlock 1, there were other planes, and they were full of big bad monsters, but they weren’t very interesting and the rewards for going there weren’t significant enough to bother with them. A game of Warlock 2, on the other hand, has a hierarchy of planes, where you (and your A.I. opponent mages) start on less threatening planes, and you work your way down through to planes with significantly more dangerous fauna (and sometimes flora), or back up the hierarchy to fight the other great mages. Each plane has its own unique flavor, and most special resources only occur in one or two types of plane. The special resource thing is key… most races don’t have strong research-producing buildings, so you need to chase after the research-producing resources, which tend to be a couple planes down from where you start. The first time I reached a Shadow Plane, and established a fortress there to defend myself against the horrible shadowy horrors that awaited me, it felt … well… I would say “epic”, but that word is way overused these days. But it was awesome.

Real player with 223.5 hrs in game

Warlock 2: The Exiled on Steam