XCOM: Enemy Unknown

XCOM: Enemy Unknown


-Cpt. Heavy McHeavyface, before launching a rocket at a Berserker.

! The rocket misses, killing a VIP plus the rest of his team near the evac point in the process.


XCOM: Enemy Unknown is an intense game, almost nerve-wracking at times, but generally rewarding as you plan and fight your way through droves of alien invaders with a variety of classes, equipment and abilities. You might find yourself save-scumming (reloading saves for better results), but that happens to the best of us. The game will push you to take risks and deal with consequences, both in long-term strategy with base, crew and international management, and in short-term with tactical combat. While lacking in a few aspects such as a deeper plot, and leaves some optimization work to be desired, Enemy Unknown will get your tactical thinking at full throttle for a steady incursion of (sometimes brutal) enemy forces.

Real player with 365.4 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Strategy Games.



XCOM Enemy Unknown has an expansion pack called XCOM Enemy Within . I’m not going to include that in the review because I’m planning to write a separate review for it. This review will only be about the BASE GAME + ALL DLC.

Also, I have not played the original XCOM games (shame on me, I know) so I won’t be making any comparisons to those.

Real player with 329.1 hrs in game

XCOM: Enemy Unknown on Steam

DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition

DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition

Short version :

One of the best RPG games EVER made, that’s coming from a gamer who’s played over a hundred RPG titles in his life.

Dark Souls - 9.5/10

_Long Version :

Darks Souls….. so much to say about this game.

The game throws the player in a very difficult world, not just by gameplay standards, but plotwise as well. The story / lore is depicted in such a way that it’s never speaking to the player directly, but rather to your character, it never breaks the 4th wall by directly telling the player what to do and how to do it, only the basic attack move buttons are given to you at the beginning, and from then on, you’re completely on your own for the rest of the 50+ hour journey. Unless you get a co-op partner that is._

Real player with 254.2 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Lore-Rich Games.

TLDR: Yes.

Dark Souls has issues.

While most entertainment experiences go out of their way to encourage your interest, it feigns indifference to your attention.

Introducing itself via bizarre and meaningless cut scenes you find your protagonist in a pretty dull dungeon. “Oh look, a man with a sword viewed from third person” you observe with a mounting sense of déjà vu. “No doubt I have a healing potion and a sense of manifest destiny somewhere in my bag too” and reach for the reset button/cyanide pill. But Dark Souls IS different - not that it is keen to show off. Like Usain Bolt winning the Dad’s race on sport day mumbling something about how he probably jumped the gun, Dark Souls’ initial coyness infuriates and astounds with equal measure.

Real player with 242.8 hrs in game

DARK SOULS™: Prepare To Die™ Edition on Steam

Christmas Cats Revenge

Christmas Cats Revenge

This game will make you fear war and destroy your eardrums

Real player with 0.7 hrs in game

Read More: Best Addictive Platformer Games.

This game is a ping kong jony PONY PIECE OF STUFFED CRAP

Real player with 0.3 hrs in game

Christmas Cats Revenge on Steam

X-COM: UFO Defense

X-COM: UFO Defense

Super game! One of the true classics, and - according to me - one of the best games still in modern times!

Note: A patch openxcom.org fixes pretty much all of the bad usability issues in the original game. This is probably a must-have if you are going to enjoy the game today.

This game is super for people who likes strategy and management. Unlike the later series of X-Com (partly but mainly after Apocalypse (game #3)), the features of the game has been overly simplified to make the game suit a much wider audience. This game, however, is the real deal… superb for those who like a good challenge and the management involved.

Real player with 177.6 hrs in game

There are games that are good. There are games that make you addicted. Then there is XCOM…

It’s the end of the 20th century. In response to growing alien threat, few governments decide to fund and XCOM organisation, solely dedicated to neutralising forementioned threat. Player becomes Commander of the force.

Game consists of two levels. On the Geoscape, you manage bases, research (come on, all this sweet loot left by deceased gray cabbage. I know you want it.), manufacture and more. Starting with single base (preferably western europe, you have radar coverage over whole Europe, part of Russia and Northen Afrcia), few soldiers and fighters equipped with conventional terrestial weapons. It is sufficient for the first few weeks, but after recovering UFOs and aliens, both dead and in custody, you will get better equipment: Laser weapons with unlimited ammo, powerful plasma-based armament, durable armors, UFO-looking fighters or even possibility to make your soldiers use their Psionical abilities against aliens. But to get this, you need to get some UFOs down. Send an Interceptor, and use his persuasive rockets to make aliens crash. Then, Tactical level starts.

Real player with 154.3 hrs in game

X-COM: UFO Defense on Steam

Zeliria Sanctuary

Zeliria Sanctuary

Zeliria Sanctuary, produced by Salangan Games, is a visual novel that I had the pleasure to play as tester during these Christmas Holidays.

Allow me to start this brief review with this consideration: the team delivers what it promises.

The game did not disappoint my expectations in terms of plot, characters and quality of the drawings.

Especially the final arts in “ realistic style “, truly stunning.

Let’s talk about the plot: when people play a visual novel, they like to be the architects of their own fate, they like to feel as if their choices matters. And they do, in Zeliria Sanctuary.

Real player with 37.5 hrs in game

  • HUMKEY : I’m NOT a Hamster!!!

  • MAXX : And I’m NOT an Idiot!!

Maxx (our Male forces-trained protagonist) is a test subject during an experimental space project that seemingly fails for the researchers yet our adventures start when Maxx’s teleportation sends him landing onto the BURROW of the hibernating Salangan Humkey (the Rat who isn’t a Hamster Deity) on the planet Zeliria. Only Maxx can see & hear Humkey and, as the story develops and Maxx encounters female characters, he becomes known as the ‘Voice of Salangan Humkey’ - akin to a Messiah-like role.

Real player with 28.4 hrs in game

Zeliria Sanctuary on Steam

BattleCore Arena

BattleCore Arena

Very well-made game! Imagine Marble Blast mixed with Unreal Tournament stuffed into a sumo-ring… This is a recipe for competitive fun, especially if you love aim-heavy arena shooters such as Quake, CS:GO, and UT. Although this game is in Early Access and has a small player-base, it is worth a buy and giving it a try. The developers are HIGHLY active and aspire to continue to greaten the game, unlike other fun games that showed promise, but lacked a devoted dev team.

This game wants YOU! If you are poor and don’t want to pay for it, then hopefully you read this and copy&paste this steam gift key… Enjoy! ;D

Real player with 65.2 hrs in game

This game is worth a shot if you are into arena shooters and want a new twist to it. There is tons of customization options which (in my experience) takes 15-20 or so hours to unlock it all. The game (at its current state) has no Micro-Transactions. However, Keep in mind that the playerbase is lacking and you will most likely be spending all of your time with bots.

Real player with 25.7 hrs in game

BattleCore Arena on Steam