Once Upon a Sea

Once Upon a Sea

Once Upon a Sea is a poetic, interactive XR documentary telling the tragic tale of the legendary Dead Sea. Through a physical exploration of the sea’s forbidden, moonlike landscapes, to intimate encounters with local characters, the user gets a rare glimpse into one of the world’s most dangerous, soon to be extinct, wonders. Centuries of human intervention and political neglect have turned the Dead Sea into a precarious place. Its water levels have dropped dramatically, leaving behind sinkholes and collapsing beaches. The experience offers a deep insight into the complexity and very human impact of this ecological and geopolitical crisis. Once Upon a Sea is our call to action.

Read More: Best Adventure Education Games.

Once Upon a Sea on Steam

Page One

Page One

A beach, a house, the howling rain and a mystery to uncover.

Page One is a throwback adventure taking its inspiration from such classic games as Zork: Grand Inquisitor and Myst. Each 360 degree environment is hand drawn with original audio, and as you navigate your way through the dark house, puzzles help you to uncover new locations and reveal the mysteries hidden within.

Playable in both desktop and VR, take control of the first chapter of this 360 degree adventure.

I’m a lone developer and for several years I’ve been working on a game and game engine that allows you to create VR/Desktop 360 adventures using your images, video and audio. To demonstrate this engine I’ve created Page One, a hand drawn and hand crafted game that puts you in the middle of a mystery of an old beach house that appears abandoned. What secrets does it have to reveal, who lives there and maybe the biggest question, why are you there to begin with?

Read More: Best Adventure Point & Click Games.

Page One on Steam



🔥Very good but very short

It’s not a game. Stop by our steam group (info below) and I can explain more. It’s basically a 360 degree 3D story. It requires zero controller/mouse/keyboard to play. It’s maybe 10 minutes long, and very polished. I would have loved it if it was a full game of sorts, or just a bit of interaction.

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Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Read More: Best Adventure Cinematic Games.

Horrible, 10 minutes of animation that is ok-ish, not worth 3.99 Pounds. I get that it is in memory of a friend, but there is no use to put it with such a price, not to say that it doesn’t even explain much, it’s bad. Don’t buy.

Real player with 0.2 hrs in game

Aripi on Steam

Aran’s Bike Trip

Aran’s Bike Trip

cool little experience about a man trapped inside a body of a bike, ending with the man drinking a potion that made him go back to his body… i think.

i was focused grabbing those hidden bike drawings.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

Charming little game based on 360º photos. It’s quite short, but full of nice little jokes along the way (especially the cow horse game). In addition, the game contains hidden object scenes where you have to search for small bicycles. The game gives nice glimpses of the landscape around Utrecht and in Gelderland, and I would recommend it to gamers who miss 360º degree point & click games and appreciate a little trip into nature.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Aran's Bike Trip on Steam



Its nice to see VR films like this on Steam. I would reocmmend showing this to people that are new to VR or prefer casual vr movies with filmed actors. Especially if they appreciate experimental dream-like visuals and elegant dance choreography. Its nice that there is a director’s commentary in the menu, I always wondered how they shoot movies like this.

Real player with 0.8 hrs in game

A very interesting fillm experience with fantastic colors! Thank you for making a German version available. To me hearing it in German with English subtitles made it more authentic.

Real player with 0.6 hrs in game

Ballavita on Steam

Dolphin Trainer VR

Dolphin Trainer VR

Step 1: Complete a Bachelor’s Degree Program

Take a quick course, learn how aquatic animals behave. Get the necessary knowledge to make them co-work with you and even to talk to them!

Step 2: Earn Scuba Certification

Diving is essential when working with dolphins. Go through training. Learn to use diving equipment in the pool and open waters. Get a diver certificate!

Step 3: Time for practice

You passed the training, you have a diver’s certificate, so it’s time to practice. You start work alone with dolphins. For starters, simple work: feeding, washing, care, and some fun.

Step 4: Gain Work Experience

Welcome to the position of the trainer. The first big order - train our dolphins for a big party that’s ahead of us. You need to prepare dolphins for the show. There are many tricks to master.

Step 5: Rebell and free the dolphins

Taking captive wild animals, especially so intelligent ones, is not a good thing. You knew that from the beginning. You know how to talk to them, you know the topography of the terrain, it’s time to free the dolphins. Let them come back to nature!

Dolphin Trainer VR on Steam

Schizm: Mysterious Journey

Schizm: Mysterious Journey

SCHIZM: Mysterious Journey


You are about to participate in a great adventure.

It is the year 2083. Ten months ago, the first humans landed on Argilus. They found cities, towns, industrial installations - all deserted. Doors unlocked. Meals unfinished. Amazing machinery still working. But no people.

It was like finding the Mary Celeste on a planetary scale.


Science teams were brought in, research bases set up. Four months later, your supply ship has been sent to check on these bases. But when you hail them from orbit, there’s no answer. The science teams, too, seem to have vanished.

Now your systems are failing and you and your crewmate have no choice but to abandon ship. But where can you go? Where else?

SCHIZM: MYSTERIOUS JOURNEY is a thrilling First Contact adventure where you play both members of the Earth supply vessel Angel as you explore the fascinating landscape of an alien world filled with mystery and intrigue


On 4 December 1872, the 103-foot brigantine Mary Celeste was discovered drifting abandoned in the Atlantic 590 miles west of Gibraltar. The captain’s log and the crew’s personal effects were found on board. The cargo was intact. There was an unfinished letter on the mate’s desk, the imprint of a child’s head on a pillow on one of the bunks. To this day, no one knows what became of the captain, his family and the crew of seven.

When the first humans landed on Argilus on 24 June 2083, they found towns, cities, evidence of fascinating alien technology, but all abandoned, with clear signs that the inhabitants had only just departed. Doors were unlocked, meals unfinished. Amazing machinery was still working away. But no people. It was like discovering the Mary Celeste on a planetary scale.

Earth Central wanted answers. The planet was classified Restricted and put under immediate quarantine. Experts were sent in. Three science teams - nearly a hundred of Earth’s finest first contact specialists - set up science and monitoring outposts at three promising locations: Base One at Bosh’s Tunnels, under Dr Angela Davies, Base Two at Symphony Harbor, under Dr Gustav Tomlin, and Base Three at Rainbow Landing, under Dr Frances Bremmer.

Because of a particularly active planetary magnetosphere, the surface teams found it impossible to contact Earth directly. Though able to make limited radio contact with one another, the constant electromagnetic interference in the atmosphere prevented messages being routed through the orbital beacon in the usual manner. At first, eager mission leaders could use shuttles to return to the orbiting expedition base ship, Tarquin, and broadcast from there, but twenty days after the expedition’s arrival, Tarquin fell silent and vanished from surface radar scans. It had either left the area or - an alarming prospect - had been destroyed in orbit. The teams on Argilus were effectively cut off from Earth.

That was just the beginning. Scientists began to go missing. One by one, wherever they were working, alone or in company, personnel at all three bases started disappearing. Was it something they touched, some device they activated, some secret they discovered? No one could say. Every day, the survivors were faced with the nightmare of discovering who had vanished this time, and were left frantically, desperately, uselessly seeking answers.

Now, four months later, the mission supply ship Angel approaches Argilus to make the first follow-up contact, but its crew - experienced spacers and xeno specialists Sam Mainey and Hannah Grant - can’t raise any response from the planetary bases. There is no sign at all of the expedition mothership.

Knowing that communication from the surface is difficult, and following special ECS mission directives, Captain Mainey takes Angel into a much closer orbit than usual, to where Angel’s enhanced com systems should be able to raise someone. There’s still no response. Bounceback signatures are positive. Com systems seem to be online and operational, but no-one answers. It’s as if the Earth science teams have simply vanished.

Sam and Hannah know what they must do. Given the circumstances, standard ECS procedure is to abort the landing, withdraw to a safe distance and await instructions. But the moment they try to pull back to where they can notify Earth of what has happened, Angel’s main systems fail. Com and engines are out. Life support is falling to critical. The ship’s orbit is beginning to decay.

Sam Mainey and Hannah Grant have no choice but to use the life-pods and abandon ship, even though they have not yet received the classified 902 mission briefing they were meant to get once contact with the scientists had been made.


Though Sam and Hannah agree to rendezvous at Base One, and adjust their life-pods' comp systems accordingly, weather and electromagnetic variables cause them to land quite some distance from each other, so their first exposure to the new world finds them on their own.

Hannah lands on a fascinating living ship adrift in the middle of the Great Northern Ocean, and Sam on one of a cluster of balloons floating high above one of the continents. Though their radio links are operational, they both quickly find that the atmospheric interference makes communication impossible. They set their links on record, both as a routine mission log for those back home and in case their missing crewmate can access the data later. Then, with no other choice, they begin exploring this strange new world.

With Sam and Hannah, you will experience every step of this fascinating journey of discovery, face their problems, share their successes and disappointments. With luck and skill, you might even unlock the ultimate mystery of Argilus.


SCHIZM: Mysterious Journey is graphical, first person perspective, 3D prerendered adventure game with a compelling nonviolent SF story combined with highly non-linear gameplay, where the player chooses the order in which most of the puzzles are solved.

SCHIZM offers a mix of puzzles of varied type, including mechanical, logical, sound and inventory based, seamlessly integrated with the fascinating story created in collaboration with award-winning Australian science fiction writer Terry Dowling, appealing to everyone from newcomers to the field to die-hard adventure gamers. The story itself unfolds as an intriguing puzzle waiting to be solved.

The player simultaneously controls two protagonists who can explore the game independently, further expanding the game’s non-linearity and freeing the player from the annoying situation of being stuck at a particular puzzle. Both protagonists can solve puzzles independently, but their cooperation is required at certain points in the game. The story involves interaction with several live characters and information interchange between the protagonists. The player won’t feel left alone on a deserted planet.


Distinctive environments where the action takes place, both indoors and outdoors, created by gifted individual artists - floating balloon towns, mysterious underground locations, abandoned industrial cities, sea-floating organic spaceships.

Breathtaking, highly detailed, photorealistic, 3D prerendered graphics.


Crystal clear sound effects and ambient soundscapes, all presented in stereo and in 16-bit quality. Users of 3D accelerated sound cards can enjoy the full 360 degree real-time sound positioning according to the changing position of the player.

Ambient, nondistracting, interactive digital soundtrack that changes according to the player’s actions. The game uses MPEG Audio Layer 3 compression which allows for lengthy CD quality music.


The music is delivered in gorgeous CD quality thanks to the licensed audio compression technology. This allows for lengthy soundtrack but the compression ratio will be carefully chosen in order to avoid any quality degradation.

Schizm: Mysterious Journey on Steam

Solar System VR

Solar System VR

Have you ever dreamed of plowing the vastness of space, studying its secrets and discovering many unexplored corners of our infinitely large universe. “Then this game is for you” - I would like to say. Of course, you won’t get this level of gameplay, but don’t immediately give up on this game. First of all, I would like to clarify that this is a VR game, which means that we are provided with partial immersion in the atomic sphere of space. The gameplay here is not particularly pleasing, although it should be said that we are dealing with a VR movie rather than a game. The plot is a tour of space. The presentation is good and the listening is really interesting. The only thing I want to note is the duration. Here it is so small that you will have time to fully familiarize yourself with the game and have time to get your money back. Otherwise, this game, or rather the film, is very good. Total - 8.3 / 10

Real player with 7.7 hrs in game

Ok, I get most of the various Space / Solar System programs that i see. They are all offering something a bit different but this is the first time my jaw dropped. This was really quick, yes, and easily could have been 2-3x longer and still short. But this program was less focused on education and more on a space roller coaster ride and it is COOL AF. Unless you cant afford pocket change (yet somehow still have VR and a really good PC), it is well worth the price of a Coffee and Bagel regardless of its length.

Real player with 2.8 hrs in game

Solar System VR on Steam

Desert Raider

Desert Raider

Desert Raider Suicide Mission is an immersive VR action shooting game in a post-apocalyptic setting.

You and your pal Doug are sent to find an unidentified container somewhere in the radioactive zone and deliver it to your boss. Enemy drones are everywhere. Will you survive and complete this last job?

Society has been blasted back to the Stone Age where clans are led by tyrannical warlords. All known water sources are polluted or dry, only the ruins of cities remain.

The Big War has destroyed it all.

Will you be able to avoid cruel commander Sheeba or the hungry Weak Eaters?

Will you survive the lethal wild wastelands?

Is it really a suicide mission?

Desert Raider.

Key Features:

VR Single player action shooting game

Strong narrative set in post-apocalyptic era

10 unique missions

10 unique environments

AI enemies

Unpredictable situations

Desert Raider on Steam

Lionfish Reef Patrol

Lionfish Reef Patrol

This is possibly the greatest game on steam.

Real player with 39.8 hrs in game

This was actually an interesting wee experience to play. Difficult to start with but found it easier as I played more. I would like to see more levels in the future with some more in the way of marine life. However I realise that this game is more about awareness of the destruction of our reefs and after playing I checked out the website and read up on how destructive Lionfish actually are. Really cool effort from Scott Gonnello and VidasGames (Usually see Horror games from Vidas but good to see him branching out). I would recommend anyone playing this to check out the website for more info and remember that it is informative experience and not a shoot em up!!

Real player with 1.9 hrs in game

Lionfish Reef Patrol on Steam